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File metadata and controls

177 lines (139 loc) · 12.3 KB

Video Controller

The video controller is responsible for rendering the graphics for the console. The video controller as 1MB of memory and renders a 512 x 288 (16:9 aspect ratio) screen. The video controller has a text mode and a graphics mode.

Memory Map

The video controller has 1MiB of memory that is used for controlling what is displayed on the screen. The table below shows the memory map of the Video Controller.

Base Address Size Description
0x50000000 0xB4000 (720KiB) Background Data
0x500B4000 0x40000 (256KiB) Large Sprite Data
0x500F4000 0x8000 (32KiB) Small Sprite Data
0x500FC000 0x1000 (4KiB) Background Palettes
0x500FD000 0x1000 (4KiB) Sprite Palettes
0x500FE000 0x800 (2KiB) Font Data
0x500FE800 0x900 (2.25KiB) Text Data
0x500FF100 0x14 (20B) Background Controls
0x500FF114 0x100 (256B) Large Sprite Controls
0x500FF214 0x200 (512B) Small Sprite Controls
0x500FF414 0x4 (4B) Mode Control Register

Text Mode

The default of the video controller is to start in text mode that provides 64 x 36 characters each of 8 x 8 pixels. The MSX font is loaded into the font memory at reset. The text mode is capable of rendering up to 256 different characters, but by default the MSX font only supports the printable ASCII characters from '!' to '~'.

Font Data

Font data is organized as 8-byte bit masks for each of the 256 characters. The order of the bytes is from top row to bottom row, with the order of bits being from left to right with left being most significant bit. An example of the bitmask can be seen below:

Text Data

The text data is ordered from top row down to the bottom row and from left to right. Address 0 offset for the text data is the upper left corner.

Graphics Mode

The graphics mode provides support for five "background" full resolution images, 64 large sprites (up to 64 x 64 pixels in size), and 128 small sprites (up to 16 x 16 pixels in size). All images support 256 unique colors from a 32-bit RGBA palette. There are four background palettes and four sprite palettes.

Background Images

The "background" images are full 512 x 288 pixel resolution. Each "background" image is composed of 147,456B (512 x 288 1B values) pixel values and a 32-bit control structure. The control structure controls the X, Y and Z position of the image, as well as a selector for the palette to use. The 10-bit X and Y offsets control the upper left corner position of the image. The 3-bit Z position specifies the Z plane in which the image will be rendered. Images are rendered in increasing Z position; within a Z position, images are rendered in order of their image number.

Background Data Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the background data images.

Base Address Size Description
0x50000000 0x24000 (144KiB) Background Data Image 0
0x50024000 0x24000 (144KiB) Background Data Image 1
0x50048000 0x24000 (144KiB) Background Data Image 2
0x5006C000 0x24000 (144KiB) Background Data Image 3
0x50090000 0x24000 (144KiB) Background Data Image 4

Background Control Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the background controls.

Base Address Size Description
0x500FF100 0x4(4B) Background Controls 0
0x500FF104 0x4(4B) Background Controls 1
0x500FF108 0x4(4B) Background Controls 2
0x500FF10C 0x4(4B) Background Controls 3
0x500FF110 0x4(4B) Background Controls 4

Background Control Structure

Below is the structure of the background controls.

Bit 31..25 24..22 21..12 11..2 1..0
Description Reserved Z Y+288 X+512 Palette

Notice that the X and Y offsets are the interpreted as X+512 and Y+288. This means that the background image width and height are subtracted from the X and Y values respectively. A value of 0 in the X and/or Y of the control structure will keep the background image off screen.

Large Sprites

The large sprites are images up to 64 x 64 pixels with a minimum size of 33 x 33 pixels (though smaller sprites could effectively be rendered by using transparency). Each sprite is composed of 4,096B (64 x 64 1B values) pixel values and a 32-bit control structure. The control structure controls the X and Y position of the sprite, the width and height, as well as a selector for the palette to use. The 10-bit X and 9-bit Y offsets control the upper left corner position of the spite. Images are rendered in order of their sprite number and are always rendered on Z plane 4.

Large Sprite Data Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the large sprite data.

Base Address Size Description
0x500B4000 0x1000 (4KiB) Large Sprite Data 0
0x500B5000 0x1000 (4KiB) Large Sprite Data 1
... ... ...
0x500F2000 0x1000 (4KiB) Large Sprite Data 62
0x500F3000 0x1000 (4KiB) Large Sprite Data 63

Large Sprite Controls Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the large sprite controls.

Base Address Size Description
0x500FF114 0x4(4B) Large Sprite Controls 0
0x500FF118 0x4(4B) Large Sprite Controls 1
... ... ...
0x500FF20C 0x4(4B) Large Sprite Controls 62
0x500FF210 0x4(4B) Large Sprite Controls 63

Below is the structure of the large sprite controls.

