The notes are taken from the books required for the course:
- A. Berera and L.D. Debbio. Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2021.
- F. Ciccacci. Fondamenti di fisica atomica e quantistica. Edises, 2020.
- J.J. Sakurai and J. Napolitano. Modern Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
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According to the official course syllabus:
- Quantum states
- Introduction to quantum phenomena.
- Measurements: intrinsic uncertainties.
- Probability and probability density.
- Quantum states.
- Observables.
- Pure and mixed states.
- Observables and operators
- Hilbert space of quantum states.
- Dirac notation: ket and bra.
- Hermitian operators: eigenstates and eigenvalues.
- Generalized statistical interpretation.
- Commutators.
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
- Operators with discrete spectrum: matrix representation of operators and observables.
- Continuous spectrum.
- Complete basis sets.
- Position representation and wave function.
- Momentum representation and wave function in momentum space.
- Time evolution
- Schrödinger equation.
- Energy representation and stationary states.
- Ehrenfest theorem and classical limit.
- Quantum harmonic oscillator.
- Creation and annihilation operators.
- Transformations
- Unitary transformations.
- Space translation and rotations.
- Quantization of angular momentum.
- Rising and lowering operators.
- Electron spin, spinors and spin operators.
- Pauli matrices.
- Composite systems
- Identical particles.
- Pauli exclusion principle for Fermions.
- Singlet and triplet states.
- Two level systems: qubits.
- Entanglement.
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen gedanken experiment.
- Bell’s inequality.