You can use Max7219.cs in your project to drive a Max7219 based Dot Matrix Module. Write to a 8x8 Dot Matrix Module demonstrates a concrete example using this class.
The following fritzing diagram illustrates one way to wire up the Max7219, with a Raspberry Pi.
You can use .NET Core to drive MAX7219 based Dot Matrix Modules.
These Modules can be cascaded to get a bigger matrix.
The Raspberry Pi has support for SPI. You need to enable the SPI interface on the Raspberry Pi since it is not enabled by default.
var connectionSettings = new SpiConnectionSettings(0, 0)
ClockFrequency = 10_000_000,
Mode = SpiMode.Mode0
var spi = SpiDevice.Create(connectionSettings);
var devices = new Max7219(spi, cascadedDevices: 4);
The following pin layout:
- MAX7219 VCC to RPi 5V, Pin 2
- MAX7219 GND to RPi GND, Pin 6
- MAX7219 DIN to RPi GPIO 10 (MOSI), Pin 10
- MAX7219 CS to RPi GPIO 8 (SPI CSO), Pin 8
- MAX7219 CLK to RPi GPIO11 (SPI CLK), Pin 11
Write a smiley to devices buffer.
var smiley = new byte[] {
for (var i = 0; i < devices.CascadedDevices; i++)
for (var digit = 0; digit < 8; digit++)
devices[i, digit] = smiley[digit];
Flush the smiley to the devices using a different rotation each iteration.
foreach (RotationType rotation in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RotationType)))
devices.Rotation = rotation;
Write "Hello World from MAX7219!" to the Matrix using different fonts each iteration.
devices.Rotation = RotationType.Left;
var writer = new MatrixGraphics(devices, Fonts.CP437);
foreach (var font in new[]{Fonts.CP437, Fonts.LCD, Fonts.Sinclair, Fonts.Tiny, Fonts.CyrillicUkrainian}) {
writer.Font = font;
writer.ShowMessage("Hello World from MAX7219!", alwaysScroll: true);
This example can also be cross-compiled on another machine and then executed on the Raspberry PI. This can be achieved with enabled SSH access to the RaspPi as follows.
- Publish project on the development machine
cd ~/Projects/iot/src/devices/Max7219/samples
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-arm
- Synchronize published folder to the RaspPi via rsync over ssh
rsync -avz -e 'ssh' bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/linux-arm/publish/ pi@
- Execute the program on the RaspPi or remote via SSH
ssh pi@
cd /home/pi/max-sample/