This is an updated version of the code in Time Series Analysis and Its Applications, 4th Edition
✨ See the NEWS for further details about the state of the package and the changelog.
✨ An intro to astsa
capabilities can be found at FUN WITH ASTSA
✨ Here is A Road Map if you want a broad view of what is available.
Note when you are in a code block below, you can copy the contents of the block by moving your mouse to the upper right corner and clicking on the copy icon ( 📋 ).
- Chapter 1 - Characteristics of Time Series
- Chapter 2 - Time Series Regression and Exploratory Data Analysis
- Chapter 3 - ARIMA Models
- Chapter 4 - Spectral Analysis and Filtering
- Chapter 5 - Additional Time Domain Topics
- Chapter 6 - State Space Models
- Chapter 7 - Statistical Methods in the Frequency Domain
Example 1.1
tsplot(jj, col=4, type="o", ylab="Quarterly Earnings per Share")
Example 1.2
tsplot(globtemp, col=4, type="o", ylab="Global Temperature Deviations")
# or with the updated values
tsplot(gtemp_land, col=4, type="o", ylab="Global Temperature Deviations")
Example 1.3
Example 1.4
library(xts) # install it if you don't have it
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
plot(djiar, col=4, main="DJIA Returns")
Example 1.5
par(mfrow = c(2,1)) # set up the graphics
tsplot(soi, col=4, ylab="", main="Southern Oscillation Index")
tsplot(rec, col=4, ylab="", main="Recruitment")
Example 1.6
tsplot(fmri1[,2:5], col=1:4, ylab="BOLD", main="Cortex", spaghetti=TRUE)
tsplot(fmri1[,6:9], col=1:4, ylab="BOLD", main="Thalamus & Cerebellum", spaghetti=TRUE)
# each separately (not in text)
tsplot(fmri1[,2:9], col=1:8, lwd=2, ncol=2, ylim=c(-.6,.6))
# and another view (not in text)
x = ts(fmri1[,4:9], start=0, freq=32)
names = c("Cortex","Thalamus","Cerebellum")
u = ts(rep(c(rep(.6,16), rep(-.6,16)), 4), start=0, freq=32) # stimulus signal
for (i in 1:3){
j = 2*i - 1
tsplot(x[,j:(j+1)], ylab="BOLD", xlab="", main=names[i], col=5:6, ylim=c(-.6,.6),
lwd=2, xaxt="n", spaghetti=TRUE)
axis(seq(0,256,64), side=1, at=0:4)
lines(u, type="s", col=gray(.3))
mtext("seconds", side=1, line=1.75, cex=.9)
Example 1.7
tsplot(EQ5, col=4, main="Earthquake")
tsplot(EXP6, col=4, main="Explosion")
# or try (not in text)
tsplot(cbind(EQ5,EXP6), col=4)
Example 1.9
w = rnorm(500,0,1) # 500 N(0,1) variates
v = filter(w, sides=2, rep(1/3,3)) # moving average
tsplot(w, col=4, main="white noise")
tsplot(v, col=4, ylim=c(-3,3), main="moving average")
Example 1.10
w = rnorm(550,0,1) # 50 extra to avoid startup problems
x = filter(w, filter=c(1,-.9), method="recursive")[-(1:50)]
tsplot(x, col=4, main="autoregression")
Example 1.11
set.seed(154) # so you can reproduce the results
w = rnorm(200); x = cumsum(w) # two commands in one line
wd = w +.2; xd = cumsum(wd)
tsplot(xd, ylim=c(-5,55), main="random walk", ylab='')
lines(x, col=4)
abline(h=0, col=4, lty=2)
abline(a=0, b=.2, lty=2)
Example 1.12
cs = 2*cos(2*pi*(1:500)/50 + .6*pi)
w = rnorm(500,0,1)
tsplot(cs, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)))
tsplot(cs + w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,1)))
tsplot(cs + 5*w, ylab="", main = expression(x[t]==2*cos(2*pi*t/50+.6*pi)+N(0,25)))
Example 1.24
x = rnorm(100)
y = lag(x, -5) + rnorm(100)
ccf2(y, x, ylab='CCovF', type='covariance')
text( 9, 1.1, 'x leads')
text(-8, 1.1, 'y leads')
Example 1.25
(r = round( acf1(soi, 6, plot=FALSE), 2)) # sample acf values
tsplot(lag(soi,-1), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-1)')
legend("topleft", legend=r[1], bg="white", adj=.45, cex = 0.85)
tsplot(lag(soi,-6), soi, col=4, type='p', xlab='lag(soi,-6)')
legend("topleft", legend=r[6], bg="white", adj=.25, cex = 0.8)
Example 1.26
x1 = sample(c(-1,1), 11, replace=TRUE) # simulated sequence of coin tosses
x2 = sample(c(-1,1), 101, replace=TRUE)
y1 = 5 + filter(x1, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.7))[-1]
y2 = 5 + filter(x2, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.7))[-1]
tsplot(y1, type='s') # plot 1st series
points(y1, pch=19)
c(mean(y1), mean(y2)) # the sample means
acf(y1, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
acf(y2, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
# here's the version from the other text -
# same idea but the y values are 2-4-6-8
# like the children's cheer
x1 = sample(c(-2,2), 11, replace=TRUE) # simulated coin tosses
x2 = sample(c(-2,2), 101, replace=TRUE)
y1 = 5 + filter(x1, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
y2 = 5 + filter(x2, sides=1, filter=c(1,-.5))[-1]
tsplot(y1, type="s", col=4, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") # y2 not shown
axis(1, 1:10); axis(2, seq(2,8,2), las=1)
points(y1, pch=21, cex=1.1, bg=6)
acf(y1, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
acf(y2, lag.max=4, plot=FALSE)
Example 1.27
acf1(speech, 250)
Example 1.28
acf1(soi, main="Southern Oscillation Index")
acf1(rec, main="Recruitment")
ccf2(soi, rec, main="SOI vs Recruitment")
Example 1.29
num = 120
t = 1:num
X = ts(2*cos(2*pi*t/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12)
Y = ts(2*cos(2*pi*(t+5)/12) + rnorm(num), freq=12)
Yw = resid( lm(Y~ cos(2*pi*t/12) + sin(2*pi*t/12), na.action=NULL) )
par(mfrow=c(3,2) )
acf1(X, 48, ylab='ACF(X)')
acf1(Y, 48, ylab='ACF(Y)')
ccf2(X, Y, 24)
ccf2(X, Yw, 24, ylim=c(-.6,.6))
# here's another example that's simpler
# the series are trend stationary with
# just a hint of trend - but same result
num = 250
t = 1:num
X = .01*t + rnorm(num,0,2)
Y = .01*t + rnorm(num)
tsplot(cbind(X,Y), spag=TRUE, col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.7), lwd=2, ylab='data')
ccf2(X, Y, ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)
Yw = detrend(Y) # whiten Y by removing trend
ccf2(X, Yw, ylim=c(-.3,.3), col=4, lwd=2)
Example 1.30
persp(1:64, 1:36, soiltemp, phi=30, theta=30, scale=FALSE, expand=4,
ticktype="detailed", xlab="rows", ylab="cols", zlab="temperature")
tsplot(rowMeans(soiltemp), xlab="row", ylab="Average Temperature")
Example 1.31
fs = abs(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp)))^2/(64*36) # see Ch 4 for info on FFT
cs = Re(fft(fs, inverse=TRUE)/sqrt(64*36)) # ACovF
rs = cs/cs[1,1] # ACF
rs2 = cbind(rs[1:41,21:2], rs[1:41,1:21]) # these lines are just to center
rs3 = rbind(rs2[41:2,], rs2) # the 0 lag
par(mar = c(1,2.5,0,0)+.1)
persp(-40:40, -20:20, rs3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=30, scale="FALSE",
ticktype="detailed", xlab="row lags", ylab="column lags", zlab="ACF")
Example 2.1
# astsa now has a trend script, so Figure 2.1 can be done in one line
trend(chicken, lwd=2) # includes a 95% CI
# in the text
summary(fit <- lm(chicken~time(chicken))) # regress price on time
tsplot(chicken, ylab="cents per pound", col=4, lwd=2)
abline(fit) # add the fitted regression line to the plot
Example 2.2
##-- separate
tsplot(cmort, main="Cardiovascular Mortality", col=6, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(tempr, main="Temperature", col=4, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
tsplot(part, main="Particulates", col=2, type="o", pch=19, ylab="")
##-- together
tsplot(cbind(cmort, tempr, part), spag=TRUE, ylab="", col=c(6,4,2))
legend("topright", legend=c("Mortality", "Temperature", "Pollution"), lty=1, lwd=2, col=c(6,4,2), bg="white")
##-- scatterplot matrix
panel.cor <- function(x, y, ...){
usr <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- round(cor(x, y), 2)
text(0.5, 0.5, r, cex = 1.75)
pairs(cbind(Mortality=cmort, Temperature=tempr, Particulates=part), col=4, lower.panel=panel.cor)
# Regression
temp = tempr-mean(tempr) # center temperature
temp2 = temp^2 # square it
trend = time(cmort) # time
fit = lm(cmort~ trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL)
summary(fit) # regression results
summary(aov(fit)) # ANOVA table (compare to next line)
summary(aov(lm(cmort~cbind(trend, temp, temp2, part)))) # Table 2.1
num = length(cmort) # sample size
AIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # AIC
BIC(fit)/num - log(2*pi) # BIC
(AICc = log(sum(resid(fit)^2)/num) + (num+5)/(num-5-2)) # AICc
Examples 2.3
fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(rec~soiL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
## not shown in text but resids are not white
Examples 2.4 and 2.5
# astsa now has a detrend script, so Figure 2.4 can be done as
tsplot( detrend(chicken), main="detrended" )
tsplot( diff(chicken), main="first difference" )
# and Figure 2.5 as
par(mfrow=c(3,1)) # plot ACFs
acf1(chicken, 48, main="chicken")
acf1(detrend(chicken), 48, main="detrended")
acf1(diff(chicken), 48, main="first difference")
Example 2.6
tsplot(diff(globtemp), type="o")
mean(diff(globtemp)) # drift estimate = .008
acf1(diff(gtemp), 48, main="")
Example 2.7
layout(matrix(1:4,2), widths=c(2.5,1))
tsplot(varve, main="", ylab="", col=4)
mtext("varve", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
tsplot(log(varve), main="", ylab="", col=4)
mtext("log(varve)", side=3, line=.5, cex=1.2, font=2, adj=0)
qqnorm(varve, main="", col=4)
qqline(varve, col=2, lwd=2)
qqnorm(log(varve), main="", col=4)
qqline(log(varve), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 2.8
lag1.plot(soi, 12, col=astsa.col(4, .3), cex=1.5, pch=20)
lag2.plot(soi, rec, 8, col=astsa.col(4, .3), cex=1.5, pch=20)
Example 2.9
dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dL6=lag(dummy,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(rec~ soiL6*dL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
tsplot(fish$soiL6, fish$rec, type='p', col=4, ylab='rec', xlab='soiL6')
lines(lowess(fish$soiL6, fish$rec), col=4, lwd=2)
points(fish$soiL6, fitted(fit), pch='+', col=6)
tsplot(resid(fit)) # not shown ...
acf1(resid(fit)) # ... but obviously not noise
Example 2.10
set.seed(1000) # so you can reproduce these results
x = 2*cos(2*pi*1:500/50 + .6*pi) + rnorm(500,0,5)
z1 = cos(2*pi*1:500/50)
z2 = sin(2*pi*1:500/50)
summary(fit <- lm(x~0+z1+z2)) # zero to exclude the intercept
tsplot(x, col=4)
tsplot(x, col=astsa.col(4,.7), ylab=expression(hat(x)))
lines(fitted(fit), col=2, lwd=2)
Example 2.11
wgts = c(.5, rep(1,11), .5)/12
soif = filter(soi, sides=2, filter=wgts)
tsplot(soi, col=4)
lines(soif, lwd=2, col=6)
par(fig = c(.75, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE) # the insert
nwgts = c(rep(0,20), wgts, rep(0,20))
plot(nwgts, type="l", ylim = c(-.02,.1), xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
Example 2.12
tsplot(soi, col=4)
lines(ksmooth(time(soi), soi, "normal", bandwidth=1), lwd=2, col=6)
par(fig = c(.75, 1, .75, 1), new = TRUE) # the insert
curve(dnorm, -3, 3, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
Example 2.13
# Figure 2.14 using the trend script
trend(soi, lowess=TRUE)
lines(lowess(soi, f=.05), lwd=2, col=6) # El Niño cycle
Example 2.14
lines(smooth.spline(time(soi), soi, spar=.5), lwd=2, col=4)
lines(smooth.spline(time(soi), soi, spar= 1), lty=2, lwd=2, col=2)
Example 2.15
tsplot(tempr, cmort, type="p", xlab="Temperature", ylab="Mortality", pch=20, col=4)
lines(lowess(tempr, cmort), col=6, lwd=2)
The way AIC, AICc, and BIC are calculated in
changed a few versions ago. The values in the text will be different than the current values, but the results of any data analysis in the text are the same.
