Releases: HyphaApp/hypha
Releases · HyphaApp/hypha
- Notify via Slack when new user is created manually. #525
- Notify via Slack when new user is edited manually and has roles. #526
- Add transitions to move submission status backwards when possible. #348
- Activate new accounts created after submissions directly. #1275
- Add roles to the user admin index page. #1280
- Automatically move an Proposal from "Proposal received" to "Internal review" when either a reviewer is assigned or a review is submitted. #1095
- Automatically change a proposal's status from "Advisory Council Review" to "Ready for discussion" after it's received 2 reviews. #1096
- E-mail template, add empty line after salutation and correct signature divider.
- Minor python packages updates.
- Automatically update status on submission when reviewers are added and reviews submitted. #571 #588
- Group end block for group form fields. #1252
- Private media are now served directly instead of a S3 redirect. #1168
- Fix AttributeError: User object has no attribute author. (Hotfix)
- Fix missing_reviewers() was creating duplicates. #1265
Hotfix for yesterdays release.
- Set group for AssignedReviewers so all applications forms works again. The error was "null value in column "type_id" violates not-null constraint"
- Make the review button show again. Related to the new AssignedReviewers, the logic for showing the button was not updated.
- Updated node modules to fix security issues.
- Comments are now editable in the Django app by the original author #945 (#1193 #1194)
- Users are notified if they try and leave the Submission Detail view whilst editing a comment #1214
- Batch determinations will navigate the user back to their starting location on completion of the determination #1130
- Submissions are consistently ordered between all views in By Round and By Status pages. #1142
- Reviewers are consistently ordered in the Detail View and React App. #1192