Bronchospasm treatment typically involves:
Bronchodilators: These medications, such as short-acting beta-2 agonists (e.g., albuterol) and anticholinergics (e.g., ipratropium), are used to relax the airway smooth muscles and quickly relieve bronchospasm. Long-acting bronchodilators may also be prescribed for long-term management.
Anti-inflammatory Medications: In conditions like asthma, corticosteroids (inhaled or oral/) may be used to reduce airway inflammation and prevent bronchospasm.
Allergen Avoidance: For individuals with allergic asthma, identifying and avoiding allergens can help prevent bronchospasm.
Lifestyle Modifications: Managing triggers such as exercise-induced bronchospasm often involves warm-up exercises, using a scarf to breathe in warm, moist air, and staying hydrated.
Oxygen Therapy: In severe cases, supplemental oxygen may be required to ensure adequate oxygen levels in the blood.