Example 3.2
# in the expressions below, ~ is a space and == is equal
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar= .9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(AR(1)~~~phi==+.9)))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ar=-.9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(AR(1)~~~phi==-.9)))
Example 3.5
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma= .9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(MA(1)~~~theta==+.9)))
tsplot(sarima.sim(ma=-.9, n=100), col=4, ylab="", main=(expression(MA(1)~~~theta==-.9)))
Example 3.7
set.seed(8675309) # Jenny, I got your number
x = rnorm(150, mean=5) # Jenerate iid N(5,1)s
arima(x, order=c(1,0,1)) # Jenstimation
Example 3.8
ARMAtoMA(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10) # first 10 psi-weights
ARMAtoAR(ar = .9, ma = .5, 10) # first 10 pi-weights
Example 3.9
# this is how Figure 3.3 was generated
seg1 = seq( 0, 2, by=0.1)
seg2 = seq(-2, 2, by=0.1)
name1 = expression(phi[1])
name2 = expression(phi[2])
tsplot(seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2), ylab=name2, xlab=name1,
main='Causal Region of an AR(2)')
lines(-seg1, (1-seg1), ylim=c(-1,1), xlim=c(-2,2))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
lines(seg2, -(seg2^2 /4), ylim=c(-1,1))
lines( x=c(-2,2), y=c(-1,-1), ylim=c(-1,1))
text(0, .35, 'real roots')
text(0, -.5, 'complex roots')
Example 3.11
z = c(1,-1.5,.75) # coefficients of the polynomial
(a = polyroot(z)[1]) # = 1+0.57735i, print one root which is 1 + i 1/sqrt(3)
arg = Arg(a)/(2*pi) # arg in cycles/pt
1/arg # = 12, the period
set.seed(8675309) # Jenny, it's me again
ar2 = sarima.sim(ar=c(1.5,-.75), n=144, S=12)
tsplot(ar2, xlab="Year")
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50)[-1]
tsplot(ACF, type="h", xlab="lag")
abline(h=0, col=8)
# alternately - not in text
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50)
tsplot(0:50, ACF, type="h", xlab="lag")
abline(h=0, col=8)
# psi-weights - not in text
psi = ts(ARMAtoMA(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50), start=0, freq=12)
tsplot(psi, type='o', cex=1.1, ylab=expression(psi-weights), xaxt='n', xlab='Index')
axis(1, at=0:4, labels=c('0','12','24','36','48'))
# you can play the same game with the ACF - not in text
ACF = ts(ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 50), start=0, frequency=12)
tsplot(ACF, type='h', xaxt='n', xlab='LAG')
abline(h=0, col=8)
axis(1, at=0:4, labels=c('0','12','24','36','48'))
Example 3.12
psi = ARMAtoMA(ar=.9, ma=.5, 50) # for a list
tsplot(psi, type='h', ylab=expression(psi-weights), xlab='Index') # for a graph
Example 3.16
ar2.acf = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24)[-1]
ar2.pacf = ARMAacf(ar=c(1.5,-.75), ma=0, 24, pacf=TRUE)
tsplot(ar2.acf, type="h", xlab="lag", lwd=3, nxm=5, col=c(rep(4,11), 6))
tsplot(ar2.pacf, type="h", xlab="lag", lwd=3, nxm=5, col=4)
Example 3.18
acf2(rec, 48) # will produce values and a graphic
(regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)) # regression
regr$ # standard errors
Example 3.25
regr = ar.ols(rec, order=2, demean=FALSE, intercept=TRUE)
fore = predict(regr, n.ahead=24)
tsplot(cbind(rec, fore$pred), spag=TRUE, col=1:2, xlim=c(1980,1990), ylab="Recruitment")
lines(fore$pred, type="p", col=2)
lines(fore$pred+fore$se, lty="dashed", col=4)
lines(fore$pred-fore$se, lty="dashed", col=4)
Example 3.26
x = sarima.sim(ar=.9, ma=.5, n=100)
xr = rev(x) # xr is the reversed data
pxr = predict(arima(xr, order=c(1,0,1)), 10) # predict the reversed data
pxrp = rev(pxr$pred) # reorder the predictors (for plotting)
pxrse = rev(pxr$se) # reorder the SEs
nx = ts(c(pxrp, x), start=-9) # attach the backcasts to the data
tsplot(nx, ylab=expression(X[~t]), main='Backcasting', ylim=c(-7,4))
U = nx[1:10] + pxrse
L = nx[1:10] - pxrse
xx = c(-9:0, 0:-9)
yy = c(L, rev(U))
polygon(xx, yy, border = 8, col = gray(0.6, alpha = 0.2))
lines(-9:0, nx[1:10], col=2, type='o')
Example 3.28
rec.yw = ar.yw(rec, order=2)
rec.yw$x.mean # = 62.26278 (mean estimate)
rec.yw$ar # = 1.3315874, -.4445447 (parameter estimates)
sqrt(diag(rec.yw$asy.var.coef)) # = .04222637, .04222637 (standard errors)
rec.yw$var.pred # = 94.79912 (error variance estimate) = predict(rec.yw, n.ahead=24)
U =$pred +$se
L =$pred -$se
tsplot(cbind(rec,$pred), spag=TRUE, xlim=c(1980,1990), ylab="Recruitment")
lines($pred, col=2, type="o")
lines(U, col=4, lty=2)
lines(L, col=4, lty=2)
Example 3.29
ma1 = sarima.sim(ma=.9, n=50)
acf1(ma1, 1, plot=FALSE) # [1] .536 (lag 1 sample ACF)
Example 3.31
rec.mle = ar.mle(rec, order=2)
Example 3.33
x = diff(log(varve)) # data
r = acf1(x, 1, plot=FALSE) # acf(1)
c(0) -> z -> Sc -> Sz -> Szw -> para # initialize ..
c(x[1]) -> w # .. all variables
num = length(x) # 633
## Gauss-Newton Estimation
para[1] = (1-sqrt(1-4*(r^2)))/(2*r) # MME to start (not very good)
niter = 12
for (j in 1:niter){
for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - para[j]*w[t-1]
z[t] = w[t-1] - para[j]*z[t-1]
Sc[j] = sum(w^2)
Sz[j] = sum(z^2)
Szw[j] = sum(z*w)
para[j+1] = para[j] + Szw[j]/Sz[j]
## Results
cbind(iteration=1:niter-1, thetahat=para[1:niter], Sc, Sz)
## Plot conditional SS and results
c(0) -> cSS
th = -seq(.3, .94, .01)
for (p in 1:length(th)){
for (t in 2:num){ w[t] = x[t] - th[p]*w[t-1]
cSS[p] = sum(w^2)
tsplot(th, cSS, ylab=expression(S[c](theta)), xlab=expression(theta))
abline(v=para[1:12], lty=2, col=4) # add previous results to plot
points(para[1:12], Sc[1:12], pch=16, col=4)
Example 3.36
# generate data
e = rexp(150, rate=.5)
u = runif(150,-1,1)
de = e*sign(u)
dex = 50 + sarima.sim(n=100, ar=.95, innov=de, burnin=50)
tsplot(dex, ylab=expression(X[~t]))
# Bootstrap
set.seed(666) # not that 666
fit = ar.yw(dex, order=1) # assumes the data were retained
m = fit$x.mean # estimate of mean
phi = fit$ar # estimate of phi
nboot = 250 # number of bootstrap replicates
resids = fit$resid[-1] # the 99 innovations = dex # initialize x* = c() # initialize phi*
for (i in 1:nboot) { = sample(resids, replace=TRUE) = sarima.sim(n=99, ar=phi,, burnin=0) + m[i] = ar.yw(, order=1)$ar
# small sample distn
phi.yw = rep(NA, 1000)
for (i in 1:1000){
e = rexp(150, rate=.5); u = runif(150,-1,1); de = e*sign(u)
x = 50 + arima.sim(n=100,list(ar=.95), innov=de, n.start=50)
phi.yw[i] = ar.yw(x, order=1)$ar
# Picture
hist(, 15, main="", prob=TRUE, xlim=c(.65,1.05), ylim=c(0,14),
col=astsa.col(4,.3), xlab=expression(hat(phi)))
lines(density(phi.yw, bw=.02), lwd=2)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=.96, sd=.03), .75,1.1, lty=2, lwd=2, add=TRUE)
legend(.65, 14, bty='n', lty=c(1,0,2), lwd=c(2,0,2), col=1, pch=c(NA,22,NA),,astsa.col(4,.3),NA), pt.cex=2.5,
legend=c('true distribution', 'bootstrap distribution', 'normal approximation'))
Example 3.38
x = sarima.sim(ma = -0.8, d=1, n = 100)
(x.ima = HoltWinters(x, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE)) # α is 1-λ here
Example 3.39, 3.40, and 3.43
tsplot(gnp, col=4)
acf2(gnp, 50) # compare to acf2(1:250, 50)
gnpgr = diff(log(gnp)) # growth rate
tsplot(gnpgr, col=4)
acf2(gnpgr, 24)
sarima(gnpgr, 1, 0, 0) # AR(1)
sarima(gnpgr, 0, 0, 2) # MA(2)
ARMAtoMA(ar=.35, ma=0, 10) # prints psi-weights
Example 3.41
sarima(log(varve), 0,1,1, no.constant=TRUE, gg=TRUE, col=4) # ARIMA(0,1,1)
sarima(log(varve), 1,1,1, no.constant=TRUE, gg=TRUE, col=4) # ARIMA(1,1,1)
Example 3.44
trend = time(cmort)
temp = tempr - mean(tempr)
temp2 = temp^2
summary(fit <- lm(cmort~trend + temp + temp2 + part, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(fit), 52) # implies AR2
sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=cbind(trend,temp,temp2,part) )
Example 3.45
# Note: this could benefit from a seasonal model fit, but it hasn't
# been talked about yet - you could come back to this after the next section
dummy = ifelse(soi<0, 0, 1)
fish = ts.intersect(rec, soiL6=lag(soi,-6), dL6=lag(dummy,-6), dframe=TRUE)
summary(fit <- lm(rec ~soiL6*dL6, data=fish, na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(fit)) # indicates AR(2)
intract = fish$soiL6*fish$dL6 # interaction term
sarima(fish$rec, 2,0,0, xreg = cbind(fish$soiL6, fish$dL6, intract))
Example 3.46
SAR = sarima.sim(sar=.9, S=12, n=37) + 50
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), nc=2), heights=c(1.5,1))
tsplot(SAR, type="c", xlab="Year")
abline(v=1:3, col=4, lty=2)
points(SAR, pch=Months, cex=1.35, font=4, col=1:6)
phi = c(rep(0,11),.9)
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100)[-1] # [-1] removes 0 lag
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=0, 100, pacf=TRUE)
LAG = 1:100/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.04,1))
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 3.47
phi = c(rep(0,11),.8)
ACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50)[-1]
PACF = ARMAacf(ar=phi, ma=-.5, 50, pacf=TRUE)
LAG = 1:50/12
tsplot(LAG, ACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.4,.8), col=4, lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col=8)
tsplot(LAG, PACF, type="h", xlab="LAG", ylim=c(-.4,.8), col=4, lwd=2)
abline(h=0, col=8)
Example 3.49
x = AirPassengers
lx = log(x)
dlx = diff(lx)
ddlx = diff(dlx, 12)
tsplot(cbind(x, lx, dlx, ddlx), main="")
# below of interest for showing seasonal persistence (not shown here):
sarima(lx, 1,1,1, 0,1,1, 12) # model 1
sarima(lx, 0,1,1, 0,1,1, 12) # model 2 (the winner)
sarima(lx, 1,1,0, 0,1,1, 12) # model 3
sarima.for(lx, 12, 0,1,1, 0,1,1,12) # forecasts
Example 4.1
x1 = 2*cos(2*pi*1:100*6/100) + 3*sin(2*pi*1:100*6/100)
x2 = 4*cos(2*pi*1:100*10/100) + 5*sin(2*pi*1:100*10/100)
x3 = 6*cos(2*pi*1:100*40/100) + 7*sin(2*pi*1:100*40/100)
x = x1 + x2 + x3
tsplot(x1, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==6/100~~~A^2==13))
tsplot(x2, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==10/100~~~A^2==41))
tsplot(x3, ylim=c(-10,10), main = expression(omega==40/100~~~A^2==85))
tsplot(x, ylim=c(-16,16), main="sum")
Example 4.2
# x from Example 4.1 is used here
P = abs(2*fft(x)/100)^2
Fr = 0:99/100
tsplot(Fr, P, type="o", xlab="frequency", ylab="periodogram")
abline(v=.5, lty=2)
Example 4.3
# modulation
t = 1:200
tsplot(x <- 2*cos(2*pi*.2*t)*cos(2*pi*.01*t))
lines(cos(2*pi*.19*t)+cos(2*pi*.21*t), col=2) # the same
Px = Mod(fft(x))^2
tsplot(0:199/200, Px, type='o') # the periodogram
# star mag analysis
n = length(star)
tsplot(star, ylab="star magnitude", xlab="day")
Per = Mod(fft(star-mean(star)))^2/n
Freq = (1:n -1)/n
tsplot(Freq[1:50], Per[1:50], type='h', lwd=3, ylab="Periodogram", xlab="Frequency")
text(.05, 7000, "24 day cycle")
text(.027, 9000, "29 day cycle")
#- a list to help find the peaks
round( cbind(1/Freq[1:30], Per[1:30]), 3)
Examples 4.5, 4.6, 4.7
# default is to not plot on log scale
# add log='y' otherwise
arma.spec(main="White Noise", col=4)
arma.spec(ma=.5, main="Moving Average", col=4)
arma.spec(ar=c(1,-.9), main="Autoregression", col=4)
Example 4.10
x = c(1,2,3,2,1)
c1 = cos(2*pi*1:5*1/5)
s1 = sin(2*pi*1:5*1/5)
c2 = cos(2*pi*1:5*2/5)
s2 = sin(2*pi*1:5*2/5)
omega1 = cbind(c1, s1)
omega2 = cbind(c2, s2)
anova(lm(x~ omega1+omega2) ) # ANOVA Table
Mod(fft(x))^2/5 # the periodogram (as a check)
Example 4.13
soi.per = mvspec(soi)
abline(v=1/4, lty="dotted")
rec.per = mvspec(rec)
abline(v=1/4, lty="dotted")
# frequency period spectrum
# [9,] 0.225 4.4444 0.0309
# [10,] 0.250 4.0000 0.0537
# [11,] 0.275 3.6364 0.0754
# [12,] 0.300 3.3333 0.0567
# [39,] 0.975 1.0256 0.0167
# [40,] 1.000 1.0000 0.9722
# [41,] 1.025 0.9756 0.0054
# conf intervals - returned value:
U = qchisq(.025,2) # 0.05063
L = qchisq(.975,2) # 7.37775
2*soi.per$spec[10]/L # 0.01456
2*soi.per$spec[10]/U # 2.12220
2*soi.per$spec[40]/L # 0.26355
2*soi.per$spec[40]/U # 38.40108
# Repeat lines above using rec in place of soi
Example 4.14
soi.ave = mvspec(soi, kernel('daniell',4))
abline(v = c(.25,1,2,3), lty=2)
soi.ave$bandwidth # = 0.225
df = soi.ave$df # df = 16.9875
U = qchisq(.025, df) # U = 7.555916
L = qchisq(.975, df) # L = 30.17425
soi.ave$spec[10] # 0.0495202
soi.ave$spec[40] # 0.1190800
# intervals
df*soi.ave$spec[10]/L # 0.0278789
df*soi.ave$spec[10]/U # 0.1113333
df*soi.ave$spec[40]/L # 0.0670396
df*soi.ave$spec[40]/U # 0.2677201
# Repeat above commands with soi replaced by rec, for example:
rec.ave = mvspec(rec, k)
abline(v=c(.25,1,2,3), lty=2)
