Spam like/dislike requests to a CPalms resource.
There are 2 versions.
- Server: use server resources to send requests (much more efficient, easily spam multiple CPalms resources)
- Client: use client device resources to send requests (easier to set up)
- Download this repository's contents where you want to run it (like a hosting platform, or your device)
- Open public/index.html in a browser
First, choose request type.
- Like: increases like count
- Dislike: decreases like count
Then, choose spam interval. This is the time between requests in milliseconds. Minimum time is 200.
Then, select a CPalms resource to spam.
The program then extracts the resource's ID (the numbers at the end of the link) and uses it to send a request to a URL that affects the like count.
There are then two buttons:
- GO: starts spamming requests with the current resource ID
- STOP: stops spamming requests with the current resource ID
The code in this could theoretically be reused for other websites.