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353 lines (220 loc) · 12 KB

Project Insights

About the Project


Current Achievement

Dataset & Data Cleaning

  • A Program to give fake mac address
  • Collect Data of same_module_same_mac, same_module_diff_mac, diff_module_diff_mac(mini5&43)[CSV]
  • Trunk & Normalize the data
    • Complex Normalize Program
    • Complex Gaussian Noise Add Program
  • Generate each module's dataset + pre-split Train/Test dataset from each dataset[h5]
  • Solve the quite tail problem[clean_h5]


  • On my disk + Remote server + Github(only metadata)
  • data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5/data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5 //Origin csv data of diff module same mac
  • h5data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5/data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5
    • h5_module_data //Normalized, Trunked data for each module, and converted to h5
      • meta data //txt, how many samples each module have
      • h5 data //split every 50000 samples (Some ML tools like Caffe only accept h5 < 4G)
    • h5_train_test_split //Pre-Split Train/Test data set with training proportion 80%
      • meta data //JSON, information about the split
      • h5 data //split every 50000samples (Some ML tools like Caffe only accept h5 < 4G)
  • clean_h5data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5/data.diff_module_same_mac_mini5 //Cleaned dataset(No quite tail)
  • data.same_module_diff_mac_mini5 //Origin csv data of diff module same mac
  • h5data.same_module_diff_mac_mini5 //h5 version of origin data
  • On other disk
  • original data of same_module_diff_mac43, diff_module_diff_mac43+mini5, may be some h5 version


  • LSTM model
  • InceptionResNet model

File: All on Github

  • utils
    • Kindly like the pytorch API DataLoader, but have more function. Basically, it can be used to get shuffled test/train batches from h5 dataset, normalize data and add noise
    • Track the confusion matrix, F1 score, accuracy and other measurement index.
  • InceptionResNet: pytorch
    • inceptionresnet_v2_model
      • //Build model
      • //Save training state and recover training state from snapshot
    • inceptionresnet_train_val //Train the model, take snapshot and generate train/test's accuracy and loss curve
    • inceptionresnet_test_model //Test model(get confusion matrix, accuracy, F1 score so on) and interactively inspect the classification error
  • LSTM //Same to InceptionResNetV2: tensorflow


// Mini5 Experiment help us to find the best training

  • Set machine Learning Environment on GCP
  • TODO: Experiment on diff module same mac(With Best Model)
  • LSTM Experiment on each mini5 dataset
  • LSTM Experiment on 43 dataset
  • New CNN Model

File: On my disk, some snapshot didn't download from remote server

For each experiment, there is a log file


torch.clean_h5data.diff_module_same_mac_43.ICRS.V2-B27-lre-3.log //ML Tools + dataset + Model + Training


  • snapshot //Files save the model parameter, optimizer state so on.
  • summary OR model_name_train/test(For tensorflow) //Tensorboard Summary, train/test loss&accuracy > curve. Some time also have the compute graph
  • train_val.log //txt file, the output during training also write to this log
  • final_test-{iteration_num} //Test Result
  • confusion_matrix.png
  • error_inspect //Maybe, must have for mini5
  • confusion_matrix.txt
  • test_result //test samples num, each class's predict/gt num, F1 score, macro/micro accuracy, etc.

Other Files + //process the data

my_py_tools //useful tools like Process bar, colorful print, logger, const manager, etc. + doc //figure, doc, discussion

Experiment Plan

See the Excel


Switch to h5 file

The old code load data from csv/txt, which cost a lot of time to read and convert string data to float32. Now we load data from h5 which data is in the right format and stored continuously, it's proved that this method is far more quicker than csv/txt method.

In summary:

  • HDF5 is widely used in machine learning area. C, Matlab can also use it.
  • HDF5 is much more small than csv, while much more quicker when load and save the data.

H5 On My Laptop

Compute Cost 33.6818323135376s
Read Batch Cost 2.616137742996216s
Compute Cost 12.403181314468384s
Read Batch Cost 2.4905309677124023s
Compute Cost 12.3427894115448s
Read Batch Cost 2.472379684448242s
Compute Cost 12.368764162063599s
Read Batch Cost 2.4715495109558105s
Compute Cost 12.148866415023804s
Read Batch Cost 2.48537015914917s

Only 15% time was cost on the reading data.

In another computer, one iteration cost about 55s~60s, which indicates that in csv/txt method, 75% of time was consumed on File I/O.

However, still we hope to find some quicker way to read data, for disk of google platform is not as good as my computer. Comparing to GPU compute time, I/O still tack too much time.


