Releases: ShadowMario/FNF-PsychEngine
- Fixed memory leak on Lua
- Updated Dialogue sprites
- Removed Mind Games Mod leftover dialogue sprite
- Added GF's dialogue sprite
- Pixel HUD can now be used on other stages
- Moved some Week 6 files to shared/ (For the change above)
- Changed how Character groups are handled for easier understanding on Lua
- Added more variables to notes for Lua
- Added 2 new note types: "GF Sing" and "No Animation"
- Minor fixes on Transitions
- You can now playtest your charts inside the Chart Editor (Press ESC)
- Added new functions to Lua
- Fixed freeze when changing characters
- Other minor fixes
Mods can now be in individual folders for better organization/avoiding overwriting files
New Input System coded by Shubs
Fade Transition now is layered over Hud elements
Added 22 new functions to Lua
Added 3 new hooks to Lua
Deprecated 5 Lua functions (Replaced with better variants)
Added 10 new variables to Notes
Note's "ignoreNote" can now be used to block Opponent hits
Changed how Lua Sprites are handled (This allows you to
put spritesbetween GF and other characters -
Updated noteMiss on Lua
Made debugPrint easier to use
Bug fixes related to dialogues
0.4 - Mod Support Update
Weeks are now in .json files outside of the Source code
Dialogue portraits are now in .json files outside of the Source code
Dialogues are now in .json files with an easier understandable syntax
Story Mode Characters are now in .json files outside of the Source code
Added Week Editor
Added Menu Character Editor
Added Dialogue Portrait Editor
Added Dialogue Editor
Added basic support to Custom Stages
Added a Stage drop down to Chart Editor
Added Support to .MP4 Video Cutscenes (by PolybiusProxy)
Added Animation Ghosts for Character Editor
Added Waveform visualizer to Chart Editor
Added support to Events coded in LUA
Added support to Note types coded in LUA
Added support to change Game Over Character/Sounds on LUA
Added Music Fade In/Out functions to LUA
Added Debug Print Message function to LUA
Added Input/Accuracy changes (by Shubs)
Added 2 new Easter eggs
Softcoded Roses' BG Freaks expression
Made character health icons easier to set up
Softcoded Health icons with no antialiasing
Fixed Crashes on Character Editor
Fixed "Copy Section" button on Chart Editor
Other Minor bug fixes
0.3.2 Hotfix
- Fixed Character Editor not saving health bar colors
- Fixed Upper Boppers being misplaced on Cocoa/Eggnog
- Fixed Cars not being shown on Week 4
- Increased sick note hitbox from 0.033s to 0.041s (25% increase)
- Health bar is now colorable per character
- Added health bar color customization to Character Editor
- Added Middlescroll
- Added an option to Hide Time Bar
- Alt Idles can now use danceRight/danceLeft animations while the base Idle uses idle and vice-versa
- Character Animation Loops aren't hardcoded anymore
- Adjusted bf-car, mom-car, mom, parents-christmas, monster, monster-christmas and dad for the previous stated change
- Fixed Custom Characters crashes
- Added some extra crash preventions
- Minor bug fixes
- Added Vocals volume to Chart Editor
- Added Instrumental volume to Chart Editor
- Volume buttons is now disabled while typing on Chart/Character Editor
- Added support to .lua scripts (Currently in Alpha!!)
- Added Hurt notes to Pixel stages
- Fixed Note colors not working properly
- Renamed "Button Mashing" to "Ghost Tapping" and changed how it works
- Disabled note miss stun
- Fixed "No miss on Week # on Hard" achievements not checking for difficulty
- Fixed stutter after the countdown/at the start of a song
- Other minor bug fixes
- Added In-game character Editor
- Due to the Character Editor, characters aren't hardcoded anymore (Some very specific things are still hardcoded to them though)
- Added basic mod support (Adding new textures and editting other ones)
- Removed the need of Polymod
- Improved Alt Idle animations support
- Almost all of the BG Sprites are now using BGSprite class instead of FlxSprite (makes it easier to do your own BG stuff too)
- Added an option to keep loaded data in memory for decreasing next loading times
- Added support to Note skins
- Added support to Note Splash skins
- Added an actual Metronome to Chart Editor
- Added Hurt notes
- Added Shake Screen event
- Added Change Character event
- Added Botplay
- Added Button Mashing/Ghost Tapping
- Improved Custom Fade Transition
- Main menu scrolls 16% faster
- Discord RPC now also shows engine version
- Fully fixed downscroll (yay)
- Other minor bug fixes
- Removed more useless Mind Games mod leftovers
New Difficulties can now be coded in much easier
Weeks can now be coded in (slightly) easier
Drop Down Menus have been replaced with a custom variant that supports scrolling down with mouse wheel or Up/Down keys
ACTUALLY fixed Story mode displaying only 2 songs instead of 3, for real
Added Alt Idle Animations support
"Play Animation" event now supports BF and GF too
Added .fla files to source code
Made setting up Weeks easier for noobz
Chart Editor Rework
Animation Debug Rework
DialogueBoxPsych rework + Added support to Center Dialogues (You can use that for GF talking or something, idk
Fixed softlock on Story mode menu
Fixed broken dialogues on Week 6
Fixed crash on Thorns (Story Mode)
Fixed Bopeebo "Hey"s being a bit broken on Easy/Normal difficulty
Deleted more leftovers from Mind Games mod
Version 0.2 * (Kind of) Fixed Downscroll * Changed Note Splash textures to Unofficial ones made by Keoiki * Added an anti-crash prevention to Health icons * Removed Mind Games leftover from HealthIcon.hx