- NodeJS
- Angular
- Primeng
- Marked
- Primeflex
- Primeicons
- Yarn
- CodeColosseum
Warning: run all the commands in the CodeColosseumDesktop directory for a successful installation.
Install NodeJS from this link (NodeJS download) on your computer.
To see if there are any updates for NodeJS run this command
ng update
then follow the instructions to update the packages.
Install modules:
ng add @angular/router
npm install primeng --save --force
npm install primeflex --save --force
npm install primeicons --save --force
npm install marked --save --force npm i -save-dev @types/marked --force
If you have the vulnerability in npm fix them with this command:
npm audit fix
after this retry to install modules.
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
Installing Code Colosseum is similar to TALight, but remember to edit the commands appropriately for Cod Colosseum. Also, CodeColosseum only has the release version and the coco and cocod commands.
Install Google Chrome and Visual Studio Code on your computer.
Start the program with command "ng server" in the run and debug section and "cocod" from the bash installed with git.
Warning: if the program does not work properly, delete the "yarn.lock" file and restart the installation.