This repository is intended for educational purposes only. It contains solutions and examples for various tasks related to KodeKloud Engineer training. The content is designed to help users to learn and apply this knowledge in practice.
Puppet Setup Database
Deploy Haproxy App on Kubernetes
Create Replicaset in Kubernetes Cluster
Create Cronjobs in Kubernetes
Update an Existing Deployment in Kubernetes
Deploy Redis Cluster on Kubernetes
Puppet String Manipulation
Print Environment Variables
Install Puppet Agent
Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
Node Affinity in Kubernetes Cluster
Create Namespaces in Kubernetes Cluster
Managing ACLs Using Ansible
Setup Puppet Certs Autosign
Ansible Ping Module Usage
Creating Soft Links Using Ansible
Resolve Docker Compose Issues
Kubernetes Sidecar Containers
Ansible Inventory Update
Create Pods in Kubernetes Cluster
Troubleshoot Issue With Pods
Puppet Install a Package
Kubernetes Shared Volumes
Install Ansible
Run a Docker Container
Create a Docker Image From Container
Puppet Setup Firewall Rules
Ansible Blockinfile Module
Deploy Nginx and Phpfpm on Kubernetes
Install Puppet Server
Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes
Deploy Tomcat App on Kubernetes
Deploy Voting App on Kubernetes
Write a Docker Compose File
Deploy Nagios on Kubernetes
Deploy Jekyll App on Kubernetes
Deploy Apache Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster
Rollback a Deployment in Kubernetes
Deploy Nginx Web Server on Kubernetes Cluster
Puppet Add Users
Puppet Setup NTP Server
Git Install and Create Repository
Git Setup from Scratch
Countdown job in Kubernetes
Setup Puppet Certs
Set Limits for Resources in Kubernetes
Resolve Dockerfile Issues
Ansible Unarchive Module
Ansible Replace Module
Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes
Puppet Multi-Packages Installation
Environment Variables in Kubernetes
Deploy Node App on Kubernetes
Kubernetes Time Check Pod
Deploy Grafana on Kubernetes Cluster
Deploy Guest Book App on Kubernetes
Managing Jinja2 Templates Using Ansible
Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes
Ansible Config File Update
Ansible Facts Gathering
Fix issue with PhpFpm Application Deployed on Kubernetes
Save, Load and Transfer Docker Image
Ansible File Module
Puppet Setup SSH Keys
Git Install and Create Bare Repository
Resolve Git Merge Conflicts
Ansible Lineinfile Module
Kubernetes Redis Deployment
Docker EXEC Operations
ReplicationController in Kubernetes
Rolling Updates And Rolling Back Deployments in Kubernetes
Git Repository Update
Docker Copy Operations
Git Merge Branches
Docker Volumes Mapping
Ansible Basic Playbook
Manage Secrets in Kubernetes
Git Clone Repositories
Fix Issue with VolumeMounts in Kubernetes
Docker Ports Mapping
Troubleshoot Deployment issues in Kubernetes
Init Containers in Kubernetes
Using Ansible Conditionals
Cron schedule deny to users
Linux Run Levels
Linux Time Zones Setting
Linux NTP Setup
Linux Firewalld Rules
Linux Resource Limits
Selinux Installation
KUBERNETES - Create Countdown Job in Kubernetes
LINUX - Create a Cron Job
LINUX - Linux Banner
KUBERNETES - Resolve Pod Deployment Issue
LINUX - Linux Collaborative Directories
LINUX - Linux String Substitute (sed)
KUBERNETES - Kubernetes Level 1 test
LINUX - Linux SSH Authentication
LINUX - Linux Find Command
LINUX - Install a package
LINUX - Install Ansible
LINUX - Configure Local Yum
LINUX - Linux Services
LINUX - Linux Configure sudo
LINUX - DNS Troubleshooting
LINUX - Linux Firewalld Setup
LINUX - Linux Postfix Mail Server
LINUX - Linux Postfix Troubleshooting
LINUX - Install and Configure HaProxy LBR
LINUX - Haproxy LBR Troubleshooting
LINUX - Maria DB Troubleshooting
LINUX - Linux Bash Scripts
LINUX - Add Response Headers in Apache
LINUX - Apache Troubleshooting
LINUX - Linux GPG Encryption
LINUX - Linux Log Rotate
KUBERNETES - Fix issue with LAMP Environment in Kubernetes
LINUX - Apache Redirects
LINUX - Install And Configure SFTP
KUBERNETES - Deploy Lamp Stack on Kubernetes Cluster
LINUX - Install and Configure Tomcat Server
LINUX - Linux Network Services