diff --git a/ModelsTests/Reasoning/PossibleStatesTest.cs b/ModelsTests/Reasoning/PossibleStatesTest.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1628c..0000000
--- a/ModelsTests/Reasoning/PossibleStatesTest.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-using MultiAgentLanguageModels.Expressions;
-using MultiAgentLanguageModels.Reasoning;
-using NUnit.Framework;
-using MultiAgentLanguageModels;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-namespace Reasoning
- public class PossibleStatesTest
- {
- [Test]
- public void TestPossibleStates()
- {
- var loaded = new Fluent("loaded");
- var walking = new Fluent("walking");
- var alive = new Fluent("alive");
- var reasoning = new ReasoningEngine();
- var ExpressionsList = new ExpressionsList()
- {
- new Initially(new And(loaded, walking)),
- new Always(new If(walking, alive)),
- new Causes("load", loaded),
- new Causes("shoot", new Not(loaded)),
- new CausesIf("shoot", new Not(alive), loaded)
- };
- var resp = reasoning.GenerateStructure(ExpressionsList);
- Assert.AreEqual(resp, resp);
- }
- [Test]
- public void TestRes0()
- {
- var loaded = new Fluent("loaded");
- var walking = new Fluent("walking");
- var alive = new Fluent("alive");
- var reasoning = new ReasoningEngine();
- var ExpressionsList = new ExpressionsList()
- {
- new Initially(new And(loaded, walking)),
- new Always(new If(walking, alive)),
- new Causes("load", loaded),
- new Causes("shoot", new Not(loaded)),
- new CausesIf("shoot", new Not(alive), loaded)
- };
- var resp = reasoning.GenerateStructure(ExpressionsList);
- Assert.AreEqual(resp, resp);
- }
- [Test]
- public void TestRes()
- {
- var loaded = new Fluent("loaded");
- var walking = new Fluent("walking");
- var alive = new Fluent("alive");
- var reasoning = new ReasoningEngine();
- var ExpressionsList = new ExpressionsList()
- {
- new Initially(new And(loaded, walking)),
- new Always(new If(walking, alive)),
- new Causes("load", loaded),
- new Causes("shoot", new Not(loaded)),
- new CausesIf("shoot", new Not(alive), loaded)
- };
- var resp = reasoning.GenerateStructure(ExpressionsList);
- Assert.AreEqual(resp, resp);
- }
- [Test]
- public void TestRes_Releases()
- {
- var hasA = new Fluent("hasA");
- var hasB = new Fluent("hasB");
- var reasoning = new ReasoningEngine();
- var ExpressionsList = new ExpressionsList()
- {
- new Causes("buypaper", new Or(hasA, hasB)),
- new ReleasesIf("buypaper", hasA, new Not(hasA)),
- new ReleasesIf("buypaper", hasB, new Not(hasB))
- };
- var resp = reasoning.GenerateStructure(ExpressionsList);
- Assert.AreEqual(resp, resp);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/MultiAgentLanguageGUI.csproj b/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/MultiAgentLanguageGUI.csproj
index 892d958..b1b0e94 100644
--- a/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/MultiAgentLanguageGUI.csproj
+++ b/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/MultiAgentLanguageGUI.csproj
@@ -102,9 +102,6 @@
- PreserveNewest
diff --git a/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/logic.pl b/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/logic.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6195687..0000000
--- a/MultiAgentLanguageGUI/logic.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-:- dynamic impossible_by/2.
-:- dynamic impossible_if/2.
-:- dynamic by_causes/3.
-:- dynamic causes_if/3.
-:- dynamic by_releases_if/4.
-:- dynamic by_releases/3.
-:- dynamic releases_if/3.
-:- dynamic always/1.
-:- dynamic initially/1.
-% Support for tests:
-:- multifile impossible_by/2, by_causes_if/4, by_causes/3, after/2, by_releases_if/4, always/1.
-:- style_check(-discontiguous).
-passed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(green)], 'Passed', []).
-failed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(red)], 'Failed', []).
-% Make sure, "initially" also propagates to after(Result, []).
-after(Result, []):-
- initially(Result).
-private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group);
- impossible_if(Action, State);
- impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State).
-impossible_by_if(Action, Group, []):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group), !.
-impossible_by_if(Action, [], State):-
- impossible_if(Action, State), !.
-by_causes_if(Action, Group, Result, []):-
- by_causes(Action, Group, Result).
-by_causes_if(Action, [], Result, State):-
- causes_if(Action, Result, State).
-by_releases_if(Action, Group, Result, _):-
- by_releases(Action, Group, Result).
-by_releases_if(Action, _, Result, State):-
- releases_if(Action, Result, State).
-% Executability queries - TODO: fix possibly_executable_from query
-necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, _), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, FinalState):-
- (
- (by_causes_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState);by_releases_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState)),
- (
- subset(G,Group),
- (
- not(is_empty(RequiredState)),
- (
- is_always(RequiredState)
- ;
- subset(RequiredState, CurrentState)
- )
- )
- ;
- initially(Y),
- (is_empty(RequiredState), subset(CurrentState,Y))
- ;
- (is_empty(RequiredState),is_empty(CurrentState))
- )
- ),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- private_necessary_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState, FinalState), !.
-private_necessary_executable_from([], NewCurrentState, FinalState):-
- FinalState = NewCurrentState, !.
- necessary_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-possibly_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (by_releases_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X) ; by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X)),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, X)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState), !.
- possibly_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% Value queries - TODO: finish possibly_after_from implementation
-necessary_after_from(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (
- (
- is_always(State)
- )
- ;
- (
- private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, StateAfterProgram),
- (after(State, [[Action, Group] | Program]) ; subset(State, StateAfterProgram))
- )
- ), !.
-necessary_after(State, Program):-
- necessary_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-possibly_after_from(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- is_always(State)
- ;
- (apply_alwayses(CurrentState, FullCurrentState) ; true),
- (
- (
- %Bierzemy stan do którego musimy przejść i idziemy do następnej instrukcji. Jeżeli to się nie powiedzie to zwracamy false bo musimy przejść do ResultingState(!)
- by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, FullCurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(FullCurrentState))),
- apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, FullCurrentState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, NewCurrentState), !
- )
- ;
- (
- % Nie mamy stanu, do którego musimy przejść, generujemy stany usuwając poszczególne fluenty i sprawdzamy
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], FullCurrentState)
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- %Ta reguła generuje nowe stany na podstawie reguł releases i weryfikuje dla nich działanie
- %by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, CurrentState), % sprawdzamy, czy możemy w ogóle wykonać releases
- (
- %Sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg dla obecnego stanu
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X), %czy akcja w ogóle możliwa
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, CurrentState)
- )
- ;
- (
- %Generujemy nowy stan usuwając jeden z uwolnionych fluentów i sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg rekurencyjnie
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- subtract(CurrentState, [ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased),
- subtract(CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased, [\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased),
- (
- (
- append([ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased)
- )
- ;
- (
- append([\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased)
- )
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [], CurrentState):-
- possibly_after_from(State, [], CurrentState).
-possibly_after_from(State,[], CurrentState):-
- negate_list(State, NegatedRequiredState),
- intersection(NegatedRequiredState, CurrentState, Common),
- is_empty(Common), !.
-possibly_after(State, Program):-
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-% Engagement queries
-check_state(Action,[FirstEngaged | _ ], States):-
- by_causes_if(Action, FirstEngaged, _, RequiredState),
- (subset(RequiredState, States); write('here'), is_always(RequiredState), write('there')).
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], States):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, RequiredState), Engaged),
- check_state(Action, Engaged,States),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, RequiredState, Engaged), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State, Engaged):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State), NextEngaged),
- findall(X, (member(X, Engaged), member(X, NextEngaged)), EngagedInBoth),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, State, EngagedInBoth), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, []):- fail.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [], _, [Item|[]]):- subset(Item, Group), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, [_|_]):- fail.
-necessary_engaged(Group, Actions):-
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, Actions, []), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- (
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State)
- ;
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, CheckedState),
- always(CheckedState)
- ;
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, CheckedState),
- initially(Y),
- subset(CheckedState,Y)
- ;
- causes_if(Action, _, CheckedState),
- subset(State,CheckedState)
- ),
- subset(X, Group),
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, List, State), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(_, [], _):- !.
