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<title>General classification of uncertainties</title>
<h1>General classification of uncertainties</h1>
Throughout this review the distinction will be made between an error and an uncertainty. The distinction between the two loosely follows the usage in the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [BIPM, 2008]. The error in a measurement is the difference between some idealized “true value” and the measured value and is unknowable. The GUM defines the uncertainty of a measurement as the “parameter, associated with the result of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand”. This is the sense in which uncertainty is generally meant in the following discussion. This is not necessarily the same usage as is found in the cited papers. It is common to see the word error used as a synonym for uncertainty such as in the commonly used phrases standard error and analysis error.
Broadly speaking, errors in individual SST observations have been split into two groupings: random observational errors and systematic observational errors. Although this is a convenient way to deal with the uncertainties, errors in SST measurements will generally share a little of the characteristics of each.
Random observational errors occur for many reasons: misreading of the thermometer, rounding errors, the difficulty of reading the thermometer to a precision higher than the smallest marked gradation, incorrectly recorded values, errors in transcription from written to digital sources and sensor noise among others. Although they might confound a single measurement, the independence of the individual errors means they tend to cancel out when large numbers are averaged together. Therefore, the contribution of random independent errors to the uncertainty on the global average SST is much smaller than the contribution of random error to the uncertainty on a single observation even in the most sparsely observed years. Nonetheless, where observations are few, random observational errors can be an important component of the total uncertainty.
Systematic observational errors are much more problematic because their effects become relatively more pronounced as greater numbers of observations are aggregated. Systematic errors might occur because a particular thermometer is mis-calibrated, or poorly sited. No amount of averaging of observations from a thermometer that is mis-calibrated such that it reads 1 K too high will reduce the error in the aggregate below this level save by chance. However, in many cases the systematic error will depend on the particular environment of the thermometer and will therefore be independent from ship to ship. In this case, averaging together observations from many different ships or buoys will tend to reduce the contribution of systematic observational errors to the uncertainty of the average.
In the 19th and early 20th century, the majority of observations were made using buckets to haul a sample of water up to the deck for measurement. Although buckets were not always of a standard shape or size, they had a general tendency under typical environmental conditions to lose heat via evaporation or directly to the air when the air-sea temperature difference was large. Folland and Parker [1995] provide a more comprehensive survey of the problem which was already well known in the early 20th Century (see, for example, the introduction to Brooks [1926]). Pervasive systematic observational errors like the cold bucket bias are particularly pertinent for climate studies because the errors affect the whole observational system and change over time as observing technologies and practices change. The change can be gradual as old methods are slowly phased out, but they can also be abrupt, reflecting significant geopolitical events such as the Second World War [Thompson et al., 2008]. Rapid changes also arise because the digital archives of marine meteorological reports (ICOADS Woodruff et al. [2011]) are themselves discontinuous.
Generally, systematic errors are dealt with by making adjustments based on knowledge of the systematic effects. The adjustments are uncertain because the variables that determine the size of the systematic error are imperfectly known. The atmospheric conditions at the point where the measurement was made, the method used to make the measurement ERI or bucket the material used in the construction of the bucket if one was used, as well as the general diligence of the sailors making the observations have not in many cases been reliably recorded. Part of the uncertainty can be estimated by allowing uncertain parameters and inputs to the adjustment algorithms to be varied within their plausible ranges thus generating a range of adjustments (e.g., Kennedy et al. [2011c]). This parametric uncertainty gives an idea of the uncertainties associated with poorly determined parameters within a particular approach, but it does not address the more general uncertainty arising from the underlying assumptions. This uncertainty will be dealt with later as structural uncertainty.
First, however, there are a number of other uncertainties associated with the creation of the gridded data sets and SST analyses that are commonly used as a convenient alternative to dealing with individual marine observations. The uncertainties are closely related because they arise in the estimation of area-averages from a finite number of noisy and often sparsely-distributed observations.
In Kennedy et al., [2011b] two forms of this uncertainty were considered: grid-box sampling uncertainty and large-scale sampling uncertainty (which they referred to as coverage uncertainty). Grid-box sampling uncertainty refers to the uncertainty accruing from the estimation of an area-average SST anomaly within a grid box from a finite, and often small, number of observations. Large-scale sampling uncertainty refers to the uncertainty arising from estimating an area-average for a larger area that encompasses many grid boxes that do not contain observations. Although these two uncertainties are closely related, it is often easier to estimate the grid-box sampling uncertainty, where one is dealing with variability within a grid box, than the large-scale sampling uncertainty, where one must take into consideration the rich spectrum of variability at a global scale.
Although some gridded SST data sets contain many grid boxes which are not assigned an SST value because they contain no measurements, other SST data sets oftentimes referred to as SST analyses use a variety of techniques to fill the gaps. They use information gleaned from data-rich periods to estimate the parameters of statistical models that are then used to estimate SSTs in the data voids, often by interpolation or pattern fitting. There are many ways to tackle this problem and all are necessarily approximations to the truth. The correctness of the analysis uncertainty estimates derived from these statistical methods are conditional upon the correctness of the methods, inputs and assumptions used to derive them. No method is correct therefore analytic uncertainties based on a particular method will not give a definitive estimate of the true uncertainty. To gain an appreciation of the full uncertainty it is necessary to factor in the lack of knowledge about the correct methods to use, which brings the discussion back to structural uncertainty.
There are many scientifically defensible ways to produce a data set. For example, one might choose to fill gaps in the data by projecting a set of Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) onto the available data. Alternatively, one might opt to fill the data using simple optimal interpolation. Both are defensible approaches to the problem, but each will give different results. In the process of creating any data set, many such choices are made. Structural uncertainty [Thorne et al., 2005] is the term used to understand the spread that arises from the many choices and foundational assumptions that can be (and have to be) made during data set creation. The character of structural uncertainty is somewhat different to the other uncertainties considered so far. The uncertainty associated with a measurement error, for example, assumes that there is some underlying distribution that characterizes the dispersion of the measured values. In contrast, there is generally no underlying “distribution of methods” that can be used to quantify the structural uncertainty. Furthermore, the diverse approaches taken by different teams might reflect genuine scientific differences about the nature of the problems to be tackled. Consequently, structural uncertainty is one of the more difficult uncertainties to quantify or explore efficiently. It requires multiple, independent attempts to resolve the same difficulties, it is an ongoing commitment, and it does not guarantee that the true value will be encompassed by those independent estimates. Nevertheless, the role that the creation of multiple independent estimates and their comparison has played in uncovering, resolving, and quantifying some of the more mystifying uncertainties in climate analyses is unquestionable. The most obvious one might say, notorious examples are those of tropospheric temperature records made using satellites and radiosondes [Thorne et al., 2011] and sub-surface ocean temperature analyses [Lyman et al., 2010; Abraham et al., 2013].
Which leads finally to unknown unknowns. On February 12th 2002, at a news briefing at the US Department of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld memorably divided the world of knowledge into three quarters:
“There are known knowns. These are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.”
In the context of SST uncertainty, unknown unknowns are those things that have been overlooked. By their nature, unknown unknowns are unquantifiable; they represent the deeper uncertainties that beset all scientific endeavors. By deep, I do not mean to imply that they are necessarily large. In this review I hope to show that the scope for revolutions in our understanding is limited. Nevertheless, refinement through the continual evolution of our understanding can only come if we accept that our understanding is incomplete. Unknown unknowns will only come to light with continued, diligent and sometimes imaginative investigation of the data and metadata.