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Benchmarking of Image Classification model

The Image Classification Model Benchmarking service is a powerful tool that enables users to evaluate the performance of their image classification models built with TensorFlow Lite (.tflite), Keras (.h5), or ONNX (.onnx). With this service, users can easily upload their model and configure the settings to benchmark it and generate various metrics, including memory footprints and inference time. This can be achieved by utilizing the STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud to benchmark on different STM32 target devices or by using STM32Cube.AI to estimate the memory footprints.

1. Configure the YAML file
    1.1 Set the model and the operation mode

    To use this service and achieve your goals, you can use the user_config.yaml or directly update the benchmarking_config.yaml file and use it. This file provides an example of how to configure the benchmarking service to meet your specific needs.

    Alternatively, you can follow the tutorial below, which shows how to benchmark your pre-trained image classification model using our evaluation service.

    As mentioned previously, all the sections of the YAML file must be set in accordance with this In particular, operation_mode should be set to benchmarking and the benchmarking section should be filled as in the following example:

       model_path:  ../../../model_zoo/image_classification/mobilenetv2/ST_pretrainedmodel_public_dataset/flowers/mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft/mobilenet_v2_0.35_128_fft_int8.tflite
    operation_mode: benchmarking

    The model file can be either:

    • a Keras model file (float model) with a '.h5' filename extension
    • a TensorFlow Lite model file (quantized model) with a '.tflite' filename extension
    • an ONNX model file (quantized model) with an '.onnx' filename extension.

    In this example, the path to the MobileNet V2 model is provided in the model_path parameter.

    1.2 Set benchmarking tools and parameters

    The STM32Cube.AI Developer Cloud allows you to benchmark your model and estimate its footprints and inference time for different STM32 target devices. To use this feature, set the on_cloud attribute to True. Alternatively, you can use STM32Cube.AI to benchmark your model and estimate its footprints for STM32 target devices locally. To do this, make sure to add the path to the stedgeai executable under the path_to_stedgeai attribute and set the on_cloud attribute to False.

    The version attribute specifies the STM32Cube.AI version used to benchmark the model, e.g., 10.0.0, and the optimization defines the optimization used to generate the C model, options: "balanced", "time", "ram".

    The board attribute is used to provide the name of the STM32 board to benchmark the model on. The available boards are 'STM32N6570-DK', 'STM32H747I-DISCO', 'STM32H7B3I-DK', 'STM32F469I-DISCO', 'B-U585I-IOT02A', 'STM32L4R9I-DISCO', 'NUCLEO-H743ZI2', 'STM32H735G-DK', 'STM32F769I-DISCO', 'NUCLEO-G474RE', 'NUCLEO-F401RE' and 'STM32F746G-DISCO'.

        version: 10.0.0
        optimization: balanced
        on_cloud: True
        path_to_stedgeai: C:/Users/<XXXXX>/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/<*.*.*>/Utilities/windows/stedgeai.exe
      path_to_cubeIDE: C:/ST/STM32CubeIDE_<*.*.*>/STM32CubeIDE/stm32cubeide.exe
       board: STM32H747I-DISCO     # Name of the STM32 board to benchmark the model on
    1.3 Hydra and MLflow settings

    The mlflow and hydra sections must always be present in the YAML configuration file. The hydra section can be used to specify the name of the directory where experiment directories are saved and/or the pattern used to name experiment directories. With the YAML code below, every time you run the Model Zoo, an experiment directory is created that contains all the directories and files created during the run. The names of experiment directories are all unique as they are based on the date and time of the run.

          dir: ./experiments_outputs/${now:%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S}

    The mlflow section is used to specify the location and name of the directory where MLflow files are saved, as shown below:

       uri: ./experiments_outputs/mlruns
2. Benchmark your model

If you chose to modify the user_config.yaml, you can evaluate the model by running the following command from the src/ folder:


If you chose to update the benchmarking_config.yaml and use it, then run the following command from the src/ folder:

python --config-path ./config_file_examples/ --config-name benchmarking_config.yaml

Note that you can provide YAML attributes as arguments in the command, as shown below:

python operation_mode='benchmarking'
3. Visualize benchmark results

To view the detailed benchmarking results, you can access the log file stm32ai_main.log located in the directory experiments_outputs/<date-and-time>. Additionally, you can navigate to the experiments_outputs directory and use the MLflow Webapp to view the metrics saved for each trial or launch. To access the MLflow Webapp, run the following command:

mlflow ui

This will open a browser window where you can view the metrics and results of your benchmarking trials.