-possibly_engaged(Group, [Action|List]):-
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], []), !.
-% Utils
- findall(X, always(X), AlwaysList),
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(State, [Always | AlwaysList]):-
- subset(State, Always);
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(_, [[] | []]):- fail.
-apply_alwayses(CurrentState, NewState):-
- not(always(X));
- (
- not(subset([X],CurrentState)),
- append([X], CurrentState, NewStateWithX),
- apply_alwayses(NewStateWithX, NewState)
- ).
-apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, CurrentState, NewState):-
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewState).
-negate_list([Item|List], NegatedList):-
- negate_list(List, NegatedSublist),
- append([\Item], NegatedSublist, NegatedList).
-negate_list([Item|[]], NegatedList):-
- NegatedList = [\Item].
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MultiAgentLanguageModels/MultiAgentLanguageModels.csproj b/MultiAgentLanguageModels/MultiAgentLanguageModels.csproj
index 21100a8..c1ab04c 100644
--- a/MultiAgentLanguageModels/MultiAgentLanguageModels.csproj
+++ b/MultiAgentLanguageModels/MultiAgentLanguageModels.csproj
@@ -79,9 +79,6 @@
- PreserveNewest
diff --git a/MultiAgentLanguageModels/logic.pl b/MultiAgentLanguageModels/logic.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 43fa89c..0000000
--- a/MultiAgentLanguageModels/logic.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-:- dynamic impossible_by/2.
-:- dynamic impossible_if/2.
-:- dynamic by_causes/3.
-:- dynamic causes_if/3.
-:- dynamic by_releases_if/4.
-:- dynamic by_releases/3.
-:- dynamic releases_if/3.
-:- dynamic always/1.
-:- dynamic initially/1.
-% Support for tests:
-:- multifile impossible_by/2, by_causes_if/4, by_causes/3, after/2, by_releases_if/4, always/1.
-:- style_check(-discontiguous).
-passed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(green)], 'Passed', []).
-failed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(red)], 'Failed', []).
-% Make sure, "initially" also propagates to after(Result, []).
-after(Result, []):-
- initially(Result).
-private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group);
- impossible_if(Action, State);
- impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State).
-impossible_by_if(Action, Group, []):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group), !.
-impossible_by_if(Action, [], State):-
- impossible_if(Action, State), !.
-by_causes_if(Action, Group, Result, []):-
- by_causes(Action, Group, Result).
-by_causes_if(Action, [], Result, State):-
- causes_if(Action, Result, State).
-by_releases_if(Action, Group, Result, _):-
- by_releases(Action, Group, Result).
-by_releases_if(Action, _, Result, State):-
- releases_if(Action, Result, State).
-% Executability queries - TODO: fix possibly_executable_from query
-necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, _), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, FinalState):-
- (
- (by_causes_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState);by_releases_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState)),
- (
- subset(G,Group),
- (
- not(is_empty(RequiredState)),
- (
- is_always(RequiredState)
- ;
- subset(RequiredState, CurrentState)
- )
- )
- ;
- initially(Y),
- (is_empty(RequiredState), subset(CurrentState,Y))
- ;
- (is_empty(RequiredState),is_empty(CurrentState))
- )
- ),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- private_necessary_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState, FinalState), !.
-private_necessary_executable_from([], NewCurrentState, FinalState):-
- FinalState = NewCurrentState, !.
- necessary_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-possibly_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (by_releases_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X) ; by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X)),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, X)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState), !.
- possibly_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% Value queries - TODO: finish possibly_after_from implementation
-necessary_after_from(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (
- (
- is_always(State)
- )
- ;
- (
- private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, StateAfterProgram),
- (after(State, [[Action, Group] | Program]) ; subset(State, StateAfterProgram))
- )
- ), !.
-necessary_after(State, Program):-
- necessary_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-possibly_after_from(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- is_always(State)
- ;
- (apply_alwayses(CurrentState, FullCurrentState) ; true),
- (
- (
- %Bierzemy stan do którego musimy przejść i idziemy do następnej instrukcji. Jeżeli to się nie powiedzie to zwracamy false bo musimy przejść do ResultingState(!)
- by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, FullCurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(FullCurrentState))),
- apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, FullCurrentState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, NewCurrentState), !
- )
- ;
- (
- % Nie mamy stanu, do którego musimy przejść, generujemy stany usuwając poszczególne fluenty i sprawdzamy
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], FullCurrentState)
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- %Ta reguła generuje nowe stany na podstawie reguł releases i weryfikuje dla nich działanie
- %by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, CurrentState), % sprawdzamy, czy możemy w ogóle wykonać releases
- (
- %Sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg dla obecnego stanu
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X), %czy akcja w ogóle możliwa
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, CurrentState)
- )
- ;
- (
- %Generujemy nowy stan usuwając jeden z uwolnionych fluentów i sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg rekurencyjnie
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- subtract(CurrentState, [ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased),
- subtract(CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased, [\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased),
- (
- (
- append([ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased)
- )
- ;
- (
- append([\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased)
- )
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [], CurrentState):-
- possibly_after_from(State, [], CurrentState).
-possibly_after_from(State,[], CurrentState):-
- negate_list(State, NegatedRequiredState),
- intersection(NegatedRequiredState, CurrentState, Common),
- is_empty(Common), !.
-possibly_after(State, Program):-
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-% Engagement queries
-check_state(Action,[FirstEngaged | _ ], States):-
- by_causes_if(Action, FirstEngaged, _, RequiredState),
- (subset(RequiredState, States); write('here'), is_always(RequiredState), write('there')).
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], States):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, RequiredState), Engaged),
- check_state(Action, Engaged,States),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, RequiredState, Engaged), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State, Engaged):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State), NextEngaged),
- findall(X, (member(X, Engaged), member(X, NextEngaged)), EngagedInBoth),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, State, EngagedInBoth), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, []):- fail.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [], _, [Item|[]]):- subset(Item, Group), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, [_|_]):- fail.
-necessary_engaged(Group, Actions):-
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, Actions, []), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- ( by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State);
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, CheckedState),
- always(CheckedState)
- ),
- subset(X, Group),
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, List, State), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(_, [], _):- !.
-possibly_engaged(Group, [Action|List]):-
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], []), !.
-% Utils
- findall(X, always(X), AlwaysList),
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(State, [Always | AlwaysList]):-
- subset(State, Always);
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(_, [[] | []]):- fail.
-apply_alwayses(CurrentState, NewState):-
- not(always(X));
- (
- not(subset([X],CurrentState)),
- append([X], CurrentState, NewStateWithX),
- apply_alwayses(NewStateWithX, NewState)
- ).
-apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, CurrentState, NewState):-
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewState).
-negate_list([Item|List], NegatedList):-
- negate_list(List, NegatedSublist),
- append([\Item], NegatedSublist, NegatedList).
-negate_list([Item|[]], NegatedList):-
- NegatedList = [\Item].
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a454ddc..ead9adc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,36 +1,66 @@
# Multiagent-Action-Language
-To do:
-### C# GUI ###
-- [x] BŁĄD w Test3_PARSER_ERROR brak parsowania dla *impossible by*
-- [ ] Podmiana *not by if* na odpowiednik *impossible by if*
-- [x] Parser na wyrażenie *not by if*
-- [ ] Pusta lista agentów
-- [ ] Dodać *initially [alpha]* jako *[alpha] after ()* (chodzi o puste wykonanie programu)
-### C# reasoning ###
-- [ ] Dodanie obsługi *[alpha] observable after ...* i *[alpha] after ...*
-- [ ] Testy generowania grafu
-- [x] Dodać kwerendę wykonywalności *executable*
-- [x] Dodać kwerendę wartości *after*
-- [ ] Dodać kwerendę zaangażowania *engaged*
-- [x] Dodać testy języka AR (przykłady z wykładu)
-- [x] Dodać kwerendy z pustego programu
-- [x] Dodać kwerendy dla pustej listy agentów
+## Summary
+Framework for multiagent reasoning from actions written entirely in C#. This implementation extents AR action language (actions with ramifications) on multiple agents. Main assumpions of this action language are:
+1. Inertia law
+2. Sequencing of actions
+3. Nondeterminism of actions
-### App tests ###
-- [ ] 4 historyjki po 3-4 kwerendy dla grupy 1 **na poniedziałek musi być gotowe**
-- [ ] kilka historyjek po 3-4 kwerendy do naszych testów
+## Implementation features
+### Forward chaining
+Obviously, this implementation allows for forward chaining. E.g. for domain:
+Fluent R1
+Fluent R2
+Fluent R3
+Agent g1
+Agent g2
+Agent g3
+Agent g4
+Action A1
+Action A2
+A1 by [g1, g3, g4] causes [R1]
+A1 by [g1, g3] causes [R3]
+A2 by [g3, g4] causes [R2]
+and query:
+possibly [g2] engaged in (A1, [g1, g2, g3, g4]),(A2, [g2, g3, g4])
+App returns *false*, as suspected with respect to definition.