# and so on.
Example 4.15
t = seq(0, 1, by=1/200)
amps = c(1, .5, .4, .3, .2, .1)
x = matrix(0, 201, 6)
for (j in 1:6) x[,j] = amps[j]*sin(2*pi*t*2*j)
x = ts(cbind(x, rowSums(x)), start=0, deltat=1/200)
tsplot(x, lty=c(1:6, 1), lwd=c(rep(1,6), 2), ylab="Sinusoids", col=1:6, spaghetti=TRUE)
names = c("Fundamental","2nd Harmonic","3rd Harmonic","4th Harmonic","5th Harmonic",
"6th Harmonic","Formed Signal")
legend("topright", names, lty=c(1:6, 1), lwd=c(rep(1,6), 2), col=1:6)
rm(t) #Redemption
# another view of the idea, sawtooth signal periodic but not sinusoidal #
y = ts(rev(1:100 %% 20), freq=20) # sawtooth signal
tsplot(1:100, y, ylab="sawtooth signal", col=4)
mvspec(y, main="", ylab="periodogram", col=5, xlim=c(0,7))
Example 4.16
kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3)) # for a list
plot(kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3))) # for a graph
k = kernel("modified.daniell", c(3,3))
soi.smo = mvspec(soi, kernel=k, taper=.1)
abline(v = c(.25,1), lty=2)
## Repeat above lines with rec replacing soi
soi.smo$df # df = 17.42618
soi.smo$bandwidth # B = 0.2308103
# An easier way to obtain soi.smo:
soi.smo = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.1, nxm=4)
# hightlight El Nino cycle
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
Example 4.17
s0 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), plot=FALSE) # no taper
s50 = mvspec(soi, spans=c(7,7), taper=.5, plot=FALSE) # full taper
tsplot(s50$freq, s50$spec, log="y", type="l", ylab="spectrum", xlab="frequency")
lines(s0$freq, s0$spec, lty=2)
abline(v=.25, lty=2, col=8)
mtext('1/4',side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.9)
legend(5,.04, legend=c('full taper', 'no taper'), lty=1:2)
text(1.42, 0.04, 'leakage', cex=.8)
arrows(1.4, .035, .75, .009, length=0.05,angle=30)
arrows(1.4, .035, 1.21, .0075, length=0.05,angle=30)
par(fig = c(.65, 1, .65, 1), new = TRUE, cex=.5, mgp=c(0,-.1,0), tcl=-.2)
taper <- function(x) { .5*(1+cos(2*pi*x)) }
x <- seq(from = -.5, to = .5, by = 0.001)
plot(x, taper(x), type = "l", lty = 1, yaxt='n', ann=FALSE)
Example 4.18
# AR spectrum - AIC picks order=15
u <- spec.ic(soi, detrend=TRUE, col=4, lwd=2, nxm=4)
# plot AIC and BIC
tsplot(0:30, u[[1]][,2:3], type='o', col=2:3, xlab='ORDER', nxm=5, lwd=2, gg=TRUE)
Example 4.21
sr = mvspec(cbind(soi,rec), kernel("daniell",9), plot.type="coh")
sr$df # df = 35.8625
f = qf(.999, 2, sr$df-2) # f = 8.529792
C = f/(18+f) # C = 0.3188779
abline(h = C)
Example 4.22
tsplot(soi, col=4) # plot data
tsplot(diff(soi), col=4) # plot first difference
k = kernel("modified.daniell", 6) # filter weights
tsplot(soif <- kernapply(soi, k), col=4) # plot 12 month filter
mvspec(soif, spans=9, lwd=2, col=5, nxm=4, taper=.1) # spectral analysis (not shown)
rect(1/7, -1e5, 1/3, 1e5, density=NA, col=gray(.5,.2))
mtext("1/4", side=1, line=0, at=.25, cex=.75)
##-- frequency responses --##
w = seq(0, .5, by=.01)
FRdiff = abs(1-exp(2i*pi*w))^2
tsplot(w, FRdiff, xlab='frequency')
u = cos(2*pi*w)+cos(4*pi*w)+cos(6*pi*w)+cos(8*pi*w)+cos(10*pi*w)
FRma = ((1 + cos(12*pi*w) + 2*u)/12)^2
tsplot(w, FRma, xlab='frequency')
Example 4.24
LagReg(soi, rec, L=15, M=32, threshold=6)
LagReg(rec, soi, L=15, M=32, inverse=TRUE, threshold=.01)
fish = ts.intersect(R=rec, RL1=lag(rec,-1), SL5=lag(soi,-5))
(u = lm(fish[,1]~fish[,2:3], na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(u)) # suggests ar1
sarima(fish[,1], 1, 0, 0, xreg=fish[,2:3], details=FALSE)
Example 4.25
SigExtract(soi, L=9, M=64, max.freq=.05)
Example 4.26
per = abs(fft(soiltemp-mean(soiltemp))/sqrt(64*36))^2
per2 = cbind(per[1:32,18:2], per[1:32,1:18]) # this and line below is just rearranging
per3 = rbind(per2[32:2,], per2) # results to get 0 frequency in the middle
persp(-31:31/64, -17:17/36, per3, phi=30, theta=30, expand=.6, ticktype="detailed", xlab="cycles/row",
ylab="cycles/column", zlab="Periodogram Ordinate")
Example 5.1
# NOTE: The example in the text uses the package 'fracdiff',
# which is a dinosaur and gave questionable results -
# this uses 'arfima' but it didn't make it into the text.
summary(varve.fd <- arfima(log(varve))) # d.hat = 0.3728, se(d,hat) = 0.0273
# residual stuff
innov = resid(varve.fd)
# plot pi wgts
p = rep(1,31)
for (k in 1:30){ p[k+1] = (k-coef(varve.fd)[1])*p[k]/(k+1) }
tsplot(p[-1], ylab=expression(pi[j](d)), xlab="Index (j)", type="h", lwd=4, col=2:7, nxm=5)
Example 5.2
series = log(varve) # specify series to be analyzed
d0 = .1 # initial value of d
n.per = nextn(length(series))
m = (n.per)/2 - 1
per = abs(fft(series-mean(series))[-1])^2 # remove 0 freq
per = per/n.per # R doesn't scale fft by sqrt(n)
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:m)/n.per))^2)
# Function to calculate -log.likelihood = function(d){
sig2 = (sum(g.d*per[1:m])/m) = m*log(sig2) - d*sum(log(g)) + m
# Estimation (?optim for details - output not shown)
(est = optim(d0,, gr=NULL, method="L-BFGS-B",
hessian=TRUE, lower=-.5, upper=.5, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
# Results [d.hat = .380, se(dhat) = .028]
cat("d.hat =", est$par, "se(dhat) = ",1/sqrt(est$hessian),"\n")
g.dhat = g^est$par
sig2 = sum(g.dhat*per[1:m])/m
cat("sig2hat =",sig2,"\n") # sig2hat = .229
# compart AR spectrum to long memory spectrum
u = spec.ic(log(varve), log='y', lty=2, xlim=c(0,.25), ylim=c(.2,20), col=4)
g = 4*(sin(pi*((1:500)/2000))^2)
fhat = sig2*g^{-est$par} # long memory spectral estimate
lines(1:500/2000, fhat, col=6)
ar.mle(log(varve)) # to get AR(8) estimates
# 'fracdiff' has a GPH method, but I don't trust the pacakge
# library(fracdiff)
# fdGPH(log(varve), bandw=.9) # m = n^bandw- it's supposed to be small- this is way too big
Example 5.3
adf.test(log(varve), k=0) # DF test
adf.test(log(varve)) # ADF test
pp.test(log(varve)) # PP test
Example 5.4
gnpgr = diff(log(gnp)) # get the returns
u = sarima(gnpgr, 1, 0, 0) # fit an AR(1)
acf2(resid(u$fit), 20) # get (p)acf of the squared residuals
summary(garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,0), gnpgr))
Example 5.5 and 5.6
library(xts) # needed to handle djia
djiar = diff(log(djia$Close))[-1]
acf2(djiar) # exhibits some autocorrelation (not shown)
acf2(djiar^2) # oozes autocorrelation (not shown)
# GARCH fit
summary(djia.g <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+garch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))
plot(djia.g) # to see all plot options
# APARCH fit
summary(djia.ap <- garchFit(~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1), data=djiar, cond.dist='std'))
Example 5.7
tsplot(flu, type="c")
Months = c("J","F","M","A","M","J","J","A","S","O","N","D")
points(flu, pch=Months, cex=.8, font=2)
# Start analysis
dflu = diff(flu)
lag1.plot(dflu, corr=FALSE) # scatterplot with lowess fit
thrsh = .05 # threshold
Z = ts.intersect(dflu, lag(dflu,-1), lag(dflu,-2), lag(dflu,-3),
lag(dflu,-4) )
ind1 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, 1, NA) # indicator < thrsh
ind2 = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, NA, 1) # indicator >= thrsh
X1 = Z[,1]*ind1
X2 = Z[,1]*ind2
summary(fit1 <- lm(X1~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 1
summary(fit2 <- lm(X2~ Z[,2:5]) ) # case 2
D = cbind(rep(1, nrow(Z)), Z[,2:5]) # design matrix
p1 = D %*% coef(fit1) # get predictions
p2 = D %*% coef(fit2)
prd = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, p1, p2)
tsplot(dflu, ylim=c(-.5,.5), type='p', pch=3)
prde1 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit1)^2)/df.residual(fit1) )
prde2 = sqrt(sum(resid(fit2)^2)/df.residual(fit2) )
prde = ifelse(Z[,2] < thrsh, prde1, prde2)
tx = time(dflu)[-(1:4)]
xx = c(tx, rev(tx))
yy = c(prd-2*prde, rev(prd+2*prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25) )
abline(h=.05, col=4, lty=6)
# Using tsDyn (not in text)
# vignette("tsDyn") # for package details (it's quirky, so you'll need this)
dflu = diff(flu)
(u = setar(dflu, m=4, thDelay=0)) # fit model and view results (thDelay=0 is lag 1 delay)
BIC(u); AIC(u) # if you want to try other models ... m=3 works well too
plot(u) # graphics - ?plot.setar for information
Example 5.8 and 5.9
soi.d = resid(lm(soi~time(soi), na.action=NULL)) # detrended SOI
fit = arima(soi.d, order=c(1,0,0))
ar1 = as.numeric(coef(fit)[1]) # = 0.5875 = resid(fit)
rec.fil = filter(rec, filter=c(1, -ar1), sides=1)
ccf2(, rec.fil)
fish = ts.intersect(rec, RL1=lag(rec,-1), SL5=lag(soi.d,-5))
(u = lm(fish[,1]~fish[,2:3], na.action=NULL))
acf2(resid(u)) # suggests ar1
(arx = sarima(fish[,1], 1, 0, 0, xreg=fish[,2:3])) # final model
pred = rec + resid(arx$fit) # 1-step-ahead predictions
tsplot(pred, col=astsa.col(8,.3), lwd=7, ylab='rec & prediction')
Example 5.10 and 5.11
x = cbind(cmort, tempr, part)
summary(VAR(x, p=1, type="both")) # "both" fits constant + trend
VARselect(x, lag.max=10, type="both")
summary(fit <- VAR(x, p=2, type="both"))
acf(resid(fit), 52)
serial.test(fit,, type="PT.adjusted")
( = predict(fit, n.ahead = 24, ci = 0.95)) # 4 weeks ahead
fanchart( # plot prediction + error
Example 5.12
model = define.model(kvar=3, ar=c(1,2), ma=c(1))
arp = model$ar.pattern
map = model$ma.pattern
cmort.d = resid(detr <- lm(cmort~ time(cmort), na.action=NULL))
xdata = matrix(cbind(cmort.d, tempr, part), ncol=3) # strip ts attributes
fit = marima(xdata, ar.pattern=arp, ma.pattern=map, means=c(0,1,1), penalty=1)
# resid analysis (not displayed)
innov = t(resid(fit))
acfm(innov) # since astsa v1.13.2
# acf(innov, na.action = na.pass) # or use this
# fitted values for cmort
pred = ts(t(fitted(fit))[,1], start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort)) +
detr$coef[1] + detr$coef[2]*time(cmort)
plot(pred, ylab="Cardiovascular Mortality", lwd=2, col=4)
# print estimates and corresponding t^2-statistic
short.form(fit$ar.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ar.fvalues, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ma.estimates, leading=FALSE)
short.form(fit$ma.fvalues, leading=FALSE)
fit$resid.cov # estimate of noise cov matrix
Warning The code here uses the updated scripts in
version 2.0. Details of the updates are in the help files ofKfilter
, andEM
. Original code (prior to version 2.0) may be found here: Original Chapter 6 Info and Code
Example 6.1
tsplot(blood, type='o', col=c(6,4,2), lwd=2, pch=19, cex=1)
Example 6.2
tsplot(cbind(gtemp_land, gtemp_ocean), spaghetti=TRUE, lwd=2, pch=20, type="o",
col=astsa.col(c(4,2),.5), ylab="Temperature Deviations", main="Global Warming")
legend("topleft", legend=c("Land Surface", "Sea Surface"), lty=1, pch=20, col=c(4,2), bg="white")
Example 6.5
# generate data
num = 50
w = rnorm(num+1,0,1)
v = rnorm(num,0,1)
mu = cumsum(w) # states: mu[0], mu[1], . . ., mu[50]
y = mu[-1] + v # obs: y[1], . . ., y[50]
# filter and smooth (Ksmooth does both)
mu0 = 0; sigma0 = 1; phi = 1; sQ = 1; sR = 1
ks = Ksmooth(y, A=1, mu0, sigma0, phi, sQ, sR)
# pictures
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Prediction", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$Xp, col=6)
lines(ks$Xp+2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty=6, col=6)
lines(ks$Xp-2*sqrt(ks$Pp), lty=6, col=6)
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Filter", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$Xf, col=6)
lines(ks$Xf+2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty=6, col=6)
lines(ks$Xf-2*sqrt(ks$Pf), lty=6, col=6)
tsplot(mu[-1], type='p', col=4, pch=19, ylab=expression(mu[~t]), main="Smoother", ylim=c(-5,10))
lines(ks$Xs, col=6)
lines(ks$Xs+2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty=6, col=6)
lines(ks$Xs-2*sqrt(ks$Ps), lty=6, col=6)
mu[1]; ks$X0n; sqrt(ks$P0n) # initial value info
Example 6.6
# Generate Data
num = 100
N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(n=N, ar=.8)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y, lag(y,-1), lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u)
coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
(init.par = c(phi, sqrt(q), sqrt(r)))
# Function to evaluate the likelihood
phi = para[1]; sigw = para[2]; sigv = para[3]
Sigma0 = (sigw^2)/(1-phi^2); Sigma0[Sigma0<0]=0
kf = Kfilter(y,A=1,mu0=0,Sigma0,phi,sigw,sigv)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, gr=NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
cbind(estimate=c(phi=est$par[1],sigw=est$par[2],sigv=est$par[3]), SE)
Example 6.7
##- slight change from text, the data scaled -##
##- you can remove the scales to get to the original analysis -##
##- ALSO note that regression parameters not used are set to NULL (the default) instead of 0 now.
