title: gr-lte brief: LTE downlink receiver blocks tags:
- synchronization
- estimation
- PBCH author:
- Johannes Demel demel@ant.uni-bremen.de
- Kristian Maier uafye@student.kit.edu copyright_owner:
- Johannes Demel demel@ant.uni-bremen.de
- Kristian Maier uafye@student.kit.edu dependencies:
- gnuradio (>= 3.7.0) repo: https://github.com/kit-cel/gr-lte stable_release: HEAD icon:
The gr-lte project is an Open Source Software Package which aims to provide a GNU Radio LTE Receiver to receive, synchronize and decode LTE signals. Its development was focused on modularity. This makes the project easy to extend and reuse its blocks.
This project was initiated as a Bachelor thesis at the Communication Engineering Lab (CEL) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, http://www.cel.kit.edu.