-### Requirements for the deadline ###
-- Dokumentacja teoretyczna
-- Dokumentacja techniczna
-- User Guide
-- Testy naszego programu zrobione przez inną grupę **patrz wyżej**
-- Testy innego programu zrobione przez nas
-- Płytka CD
+### Backward chaining
+This implementation allows not only forward chaining but also backward chaining. E.g. for domain:
+Action fire
+Action walk
+Agent x
+Fluent loaded
+Fluent alive
+Fluent walked
+fire causes [~loaded]
+fire causes [~alive] if [loaded]
+walk causes [walked]
+initially [alive]
+[~alive] after (walk, [x]), (fire, [x])
+and query:
+necessary [loaded] after (walk, [x])
+App returns *true*, as fluent *loaded* in really necessary after *walk* action, for fluent *alive* to be *false*.
-### Conclusions after deadline meeting ###
-- kwerendy mogą też dostać wyrażenie logiczne jako resultat - co wtedy?
-- program niewykonalny -> necessary true
-- niedeterminizm - releases itp nie działa
\ No newline at end of file
+## Authors
+* [pkonowrocki](github.com/pkonowrocki) Piotr Konowrocki
+* [ArkadyPL](github.com/ArkadyPL)
+* [kocu13](github.com/kocu13)
+* [zegadlok](github.com/zegadlok)
+* [omelanczukm](github.com/omelanczukm)
+* [mazurkiewiczj](github.com/mazurkiewiczj)
+* [dawidlazuk](github.com/dawidlazuk)
+* [bpolak00](github.com/bpolak00)
+## Final remarks
+This project was realized as a part of Knowledge Representation course at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science at WUT, and was rated 20/20 points by dr Anna Maria Radzikowska.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/STORY_1.mar b/STORY_1.mar
deleted file mode 100644
index e706f76..0000000
--- a/STORY_1.mar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Agent a
-Agent b
-Agent c
-Agent d
-Action push
-Fluent isRunning
-initially [~isRunning]
-impossible push by [d]
-impossible push if [isRunning]
-push by [a] causes [~isRunning]
-push by [b] causes [~isRunning]
-push by [c] causes [~isRunning]
-push by [b,c] causes [~isRunning]
-push by [a,b] causes [isRunning]
-push by [a,c] causes [isRunning]
-push by [a,b,c] causes [~isRunning]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/STORY_1_Queary.txt b/STORY_1_Queary.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 822dbba..0000000
--- a/STORY_1_Queary.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-necessary executable (push,[a,b]) from [~isRunning]
-necessary executable (push,[a,c]) from [~isRunning]
-possibly [a] engaged in push
-possibly [b] engaged in push
-possibly [c] engaged in push
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/STORY_2.mar b/STORY_2.mar
deleted file mode 100644
index 1235304..0000000
--- a/STORY_2.mar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Agent a
-Agent b
-Action lift
-Action protect
-Fluent alive
-Fluent protected
-Fluent up
-initially [~alive]
-initially [~protected]
-initially [~up]
-lift by [a,b] causes [up]
-lift by [a] causes [~alive] if [~protected && up]
-lift by [b] causes [~alive] if [~protected && up]
-protect causes [protected] if [up]
-impossible lift if [protected || ~alive]
-impossible protect if [protected || ~alive || ~up]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/STORY_2_Queary.txt b/STORY_2_Queary.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f6aa019..0000000
--- a/STORY_2_Queary.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-necessary executable (lift, [a,b]) from [alive]
-necessary executable (protect,[a]) from [up && alive]
-necessary executable (protect,[b]) from [up && alive]
-necessary up after (lift,[a,b]) from [alive]
-necessary protected after (protect,[a]) from [up]
-necessary protected after (protect,[b]) from [up]
-possibly [a] engaged in protect from [up]
-possibly [b] engaged in protect from [up]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/STORY_3.mar b/STORY_3.mar
deleted file mode 100644
index 470e272..0000000
--- a/STORY_3.mar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Agent Bercik
-Agent Filemon
-Action brew
-Fluent brewed
-Fluent destroyed
-initially [~brewed]
-initially [~destroyed]
-brew by [Bercik, Filemon] causes [brewed]
-brew by [Filemon] releases [brewed]
-brew by [Bercik] releases [brewed]
-brew by [Bercik] releases [destroyed]
diff --git a/STORY_3_Queary.txt b/STORY_3_Queary.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 178c486..0000000
--- a/STORY_3_Queary.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-possibly [Filemon] engaged in brew
-possibly [Bercik] engaged in brew
-possibly [brewed] after (brew,[Bercik, Filemon]) from [~brewed && ~destroyed]
-possibly [brewed] after (brew,[Bercik]) from [~brewed && ~destroyed]
-possibly [destroyed] after (brew,[Bercik]) from [~brewed && ~destroyed]
-possibly [brewed] after (brew,[Filemon]) from [~brewed && ~destroyed]
diff --git a/example_from_lecture_1.mar b/example_from_lecture_1.mar
deleted file mode 100644
index 94f9b66..0000000
--- a/example_from_lecture_1.mar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Agent Bill
-Action shoot
-Action load
-Fluent loaded
-Fluent alive
-initially [~loaded]
-initially [alive]
-load causes [loaded]
-shoot causes [~loaded]
-shoot causes [~alive] if [loaded]
diff --git a/logic.pl b/logic.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 214f047..0000000
--- a/logic.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-:- dynamic impossible_by/2.
-:- dynamic impossible_if/2.
-:- dynamic by_causes/3.
-:- dynamic causes_if/3.
-:- dynamic by_releases_if/4.
-:- dynamic by_releases/3.
-:- dynamic releases_if/3.
-:- dynamic always/1.
-:- dynamic initially/1.
-% Support for tests:
-:- multifile impossible_by/2, by_causes_if/4, by_causes/3, after/2, by_releases_if/4, always/1.
-:- style_check(-discontiguous).
-passed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(green)], 'Passed', []).
-failed:- nl, ansi_format([bold,fg(red)], 'Failed', []).
-% Make sure, "initially" also propagates to after(Result, []).
-after(Result, []):-
- initially(Result).
-private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group);
- impossible_if(Action, State);
- impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State).
-impossible_by_if(Action, Group, []):-
- impossible_by(Action, Group), !.
-impossible_by_if(Action, [], State):-
- impossible_if(Action, State), !.
-by_causes_if(Action, Group, Result, []):-
- by_causes(Action, Group, Result).
-by_causes_if(Action, [], Result, State):-
- causes_if(Action, Result, State).
-by_releases_if(Action, Group, Result, _):-
- by_releases(Action, Group, Result).
-by_releases_if(Action, _, Result, State):-
- releases_if(Action, Result, State).
-% Executability queries - TODO: fix possibly_executable_from query
-necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, _), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-private_necessary_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState, FinalState):-
- (
- (by_causes_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState);by_releases_if(Action, G, ResultingState, RequiredState)),
- (
- subset(G,Group),
- (
- not(is_empty(RequiredState)),
- (
- is_always(RequiredState)
- ;
- subset(RequiredState, CurrentState)
- )
- )
- ;
- initially(Y),
- (is_empty(RequiredState), subset(CurrentState,Y))
- ;
- (is_empty(RequiredState),is_empty(CurrentState))
- )
- ),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- private_necessary_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState, FinalState), !.
-private_necessary_executable_from([], NewCurrentState, FinalState):-
- FinalState = NewCurrentState, !.
- necessary_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% CurrentState means "initialState" in the first call, and then set of all changes states
-possibly_executable_from([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (by_releases_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X) ; by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X)),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- not(private_impossible_by_if(Action, Group, X)),
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_executable_from(Program, NewCurrentState), !.