# Setup
y = cbind(globtemp/sd(globtemp), globtempl/sd(globtempl))
num = nrow(y)
input = rep(1,num)
A = matrix(c(1,1), nrow=2)
mu0 = -.35; Sigma0 = 1; Phi = 1
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
sQ = para[1] # sigma_w
sR1 = para[2] # 11 element of sR
sR2 = para[3] # 22 element of sR
sR21 = para[4] # 21 element of sR
sR = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2) # put the matrix together
drift = para[5]
kf = Kfilter(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input) # NOTE Gamma is set to NULL now (instead of 0)
# Estimation
init.par = c(.1,.1,.1,0,.05) # initial values of parameters
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u)=c("sigw","sR11", "sR22", "sR21", "drift"); u
# Smooth (first set parameters to their final estimates)
sQ = est$par[1]
sR1 = est$par[2]
sR2 = est$par[3]
sR21 = est$par[4]
sR = matrix(c(sR1,sR21,0,sR2), 2)
(R = sR%*%t(sR)) # to view the estimated R matrix
drift = est$par[5]
ks = Ksmooth(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR,Ups=drift,Gam=NULL,input) # NOTE Gamma is set to NULL now (instead of 0)
# Plot
tsplot(y, spag=TRUE, margins=.5, type='o', pch=2:3, col=4:3, lty=6, ylab='Temperature Deviations')
xsm = ts(as.vector(ks$Xs), start=1880)
rmse = ts(sqrt(as.vector(ks$Ps)), start=1880)
lines(xsm, lwd=2, col=6)
xx = c(time(xsm), rev(time(xsm)))
yy = c(xsm-2*rmse, rev(xsm+2*rmse))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.6, alpha=.25))
Example 6.8
library(nlme) # loads package nlme (comes with R)
# Generate data (same as Example 6.6)
set.seed(999); num = 100; N = num+1
x = sarima.sim(ar=.8, n=N)
y = ts(x[-1] + rnorm(num,0,1))
# Initial Estimates
u = ts.intersect(y,lag(y,-1),lag(y,-2))
varu = var(u); coru = cor(u)
phi = coru[1,3]/coru[1,2]
q = (1-phi^2)*varu[1,2]/phi
r = varu[1,1] - q/(1-phi^2)
mu0 = 0; Sigma0 = 2.8
( em = EM(y, 1, mu0, Sigma0, phi, q, r) )
# Standard Errors (this uses nlme)
phi = em$Phi; sq = sqrt(em$Q); sr = sqrt(em$R)
mu0 = em$mu0; Sigma0 = em$Sigma0
para = c(phi, sq, sr)
# evaluate likelihood at estimates
kf = Kfilter(y, A=1, mu0, Sigma0, para[1], para[2], para[3])
emhess = fdHess(para, function(para) Linn(para))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(emhess$Hessian)))
# Display summary of estimation
estimate = c(para, em$mu0, em$Sigma0); SE = c(SE,NA,NA)
u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("phi","sigw","sigv","mu0","Sigma0")
Example 6.9
y = blood
num = nrow(y)
A = array(0, dim=c(3,3,num))
for(k in 1:num) if (![k,1])) A[,,k]= diag(1,3)
# Initial values
mu0 = matrix(0,3,1)
Sigma0 = diag(c(.1,.1,1) ,3)
Phi = diag(1,3)
Q = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)
R = diag(c(.1,.1,1), 3)
( em = EM(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, Q, R) )
# Graph smoother
sQ = em$Q %^% .5
sR = sqrt(em$R)
ks = Ksmooth(y, A, em$mu0, em$Sigma0, em$Phi, sQ , sR)
y1s = ks$Xs[1,,]
y2s = ks$Xs[2,,]
y3s = ks$Xs[3,,]
p1 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,])
p2 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
p3 = 2*sqrt(ks$Ps[3,3,])
tsplot(WBC, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(1,5), col=6, lwd=2, cex=1)
xx = c(time(WBC), rev(time(WBC))) # same for all
yy = c(y1s-p1, rev(y1s+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
tsplot(PLT, type='p', ylim=c(3,6), pch=19, col=4, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y2s-p2, rev(y2s+p2))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
tsplot(HCT, type='p', pch=19, ylim=c(20,40), col=2, lwd=2, cex=1)
yy = c(y3s-p3, rev(y3s+p3))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=astsa.col(8, alpha = .1))
Example 6.10
num = length(jj)
A = cbind(1,1,0,0)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = para[1]
Phi[2,]=c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
sQ1 = para[2]; sQ2 = para[3] # sqrt q11 and sqrt q22
sQ = diag(0,4); sQ[1,1]=sQ1; sQ[2,2]=sQ2
sR = para[4] # sqrt r11
kf = Kfilter(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)
# Initial Parameters
mu0 = c(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04, 4)
init.par = c(1.03, .1, .1, .5) # Phi[1,1], the 2 Qs and R
# Estimation
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par,SE)
rownames(u)=c("Phi11","sigw1","sigw2","sigv"); u
# Smooth
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = est$par[1]; Phi[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1)
Phi[3,] = c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,] = c(0,0,1,0)
sQ = diag(0,4)
sQ[1,1] = est$par[2]
sQ[2,2] = est$par[3]
sR = est$par[4]
ks = Ksmooth(jj, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR)
# Plots
Tsm = ts(ks$Xs[1,,], start=1960, freq=4)
Ssm = ts(ks$Xs[2,,], start=1960, freq=4)
p1 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[1,1,]); p2 = 3*sqrt(ks$Ps[2,2,])
tsplot(Tsm, main='Trend Component', ylab='Trend')
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)))
yy = c(Tsm-p1, rev(Tsm+p1))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
tsplot(jj, main='Data & Trend+Season', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(-.5,17))
xx = c(time(jj), rev(time(jj)) )
yy = c((Tsm+Ssm)-(p1+p2), rev((Tsm+Ssm)+(p1+p2)) )
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
# Forecast
n.ahead = 12
y = ts(append(jj, rep(0,n.ahead)), start=1960, freq=4)
rmspe = rep(0,n.ahead)
x00 = ks$Xf[,,num]
P00 = ks$Pf[,,num]
Q = sQ%*%t(sQ)
R = sR%*%t(sR)
for (m in 1:n.ahead){
xp = Phi%*%x00
Pp = Phi%*%P00%*%t(Phi)+Q
sig = A%*%Pp%*%t(A)+R
K = Pp%*%t(A)%*%(1/sig)
x00 = xp
P00 = Pp-K%*%A%*%Pp
y[num+m] = A%*%xp
rmspe[m] = sqrt(sig)
tsplot(y, type='o', main='', ylab='J&J QE/Share', ylim=c(5,30), xlim = c(1975,1984))
upp = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]+2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
low = ts(y[(num+1):(num+n.ahead)]-2*rmspe, start=1981, freq=4)
xx = c(time(low), rev(time(upp)))
yy = c(low, rev(upp))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.5, alpha = .3))
abline(v=1981, lty=3)
Example 6.12
# Preliminary analysis
fit1 = sarima(cmort, 2,0,0, xreg=time(cmort))
acf(cbind(dmort <- resid(fit1$fit), tempr, part))
lag2.plot(tempr, dmort, 8)
lag2.plot(part, dmort, 8)
# quick and dirty fit (detrend then fit ARMAX)
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))
dcmort = resid(fit2 <- lm(cmort~trend, na.action=NULL)) # detrended mort
u = ts.intersect(dM=dcmort, dM1=lag(dcmort,-1), dM2=lag(dcmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4))
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:6]) # ARMAX fit with residual analysis
## All estimates at once ##
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort)) # center time
const = time(cmort)/time(cmort) # appropriate time series of 1s
ded = ts.intersect(M=cmort, T1=lag(tempr,-1), P=part, P4=lag(part,-4), trend, const)
y = ded[,1]
input = ded[,2:6]
num = length(y)
A = matrix(c(1,0), 1, 2)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
phi1 = para[1]; phi2 = para[2]; sR = para[3]; b1 = para[4]
b2 = para[5]; b3 = para[6]; b4 = para[7]; alf = para[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
S = 1
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5)
sQ = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
# S = sR^2
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups=Ups, Gam=Gam, input=input, S=S, version=2)
# Estimation - prelim analysis gives good starting values
init.par = c(phi1=.3, phi2=.3, sR=4, b1=-.1, b2=.1, b3=.04, b4=-1.3, alf=mean(cmort))
L = c( 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -2, 70) # lower bound on parameters
U = c(.5, .5, 10, 0, .5, .5, 0, 90) # upper bound - used in optim
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='L-BFGS-B', lower=L, upper=U,
hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, factr=10^8))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3) # results
# Residual Analysis (not shown)
phi1 = est$par[1]; phi2 = est$par[2]
sR = est$par[3]; b1 = est$par[4]
b2 = est$par[5]; b3 = est$par[6]
b4 = est$par[7]; alf = est$par[8]
mu0 = matrix(c(0,0), 2, 1)
Sigma0 = diag(100, 2)
Phi = matrix(c(phi1, phi2, 1, 0), 2)
S = 1
Ups = matrix(c(b1, 0, b2, 0, b3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 2, 5)
Gam = matrix(c(0, 0, 0, b4, alf), 1, 5)
sQ = matrix(c(phi1, phi2), 2)*sR
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sR, Ups=Ups, Gam=Gam, input=input, S=S, version=2)
res = ts(drop(kf$innov), start=start(cmort), freq=frequency(cmort))
sarima(res, 0,0,0, no.constant=TRUE) # gives a full residual analysis
# Similar fit with but with trend in the X of ARMAX
trend = time(cmort) - mean(time(cmort))
u = ts.intersect(M=cmort, M1=lag(cmort,-1), M2=lag(cmort,-2), T1=lag(tempr,-1),
P=part, P4=lag(part -4), trend)
sarima(u[,1], 0,0,0, xreg=u[,2:7])
Example 6.13
# NOTE: If this takes a long time on your machine,
# increase `tol` and/or decrease `nboot`
tol = .0001 # determines convergence of optimizer
nboot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
y = window(qinfl, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # inflation
z = window(qintr, c(1953,1), c(1965,2)) # interest
num = length(y)
A = array(z, dim=c(1,1,num))
input = matrix(1,num,1)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para,{ # pass data also
phi = para[1]; alpha = para[2]
b = para[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
sQ = para[4]; sR = para[5]
kf = Kfilter(,A,mu0,Sigma0,phi,sQ ,sR ,Ups ,Gam=alpha,input)
# Parameter Estimation
mu0 = 1
Sigma0 = .01
init.par = c(phi=.84, alpha=-.77, b=.85, sQ=.12, sR=1.1) # initial values
est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL,, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE,
control=list(trace=1, REPORT=1, reltol=tol))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
phi = est$par[1]; alpha = est$par[2]
b = est$par[3]; Ups = (1-phi)*b
sQ = est$par[4]; sR = est$par[5]
round(cbind(estimate=est$par, SE), 3)
# Run the filter at the estimates
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, phi, sQ, sR, Ups, Gam=alpha, input)
# Pull out necessary values from the filter and initialize
xp = kf$Xp
Pp = kf$Pp
innov = kf$innov
sig = kf$sig
e = innov/sqrt(sig) = e # initialize values = y = xp
k = 4:50 # hold first 3 observations fixed = matrix(0, nboot, 5) # to store estimates
init.par = c(.84, -.77, .85, .12, 1.1)
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nboot, initial = 0, style=3) # progress bar
for (i in 1:nboot){
setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)[k] = sample(e[k], replace=TRUE)