Large Sprite Control Structure

Bit 31 30..26 25..21 20..12 11..2 1..0
Description Reserved H-33 W-33 Y+64 X+64 Palette

Notice that the X and Y offsets are the interpreted as X+64 and Y+64. This means that the large sprite max width and max height are subtracted from the X and Y values respectively. A value of 0 in the X and/or Y of the control structure will keep the large sprite off screen. Also notice that the width and height are W-33 and H-33 respectively. This means that 33 will be added to the value in the control structure to get the desired width and height of the sprite.

Small Sprites

The large sprites are images up to 16 x 16 pixels with a minimum size of 1 x 1. Each sprite is composed of 256B (16 x 16 1B values) pixel values and a 32-bit control structure. The control structure controls the X, Y and Z position of the sprite, the width and height, as well as a selector for the palette to use. The 10-bit X and 9-bit Y offsets control the upper left corner position of the spite. The 3-bit Z position specifies the Z plane in which the sprite will be rendered. Sprites are rendered in increasing Z position; within a Z position, sprites are rendered in order of their sprite number.

Small Sprite Data Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the small sprite data.

Base Address Size Description
0x500F4000 0x100 (256B) Small Sprite Data 0
0x500F4100 0x100 (256B) Small Sprite Data 1
... ... ...
0x500FBE00 0x100 (256B) Small Sprite Data 126
0x500FBF00 0x100 (256B) Small Sprite Data 127

Small Sprite Controls Memory Map

Below is the memory map layout for the small sprite controls.

Base Address Size Description
0x500FF214 0x4(4B) Small Sprite Controls 0
0x500FF218 0x4(4B) Small Sprite Controls 1
... ... ...
0x500FF40C 0x4(4B) Small Sprite Controls 126
0x500FF410 0x4(4B) Small Sprite Controls 127

Small Sprite Control Structure

Below is the structure of the small sprite controls.

Bit 31..29 28..25 24..21 20..12 11..2 1..0
Description Z H-1 W-1 Y+16 X+16 Palette

Notice that the X and Y offsets are the interpreted as X+16 and Y+16. This means that the small sprite max width and max height are subtracted from the X and Y values respectively. A value of 0 in the X and/or Y of the control structure will keep the small sprite off screen. Also notice that the width and height are W-1 and H-1 respectively. This means that 1 will be added to the value in the control structure to get the desired width and height of the sprite.


Each palette is composed of 256, 32-bit RGBA values. Each entry supports 16,777,216 possible colors ignoring transparency. If alpha values are used other than 255 (full opacity) the RGB values must be premultiplied by the alpha value. This means that the maximum R, G, or B value can be is equal to the alpha value. The behavior for non premultiplied values is undefined, but likely will lead to the alpha channel being ignored.

Background and Sprite Palette Memory Map

Below is the memory layout for the background and sprite palettes.

Base Address Size Description
0x500FC000 0x400 (1KiB) Background Palette 0
0x500FC400 0x400 (1KiB) Background Palette 1
0x500FC800 0x400 (1KiB) Background Palette 2
0x500FCC00 0x400 (1KiB) Background Palette 3
0x500FD000 0x400 (1KiB) Sprite Palette 0
0x500FD400 0x400 (1KiB) Sprite Palette 1
0x500FD800 0x400 (1KiB) Sprite Palette 2
0x500FDC00 0x400 (1KiB) Sprite Palette 3

Background Palette 0 Memory Map

Below is the layout for Background Palette 0, all other palettes are organized in the same fashion.

Base Address Size Description
0x500FC000 0x4(4B) Palette Entry 0
0x500FC004 0x4(4B) Palette Entry 1
... ... ...
0x500FC3F8 0x4(4B) Palette Entry 254
0x500FC3FC 0x4(4B) Palette Entry 255

Palette Entry

Below is the structure of the palette entries where A is alpha, R is red, G is green and B is blue. All values of R, G, B should be less than or equal to that of A.

Bit 31..24 23..16 15..8 7..0
Description A R G B

Mode Control

The mode control register controls the mode of the video and the refresh rate of the screen. The mode bit selects between Text Mode 0 and Graphics Mode 1. The refresh rate is a down sample from the input tick clock. When set to 0 (the default after reset) the refresh will occur every 10 ticks. It is possible to down sample the refresh rate to 1 for 1 of the clock ticks, and down to 1 for every 127 clock ticks.

Mode Control Register

Below is the layout of the Mode Control Register.

Bit 31..8 7..1 0
Description Reserved Refresh Mode