- possibly_executable_from(Program, []), !.
-% Value queries - TODO: finish possibly_after_from implementation
-necessary_after_from(State, Program, CurrentState):-
- (
- (after(State,ResultingProgram),
- subset(ResultingProgram,Program),
- are_necessary_connected(Program,CurrentState))
- ;
- (private_necessary_after_from(State,Program,CurrentState))
- ).
-are_necessary_connected([[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (
- (
- by_causes_if(Action,G,ResultingState, S),
- subset(S,CurrentState),
- subset(G,Group)
- )
- ;
- (
- by_causes(Action,G,ResultingState),
- subset(G,Group)
- )
- ),
- are_necessary_connected(Program, ResultingState).
- true.
-private_necessary_after_from( State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- (
- (is_always(State))
- ;
- (
- (
- by_causes_if(Action,G,ResultingState, S),
- (subset(S,CurrentState);initially(S);always(S)),
- subset(G,Group),
- (
- (
- subset(ResultingState,State),
- subtract(State,ResultingState,SetWithoutState),
- private_necessary_after_from(SetWithoutState, Program, ResultingState)
- )
- ;
- (
- private_necessary_after_from(State, Program, ResultingState)
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- (
- by_causes(Action,G,ResultingState),
- subset(G,Group),
- (
- (subset(ResultingState,State),
- subtract(State,ResultingState,SetWithoutState),
- private_necessary_after_from(SetWithoutState, Program, ResultingState))
- ;
- (private_necessary_after_from(State, Program, ResultingState))
- )
- )
- )
- ), !.
-private_necessary_after_from([], [],_):-
- true, !.
-private_necessary_after_from(State, [] ,_):-
- initially(State).
-necessary_after(State, Program):-
- necessary_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-possibly_after_from(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- is_always(State)
- ;
- (apply_alwayses(CurrentState, FullCurrentState) ; true),
- (
- (
- %Bierzemy stan do którego musimy przejść i idziemy do następnej instrukcji. Jeżeli to się nie powiedzie to zwracamy false bo musimy przejść do ResultingState(!)
- by_causes_if(Action, Group, ResultingState, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, FullCurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(FullCurrentState))),
- apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, FullCurrentState, NewCurrentState),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, NewCurrentState), !
- )
- ;
- (
- % Nie mamy stanu, do którego musimy przejść, generujemy stany usuwając poszczególne fluenty i sprawdzamy
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], FullCurrentState)
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], CurrentState):-
- %Ta reguła generuje nowe stany na podstawie reguł releases i weryfikuje dla nich działanie
- %by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, CurrentState), % sprawdzamy, czy możemy w ogóle wykonać releases
- (
- %Sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg dla obecnego stanu
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X), %czy akcja w ogóle możliwa
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, CurrentState)
- )
- ;
- (
- %Generujemy nowy stan usuwając jeden z uwolnionych fluentów i sprawdzamy dalszy przebieg rekurencyjnie
- by_releases_if(Action, Group, ReleasedFluent, X),
- ((not(is_empty(X)),subset(X, CurrentState)) ; (is_empty(X),is_empty(CurrentState))),
- subtract(CurrentState, [ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased),
- subtract(CurrentStateWithoutPositiveReleased, [\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased),
- (
- (
- append([ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithPositiveReleased)
- )
- ;
- (
- append([\ReleasedFluent], CurrentStateWithoutAnyReleased, NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased),
- possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [[Action, Group] | Program], NewCurrentStateWithNegativeReleased)
- )
- )
- ).
-possibly_after_from_without_causes(State, [], CurrentState):-
- possibly_after_from(State, [], CurrentState).
-possibly_after_from(State,[], CurrentState):-
- negate_list(State, NegatedRequiredState),
- intersection(NegatedRequiredState, CurrentState, Common),
- is_empty(Common), !.
-possibly_after(State, Program):-
- possibly_after_from(State, Program, []), !.
-% Engagement queries
-check_state(Action,[FirstEngaged | _ ], States):-
- by_causes_if(Action, FirstEngaged, _, RequiredState),
- (subset(RequiredState, States); is_always(RequiredState)).
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], States):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, RequiredState)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, RequiredState), Engaged),
- check_state(Action, Engaged,States),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, RequiredState, Engaged), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State, Engaged):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- findall(X, by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State), NextEngaged),
- findall(X, (member(X, Engaged), member(X, NextEngaged)), EngagedInBoth),
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, List, State, EngagedInBoth), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, []):- fail.
-necessary_engaged_from(Group, [], _, [Item|[]]):- subset(Item, Group), !.
-necessary_engaged_from(_, [], _, [_|_]):- fail.
-necessary_engaged(Group, Actions):-
- necessary_engaged_from(Group, Actions, []), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], State):-
- not(impossible_by_if(Action, Group, State)),
- (
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, State)
- ;
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, CheckedState),
- always(CheckedState)
- ;
- by_causes_if(Action, X, _, CheckedState),
- initially(Y),
- subset(CheckedState,Y)
- ;
- causes_if(Action, _, CheckedState),
- subset(State,CheckedState)
- ),
- subset(X, Group),
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, List, State), !.
-possibly_engaged_from(_, [], _):- !.
-possibly_engaged(Group, [Action|List]):-
- possibly_engaged_from(Group, [Action|List], []), !.
-% Utils
- findall(X, always(X), AlwaysList),
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(State, [Always | AlwaysList]):-
- subset(State, Always);
- is_subset_of_any_always(State, AlwaysList).
-is_subset_of_any_always(_, [[] | []]):- fail.
-apply_alwayses(CurrentState, NewState):-
- not(always(X));
- (
- not(subset([X],CurrentState)),
- append([X], CurrentState, NewStateWithX),
- apply_alwayses(NewStateWithX, NewState)
- ).
-apply_resulting_state(ResultingState, CurrentState, NewState):-
- subtract(CurrentState, ResultingState, ListWithoutResultingState),
- negate_list(ResultingState, NotResultingState),
- subtract(ListWithoutResultingState, NotResultingState, ListWithoutNotResultingState),
- append(ListWithoutNotResultingState, ResultingState, NewState).
-negate_list([Item|List], NegatedList):-
- negate_list(List, NegatedSublist),
- append([\Item], NegatedSublist, NegatedList).
-negate_list([Item|[]], NegatedList):-
- NegatedList = [\Item].
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/example.pl b/models/example.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index d299e41..0000000
--- a/models/example.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-after(result, [[action1, [g1, g2]], [action2, [g3, g4]]]).
-after(result, [[action1, [g1, g3]], [action2, [g2]]]).
-after(beta, [[action1, [g1]]]):- !.
-observable_after(result, [[action1, [g1]], [action2, [g2]]]).
-by_causes_if(action1, [g1], result, pi).
-by_causes(action1, [g1], result).
-causes_if(action1, result, pi).
-impossible_by_if(action1, [g1], pi).
-impossible_by(action1, [g1]).
-impossible_if(action1, pi).
diff --git a/models/story1.pl b/models/story1.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 943b4b1..0000000
--- a/models/story1.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-impossible_if(push, isRunning).
-impossible_by(push, [d]).
-by_causes(push, [a], not(isRunning)).
-by_causes(push, [b], not(isRunning)).
-by_causes(push, [c], not(isRunning)).
-by_causes(push, [b,c], not(isRunning)).
-by_causes(push, [a,b], isRunning).
-by_causes(push, [a,c], isRunning).
-by_causes(push, [a,b,c], not(isRunning)).
diff --git a/models/story2.pl b/models/story2.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f963dec..0000000
--- a/models/story2.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/run.pl b/run.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index e9fb5bd..0000000
--- a/run.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('logic.pl'), consult('tests/necessary_engaged/model.pl').