for (j in k){
K = (phi*Pp[j]*z[j])/sig[j][j] = phi*[j-1] + Ups + K*sqrt(sig[j])*[j]
}[k] = z[k]*[k] + alpha + sqrt(sig[k])*[k] = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL,, method='BFGS', control=list(reltol=tol))[i,] = cbind($par[1],$par[2],$par[3],
abs($par[4]), abs($par[5]))
# Some summary statistics
rmse = rep(NA,5) # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:5){rmse[i]=sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/nboot)
cat(i, rmse[i],"\n")
# Plot phi and sigw (scatter.hist in astsa v1.13)
phi =[,1]
sigw = abs([,4])
scatter.hist(sigw, phi, ylab=expression(phi), xlab=expression(sigma[~w]),
hist.col=astsa.col(5,.4), pt.col=5, pt.size=1.5)
Example 6.14
num = 50
w = rnorm(num,0,.1)
x = cumsum(cumsum(w))
y = x + rnorm(num,0,1)
## State Space ##
Phi = matrix(c(2,1,-1,0),2)
A = matrix(c(1,0),1)
mu0 = matrix(0,2); Sigma0 = diag(1,2)
Linn = function(para){
sigw = para[1]
sigv = para[2]
sQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
kf = Kfilter(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sigv)
## Estimation ##
init.par = c(.1, 1)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
# Summary of estimation
estimate = est$par; u = cbind(estimate, SE)
rownames(u) = c("sigw","sigv"); u
# Smooth
sigw = est$par[1]
sQ = diag(c(sigw,0))
sigv = est$par[2]
ks = Ksmooth(y, A, mu0, Sigma0, Phi, sQ, sigv)
xsmoo = ts(ks$Xs[1,1,])
psmoo = ts(ks$Ps[1,1,])
upp = xsmoo + 2*sqrt(psmoo)
low = xsmoo - 2*sqrt(psmoo)
tsplot(x, ylab="", ylim=c(-1,8), col=1)
lines(y, type='o', col=8)
lines(xsmoo, col=4, lty=2, lwd=3)
lines(upp, col=4, lty=2); lines(low, col=4, lty=2)
lines(smooth.spline(y), lty=1, col=2)
legend("topleft", c("Observations","State"), pch=c(1,-1), lty=1, lwd=c(1,2), col=c(8,1))
legend("bottomright", c("Smoother", "GCV Spline"), lty=c(2,1), lwd=c(3,1), col=c(4,2))
Example 6.16
model <- depmix(EQcount ~1, nstates=2, data=data.frame(EQcount), family=poisson('identity'), respstart=c(15,25))
summary(fm <- fit(model)) # estimation results
standardError(fm) # with standard errors
##-- A little nicer display of the parameters --##
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm))[3:8]
( mtrans = matrix(para.mle[1:4], byrow=TRUE, nrow=2) )
( lams = para.mle[5:6] )
( pi1 = mtrans[2,1]/(2 - mtrans[1,1] - mtrans[2,2]) )
( pi2 = 1 - pi1 )
#-- Graphics --##
# data and states
tsplot(EQcount, main="", ylab='EQcount', type='h', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(0,50))
text(EQcount, col=6*posterior(fm)[,1]-2, labels=posterior(fm)[,1])
# prob of state 2
tsplot(ts(posterior(fm)[,3], start=1900), ylab = expression(hat(pi)[~2]*'(t|n)')); abline(h=.5, lty=2)
# histogram
hist(EQcount, breaks=30, prob=TRUE, main="")
xvals = seq(1,45)
u1 = pi1*dpois(xvals, lams[1])
u2 = pi2*dpois(xvals, lams[2])
lines(xvals, u1, col=4)
lines(xvals, u2, col=2)
Example 6.17
y = ts(sp500w, start=2003, freq=52) # make data depmix friendly
mod3 <- depmix(y~1, nstates=3, data=data.frame(y))
summary(fm3 <- fit(mod3)) # estimation results
##-- a little nicer display --##
para.mle = as.vector(getpars(fm3)[-(1:3)])
permu = matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0), 3,3) # for the label switch
(mtrans.mle = permu%*%round(t(matrix(para.mle[1:9],3,3)),3)%*%permu)
(norms.mle = round(matrix(para.mle[10:15],2,3),3)%*%permu)
##-- Graphics --##
layout(matrix(c(1,2, 1,3), 2), heights=c(1,.75))
tsplot(y, main="", ylab='S&P500 Weekly Returns', col=gray(.7), ylim=c(-.11,.11))
culer = 4-posterior(fm3)[,1]; culer[culer==3]=4 # switch labels 1 and 3
text(y, col=culer, labels=4-posterior(fm3)[,1])
acf1(y^2, 25)
hist(y, 25, prob=TRUE, main='', col=astsa.col(8,.2))
pi.hat = colSums(posterior(fm3)[-1,2:4])/length(y)
culer = c(1,2,4)
for (i in 1:3) {
mu = norms.mle[1,i]; sig = norms.mle[2,i]
x = seq(-.2,.15, by=.001)
lines(x, pi.hat[4-i]*dnorm(x, mean=mu, sd=sig), col=culer[i], lwd=2)
Example 6.18
dflu = diff(flu)
model = lm(dflu~ 1)
mod = msmFit(model, k=2, p=2, sw=rep(TRUE,4)) # 2 regimes, AR(2)s
plotProb(mod, which=3)
Example 6.22
y = flu
num = length(y)
nstate = 4 # state dimenstion
M1 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,0,1)) # obs matrix normal
M2 = as.matrix(cbind(1,0,1,1)) # obs matrix flu epi
prob = matrix(0,num,1); yp = y # to store pi2(t|t-1) & y(t|t-1)
xfilter = array(0, dim=c(nstate,1,num)) # to store x(t|t)
# Function to Calculate Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
alpha1 = para[1]; alpha2 = para[2]; beta0 = para[3]
sQ1 = para[4]; sQ2 = para[5]; like=0
xf = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x filter
xp = matrix(0, nstate, 1) # x pred
Pf = diag(.1, nstate) # filter cov
Pp = diag(.1, nstate) # pred cov
pi11 <- .75 -> pi22; pi12 <- .25 -> pi21; pif1 <- .5 -> pif2
phi = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
phi[1,1] = alpha1; phi[1,2] = alpha2; phi[2,1]=1; phi[4,4]=1
Ups = as.matrix(rbind(0,0,beta0,0))
Q = matrix(0,nstate,nstate)
Q[1,1] = sQ1^2; Q[3,3] = sQ2^2; R=0 # R=0 in final model
# begin filtering #
for(i in 1:num){
xp = phi%*%xf + Ups; Pp = phi%*%Pf%*%t(phi) + Q
sig1 = as.numeric(M1%*%Pp%*%t(M1) + R)
sig2 = as.numeric(M2%*%Pp%*%t(M2) + R)
k1 = Pp%*%t(M1)/sig1; k2 = Pp%*%t(M2)/sig2
e1 = y[i]-M1%*%xp; e2 = y[i]-M2%*%xp
pip1 = pif1*pi11 + pif2*pi21; pip2 = pif1*pi12 + pif2*pi22
den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*e1^2/sig1)
den2 = (1/sqrt(sig2))*exp(-.5*e2^2/sig2)
denm = pip1*den1 + pip2*den2
pif1 = pip1*den1/denm; pif2 = pip2*den2/denm
pif1 = as.numeric(pif1); pif2 = as.numeric(pif2)
e1 = as.numeric(e1); e2=as.numeric(e2)
xf = xp + pif1*k1*e1 + pif2*k2*e2
eye = diag(1, nstate)
Pf = pif1*(eye-k1%*%M1)%*%Pp + pif2*(eye-k2%*%M2)%*%Pp
like = like - log(pip1*den1 + pip2*den2)
prob[i]<<-pip2; xfilter[,,i]<<-xf; innov.sig<<-c(sig1,sig2)
yp[i]<<-ifelse(pip1 > pip2, M1%*%xp, M2%*%xp)
# Estimation
alpha1 = 1.4; alpha2 = -.5; beta0 = .3; sQ1 = .1; sQ2 = .1
init.par = c(alpha1, alpha2, beta0, sQ1, sQ2)
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method='BFGS', hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimate=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c('alpha1','alpha2','beta0','sQ1','sQ2'); u
# Graphics
predepi = ifelse(prob<.5,0,1)
FLU = window(flu, start=1968.4)
Time = window(time(flu), start=1968.4)
k = 6:num
tsplot(FLU, col=8, ylab='flu')
text(FLU, col= predepi[k]+1, labels=predepi[k]+1, cex=1.1)
legend('topright', '(a)', bty='n')
filters = ts(t(xfilter[c(1,3,4),,]), start=tsp(flu)[1], frequency=tsp(flu)[3])
tsplot(window(filters, start=1968.4), spag=TRUE, col=2:4, ylab='filter')
legend('topright', '(b)', bty='n')
tsplot(FLU, type='p', pch=19, ylab='flu', cex=1.2)
prde1 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[1]); prde2 = 2*sqrt(innov.sig[2])
prde = ifelse(predepi[k]<.5, prde1, prde2)
xx = c(Time, rev(Time))
yy = c(yp[k]-prde, rev(yp[k]+prde))
polygon(xx, yy, border=8, col=gray(.6, alpha=.3))
legend('topright', '(c)', bty='n')
y = log(nyse^2)
num = length(y)
# Initial Parameters
phi0=0; phi1=.95; sQ=.2; alpha=mean(y); sR0=1; mu1=-3; sR1=2
init.par = c(phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# Innovations Likelihood
Linn = function(para){
phi0=para[1]; phi1=para[2]; sQ=para[3]; alpha=para[4]
sR0=para[5]; mu1=para[6]; sR1=para[7]
sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c("phi0","phi1","sQ","alpha","sigv0","mu1","sigv1"); u
# Graphics (need filters at the estimated parameters)
phi0=est$par[1]; phi1=est$par[2]; sQ=est$par[3]; alpha=est$par[4]
sR0=est$par[5]; mu1=est$par[6]; sR1=est$par[7]
sv = SVfilter(num,y,phi0,phi1,sQ,alpha,sR0,mu1,sR1)
# densities plot (f is chi-sq, fm is fitted mixture)
x = seq(-15,6,by=.01)
f = exp(-.5*(exp(x)-x))/(sqrt(2*pi))
f0 = exp(-.5*(x^2)/sR0^2)/(sR0*sqrt(2*pi))
f1 = exp(-.5*(x-mu1)^2/sR1^2)/(sR1*sqrt(2*pi))
fm = (f0+f1)/2
tsplot(x, f, xlab='x')
lines(x, fm, lty=2, lwd=2)
legend('topleft', legend=c('log chi-square', 'normal mixture'), lty=1:2)
Time = 701:1100
tsplot(Time, nyse[Time], type='l', col=4, lwd=2, ylab='', xlab='', ylim=c(-.18,.12))
lines(Time, sv$xp[Time]/10, lwd=2, col=6)
Example 6.24
n.boot = 500 # number of bootstrap replicates
tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) # convergence limit
gnpgr = diff(log(gnp))
fit = arima(gnpgr, order=c(1,0,0))
y = as.matrix(log(resid(fit)^2))
num = length(y)
tsplot(y, ylab="")
# Initial Parameters
phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(y); sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
# Innovations Likelihood
phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
# Estimation
(est = optim(init.par, Linn, NULL, method="BFGS", hessian=TRUE, control=list(trace=1,REPORT=1)))
SE = sqrt(diag(solve(est$hessian)))
u = cbind(estimates=est$par, SE)
rownames(u)=c("phi1","sQ","alpha","sig0","mu1","sig1"); u
# Bootstrap = matrix(0, n.boot, 6) # to store parameter estimates
Linn2 = function(para){
phi1 = para[1]; sQ = para[2]; alpha = para[3]
sR0 = para[4]; mu1 = para[5]; sR1 = para[6]
sv = SVfilter(num,, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
for (jb in 1:n.boot){ cat("iteration:", jb, "\n")
phi1 = est$par[1]; sQ = est$par[2]; alpha = est$par[3]
sR0 = est$par[4]; mu1 = est$par[5]; sR1 = est$par[6]
Q = sQ^2; R0 = sR0^2; R1 = sR1^2
sv = SVfilter(num, y, 0, phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1)
sig0 = sv$Pp+R0
sig1 = sv$Pp+R1
K0 = sv$Pp/sig0
K1 = sv$Pp/sig1
inn0 = y-sv$xp-alpha; inn1 = y-sv$xp-mu1-alpha
den1 = (1/sqrt(sig1))*exp(-.5*inn1^2/sig1)
den0 = (1/sqrt(sig0))*exp(-.5*inn0^2/sig0)
fpi1 = den1/(den0+den1)
# (start resampling at t=4)
e0 = inn0/sqrt(sig0)
e1 = inn1/sqrt(sig1)
indx = sample(4:num, replace=TRUE)
sinn = cbind(c(e0[1:3], e0[indx]), c(e1[1:3], e1[indx]))
eF = matrix(c(phi1, 1, 0, 0), 2, 2)
xi = cbind(sv$xp,y) # initialize
for (i in 4:num){ # generate boot sample
G = matrix(c(0, alpha+fpi1[i]*mu1), 2, 1)
h21 = (1-fpi1[i])*sqrt(sig0[i]); h11 = h21*K0[i]
h22 = fpi1[i]*sqrt(sig1[i]); h12 = h22*K1[i]
H = matrix(c(h11,h21,h12,h22),2,2)
xi[i,] = t(eF%*%as.matrix(xi[i-1,],2) + G + H%*%as.matrix(sinn[i,],2))
# Estimates from boot data = xi[,2]
phi1 = .9; sQ = .5; alpha = mean(; sR0 = 1; mu1 = -3; sR1 = 2.5
init.par = c(phi1, sQ, alpha, sR0, mu1, sR1) # same as for data = optim(init.par, Linn2, NULL, method="BFGS", control=list(reltol=tol))[jb,] = cbind($par[1], abs($par[2]),$par[3], abs($par[4]),$par[5], abs($par[6]))
# Some summary statistics and graphics
rmse = rep(NA, 6) # SEs from the bootstrap
