This is a fork of JeeLab's fantastic real time clock library for Arduino.
For details on using this library with an RTC module like the DS1307, see the guide at:
To download. click the DOWNLOADS button to the right, and rename the uncompressed folder RTClib.
Place the RTClib folder in your arduino_sketch_folder/libraries/ folder. You may need to create the libraries subfolder if its your first library. Restart the IDE.
Basic functions (see libraries/examples of how to use):
- .begin
- .adjust
- .isrunning
- .now
DS1307 specific functions:
- .readnvram
- .writenvram
- .readSqwPinMode
- .writeSqwPinMode
PCF8523 specific functions:
- .writeSqwPinMode
DS3231 specific functions:
- .getTemperature
- .getA1Time
- .setA1Time
- .setAlarm1Simple
- .turnOnAlarm
- .turnOffAlarm
- .checkAlarmEnabled
- .checkIfAlarm
Millis (software RTC) specific functions:
- .checkRollover
DS3231 functionality tested on Arduino Pro Mini (Jan 8, 2016 - MrAlvin)
For other compatibility details see
- debug Alarm2
- make DS3231 SQW functon calls similar to DS1307 function calls