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Julien Coupey edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 28 revisions

All computations done on a machine using an Intel Xeon E5-1620 CPU @ 3.50GHz, 4c/8t.



The Solomon benchmark is used as a reference in most research papers including time window constraints.

All required instances and scripts are available to reproduce results.

Benchmark description

56 instances with 100 jobs, grouped in classes C (clustered), R (random), RC (mix of both), and 1 or 2 for short or long planning horizon.

Global indicators

Using v1.5.0 with -x 5 and comparing to best known solutions targeting cumulated travel time (more on objectives).

Computing times (ms)
Average 431
Median 493
Longest 605
Best known solutions 13 (23.2%)
Minimum gap +0.00%
Median gap +1.11%
Average gap +1.77%
Worst gap +7.77%

Results by problem class

Comparison to best known solutions (BKS) targeting cumulated travel time (CTT). Cumulated number of vehicles (CNV) is only reported for the record.

Class C1 C2 R1 R2 RC1 RC2 Total
BKS CNV 10.0 3.0 13.25 5.36 12.88 6.25 485
BKS CTT 828.38 589.86 1175.75 878.41 1340.02 1004.21 54,699
VROOM CNV 10.0 3.0 13.42 4.18 13.13 5.38 469
VROOM CTT 828.38 589.86 1190.24 911.17 1360.03 1039.80 55,678
CTT gap +0.00% +0.00% +1.23% +3.73% +1.49% +3.54% +1.79


Li & Lim

The Li & Lim 100 benchmark is derived from the Solomon instances with the addition of pickup and delivery constraints.

All required instances and scripts are available to reproduce results.

Benchmark description

56 instances with around 100 jobs, grouped in classes C (clustered), R (random), RC (mix of both), and 1 or 2 for short or long planning horizon.

Global indicators

Using v1.6.0-rc.1 with -x 5.

Computing times

Computing times (ms)
Average 256
Median 256
Longest 422


We target cumulated travel time (CTT), but best known results are only reported for approaches using the number of vehicles as the first optimization objective. For a meaningful comparison we rule out instances lc103, lc104, lc109 andlr211 for which we provide solutions that are better in term of CTT but use one more vehicle than the reported "best known solution".

CTT comparison
Best known solutions 24 (46.2%)
Minimum gap +0.00%
Median gap +0.09%
Average gap +1.22%
Worst gap +9.86%



CVRPLIB is a set of benchmark instances for single-depot CVRP. We use all instances described using euclidean distance (EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE = EUC_2D), from classes A, B, E, F, M, P and X.

All required instances and scripts are available to reproduce results.

Benchmark description

  • 189 instances
  • Sizes ranging from 15 to 1,000 jobs
  • Average size around 240 jobs
  • Number of vehicles ranging from 2 to 207
  • Average capacity tightness (total job demand / total vehicle capacity): 0.95

Global indicators

Using v1.5.0.

Exploration level 0 (fastest) 5 (best)
Median computing time 35ms 696ms
Longest computing time 2.6s 167.2s
Jobs assigned 99.54% 99.85%
Solutions with all jobs 159 (84.1%) 168 (88.9%)
Best known solutions 13 (6.9%) 42 (22.2%)

Gaps to best known solutions

Only reported for instances with all jobs assigned, so cost comparison makes sense.

Exploration level 0 (fastest) 5 (best)
Minimum gap +0.00% +0.00%
Median gap +2.95% +1.02%
Average gap +3.17% +1.67%
Worst gap +14.19% +10.04%



TSPLIB is the reference benchmark for TSP. We use all instances described using euclidean distance (EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE = EUC_2D).

All required instances and scripts are available to reproduce results.

Benchmark description

  • 78 instances
  • Sizes ranging from 50 to 18,511 points
  • Average size around 1,170 points

Global indicators

Using v1.3.0-rc.2.

  • Median computing time: 36 ms
  • Average gap to optimal solution: +2.79%
  • Worst gap to optimal solution: +6.37%


Instance Size Computing time Gap
kroA100 100 5ms +0.0%
a280 280 16ms +1.12%
d657 657 98ms +3.96%
u1060 1,060 288ms +2.47%
u2152 2,152 1706ms +4.36%
rl5915 5,915 25s +2.14%
usa13509 13,509 14m5s +3.13%
d18512 18,512 34m40s +2.99%
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