for(i in 1:6){rmse[i] = sqrt(sum(([,i]-est$par[i])^2)/n.boot)
cat(i, rmse[i],"\n")
phi =[,1]
hist(phi, 15, prob=TRUE, main="", xlim=c(0,2), xlab="", col=astsa.col(4,.3))
abline(v=mean(phi), col=4)
curve(dnorm(x, mean=u[1,1], sd=u[2,1]), 0, 2, add=TRUE)
Example 6.26
# generate some data from the model - 2 parameters
sQ = 1; sR = 3; n = 100
mu0 = 0; Sigma0=10; x0=rnorm(1,mu0,Sigma0)
w = rnorm(n); v = rnorm(n)
x = c(x0 + sQ*w[1]) # initialize states
y = c(x[1] + sR*v[1]) # initialize obs
for (t in 2:n){
x[t] = x[t-1] + sQ*w[t]
y[t] = x[t] + sR*v[t]
# set up the Gibbs sampler
burn = 50; n.iter = 1000
niter = burn + n.iter
draws = c()
# priors for R (a,b) and Q (c,d) IG distributions
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1
# (1) initialize - sample sQ and sR
sR = sqrt(1/rgamma(1,a,b)); sQ = sqrt(1/rgamma(1,c,d))
# progress bar
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = niter, initial = 0, style=3)
# run it
for (iter in 1:niter){
## (2) sample the states
run = ffbs(y,1,0,10,1,sQ,sR) # ffbs(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,Ups,Gam,sQ,sR,input)
## (1) sample the parameters
Xs = as.matrix(run$Xs)
R = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((y-Xs)^2)/2)
sR = sqrt(R)
Q = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+sum(diff(Xs)^2)/2)
sQ = sqrt(Q)
## store everything
draws = rbind(draws,c(sQ,sR,Xs))
# pull out the results for easy plotting
draws = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
q025 = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
q975 = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}
xs = draws[,3:(n+2)]
lx = apply(xs,2,q025)
mx = apply(xs,2,mean)
ux = apply(xs,2,q975)
# some graphics
tsplot(cbind(x,y,mx), spag=TRUE, ylab='', col=c(6,8,4), lwd=c(1,1,1.5), type='o', pch=c(NA,1,NA))
legend('topleft', legend=c("x(t)","y(t)","xs(t)"), lty=1, col=c(6,8,4), lwd=1.5, bty="n", pch=c(NA,1,NA))
xx=c(1:100, 100:1)
yy=c(lx, rev(ux))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))
Example 6.27
y = jj # the data
### setup - model and initial parameters
n = length(y)
A = matrix(c(1,1,0,0), 1, 4)
Phi = diag(0,4)
Phi[1,1] = 1.03
Phi[2,] = c(0,-1,-1,-1); Phi[3,]=c(0,1,0,0); Phi[4,]=c(0,0,1,0)
mu0 = rbind(.7,0,0,0)
Sigma0 = diag(.04, 4)
sR = 1 # observation noise standard deviation
sQ = diag(c(.1,.1,0,0)) # state noise standard deviations on the diagonal
### initializing and hyperparameters
burn = 50
n.iter = 1000
niter = burn + n.iter
draws = NULL
a = 2; b = 2; c = 2; d = 1 # hypers (c and d for both Qs)
pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = niter, initial = 0, style=3) # progress bar
### start Gibbs
for (iter in 1:niter){
# draw states
run = ffbs(y,A,mu0,Sigma0,Phi,sQ,sR) # initial values are given above
xs = run$Xs
# obs variance
R = 1/rgamma(1,a+n/2,b+sum((as.vector(y)-as.vector(A%*%xs[,,]))^2))
sR = sqrt(R)
# beta where phi = 1+beta
Y = diff(xs[1,,])
D = as.vector(lag(xs[1,,],-1))[-1]
regu = lm(Y~0+D) # est beta = phi-1
phies = as.vector(coef(summary(regu)))[1:2] + c(1,0) # phi estimate and SE
dft = df.residual(regu)
Phi[1,1] = phies[1] + rt(1,dft)*phies[2] # use a t to sample phi
# state variances
u = xs[,,2:n] - Phi%*%xs[,,1:(n-1)]
uu = u%*%t(u)/(n-2)
Q1 = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[1,1]/2)
sQ1 = sqrt(Q1)
Q2 = 1/rgamma(1,c+(n-1)/2,d+uu[2,2]/2)
sQ2 = sqrt(Q2)
sQ = diag(c(sQ1, sQ2, 0,0))
# store results
trend = xs[1,,]
season= xs[2,,]
draws = rbind(draws,c(Phi[1,1],sQ1,sQ2,sR,trend,season))
##- display results -##
# set up
u = draws[(burn+1):(niter),]
parms = u[,1:4]
q025 = function(x){quantile(x,0.025)}
q975 = function(x){quantile(x,0.975)}
## plot parameters (display at end)
names= c(expression(phi), expression(sigma[w1]), expression(sigma[w2]), expression(sigma[v]))
par(mfrow=c(4,1), mar=c(2,1,2,1)+1)
for (i in 1:4){
hist(parms[,i], col=astsa.col(5,.4), main=names[i], xlab='', cex.main=2)
u1 = apply(parms,2,q025); u2 = apply(parms,2,mean); u3 = apply(parms,2,q975);
abline(v=c(u1[i],u2[i],u3[i]), lwd=2, col=c(3,6,3))
### plot states (display at end)
# trend
tr = ts(u[,5:(n+4)], start=1960, frequency=4)
ltr = ts(apply(tr,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
mtr = ts(apply(tr,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
utr = ts(apply(tr,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)
tsplot(mtr, ylab='', col=4, main='trend')
xx=c(time(mtr), rev(time(mtr)))
yy=c(ltr, rev(utr))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))
# trend + season
sea = ts(u[,(n+5):(2*n)], start=1960, frequency=4)
lsea = ts(apply(sea,2,q025), start=1960, frequency=4)
msea = ts(apply(sea,2,mean), start=1960, frequency=4)
usea = ts(apply(sea,2,q975), start=1960, frequency=4)
tsplot(msea+mtr, ylab='', col=4, main='trend + season')
xx=c(time(msea), rev(time(msea)))
yy=c(lsea+ltr, rev(usea+utr))
polygon(xx, yy, border=NA, col=astsa.col(4,.1))
Code in Introduction
x = matrix(0, 128, 6)
for (i in 1:6) x[,i] = rowMeans(fmri[[i]])
colnames(x)=c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock", "Brush", "Heat", "Shock")
tsplot(x, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, main='')
mtext('Awake', outer=T, adj=.25)
mtext('Sedated', outer=T, adj=.75)
attach(eqexp) # to use the names
P = 1:1024; S = P+1024
x = cbind(EQ5[P], EQ6[P], EX5[P], EX6[P], NZ[P], EQ5[S], EQ6[S],
EX5[S], EX6[S], NZ[S]) = c("EQ5","EQ6","EX5","EX6","NZ")
colnames(x) = c(,
tsplot(x, ncol=2, byrow=FALSE, main='')
mtext('P waves', outer=T, adj=.25)
mtext('S waves', outer=T, adj=.75)
detach(eqexp) # Redemption
Example 7.1
tsplot(climhyd, ncol=2, col=2:7, lwd=2) # figure 7.3
Y = climhyd # Y to hold transformed series
Y[,6] = log(Y[,6]) # log inflow
Y[,5] = sqrt(Y[,5]) # sqrt precipitation
L = 25 # setup
M = 100
alpha = .001
fdr = .001
nq = 2 # number of inputs (Temp and Precip)
# Spectral Matrix
Yspec = mvspec(Y, spans=L, kernel="daniell", taper=.1, plot=FALSE)
n = Yspec$n.used # effective sample size
Fr = Yspec$freq # fundamental freqs
n.freq = length(Fr) # number of frequencies
Yspec$bandwidth # = 0.05
# Coherencies (see section 4.7 also)
Fq = qf(1-alpha, 2, L-2); cn = Fq/(L-1+Fq) = c("(a)","(b)","(c)","(d)","(e)","(f)")
par(mfrow=c(2,3), cex.lab=1.2)
# The coherencies are listed as 1,2,...,15=choose(6,2)
for (i in 11:15){
tsplot(Fr,Yspec$coh[,i], ylab="Sq Coherence", xlab="Frequency", ylim=c(0,1),
main=paste("Inflow with", names(climhyd[i-10]), sep=' '))
abline(h = cn); text(.45,.98,[i-10], cex=1.2)
# Multiple Coherency
coh.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full = c(1,5), = NULL, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "coh",
main="Inflow with Temp & Precip")
text(.45,.98,[6], cex=1.2)
# Partial F (note F-stat is called eF in the code)
numer.df = 2*nq
denom.df = Yspec$df-2*nq
par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(3,3,2,1)+.5, mgp = c(1.5,0.4,0), cex.lab=1.2)
out.15 = stoch.reg(Y, cols.full = c(1,5), = 5, alpha, L, M, plot.which = "F.stat")
eF = out.15$eF
pvals = pf(eF, numer.df, denom.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
pID = FDR(pvals, fdr)
abline(h=c(eF[pID]), lty=2)
title(main = "Partial F Statistic")
# Regression Coefficients
S = seq(from = -M/2+1, to = M/2 - 1, length = M-1)
tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,1], type = "h", xlab = "", ylab =names(climhyd[1]),
ylim = c(-.025, .055), lwd=2)
title(main = "Impulse Response Functions")
tsplot(S, coh.15$Betahat[,2], type = "h", xlab = "Index", ylab = names(climhyd[5]),
ylim = c(-.015, .055), lwd=2)
Example 7.2
tau = rep(0,3)
u = ccf(sensor1, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[1] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)] # 17
u = ccf(sensor3, sensor2, plot=FALSE)
tau[3] = u$lag[which.max(u$acf)] # -22
Y = ts.union(sensor1=lag(sensor1,tau[1]), lag(sensor2, tau[2]), lag(sensor3, tau[3]))
Y = ts.union(Y, rowMeans(Y))
colnames(Y) = c('sensor1', 'sensor2', 'sensor3', 'beam')
tsplot(Y, main="Infrasonic Signals and Beam")
Example 7.4
L = 9
fdr = .001
N = 3
Y = cbind(beamd, beam=rowMeans(beamd))
n = nextn(nrow(Y))
Y.fft = mvfft(as.ts(Y))/sqrt(n)
Df = Y.fft[,1:3] # fft of the data
Bf = Y.fft[,4] # beam fft
ssr = N*Re(Bf*Conj(Bf)) # raw signal spectrum
sse = Re(rowSums(Df*Conj(Df))) - ssr # raw error spectrum
# Smooth
SSE = filter(sse, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
SSR = filter(ssr, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
Fr = 0:(n-1)/n
nFr = 1:200 # freqs to plot
tsplot( Fr[nFr], SST[nFr], type="l", ylab="log Power", xlab="", main="Sum of Squares",log="y")
lines(Fr[nFr], SSE[nFr], type="l", lty=2)
eF = (N-1)*SSR/SSE; df1 = 2*L; df2 = 2*L*(N-1)
pvals = pf(eF, df1, df2, lower=FALSE) # p values for FDR
pID = FDR(pvals, fdr); Fq = qf(1-fdr, df1, df2)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr], type="l", ylab="F-statistic", xlab="Frequency", main="F Statistic")
abline(h=c(Fq, eF[pID]), lty=1:2)
Example 7.5
L = 9
M = 100
M2 = M/2
N = 3
Y = cbind(beamd, beam <- rowMeans(beamd))
n = nextn(nrow(Y))
n.freq = n/2
Y[,1:3] = Y[,1:3]-Y[,4] # center each series
Y.fft = mvfft(as.ts(Y))/sqrt(n)
Ef = Y.fft[,1:3] # fft of the error
Bf = Y.fft[,4] # beam fft
ssr = N*Re(Bf*Conj(Bf)) # Raw Signal Spectrum
sse = Re(rowSums(Ef*Conj(Ef))) # Raw Error Spectrum
# Smooth
SSE = filter(sse, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
SSR = filter(ssr, sides=2, filter=rep(1/L,L), circular=TRUE)
# Estimate Signal and Noise Spectra
fv = SSE/(L*(N-1)) # Equation (7.77)
fb = (SSR-SSE/(N-1))/(L*N) # Equation (7.78)
fb[fb<0] = 0
H0 = N*fb/(fv+N*fb)
H0[ceiling(.04*n):n] = 0 # zero out H0 beyond frequency .04
# Extend components to make it a valid transform
H0 = c(H0[1:n.freq], rev(H0[2:(n.freq+1)]))
h0 = Re(fft(H0, inverse = TRUE)) # Impulse Response
h0 = c(rev(h0[2:(M2+1)]), h0[1:(M2+1)]) # center it
h1 = spec.taper(h0, p = .5) # taper it
k1 = h1/sum(h1) # normalize it
f.beam = filter(Y$beam, filter=k1, sides=2) # filter it
# Graphics
nFr = 1:50 # freqs to display
Fr = (nFr-1)/n # frequencies
layout(matrix(c(1, 2, 4, 1, 3, 4), nc=2))
tsplot(10*Fr, fb[nFr], type="l", ylab="Power", xlab="Frequency (Hz)")
lines(10*Fr, fv[nFr], lty=2); text(.24, 5, "(a)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(10*Fr, H0[nFr], type="l", ylab="Frequency Response", xlab="Frequency(Hz)")
text(.23, .84, "(b)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(-M2:M2, k1, type="l", ylab="Impulse Response", xlab="Index", lwd=1.5)
text(45, .022, "(c)", cex=1.2)
tsplot(cbind(f.beam,beam), spag=TRUE, lty=1:2, ylab="beam")