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/screenshot.PNG b/screenshot.PNG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86fb4b9
Binary files /dev/null and b/screenshot.PNG differ
diff --git a/tests.pl b/tests.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index d0afbf1..0000000
--- a/tests.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-:- write('ALL TESTS STARTED'),nl,
- consult('tests/necessary_executable/test.pl'),
- consult('tests/possibly_executable/test.pl'),
- consult('tests/necessary_engaged/test.pl'),
- consult('tests/possibly_engaged/test.pl'),
- consult('tests/necessary_after_from/test.pl'),
- consult('tests/possibly_after_from/test.pl'),
diff --git a/tests/examples_from_Lectures/model.pl b/tests/examples_from_Lectures/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index be4a329..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_from_Lectures/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-initially([alive, \loaded]).
diff --git a/tests/examples_from_Lectures/test.pl b/tests/examples_from_Lectures/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index a85ed9a..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_from_Lectures/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('----------- COIN TOSS TESTS ---\n'),
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-possibly_after_from([heads],[[toss,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 1\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([not heads],[[toss,[]]],[])'),
-possibly_after_from([\heads],[[toss,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after_from([not heads],[[toss,[]]],[]))'),
-not(necessary_after_from([\heads],[[toss,[]]],[])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3\n'),
-not(necessary_after_from([heads],[[toss,[]]],[])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 41\n'),
-necessary_after_from([\alive],[[load,[]],[shoot,[]]],[\loaded]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4b\n'),
-possibly_after_from([\alive],[[load,[]],[shoot,[]]],[\loaded]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5a\n'),
-necessary_after_from([happy],[[studing,[]],[finding_job,[]],[living,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5b\n'),
-possibly_after_from([happy],[[studing,[]],[finding_job,[]],[living,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6a\n'),
-necessary_after_from([beeing_human],[[beeing,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6b\n'),
-possibly_after_from([beeing_human],[[beeing,[]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/model.pl b/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cee22a..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/test.pl b/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d0606..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_from_Radzikowska/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1\n'),
-necessary_after_from([f1,f2],[[action1,[actor1]],[action2,[actor2]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2\n'),
-necessary_after_from([f,g],[[a,[x]],[b,[y]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3\n'),
-necessary_after_from([loaded],[[load,[Bill]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4\n'),
-necessary_after_from([\alive],[[fire,[Bill]]],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5\n'),
-necessary_after_from([alive1],[],[]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/examples_mean/model.pl b/tests/examples_mean/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 571377f..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_mean/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-by_causes(make, [Iwona], [g]).
-by_causes_if(swim, [Ula],[i],[h]).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examples_mean/test.pl b/tests/examples_mean/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c1c80e8..0000000
--- a/tests/examples_mean/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('----------MEAN TESTS ---\n'),
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-necessary_after([a],[[work,[John,Tom]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-possibly_after([a],[[work,[John,Tom]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-necessary_after([d,e],[[eat,[Magda,Anna]],[talk,[Irena,Alice]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-possibly_after([d,e],[[eat,[Magda,Anna]],[talk,[Irena,Alice]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-necessary_after([f],[[do,[Milena]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-possibly_after([f],[[do,[Milena]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-necessary_after([\g],[[make,[Iwona]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 0\n'),
-necessary_after([i],[[swim,[Ula]]]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/necessary_after_from/model.pl b/tests/necessary_after_from/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 847a198..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_after_from/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 1 a. - should be false because 1st action is not executable from initial state
-by_causes_if(na_1a_action1, [na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2], [na_1a_result], [na_1a_pi]).
-by_causes(na_1a_action2, [na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2], [na_1a_another]).
-after([na_1a_expected], [[na_1a_action1,[na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]], [na_1a_action2, [na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 2 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable after 1st one
-by_causes_if(na_2a_action1, [na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2], [na_2a_result], []).
-by_causes_if(na_2a_action2, [na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2], [na_2a_another], [na_2a_pi]).
-after([na_2a_expected], [[na_2a_action1,[na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]], [na_2a_action2, [na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 3 a. - should be true because program is executable from initial state, and it is true that "na_3a_expected" after this program
-by_causes(na_3a_action1, [na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2], [na_3a_result]).
-by_causes_if(na_3a_action2, [na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2], [na_3a_another], [na_3a_result]).
-after([na_3a_expected], [[na_3a_action1,[na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]], [na_3a_action2, [na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 4 a. - should be true because program is executable from initial state, and it is true that "na_4a_expected" after this program
-by_causes(na_4a_action1, [na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2], [na_4a_result]).
-by_causes_if(na_4a_action2, [na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2], [na_4a_expected], [na_4a_result]).
-% Test case 5 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable after 1st one
-by_causes_if(na_5a_action1, [na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2], [na_5a_result], [na_5a_pi]).
-by_causes_if(na_5a_action2, [na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2], [na_5a_another],[na_5a_some]). % this is not executable in 'na_5a_result', it is in initial state but it doesn't matter
-after([na_5a_expected], [[na_5a_action1,[na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]], [na_5a_action2, [na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 6 a. - should be true because both actions are executable from requested state, and it is true that "na_6a_expected" after this program
-by_causes_if(na_6a_action1, [na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2], [na_6a_result], [na_6a_pi]).
-by_causes_if(na_6a_action2, [na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2], [na_6a_another], [na_6a_result]).
-after([na_6a_expected], [[na_6a_action1,[na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]], [na_6a_action2, [na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 7 a. - should be true because both actions are executable from requested state, and it is true that "na_7a_expected" after this program
-by_causes_if(na_7a_action1, [na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2], [na_7a_result], [na_7a_pi]).
-by_causes_if(na_7a_action2, [na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2], [na_7a_expected], [na_7a_result]).
-% Test case 8 a. - should be false - trivial, actions undefined
-after([na_8a_expected], [[na_8a_action1,[na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]], [na_8a_action2, [na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]]]).
-% Test case 9 a. - should be true because expected term is always true
-by_causes_if(na_9a_action1, [na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2], [na_9a_result], [na_9a_pi]).
-by_causes_if(na_9a_action2, [na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2], [na_9a_another], [na_9a_result]).
-always([na_9a_expected, na_9a_not_important]).
-% Test case 10 a. - should be false because expected term is never true
-by_causes_if(na_10a_action1, [na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2], [na_10a_result], [na_10a_pi]).
-by_causes_if(na_10a_action2, [na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2], [na_10a_another], [na_10a_result]).
-always([na_10a_not_important, na_10a_other_not_important]).
-% Test case 11 a. - should be true
-by_causes(washing,[], [washed]).
-by_causes(cooking, [], [cooked]).
-by_causes(tyding, [], [tied]).
diff --git a/tests/necessary_after_from/test.pl b/tests/necessary_after_from/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c08db8..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_after_from/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Necessary After From - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1 a. - should be false because 1nd action is not executable from initial state\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after([na_1a_expected], [[na_1a_action1,[na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]], [na_1a_action2, [na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]]])).'),
-not(necessary_after([na_1a_expected], [[na_1a_action1,[na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]], [na_1a_action2, [na_1a_g1, na_1a_g2]]])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable after 1st one\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after([na_2a_expected], [[na_2a_action1,[na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]], [na_2a_action2, [na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]]])).'),
-not(necessary_after([na_2a_expected], [[na_2a_action1,[na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]], [na_2a_action2, [na_2a_g1, na_2a_g2]]])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3 a. - should be true because program is executable from initial state, and it is true that "na_3a_expected" after this program\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([na_3a_expected], [[na_3a_action1,[na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]], [na_3a_action2, [na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]]], []).'),
-necessary_after_from([na_3a_expected], [[na_3a_action1,[na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]], [na_3a_action2, [na_3a_g1, na_3a_g2]]], []), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4 a. - should be true because program is executable from initial state, and it is true that "na_4a_expected" after this program\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([na_4a_expected], [[na_4a_action1,[na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2]], [na_4a_action2, [na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2]]], []).'),
-necessary_after_from([na_4a_expected], [[na_4a_action1,[na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2]], [na_4a_action2, [na_4a_g1, na_4a_g2]]], []), passed; failed), nl,
-%necessary_after_from([expected], [[action1,[g1, g2]], [action2, [g1, g2]]], []), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable from requested state\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after_from([na_5a_expected], [[na_5a_action1,[na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]], [na_5a_action2, [na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]]], [na_5a_pi])).'),
-not(necessary_after_from([na_5a_expected], [[na_5a_action1,[na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]], [na_5a_action2, [na_5a_g1, na_5a_g2]]], [na_5a_pi])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 a. - should be true because both actions are executable from requested state, and it is true that "na_6a_expected" after this program\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([na_6a_expected], [[na_6a_action1,[na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]], [na_6a_action2, [na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]]], [na_6a_pi]).'),
-necessary_after_from([na_6a_expected], [[na_6a_action1,[na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]], [na_6a_action2, [na_6a_g1, na_6a_g2]]], [na_6a_pi]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 7 a. - should be true because both actions are executable from requested state, and it is true that "na_7a_expected" after this program\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([na_7a_expected], [[na_7a_action1,[na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2]], [na_7a_action2, [na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2]]], [na_7a_pi]).'),
-necessary_after_from([na_7a_expected], [[na_7a_action1,[na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2]], [na_7a_action2, [na_7a_g1, na_7a_g2]]], [na_7a_pi]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 8 a. - should be false - trivial, actions undefined\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after([na_8a_expected], [[na_8a_action1,[na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]], [na_8a_action2, [na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]]])).'),
-not(necessary_after([na_8a_expected], [[na_8a_action1,[na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]], [na_8a_action2, [na_8a_g1, na_8a_g2]]])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 9 a. - should be true because expected term is always true\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([na_9a_expected], [[na_9a_action1,[na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2]], [na_9a_action2, [na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2]]], [na_9a_pi]).'),
-necessary_after_from([na_9a_expected], [[na_9a_action1,[na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2]], [na_9a_action2, [na_9a_g1, na_9a_g2]]], [na_9a_pi]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 10 a. - should be false because expected term is never true\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after_from([na_10a_expected], [[na_10a_action1,[na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]], [na_10a_action2, [na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]]], [na_10a_pi])).'),
-not(necessary_after_from([na_10a_expected], [[na_10a_action1,[na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]], [na_10a_action2, [na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]]], [na_10a_pi])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 11 a. - should be false because expected term is never true\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_after_from([na_10a_expected], [[na_10a_action1,[na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]], [na_10a_action2, [na_10a_g1, na_10a_g2]]], [na_10a_pi])).'),
-necessary_after_from([clean], [[washing,[]],[cooking,[]],[tyding,[]]], []), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Necessary After From - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/necessary_engaged/model.pl b/tests/necessary_engaged/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index be1dee3..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_engaged/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 1
-by_causes(push, [a], []).
