If you get a no hosts found error in the schedule/nova logs, check:
mysql nova -e 'select * from compute_nodes;'
After adding a bare metal node, the bare metal backend writes an entry to the compute nodes table, but it takes about 5 seconds to go from A to B.
Be sure that the hostname in nova_bm.bm_nodes (service_host) is the same than the one used by nova. If no value has been specified using the flag "host=" in nova.conf, the default one is:
python -c "import socket; print socket.getfqdn()"
You can override this value when populating the bm database using the -h flag:
scripts/populate-nova-bm-db.sh -i "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" -j "yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy" -h "nova_hostname" add
If you don't control the DHCP server on your flat network you will need to at least have someone put the MAC address of the server your trying to provision in there DHCP server.
host bm-compute001 {
hardware ethernet 78:e7:d1:XX:XX:XX ;
next-server ;
filename “pxelinux.0”;
Write down the MAC address for the IPMI management interface and the NIC your booting from. You will also need to know the IP address of both. Most DHCP server won't expire the IP leased to quickly so if your lucky you will get the same IP each time you reboot. With that information bare-metal can generate the correct pxelinux.cfg/. (???? Commands to tell nova?)
In the provisional environment I have there was another problem. The DHCP Server was already modified to point to a next-server. A quick work around was to redirect the connections using iptables.
modprobe nf_nat_tftp
baremetal_installer="<ip address>/<mask>"
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -p udp --dport 69 -j DNAT --to ${baremetal_installer}:69
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth2 -p tcp --dport 10000 -j DNAT --to ${baremetal_installer}:10000
iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -i eth2 -o eth2 -d ${baremetal_installer} --dport 69 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth2 -o eth2 -d ${baremetal_installer} --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
Notice the additional rules for port 10000. It is for the bare-metal interface (???) You should have matching reverse DNS too. We experienced problems connecting to port 10000 (????). That may be very unique to my environment btw.
Multiple times we experienced a failure to build a good bootable image. This is because of a race condition hidden in the code currently. Just remove the failed image and try to build it again.
Once you have a working image check the Nova DB to make sure the it is not flagged as removed (???)