text(2040, 2, "(d)", cex=1.2)
Example 7.6
n = 128 # length of series
n.freq = 1 + n/2 # number of frequencies
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n # the frequencies
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4) # number of series for each cell
n.subject = sum(N) # number of subjects (26)
n.trt = 6 # number of treatments
L = 3 # for smoothing
num.df = 2*L*(n.trt-1) # dfs for F test
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.trt)
# Design Matrix (Z):
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,1,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1,0,1,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1,0,0,1,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1,0,0,0,1,0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1,0,0,0,0,1))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
SSEF <- rep(NA, n) -> SSER
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
HatR = Z[,1]%*%t(Z[,1])/ZZ[1,1]
par(mfrow=c(3,3)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1",
"Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in 1:9) {
i = n.trt*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)
Y = t(Y) # Y is now 26 x 128 FFTs
# Calculation of Error Spectra
for (k in 1:n) {
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k] = SSY - SSReg
SSReg = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatR%*%Y[,k])
SSER[k] = SSY - SSReg
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF =(den.df/num.df)*(sSSER-sSSEF)/sSSEF
tsplot(Fr, eF[1:n.freq], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,7),[Loc])
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
Example 7.7
n = 128
n.freq = 1 + n/2
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n
nFr = 1:(n.freq/2)
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4)
n.para = 6 # number of parameters
n.subject = sum(N) # total number of subjects
L = 3
df.stm = 2*L*(3-1) # stimulus (3 levels: Brush,Heat,Shock)
df.con = 2*L*(2-1) # conscious (2 levels: Awake,Sedated) = 2*L*(3-1)*(2-1) # interaction
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-n.para) # df for full model
# Design Matrix: mu a1 a2 b g1 g2
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
rep(NA, n)-> SSEF -> SSE.stm -> SSE.con ->
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ,t(Z))
Hat.stm = Z[,-(2:3)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(2:3),-(2:3)], t(Z[,-(2:3)]))
Hat.con = Z[,-4]%*%solve(ZZ[-4,-4], t(Z[,-4])) = Z[,-(5:6)]%*%solve(ZZ[-(5:6),-(5:6)], t(Z[,-(5:6)]))
par(mfrow=c(5,3), oma=c(0,2,0,0)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate", "Thalamus 1",
"Thalamus 2", "Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2")
for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) { # only Loc 1 to 4 and 9 used
i = 6*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]], fmri[[i+2]], fmri[[i+3]], fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]], fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n)
Y = t(Y)
for (k in 1:n) {
SSReg= Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSE.stm[k] = SSY-SSReg
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSE.stm = filter(SSE.stm, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSE.con = filter(SSE.con, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE) = filter(, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF.stm = (den.df/df.stm)*(sSSE.stm-sSSEF)/sSSEF
eF.con = (den.df/df.con)*(sSSE.con-sSSEF)/sSSEF = (den.df/*(
tsplot(Fr[nFr],eF.stm[nFr],xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
abline(h=qf(.999, df.stm, den.df),lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Stimulus", side=3, line=.3, cex=.8)
mtext([Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.8)
tsplot(Fr[nFr],eF.con[nFr], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
abline(h=qf(.999, df.con, den.df),lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Consciousness", side=3, line=.3, cex=.8)
tsplot(Fr[nFr],[nFr], xlab="Frequency",ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,12))
abline(h=qf(.999,, den.df),lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Interaction", side=3, line= .3, cex=.8)
Example 7.8
n = 128
n.freq = 1 + n/2
Fr = (0:(n.freq-1))/n
nFr = 1:(n.freq/2)
N = c(5,4,5,3,5,4)
L = 3
n.subject = sum(N)
# Design Matrix
Z1 = outer(rep(1,N[1]), c(1,0,0,0,0,0))
Z2 = outer(rep(1,N[2]), c(0,1,0,0,0,0))
Z3 = outer(rep(1,N[3]), c(0,0,1,0,0,0))
Z4 = outer(rep(1,N[4]), c(0,0,0,1,0,0))
Z5 = outer(rep(1,N[5]), c(0,0,0,0,1,0))
Z6 = outer(rep(1,N[6]), c(0,0,0,0,0,1))
Z = rbind(Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z6)
ZZ = t(Z)%*%Z
A = rbind(diag(1,3), diag(1,3)) # Contrasts: 6 x 3
nq = nrow(A)
num.df = 2*L*nq
den.df = 2*L*(n.subject-nq)
HatF = Z%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z)) # full model hat matrix
rep(NA, n)-> SSEF -> SSER
eF = matrix(0,n,3)
par(mfrow=c(5,3), oma=c(0,2,0,0)) = c("Cortex 1","Cortex 2","Cortex 3","Cortex 4","Caudate","Thalamus 1","Thalamus 2",
"Cerebellum 1","Cerebellum 2") = c("Brush", "Heat", "Shock")
for(Loc in c(1:4,9)) {
i = 6*(Loc-1)
Y = cbind(fmri[[i+1]],fmri[[i+2]],fmri[[i+3]],fmri[[i+4]], fmri[[i+5]],fmri[[i+6]])
Y = mvfft(spec.taper(Y, p=.5))/sqrt(n); Y = t(Y)
for (cond in 1:3){
Q = t(A[,cond])%*%solve(ZZ, A[,cond])
HR = A[,cond]%*%solve(ZZ, t(Z))
for (k in 1:n){
SSY = Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%Y[,k])
SSReg= Re(Conj(t(Y[,k]))%*%HatF%*%Y[,k])
SSEF[k]= (SSY-SSReg)*Q
SSReg= HR%*%Y[,k]
SSER[k] = Re(SSReg*Conj(SSReg))
# Smooth
sSSEF = filter(SSEF, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
sSSER = filter(SSER, rep(1/L, L), circular = TRUE)
eF[,cond]= (den.df/num.df)*(sSSER/sSSEF) }
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,1], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Brush", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)
mtext([Loc], side=2, line=3, cex=.9)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,2], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
abline(h=qf(.999, num.df, den.df),lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Heat", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)
tsplot(Fr[nFr], eF[nFr,3], xlab="Frequency", ylab="F Statistic", ylim=c(0,5), main='')
abline(h = qf(.999, num.df, den.df) ,lty=2)
if(Loc==1) mtext("Shock", side=3, line=.3, cex=1)
Example 7.9
P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
N = 8
n = 1024
p.dim = 2
m = 10
L = 2*m+1
eq.P = as.ts(eqexp[P,1:8])
eq.S = as.ts(eqexp[S,1:8])
eq.m = cbind(rowMeans(eq.P), rowMeans(eq.S))
ex.P = as.ts(eqexp[P,9:16])
ex.S = as.ts(eqexp[S,9:16])
ex.m = cbind(rowMeans(ex.P), rowMeans(ex.S))
m.diff = mvfft(eq.m - ex.m)/sqrt(n)
eq.Pf = mvfft(eq.P-eq.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
eq.Sf = mvfft(eq.S-eq.m[,2])/sqrt(n)
ex.Pf = mvfft(ex.P-ex.m[,1])/sqrt(n)
ex.Sf = mvfft(ex.S-ex.m[,2])/sqrt(n)
fv11 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf)) + rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(2*(N-1))
fv12 = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf)) + rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv22 = rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf)) + rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(2*(N-1))
fv21 = Conj(fv12)
# Equal Means
T2 = rep(NA, 512)
for (k in 1:512){
fvk = matrix(c(fv11[k], fv21[k], fv12[k], fv22[k]), 2, 2)
dk = as.matrix(m.diff[k,])
T2[k] = Re((N/2)*Conj(t(dk))%*%solve(fvk,dk)) }
eF = T2*(2*p.dim*(N-1))/(2*N-p.dim-1)
freq = 40*(0:511)/n # in Hz (cycles per second)
tsplot(freq, eF, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic", main="Equal Means")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*p.dim, 2*(2*N-p.dim-1)))
# Equal P
kd = kernel("daniell",m);
u = Re(rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Pf))/(N-1))
feq.P = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = Re(rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Pf))/(N-1))
fex.P = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
tsplot(freq, feq.P[1:512]/fex.P[1:512], xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic",
main="Equal P-Spectra")
abline(h = qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1), 2*L*(N-1)))
# Equal S
u = Re(rowSums(eq.Sf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1))
feq.S = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = Re(rowSums(ex.Sf*Conj(ex.Sf))/(N-1))
fex.S = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
tsplot(freq, feq.S[1:512]/fex.S[1:512], xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="F Statistic",
main="Equal S-Spectra")
abline(h=qf(.999, 2*L*(N-1), 2*L*(N-1)))
# Equal Spectra
u = rowSums(eq.Pf*Conj(eq.Sf))/(N-1)
feq.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
u = rowSums(ex.Pf*Conj(ex.Sf)/(N-1))
fex.PS = kernapply(u, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv11 = kernapply(fv11, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv22 = kernapply(fv22, kd, circular=TRUE)
fv12 = kernapply(fv12, kd, circular=TRUE)
Mi = L*(N-1)
M = 2*Mi
TS = rep(NA,512)
for (k in 1:512){
det.feq.k = Re(feq.P[k]*feq.S[k] - feq.PS[k]*Conj(feq.PS[k]))
det.fex.k = Re(fex.P[k]*fex.S[k] - fex.PS[k]*Conj(fex.PS[k]))
det.fv.k = Re(fv11[k]*fv22[k] - fv12[k]*Conj(fv12[k]))
log.n1 = log(M)*(M*p.dim)
log.d1 = log(Mi)*(2*Mi*p.dim)
log.n2 = log(Mi)*2 +log(det.feq.k)*Mi + log(det.fex.k)*Mi
log.d2 = (log(M)+log(det.fv.k))*M
r = 1 - ((p.dim+1)*(p.dim-1)/6*p.dim*(2-1))*(2/Mi - 1/M)
TS[k] = -2*r*(log.n1+log.n2-log.d1-log.d2)
tsplot(freq, TS, xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Chi-Sq Statistic", main="Equal Spectral Matrices")
abline(h = qchisq(.9999, p.dim^2)) # about 23.5, so not on the plot
Example 7.10
P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
mag.P = log10(apply(eqexp[P,],2,max) - apply(eqexp[P,],2,min))
mag.S = log10(apply(eqexp[S,],2,max) - apply(eqexp[S,],2,min))
eq.P = mag.P[1:8]
eq.S = mag.S[1:8]
ex.P = mag.P[9:16]
ex.S = mag.S[9:16]
NZ.P = mag.P[17]
NZ.S = mag.S[17]
# Compute linear discriminant function
cov.eq = var(cbind(eq.P, eq.S))
cov.ex = var(cbind(ex.P, ex.S))
cov.pooled = (cov.ex + cov.eq)/2
means.eq = colMeans(cbind(eq.P,eq.S));
means.ex = colMeans(cbind(ex.P,ex.S))
slopes.eq = solve(cov.pooled, means.eq)
inter.eq = -sum(slopes.eq*means.eq)/2
slopes.ex = solve(cov.pooled, means.ex)
inter.ex = -sum(slopes.ex*means.ex)/2
d.slopes = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
d.inter = inter.eq - inter.ex
