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362 lines (246 loc) · 6.55 KB

Basic Frontend - Fall 2024

Lesson 4, Tuesday, 2024-09-24


Name the operators:



Name the operators:

&&    // logical AND
<     // less than
===   // strict equality
||    // logical OR
+     // addition
**    // exponentiation
=     // assignment
>=    // greater than or equal


Group Operators Example
Numerical Operators + - * / ** 5 + 4 * 3
7 / 2 - 2
"Hello" + " World"
Comparison Operators === !== < > <= >= 30 !== 25
20 >= 18
Logical Operators || && ! true && !false


What is document.body.textContent ?

A variable defined by the browser that points to the text inside the body of our HTML document.

Lesson Overview

  • Code comments
  • Conditional Statements

Code comments

JavaScript ignores everything after a double slash // until the end of the line:

let x = 41; // this is ignored
x = 42;     // you can write anything
// As a good practice, document the why,
// not the what!


let x = 41;
x = 42;
// x = 43;

What's the value of x after this code runs?


Conditional Statements

Conditional Statements

Up until now, we wrote code line by line.

But what if I want to run some code only if a certain condition is true or false? For example, only run code when the user is logged in?


If statement

if (condition) {
  // block of code that
  // will run ONLY if
  // condition is true

If statements

if (condition) {
  // your code here
  • condition must be a boolean
  • The code in the block is executed only if the boolean is true
  • If the boolean is false, the code block is not executed

if Statements - Examples

if (food === "pizza") {
  document.body.textContent = "My favorite food is pizza!";
if (temperature > 20) {
  document.body.textContent = "Yay, it's warm again!";
if (canSpeakFrench) {
  // same as: canSpeakFrench === true
  document.body.textContent = "Bonjour!";

if statements - quiz

What does the code below show on the HTML page?

let language = "German";

if (language === "German") {
  document.body.textContent = "Guten Tag";

if (language === "French") {
  document.body.textContent = "Bonjour";

"Guten Tag"

if statements - quiz

What does the code below show on the HTML page?

let language = "Spanish";

if (language === "German") {
  document.body.textContent = "Guten Tag";

if (language === "French") {
  document.body.textContent = "Bonjour";

if (language !== "German" && language !== "French") {
  document.body.textContent = "Good day";

"Good day"

Code Blocks: {}

Code blocks contain the code between { and }, and should be indented for better readability:

if (language === "German") {
  // In VSCode, you can indent code by pressing the "Tab" key,
  // or right-click and choose "Format Document"
  document.body.textContent = "Guten Tag";

Code Blocks: {}

All variables defined in code blocks only exist inside the block (technical term: “block scope”)

let name = "John Doe";

if (name === "John Doe") {
  let greeting = "Hi dude";

if (name === "Mary Doyle") {
  let greeting = "Hello my dear";

document.body.textContent = greeting; // ERROR!

Code Blocks: {}

Correct solution:

let name = "John Doe";
let greeting;

if (name === "John Doe") {
  greeting = "Hi dude";

if (name === "Mary Doyle") {
  greeting = "Hello my dear";

document.body.textContent = greeting; // "Hi dude"


What does the code below show on the HTML page?

let food = "broccoli";

if (food === "pizza") {
  document.body.textContent = "yum yum";

Solution: Nothing, since the condition in the if is false


What does it output?

let age = 42;

if (age >= 18) {
  document.body.textContent = "you are allowed to drive a car";

if (age < 18) {
  document.body.textContent = "you are not allowed to drive a car";

Solution: First condition is true, so it outputs "you are allowed to drive a car"

Task 1

Define a variable hour and set it to 17. Make an if statement that outputs good day to the body of your page, if hour is less than 18.

Now change hour to 19 and run the code again. What changed?

Task 2

Annie invented a game where the player with the highest score wins. The score is the player's shoe size plus five multiplied by the number of times you ate pizza in the last month.

  1. Create variables for the shoe size and number of pizza eaten for you and a person next to you
  2. Calculate the scores for you and your neighbor
  3. Decide who wins, output the winner and their score to the body of your HTML. Remember: there can be a draw (both players with the same score).

Solution - Task 1

let hour = 17;

if (hour < 18) {
  document.body.textContent = "good day";

Solution - Task 2

let player1ShoeSize = 42;
let player1PizzaCount = 3;
let player2ShoeSize = 44;
let player2PizzaCount = 2;

let player1Score = player1ShoeSize + 5 * player1PizzaCount;
let player2Score = player2ShoeSize + 5 * player2PizzaCount;

let result;
if (player1Score > player2Score) {
  result = "Player 1 wins with " + player1Score + " points";
if (player1Score < player2Score) {
  result = "Player 2 wins with " + player2Score + " points";
if (player1Score === player2Score) {
  result = "It's a draw, both players have " + player1Score + " points";
document.body.textContent = result;