-by_causes(push, [b], []).
-by_causes(run, [a], []).
-by_causes(run, [b], []).
-% Test case 2
-by_causes(sing, [c], []).
-by_causes(sing, [d], []).
-by_causes(fly, [c], []).
-% Test case 3
-by_causes(swim, [x, y], []).
-% Test case 4
-by_causes_if(eat, [john],[], [is_hungry]).
-% Test case 5
-by_causes_if(talks, [anna], [],[is_ready]).
-% Test case 6
-by_causes_if(new_6_goes_to_sleep, [nex_6_george], [], [nex_6_is_tired]).
-always([nex_6_some_noise1, nex_6_some_noise2]).
-always([nex_6_is_tired, nex_6_some_noise]).
diff --git a/tests/necessary_engaged/test.pl b/tests/necessary_engaged/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 164e887..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_engaged/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Necessary Engaged - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([a], [push])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([a], [push])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([b], [push])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([b], [push])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([a], [run, push])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([a], [run, push])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([a], [push, run])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([b], [push, run])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2\n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged([c], [fly, sing]) => '),
-necessary_engaged([c], [fly, sing]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('necessary_engaged([c], [sing, fly]) => '),
-necessary_engaged([c], [sing, fly]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([d], [sing])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([d], [sing])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([d], [sing, fly])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([d], [sing, fly])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([x], [swim])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged([x], [swim])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('necessary_engaged([x, y], [swim]) => '),
-necessary_engaged([x, y], [swim]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('necessary_engaged([x, y, z], [swim]) => '),
-necessary_engaged([x, y, z], [swim]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4a - should fail, wrong state\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_engaged([john], [eat], [is_eating])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged_from([john], [eat], [is_eating])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4b - should accept, good state\n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged([john], [eat], [is_hungry]) => '),
-necessary_engaged_from([john], [eat], [is_hungry]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 - should fail, needs always statement\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_engaged_from([anna],[talks],[is_bored])) => '),
-not(necessary_engaged_from([anna],[talks],[is_bored])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 - should be fine, there is always statement \n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged_from([nex_6_george],[new_6_goes_to_sleep],[nex_6_on_monday]) => '),
-necessary_engaged_from([nex_6_george],[new_6_goes_to_sleep],[nex_6_on_monday]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Necessary Engaged - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/necessary_executable/model.pl b/tests/necessary_executable/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 81af985..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_executable/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 1 a. - action2 is possible because after action1, result is true
-% Test case 1 b. - action2 is not possible because those agents cannot perform given action
-by_causes_if(action1, [g1, g2], [result], [pi]).
-by_causes_if(action2, [g1, g2], [another], [result]).
-% Test case 2 a. - action8 is possible because after action7, not(sigma) is true
-% Test case 2 b. - action9 is not possible because after action7, not(sigma) is true and then after action8, sigma is true
-% Test case 2 c. - action10 is not possible because after action8, sigma is true
-% Test case 2 d. - action8 is not possible because after action9, sigma is true
-by_causes_if(action7, [g7, g8], [\sigma], [sigma]).
-by_causes_if(action8, [g7, g8], [sigma], [\sigma]).
-by_causes_if(action9, [g7, g8], [sigma], [sigma]).
-by_causes_if(action10, [g7, g8], [sigma], [\sigma]).
-% Test case 3 - action4 is possible because after action3 the following is true: [alpha, beta]
-by_causes_if(action3, [g3, g4], [beta], [alpha]).
-by_causes_if(action4, [g3, g4], [other], [alpha, beta]).
-% Test case 4 - action6 impossible, because we never achieve delta
-by_causes_if(action5, [g5, g6], [delta], [psi]).
-by_causes_if(action6, [g5, g6], [result3], [delta, gamma]).
-% Test case 5 a. - action_5_1 impossible by g_5_1
-% Test case 5 b. - action_5_1 possible by g_5_2
-impossible_by(action_5_1, [g_5_1]).
-by_causes_if(action_5_1, [g_5_1], [delta_5], [psi_5]).
-by_causes_if(action_5_1, [g_5_2], [delta_5], [psi_5]).
-% Test case 6. - action_6_1 not necessary_executable by g_6_1
-by_releases_if(action_6_1, [g_6_1], [delta_6], [psi_6]).
-% Test case 7 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable after 1st one (becuase it requires initial state)
-by_causes_if(nex_7a_action1, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2], [nex_7a_result], [nex_7a_pi]).
-by_causes(nex_7a_action2, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2], [nex_7a_another]).
-% Test case 8 - action_8_2 is possible because of always statement
-by_causes_if(nex_8_a1, [nex_8_g1], [nex_8_beta], [nex_8_alpha]).
-by_causes_if(nex_8_a2, [nex_8_g1], [nex_8_other], [nex_8_beta]).
-% Test case 9 - nex_9_a1 is not possible, always statement only for gamma_9
-by_causes_if(nex_9_a1, [nex_9_g1], [nex_9_beta], [nex_9_alpha]).
-by_causes_if(nex_9_a2, [nex_9_g1], [nex_9_other], [nex_9_beta]).
-% Test case 10 -
-by_causes(washing,[], [washed]).
-by_causes(cooking, [], [cooked]).