# Classify new observation = cbind(NZ.P, NZ.S)
d = sum(d.slopes* + d.inter
post.eq = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))
# Print (disc function, posteriors) and plot results
cat(d.slopes[1], "mag.P +" , d.slopes[2], "mag.S +" , d.inter,"\n")
cat("P(EQ|data) =", post.eq, " P(EX|data) =", 1-post.eq, "\n" )
tsplot(eq.P, eq.S, type='p', xlim=c(0,1.5), ylim=c(.75,1.25),
xlab="log mag(P)", ylab ="log mag(S)", pch = 8, cex=1.1, lwd=2,
main="Classification Based on Magnitude Features", col=4)
points(ex.P, ex.S, pch = 6, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=6)
points(, pch = 3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3)
abline(a = -d.inter/d.slopes[2], b = -d.slopes[1]/d.slopes[2])
text(eq.P-.07,eq.S+.005, label=names(eqexp[1:8]), cex=.8)
text(ex.P+.07,ex.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[9:16]), cex=.8)
text(NZ.P+.05,NZ.S+.003, label=names(eqexp[17]), cex=.8)
legend("topright",c("EQ","EX","NZ"),pch=c(8,6,3),pt.lwd=2,cex=1.1, col=c(4,6,3))
# Cross-validation = rbind(cbind(eq.P,eq.S), cbind(ex.P,ex.S))
post.eq <- rep(NA, 8) -> post.ex
for(j in 1:16) {
if (j <= 8) {samp.eq =[-c(j, 9:16),]; samp.ex =[9:16,]}
if (j > 8) {samp.eq =[1:8,]; samp.ex =[-c(j, 1:8),]}
df.eq = nrow(samp.eq)-1; df.ex = nrow(samp.ex)-1
mean.eq = colMeans(samp.eq); mean.ex = colMeans(samp.ex)
cov.eq = var(samp.eq); cov.ex = var(samp.ex)
cov.pooled = (df.eq*cov.eq + df.ex*cov.ex)/(df.eq + df.ex)
slopes.eq = solve(cov.pooled, mean.eq)
inter.eq = -sum(slopes.eq*mean.eq)/2
slopes.ex = solve(cov.pooled, mean.ex)
inter.ex = -sum(slopes.ex*mean.ex)/2
d.slopes = slopes.eq - slopes.ex
d.inter = inter.eq - inter.ex
d = sum(d.slopes*[j,]) + d.inter
if (j <= 8) post.eq[j] = exp(d)/(1+exp(d))
if (j > 8) post.ex[j-8] = 1/(1+exp(d))
Posterior = cbind(1:8, post.eq, 1:8, post.ex)
colnames(Posterior) = c("EQ","P(EQ|data)","EX","P(EX|data)")
# results from cross-validation
round(Posterior, 3)
Example 7.11
P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
p.dim = 2
n =1024
eq = as.ts(eqexp[,1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[,9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[,17])
f.eq <- array(dim=c(8,2,2,512)) -> f.ex
f.NZ = array(dim=c(2,2,512))
# determinant for 2x2 complex matrix
det.c = function(mat){return(Re(mat[1,1]*mat[2,2]-mat[1,2]*mat[2,1]))}
L = c(15,13,5) # for smoothing
for (i in 1:8){ # compute spectral matrices
f.eq[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i],eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
f.ex[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i],ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
u = mvspec(cbind(nz[P],nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5)
f.NZ = u$fxx
bndwidth = u$bandwidth*40 # about .75 Hz
fhat.eq = apply(f.eq, 2:4, mean) # average spectra
fhat.ex = apply(f.ex, 2:4, mean)
# plot the average spectra
Fr = 40*(1:512)/n
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.eq[1,1,]), main="", xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.eq[2,2,]), main="", xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.ex[1,1,]), xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
tsplot(Fr, Re(fhat.ex[2,2,]), xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="")
mtext("Average P-spectra", side=3, line=-1.5, adj=.2, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Earthquakes", side=2, line=-1, adj=.8, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Average S-spectra", side=3, line=-1.5, adj=.82, outer=TRUE)
mtext("Explosions", side=2, line=-1, adj=.2, outer=TRUE)
par(fig = c(.75, .995, .75, .98), new = TRUE)
ker = kernel("modified.daniell", L)$coef; ker = c(rev(ker),ker[-1])
# choose alpha
Balpha = rep(0,19)
for (i in 1:19){ alf=i/20
for (k in 1:256) {
Balpha[i]= Balpha[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*fhat.ex[,,k] + (1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/ det.c(fhat.eq[,,k]))-
alf*log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])))} }
alf = which.max(Balpha)/20 # = .4
# calculate information criteria
rep(0,17) -> KLDiff -> BDiff -> KLeq -> KLex -> Beq -> Bex
for (i in 1:17){
if (i <= 8) f0 = f.eq[i,,,]
if (i > 8 & i <= 16) f0 = f.ex[i-8,,,]
if (i == 17) f0 = f.NZ
for (k in 1:256) { # only use freqs out to .25
tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.eq[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
KLeq[i] = KLeq[i] + tr + log(det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
Beq[i] = Beq[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.eq[,,k])/det.c(fhat.eq[,,k])) -
tr = Re(sum(diag(solve(fhat.ex[,,k],f0[,,k]))))
KLex[i] = KLex[i] + tr + log(det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) - log(det.c(f0[,,k]))
Bex[i] = Bex[i] + Re(log(det.c(alf*f0[,,k]+(1-alf)*fhat.ex[,,k])/det.c(fhat.ex[,,k])) -
KLDiff[i] = (KLeq[i] - KLex[i])/n
BDiff[i] = (Beq[i] - Bex[i])/(2*n)
x.b = max(KLDiff)+.1; x.a = min(KLDiff)-.1
y.b = max(BDiff)+.01; y.a = min(BDiff)-.01
tsplot(KLDiff[9:16], BDiff[9:16], type="p", xlim=c(x.a,x.b), ylim=c(y.a,y.b), cex=1.1, lwd=2,
xlab="Kullback-Leibler Difference",ylab="Chernoff Difference", col=6,
main="Classification Based on Chernoff and K-L Distances", pch=6)
points(KLDiff[1:8], BDiff[1:8], pch=8, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=4)
points(KLDiff[17], BDiff[17], pch=3, cex=1.1, lwd=2, col=3)
legend("topleft", legend=c("EQ", "EX", "NZ"), pch=c(8,6,3), pt.lwd=2, col=c(4,6,3))
abline(h=0, v=0, lty=2, col=8)
text(KLDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]-.075, BDiff[-c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[-c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)
text(KLDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)]+.075, BDiff[c(1,2,3,7,14)], label=names(eqexp[c(1,2,3,7,14)]), cex=.7)
Example 7.12
P = 1:1024
S = P+1024
p.dim = 2
n =1024
eq = as.ts(eqexp[,1:8])
ex = as.ts(eqexp[,9:16])
nz = as.ts(eqexp[,17])
f = array(dim=c(17,2,2,512))
L = c(15,15) # for smoothing
for (i in 1:8){ # compute spectral matrices
f[i,,,] = mvspec(cbind(eq[P,i],eq[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
f[i+8,,,] = mvspec(cbind(ex[P,i],ex[S,i]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
f[17,,,] = mvspec(cbind(nz[P],nz[S]), spans=L, taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
# calculate symmetric information criteria
JD = matrix(0,17,17)
for (i in 1:16){
for (j in (i+1):17){
for (k in 1:256) { # only use freqs out to .25
tr1 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[i,,,k],f[j,,,k]))))
tr2 = Re(sum(diag(solve(f[j,,,k], f[i,,,k]))))
JD[i,j] = JD[i,j] + (tr1 + tr2 - 2*p.dim)
JD = (JD + t(JD))/n
colnames(JD) = c(colnames(eq), colnames(ex), "NZ")
rownames(JD) = colnames(JD)
cluster.2 = pam(JD, k = 2, diss = TRUE)
summary(cluster.2) # print results
par(mar=c(2,2,1,.5)+2, cex=3/4, cex.lab=4/3, cex.main=4/3)
clusplot(JD, cluster.2$cluster, col.clus=gray(.5), labels=3, lines=0,
col.p = c(rep(4,8), rep(6,8), 3),
main="Clustering Results for Explosions and Earthquakes")
text(-3.5,-1.5, "Group I", cex=1.1, font=2)
text(1.5,5,"Group II", cex=1.1, font=2)
Example 7.13
n = 128
Per = abs(mvfft(fmri1[,-1]))^2/n
par(mfrow=c(2,4), mar=c(3,2,2,1), mgp = c(1.6,.6,0), oma=c(0,1,0,0))
for (i in 1:8){
plot(0:20, Per[1:21,i], type="n", xaxt='n', ylim=c(0,8), main=colnames(fmri1)[i+1], xlab="Cycles", ylab="")
axis(1, seq(0,20,by=4))
Grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE)
abline(v=seq(0,60,by=4), col='lightgray', lty=1)
lines(0:20, Per[1:21,i]) }
mtext("Periodogram", side=2, line=-.3, outer=TRUE, adj=c(.2,.8))
fxx = mvspec(fmri1[,-1], kernel("daniell", c(1,1)), taper=.5, plot=FALSE)$fxx
l.val = rep(NA,64)
for (k in 1:64) {
u = eigen(fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)
l.val[k] = u$values[1]
par(mar=c(2.25,2,.5,.5)+.5, mgp = c(1.6,.6,0))
plot(l.val, type="n", xaxt='n',xlab="Cycles (Frequency x 128)", ylab="First Principal Component")
axis(1, seq(4,60,by=8))
Grid(nx=NA, ny=NULL, minor=FALSE)
abline(v=seq(4,60,by=8), col='lightgray', lty=1)
# at freq k=4
u = eigen(fxx[,,4], symmetric=TRUE)
lam = u$values
evec = u$vectors
lam[1]/sum(lam) # % of variance explained
sig.e1 = matrix(0,8,8)
for (l in 2:5){ # last 3 evs are 0
sig.e1 = sig.e1 + lam[l]*evec[,l]%*%Conj(t(evec[,l]))/(lam[1]-lam[l])^2
sig.e1 = Re(sig.e1)*lam[1]*sum(kernel("daniell", c(1,1))$coef^2)
p.val = round(pchisq(2*abs(evec[,1])^2/diag(sig.e1), 2, lower.tail=FALSE), 3)
cbind(colnames(fmri1)[-1], abs(evec[,1]), p.val) # print table values
Example 7.14
bhat = sqrt(lam[1])*evec[,1]
Dhat = Re(diag(fxx[,,4] - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat))))
res = Mod(fxx[,,4] - Dhat - bhat%*%Conj(t(bhat)))
Example 7.15
gr = diff(log(ts(econ5, start=1948, frequency=4))) # growth rate
tsplot(100*gr, col=2:6, lwd=2, ncol=2, main="Growth Rates (%)")
# scale each series to have variance 1
gr = ts(apply(gr,2,scale), freq=4) # scaling strips ts attributes
gr.spec = mvspec(gr, spans=c(7,7), detrend=FALSE, taper=.25, col=2:6, lwd=2)
legend("topright", colnames(econ5), lty=1:5, lwd=2, col=2:6)
plot.spec.coherency(gr.spec, ci=NA, main="Squared Coherencies")
# PCs
n.freq = length(gr.spec$freq)
lam = matrix(0,n.freq,5)
for (k in 1:n.freq) lam[k,] = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,k], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,1], ylab="", xlab="Frequency", main="First Eigenvalue")
abline(v=.25, lty=2)
tsplot(gr.spec$freq, lam[,2], ylab="", xlab="Frequency", main="Second Eigenvalue")
abline(v=.125, lty=2)
e.vec1 = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,10], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,1]
e.vec2 = eigen(gr.spec$fxx[,,5], symmetric=TRUE)$vectors[,2]
round(Mod(e.vec1), 2); round(Mod(e.vec2), 3)
Example 7.17 (there is now a script for the spectral envelope)
xdata = dna2vector(bnrf1ebv)
u = specenv(xdata, spans=c(7,7))
# details near the peak (coefs are for A, C, G, and T)
Example 7.18
x = astsa::nyse
# possible transformations include absolute value and squared value
xdata = cbind(x, abs(x), x^2)
u = specenv(xdata, real=TRUE, spans=c(3,3))
# peak at freq = .001 so let's
# plot the optimal transform
beta = u[2, 3:5] # scalings
b = beta/beta[2] # makes abs(x) coef=1
gopt = function(x) { b[1]*x+b[2]*abs(x)+b[3]*x^2 }
curve(gopt, -.2, .2, col=4, lwd=2, panel.first=Grid(nym=0))
gabs = function(x) { b[2]*abs(x) } # corresponding to |x|
curve(gabs, -.2, .2, add=TRUE, col=6)
legend('bottomright', lty=1, col=c(4,6), legend=c('optimal', 'absolute value'), bg='white')