Wynn4j is an easy to use api for Java
that allows you
to either directly access WynnCraft Api Objects by using the built-in methods that
are provided or using custom requests allowing the user to access all Api-Endpoints
You can use this api by adding the JitPack repository to your build.gradle
repositories {
//... your other repositories
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
And then adding the project to your dependencies
dependencies {
//... your other dependencies
implementation 'com.github.CommandJoo:Wynn4j:1.0.0'
To get a new instance of the WynnCraftAPI just use
WynnCraftAPI api = new WynnCraftAPI(debug);
To directly get provided objects use the api methods
WynnPlayer player = api.player("Player Name");
WynnItem item = api.item("Item Name", index);
If you however want to use more complex filters or want to see Guild and User rankings
You have to access the api via requests which can be found under de.jo.wynn.api.requests
and work like this
Response response = api.request(new Request());