Java - React Camp Works |
Discord: CosmicDust#4917
Back-End Source Code & SQL Script & Server (Swagger UI)
Front-End Source Code & Server
Trial accounts
Candidate: (4-5-6)
Employer: (7-8-9)
System Employee: (1-2-3)
About Servers
When the front-end server starts, the back-end server also needs to be started, so you can start both of them simultaneously to wait less
SQL Script (hrms-database.sql)
PostgreSQL ER Diagram (hrms-database.pgerd)
⚠ Info: 🟡 States & 🟣 Users & 🔵 Pages
- Users: Candidates, employers and system employees
- Become itself(company) and its job adverts visible after system employees are confirmed
- Can be managed account infos and it becomes visible after confirmation
- Can be added a logo
- Can enter their infos
- Then they can add these infos to CV optionally
- Can add job adverts to their favorites
- Images can be added to profile and CVs
- Can confirm job adverts' release and update; employers' sign up and update
- Can manage other things like positions, cities etc. as well
- Can be managed account
🟡 Logged Out
🟡 Logged In
- 🟣 Candidate
- 🟣 Employer
- 🟣 System Employee
- View job adverts
- Job adverts can be filtered, sorted, paginated
- Can be navigated to details
- Items per page and row can be changed
- Displayed fields
- Position title, employer, city, working model/time, creation date
- Filtering options
- All job advert fields
- Sorting options
- By date: Creation date, application deadline
- Alphabetically: Position title, employers' company name, city name
- Numerically: Min/max salary, open positions
- Summaries of employers and candidates are displayed and can be navigated to their details
- View details of the related job advert
- Can be navigated to employer's website and details
- Fields
- Position, employer, city, working time/model, salary info(if exists), application deadline, open positions, job description, employer detail(table), creation date
- View details of the related employer
- Can be navigated to website and employer's job adverts
- Fields
- Company name, email, phone number, website, job adverts(If exist)
- View details of the related candidate
- Fields
- First name, last name, age, email
- Icons
- Github link and linkedin link navigate to link on click(If exist)
- Other fields (If exist)
- Job experience fields: Workplace, position, start year, quit year
- School fields: School, department, start year, graduation year
- Language fields: Language, language level (CEFR)
- Skills
- Required fields: email, password
- All fields should be in correct format
- Required fields
- Candidate: First name, last name, nationality id, birth year, email, password(and repeat)
- Employer: Company name, website, phone number, email, password(and repeat)
- System employee: First name, last name, email, password(and repeat)
🟣 Candidate
- Job adverts can be added to favorites and favorites can be viewed, filtered, sorted etc.
- CVs can be added, deleted, viewed, edited etc.
- Image
- A photo of the related candidate
- Image options * Can be uploaded multiple images and user selects an image among them * Can be made cv photo, removed from cv photo and deleted
- Title
- The distinguishing feature of CV's
- Cover letter (optional)
- It can be edited-displayed (up to 1000 characters)
- CV's multiple fields
- Infos should be added infos section first to add to CVs
- Can be added multiple and displays an "Are you sure ?" popup when wanted to be deleted
- Job experiences: Selectable from candidate's job experiences
- Schools: Selectable from candidate's schools
- Languages: Selectable from candidate's languages
- Skills: Selectable from candidate's skills
- Add button activates when required fields are filled (When start year greater than end year, add button will be disabled.)
- Displays an "Are you sure ?" popup when wanted to be deleted
- There is 2 display option: Simple & Editable
- Fields
- Job experience fields: Workplace, position, start year, quit year
- School fields: School, department, start year, graduation year
- Language fields: Language, language level (CEFR)
- Skills (Only skill name)
- Profile photo options
- Can be uploaded multiple images(up to 1 MB) and user selects a photo among them
- Can be made profile photo, deleted, removed from profile
- Displays main infos
- Editable fields
- Email, account links, password
- Fields should be in correct format
- Password update and account deletion actions require old password
- Account can be deleted
- Profile photo options
🟣 Employer
- New job advert can be added
- Required fields: Position, city, working time/model, deadline, open positions, job description
- Optional fields: Min/max salary
- Job adverts becomes visible to other users after system employees confirmation
- All job adverts are manageable
- All fields can be updated (It'll be visible after confirmation)
- Info labels are displayed related with selected job advert
- Management dropdown table
- ⇒ Deactivated or deleted(Displays an "Are you sure ?" popup when wanted to be deleted)
- ⇒ Can be navigated to job advert detail
- Displays requested updates in addition to all the things
- New job advert can be added
- A summary of the employer (To can be displayed employer's infos and requested updates simply)
- Can be uploaded logo (system is the same as other users)
- All fields requires confirmation by system employees(password excluded)
- Editable fields
- Fields should be in correct format
- Password update and account deletion actions requires old password
- Email-website(Together)
- ⇒ Email's and website's domains should be the same
- Other fields
- ⇒ Company name, phone number, password
- Account can be deleted
🟣 System employee
- In tabular form, more detailed
- Included info labels
- Management dropdown table options
- Verify, reject, cancel verification, verify update
- Can be headed to job advert details (In addition to all the things)
- Included management dropdown table
- Pending updates are displayed
- Can be navigated to employer's details and managed such as job advert
- Filtering options
- "Statuses" option in addition to all the filters
- Statuses: Release approval, update approval, verified, rejected, active, inactive
- "Statuses" option in addition to all the filters
- In tabular form
- Included info labels and a management dropdown
- Filtering options
- Statuses: Sign up approval, update approval, verified, rejected
- Search: Searches in employer's company names, phone numbers, emails, websites
- Positions, cities, schools, departments, languages, skills can be added, displayed, paginated
- Can be uploaded user's photos (System is the same as other users)
- Editable fields
- Fields should be in correct format
- Password update and account deletion actions require old password
- First name, last name, email, password
- Account can be deleted_