-by_causes(tyding, [], [tied]).
diff --git a/tests/necessary_executable/test.pl b/tests/necessary_executable/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index de0f930..0000000
--- a/tests/necessary_executable/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Necessary Executable - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1 a. - action2 is possible because after action1, result is true\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action1,[g1, g2]],[action2,[g1, g2]]], [pi]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action1,[g1, g2]],[action2,[g1, g2]]], [pi]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 1 b. - action2 is not possible because those agents cannot perform given action\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[action1,[gX, gY]],[action2,[gX, gY]]], [pi])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[action1,[gX, gY]],[action2,[gX, gY]]], [pi])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 a. - action8 is possible because after action7, not(sigma) is true\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]]], [sigma]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]]], [sigma]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 b. - action9 is not possible because after action7, not(sigma) is true and then after action8, sigma is true\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]],[action9, [g7, g8]]], [sigma]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]],[action9, [g7, g8]]], [sigma]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 c. - action10 is not possible because after action8, sigma is true\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]],[action10, [g7, g8]]], [sigma])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[action7, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]],[action10, [g7, g8]]], [sigma])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 d. - action8 is not possible because after action9, sigma is true\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[action10, [g7, g8]],[action9, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]]], [\sigma])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[action10, [g7, g8]],[action9, [g7, g8]],[action8, [g7, g8]]], [\sigma])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3 - action4 is possible because after action3 the following is true: [alpha, beta]\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action3,[g3, g4]],[action4,[g3, g4]]], [alpha]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action3,[g3, g4]],[action4,[g3, g4]]], [alpha]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4 - action6 impossible, because we never achieve delta\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[action5,[g5, g6]],[action6,[g5, g6]]], [psi])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[action5,[g5, g6]],[action6,[g5, g6]]], [psi])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 a. - action_5_1 impossible by g_5_1\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[action_5_1,[g_5_1]]],[psi_5])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[action_5_1,[g_5_1]]],[psi_5])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 b. - action_5_1 possible by g_5_2\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action_5_1,[g_5_2]]],[psi_5]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action_5_1,[g_5_2]]],[psi_5]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6. - action_6_1 is executable by g_6_1\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[action_6_1,[g_6_1]]],[psi_6]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[action_6_1,[g_6_1]]],[psi_6]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 7 a. - should be false because 2nd action is not executable after 1st one (becuase it requires initial state)\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[nex_7a_action1, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2]],[nex_7a_action2, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2]]],[nex_7a_pi])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[nex_7a_action1, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2]],[nex_7a_action2, [nex_7a_g1, nex_7a_g2]]],[nex_7a_pi])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 8 - nex_8_a2 is possible because of always statement\n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[nex_8_a1,[nex_8_g1]],[nex_8_a2,[nex_8_g1]]], [nex_8_gamma_8]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[nex_8_a1,[nex_8_g1]],[nex_8_a2,[nex_8_g1]]], [nex_8_gamma_8]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 9 - action_9_2 is not possible, always statement only for gamma_8\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[nex_9_a1,[nex_9_g1]],[nex_9_a2,[nex_9_g1]]], [nex_9_gamma])). => '),
-not(necessary_executable_from([[nex_9_a1,[nex_9_g1]],[nex_9_a2,[nex_9_g1]]], [nex_9_gamma])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 10 - action_9_2 is not possible, always statement only for gamma_8\n'),
-(write('not(necessary_executable_from([[nex_9_a1,[nex_9_g1]],[nex_9_a2,[nex_9_g1]]], [nex_9_gamma])). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[washing,[]],[cooking,[]],[tyding,[]]], []), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Necessary Executable - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/possibly_after_from/model.pl b/tests/possibly_after_from/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f16b26e..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_after_from/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 0 - Should be true - just causes
-by_causes_if(pa_0_action, [pa_0_g1, pa_0_g2], [pa_0_result], [pa_0_cond]).
-% Test case 1 - Should be true - just releases
-by_releases_if(pa_1_action1, [pa_1_g1, pa_1_g2], [pa_1_fluent], [pa_1_cond]).
-% Test case 2 - should be true, action from "causes" cause "pa_2_result" which is required by releases
-by_releases_if(pa_2_action2, [pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2], [pa_2_fluent], [pa_2_result]).
-by_causes_if(pa_2_action1, [pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2], [pa_2_result], [pa_2_cond]).
-% Test case 3 - should be false, actions defined BUT 2nd is NOT achieved from 1st
-by_releases_if(pa_3_action2, [pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2], [pa_3_fluent], [pa_3_another_result]).
-by_causes_if(pa_3_action1, [pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2], [pa_3_something], [pa_3_cond1]).
-by_causes_if(pa_3_action2, [pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2], [pa_3_another_result], [pa_3_something_else]).
-% Test case 4 - Should be true - conditions fulfilled when considering query input + always statement
-by_causes_if(pa_4_action, [pa_4_g1, pa_4_g2], [pa_4_fluent], [pa_4_cond1, pa_4_cond2, pa_4_cond3]).
-always([pa_4_cond2, pa_4_cond3]).
-% Test case 5 - Should be true - "pa_5_fluentX" is always true so it is possible
-by_causes_if(pa_5_action, [pa_5_g1, pa_5_g2], [pa_5_fluent], [pa_5_cond1]).
-always([pa_5_fluent1, pa_5_fluent2]).
-always([pa_5_fluent3, pa_5_fluentX]).
-always([pa_5_fluent4, pa_5_fluent5]).
-% Test case 6 - Should be true - "pa_6_fluentX" is always true so it is possible
-by_releases_if(pa_6_action, [pa_6_g1, pa_6_g2], [pa_6_fluent], [pa_6_cond1]).
-always([pa_6_fluent1, pa_6_fluent2]).
-always([pa_6_fluent3, pa_6_fluentX]).
-always([pa_6_fluent4, pa_6_fluent5]).
diff --git a/tests/possibly_after_from/test.pl b/tests/possibly_after_from/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index f248c06..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_after_from/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Possibly After From - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 0 - Should be true - just causes\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_0_result], [[pa_0_action,[pa_0_g1, pa_0_g2]]], [pa_0_cond]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_0_result], [[pa_0_action,[pa_0_g1, pa_0_g2]]], [pa_0_cond]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 1 - Should be true - just releases\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_1_fluent], [[pa_1_action1,[pa_1_g1, pa_1_g2]]], [pa_1_cond]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_1_fluent], [[pa_1_action1,[pa_1_g1, pa_1_g2]]], [pa_1_cond]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 - should be true, action from "causes" cause "pa_2_result" which is required by releases\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_2_fluent], [[pa_2_action1,[pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2]], [pa_2_action2,[pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2]]], [pa_2_cond]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_2_fluent], [[pa_2_action1,[pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2]], [pa_2_action2,[pa_2_g1, pa_2_g2]]], [pa_2_cond]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3 - should be false, actions defined BUT 2nd is NOT achieved from 1st\n'),
-(write('not(possibly_after_from([pa_3_fluent], [[pa_3_action1,[pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2]], [pa_3_action2,[pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2]]], [pa_3_cond1])).'),
-not(possibly_after_from([pa_3_fluent], [[pa_3_action1,[pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2]], [pa_3_action2,[pa_3_g1, pa_3_g2]]], [pa_3_cond1])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4 - should be false, actions defined BUT 2nd is NOT achieved from 1st\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_4_fluent], [[pa_4_action,[pa_4_g1, pa_4_g2]]], [pa_4_cond1]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_4_fluent], [[pa_4_action,[pa_4_g1, pa_4_g2]]], [pa_4_cond1]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 - Should be true - "pa_5_fluentX" is always true so it is possible\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_5_fluentX], [[pa_5_action,[pa_5_g1, pa_5_g2]]], [pa_5_cond1]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_5_fluentX], [[pa_5_action,[pa_5_g1, pa_5_g2]]], [pa_5_cond1]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 - Should be true - "pa_6_fluentX" is always true so it is possible\n'),
-(write('possibly_after_from([pa_6_fluentX], [[pa_6_action,[pa_6_g1, pa_6_g2]]], [pa_6_cond1]).'),
-possibly_after_from([pa_6_fluentX], [[pa_6_action,[pa_6_g1, pa_6_g2]]], [pa_6_cond1]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Possibly After From - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/possibly_engaged/model.pl b/tests/possibly_engaged/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d2500..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_engaged/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 1
-by_causes(push, [a], []).
-by_causes(push, [b], []).
-by_causes(run, [a], []).
-by_causes(run, [b], []).
-% Test case 2
-by_causes(sing, [c], []).
-by_causes(sing, [d], []).
-by_causes(fly, [c], []).
-% Test case 3
-by_causes(swim, [x, y], []).
-% Test case 4
-by_causes_if(eat, [john], [],[is_hungry]).
-% Test case 5
-by_causes_if(talks, [anna], [],[is_ready]).
