Hello and thank you for taking the time to be here. I'm very happy that you'd like to contribute, I could do with some help!
Here are a set of guidelines that outline how you can contribute.
This project has a code of conduct which can be read at https://github.com/RobSullivan/pmc-ref/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.
Issues can be reported to me at robertjsullivan.esq@gmail.com.
- How you can help
- Getting started
- Tests
- Issues and bugs
- Pull requests
- The wiki (bits and pieces of how the code works)
- Other resources
There's a lot I need help with, not just coding. So if you have enthusiasm, experience or aspirations for any of the following, please jump in:
- User Experience (user interface and user design)
- Accessibility (see https://pages.18f.gov/accessibility/)
- Suggesting features
- Advocacy (if you just think this is just the absolute best thing ever made, tell ur friends!)
- Improve knowledge base (documentation)
- Make suggestions to improve code (code review)
- Or even go ahead and refactor the code!
- Improve test coverage
- Code review - tell me where I can improve!
Here are the instructions for getting the code and getting the application working on your machine.
pmc-ref uses Node.js, MongoDB and Heroku Toolbelt. Heroku isn't necessary to get this up and running locally. Versions used are Node 4.2.6 and Mongo 3.2.
With Node, MongoDB and Heroku installed download and unzip the current data set data from here (64MB).
In a terminal start mongod running with mongod
and in a new terminal navigate to the unzipped files.
From there run the command
mongorestore -d [desired name of database] path/to/unzipped/data/
Start an instance of mongo with the mongo
command and check there is some data.
Log an issue if you need help.
Once the test data has been loaded, clone or fork this repo and run npm install
from the root. There are some known issues with node-gyp and Kerberos which are related to Mongo and/or Mongoose but it "should" be ok.
If installing on Windows these instructions might be useful for deciphering install errors https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-gyp#installation too.
Check the mongod process is still running.
Create a .env file in the root of the project and add a couple of lines like this
Then either use heroku local
or heroku local web -f Procfile.test
MONGOOSE_HOST=mongodb://localhost/pmcref SERVER_PORT=5000 node main.js
Open the browser at localhost:5000.
On Windows:
Start the mongod server:
In a new terminal cd to the project directory which will contain main.js and set the following:
set MONGOOSE_HOST=mongodb://localhost/
set MONGOOSE_DB=pmcref
set SERVER_PORT=5000
- run the command
- open browser at http://localhost:5000/
Here's where you can find out more information on running and writing tests.
pmc-ref using the Mocha and a bit of Chai to write and run tests.
Tests can be run using the command:
npm test
There are lots of issues and bugs! Have a look, raise or report here https://github.com/RobSullivan/pmc-ref/issues
Read more about how things work over on the wiki
JavaScript Testing Recipes https://jstesting.jcoglan.com/