Compute Cost 10.438929080963135s
Read Batch Cost 5.137465715408325s
Compute Cost 0.8668842315673828s
Read Batch Cost 4.9810919761657715s
Compute Cost 0.8627252578735352s
Read Batch Cost 4.955933332443237s
Compute Cost 0.859318733215332s
Read Batch Cost 4.859827518463135s
Compute Cost 0.8686928749084473s
Read Batch Cost 4.979849338531494s

Why Need Mini5 and 43 dataset

43 trained is the model we finally want to get.

MINI5's train and test is quicker, it can help us:

  • Decide is one model practical
  • Adjust the training parameter
  • The interactive error inspect program only works on local computer currently, and on mini5, the inspect may much more quicker and thoroughly(can inspect each misclassifying situation).

Data Processing Speed

![Disk R&R VS Compute](D:\Win\Doc#Project\RFML\doc\Disk R&R VS Compute.png)

Most of processing time was cost on reading csv and writing txt.

By reduce the string length of txt, there is some enhancement at txt writing.

Still, the disk I/O is the limitation of out program, powerful CPU or multiprocessing give no help. Try splitting the data set to several computer.

Test Index

Micro Average Precision(Accuracy)

Macro Average Precision

Macro Average F1 Score (Harmonic average of Recall and Accuracy)

Using Macro-F1 Score as final test index

Under normal circumstance, difference of this three indexes are minor.

Result of Diff Module Same Mac on Mini5

Classes' Macro F1 Score 0.9807583625073948

Classes' Macro Precision 0.9807583625073948

Classes' Micro Precision 0.9807321772639692

The Confusion Matrix gives the which two class the model most easy to mix up. And the peek num gives the frequency shit of each module.

We can find the most easily mixed up module of each module is also the module with most close frequency shift. Now we can imply that the "Analog feature" is most composed of the frequency shift, or peek num.

In some class, like B, G, we can find that the difference between frequency shit is inversely proportional to probability of model mixing up two classes.

How ever, in 43 module date set, the distribution range won't change, so each module will have more modules with very similar peek num. The accuracy of large dataset may be decline a lot.

Result of Same Module Diff Mac on Mini5

Still Bad. We use 2048 hidden state, the train accuracy went up to 97%+



However, it's overfitting:



Classes' Recall [0.59552296 0.58317252 0.61945195 0.68853724 0.57661135]

Classes' Precision [0.61744698 0.55551471 0.58963997 0.7023622 0.60388036]

Classes' F1 Score [0.60628684 0.56900772 0.60417843 0.69538102 0.5899309 ]

Classes' Macro F1 Score 0.6137688431414794

Classes' Macro Precision 0.6137688431414794

Classes' Micro Precision 0.6126592049401776


Quite Tail Problem

The problem

At the beginning of this project, we are told that the signal we received should be composed with an quite head following beacon signal.

60k wave

It seems the dataset with 60k samples of the last paper did following this formula: quite head + beacon signal.

Also, I remember the data I get at the beginning of this project with 11k samples also have a quite head because I have written a program to plot the data before and after trunked, and it looked fine.

But now, I look to the date set we have, most of date don't have an quite head, some of them have an quite tail.

So, at some time point, the data we collected become the waveform shown below: no quite head, some have a quite tail:


Several Hypothesis

The principle of data collection is the receiver triggered by the rising edge of input whose threshold is -35dbm.

If the beacon frame signal magnitude never go less than -35dbm, then the receiver will only be triggered at the beginning of the beacon frame, which will generate a wave with quite head.

Now it seems the receiver is untriggered and retriggered during the beacon frame, so most of raw data don't have a quite head, some have a quite tail.

  • We change the trigger threshold some time
  • ...

Influence of this "quite tail"

Samples with quite tail are easily be wrongly classified.

The model we trained has learn how to ignore the quite tail and focus on the signal part, so most of samples with quite tail can still be rightly classified.

  • However, the wrong classifications between two module whose frequency shift is large are almost completely caused by these quite tail signal:



  • The wrong classifications between two module whose frequency shift is close are partly caused by these quite tail signal:



Write a program to kick out the wave:

  • Mean power is tow low(for long quite tail signal)

  • Power difference between first and last quarter is too large.

We can add this program to training and testing. Or create an new clean dataset.

About Fake Mac Address

Theoretically, if we want model to learn analog only and ignore the digital information, each module should send random data, or at least random mac address.

For I'm kind of worrying the the random data is little "hard" for out model, and we can't send totally random mac address(there is format demands) and it need time to read protocol. So finally we set each module's mac address same.

About Normalize and Noise

We use Max Normalize.

And for I-only input and I/Q input, the normalize program is different: I-only is real number normalize, and I/Q input is complex number normalize. For if we use complex normalize to I-only input, then the Q information is mixed in.

Another question is if we generate two data set for this two different normalize method, the dataset is too big(76G).

So, can we first do real normalize, then do complex normalize? Is the indirect complex normalize data is same to direct complex normalize?

I already prove it's practical.

We use complex gaussian noise