-% Test case 6
-by_causes_if(goes_to_sleep, [george], [],[is_tired]).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/possibly_engaged/test.pl b/tests/possibly_engaged/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 670727b..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_engaged/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Possibly Engaged - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1\n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged([a], [push]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([a], [push]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([b], [push]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([b], [push]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([a], [run, push]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([a], [run, push]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([a], [push, run]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([b], [push, run]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2\n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged([c], [fly, sing]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([c], [fly, sing]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([c], [sing, fly]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([c], [sing, fly]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(possibly_engaged([d], [fly, sing])) => '),
-not(possibly_engaged([d], [fly, sing])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('not(possibly_engaged([d], [sing, fly])) => '),
-not(possibly_engaged([d], [sing, fly])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3\n'),
-(write('not(possibly_engaged([x], [swim])) => '),
-not(possibly_engaged([x], [swim])), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([x, y], [swim]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([x, y], [swim]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([x, y, z], [swim]) => '),
-possibly_engaged([x, y, z], [swim]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4a - should fail, wrong state\n'),
-(write('not(possibly_engaged_from([john], [eat],[is_tired])) => '),
-not(possibly_engaged_from([john], [eat],[is_tired])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4b - should be good, from state is correct\n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged_from([john], [eat],[is_hungry]) => '),
-possibly_engaged_from([john], [eat],[is_hungry]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 - should fail, needs always statement\n'),
-(write('not(possibly_engaged_from([anna],[talks],[is_bored])) => '),
-not(possibly_engaged_from([anna],[talks],[is_bored])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 - should be fine, there is always statement \n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged_from([george],[goes_to_sleep],[on_monday]) => '),
-possibly_engaged_from([george],[goes_to_sleep],[on_monday]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Possibly Engaged - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
diff --git a/tests/possibly_executable/model.pl b/tests/possibly_executable/model.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 27464c2..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_executable/model.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-% Test case 1 a. - action_1_1 possibly executable by g_1_1 because of release
-by_releases_if(action_1_1, [g_1_1], [delta_1], [psi_1]).
-% Test case 1 b. - action_1_2 possibly executable by g_1_2 because of causes
-by_causes_if(action_1_2, [g_1_2], [delta_1], [psi_1]).
-% Test case 2. - action_2_1 possibly executable by g_2_1 because of impossible
-impossible_by(action_2_1, [g_2_1]).
-by_releases_if(action_2_1, [g_2_1], [delta_2], [psi_2]).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/possibly_executable/test.pl b/tests/possibly_executable/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index bd38503..0000000
--- a/tests/possibly_executable/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('model.pl'),
-write('Possibly Executable - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1 a. - action_1_1 possibly executable by g_1_1 because of release\n'),
-(write('possibly_executable_from([[action_1_1,[g_1_1]]],[psi_1]). => '),
-possibly_executable_from([[action_1_1,[g_1_1]]],[psi_1]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 1 b. - action_1_2 possibly executable by g_1_2 because of causes\n'),
-(write('possibly_executable_from([[action_1_2,[g_1_2]]],[psi_1]). => '),
-possibly_executable_from([[action_1_2,[g_1_2]]],[psi_1]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2. - action_2_1 possibly executable by g_2_1 because of impossible\n'),
-(write('not(possibly_executable_from([[action_2_1,[g_2_1]]],[psi_2])). => '),
-not(possibly_executable_from([[action_2_1,[g_2_1]]],[psi_2])), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Possibly Executable - TESTS FINISHED'),nl.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/story1/story.pl b/tests/story1/story.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f1911..0000000
--- a/tests/story1/story.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-impossible_if(push, [isRunning]).
-impossible_by(push, [d]).
-by_causes(push, [a], [\isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [b], [\isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [c], [\isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [b, c], [\isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [a, b], [isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [a, c], [isRunning]).
-by_causes(push, [a, b, c], [\isRunning]).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/story1/test.pl b/tests/story1/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b7af06..0000000
--- a/tests/story1/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('story.pl'),
-write('Story 1 - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1 - should be true, initial condition ok, agent group ok \n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[push,[a,b]]],[\\isRunning]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[push,[a,b]]],[\isRunning]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 - should be true, initial condition ok, agent group ok \n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[push,[a,c]]],[\\isRunning]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[push,[a,c]]],[\isRunning]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3 - should be true, initial condition ok, action expression exists\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([isRunning], [[push,[A,B]]], [\\isRunning]). => '),
-necessary_after_from([isRunning], [[push,[a,b]]], [\isRunning]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4 - should be true, initial condition ok, action expression exists\n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([isRunning], [[push,[A,C]]], [\\isRunning]). => '),
-necessary_after_from([isRunning], [[push,[a,c]]], [\isRunning]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 - should be true, "a" is necessary because in [a, b] and [a, c] \n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged([a], [push]). => '),
-possibly_engaged([a], [push]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 - should be true, "b" is possibly because in [a, b] and [a, c] \n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged([b], [push]). => '),
-possibly_engaged([b], [push]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 7 - should be true, "c" is possibly because in [a, b] and [a, c] \n'),
-(write('necessary_engaged([c], [push]). => '),
-possibly_engaged([c], [push]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Story 1 - TESTS FINISHED'),nl,
diff --git a/tests/story2/story.pl b/tests/story2/story.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 123d030..0000000
--- a/tests/story2/story.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-initially([alive, \protected, \up]).
-by_causes(lift, [a, b], [up]).
-by_causes_if(lift, [a], [\alive], [\protected, up]).
-by_causes_if(lift, [b], [\alive], [\protected, up]).
-causes_if(protect, [protected], [up]).
-impossible_if(lift, [protected, \alive]).
-impossible_if(lift, [protected, alive]).
-impossible_if(lift, [\protected, \alive]).
-impossible_if(protect, [protected, \alive, up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [\protected, alive, up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [protected, alive, up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [protected, \alive, \up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [\protected, alive, \up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [protected, alive, \up]).
-impossible_if(protect, [\protected, \alive, \up]).
diff --git a/tests/story2/test.pl b/tests/story2/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e24096..0000000
--- a/tests/story2/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('story.pl'),
-write('Story 2 - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-write('Test case 1 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[lift,[a,b]]],[alive]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[lift,[a,b]]],[alive]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 2 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[protect,[a]]],[up, alive]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[protect,[a]]],[up, alive]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 3 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[protect,[b]]],[up, alive]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[protect,[b]]],[up, alive]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 4 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([up], [[lift,[a,b]]], [alive]). => '),
-necessary_after_from([up], [[lift,[a,b]]], [alive]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 5 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([protected], [[protect,[a]]], [up]). => '),
-necessary_after_from([protected], [[protect,[a]]], [up]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 6 - should be true \n'),
-(write('necessary_after_from([protected], [[protect,[b]]], [up]). => '),
-necessary_after_from([protected], [[protect,[b]]], [up]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 7 - should be true \n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged([a], [protect]). => '),
-possibly_engaged([a], [protect]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Test case 8 - should be true \n'),
-(write('possibly_engaged([b], [protect]). => '),
-possibly_engaged([b], [protect]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Story 2 - TESTS FINISHED'),nl,
diff --git a/tests/story3/story.pl b/tests/story3/story.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5f917..0000000
--- a/tests/story3/story.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-by_causes(brew, [Bercik, Filemon], [brewed]).
-by_releases(brew, [Bercik], [brewed]).
-by_releases(brew, [Bercik], [destroyed]).
-by_releases(brew, [Filemon], [brewed]).
diff --git a/tests/story3/test.pl b/tests/story3/test.pl
deleted file mode 100644
index ac1cc6c..0000000
--- a/tests/story3/test.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-:- consult('../../logic.pl'), consult('story.pl'),
-write('Story 3 - TESTS STARTED'),nl,
-(write('necessary_executable_from([[brew,[]]],[\brewed]). => '),
-necessary_executable_from([[brew,[]]],[\brewed]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([Filemon], [brew]), passed; failed). => '),
-possibly_engaged([Filemon], [brew]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_engaged([Bercik], [brew]), passed; failed). => '),
-possibly_engaged([Bercik], [brew]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Bercik, Filemon]]], [\brewed,not destroyed]). => '),
-possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Bercik, Filemon]]], [\brewed,\destroyed]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Filemon]]], [\brewed,not destroyed]). => '),
-possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Filemon]]], [\brewed,\destroyed]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Bercik]]], [\brewed,not destroyed]). => '),
-possibly_after_from([brewed],[[brew,[Bercik]]], [\brewed,\destroyed]), passed; failed), nl,
-(write('possibly_after_from([destroyed],[[brew,[Bercik]]], [\brewed,not destroyed]). => '),
-possibly_after_from([destroyed],[[brew,[Bercik]]], [\brewed,\destroyed]), passed; failed), nl,
-write('Story 2 - TESTS FINISHED'),nl,