You need the following to run Rodeo in dev mode:
- node.js
- electron (npm install electron-prebuilt -g)
Then from the root directory of the project:
npm install # to install the dependences
gulp build # to build the project
npm start # to run Rodeo
npm install # to install the dependences
gulp # to build the project
gulp hot # to opt-in to hot-swapping modules
npm start # to run Rodeo
and then in another console
npm run hot-server
npm version patch # to update the version for patches; use minor only for new features
git push && git push --tags # to give the new tag to github
Note that the update server doesn't like versions without downloadable parts, so everyone auto-update will not working until the builds are uploaded to the release.
Install the dependencies:
brew doctor
brew update
brew --version
# so we can build windows on mac
brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz wine mono
# so we can build linux on mac
brew install gnu-tar libicns graphicsmagick
CSC_NAME=<some key sha identifier for signing> npm run dist:all
CSC_NAME=<some key sha identifier for signing> npm run dist:osx