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Paw Planner

-- 🚧 Work in progress 🚧

Started in September 2024 as a school project, Paw Planner is a service designed to facilitate the connection between canine professionals and dog owners. Its main feature is a calendar where professionals can propose available slots for specific activities, and dog owners can book these slots.

We are a team of four aspiring web developers working on this project: Florence, Florian, Julien and Melissa.


  • Prerequisites:
    • NodeJS needs to be installed globally.
    • npm
    • Docker

  • General:
    • Typescript
    • Docker
    • Biome : Biome is an alternative to ESLint and Prettier for ensuring code quality. It provides both linting and formatting in one tool.
  • Server side:
    • NodeJS
    • TypeORM
    • Apollo Server
    • TypeGraphQL
    • PostegreSQL
    • Jest
  • Client side:
    • React (through ViteJS)
    • Apollo Client (via Vite)
    • Sass
    • Vitest



  1. First Launch
    • Clone the .env.sample in a .env file, edit it.
    • Run npm run install:all
    • Run npm run init:db
    • Run docker compose up
  2. Any other launch
    • Run docker compose up

Every new dependency asks for a rebuild (docker compose down then docker compose up --build).

Client: http://localhost:4200/
Server: http://localhost:3200/

Adminer: http://localhost:8080/


First of all, copy and edit the .env.sample in a .env file.
On first launch, the variables you'll put in this file will be used to create your database so file it up accordingly with secured informations.

Then run npm run install:all to run the npm install commands in the /root, /client and /server folders in one go.

On first launch, create your PostgreSQL user, either inside your container (run npm run init:db, it works as explained in this documentation) or through a PostgreSQL user interface such as pgAdmin.

You can verify if your user has been created through adminer (Système: PostgreSQL | Serveur: db | Utilisateur: $DBUSERNAME | Mot de passe: $DBPASS | Base de données: $DBNAME - replace the variables).

Run docker compose up.

Isolated basic commands for debugging purpose:

  • client side: npm run dev
  • server side: npm start

Folder Structure

├── _ressources/
│   ├── documentation/
|   │   └── -- documentation on specific features
│   ├── scripts/
│   └── UML/
├── client/                     -- FRONTEND
│   ├── public/
|   ├── src/
|   │   ├── __tests__/
|   │   |   └── ...
|   │   ├── assets/
|   │   ├── components/
|   │   |   ├── _atoms/
|   │   |   ├── _molecules/
|   │   |   ├── _organisms/
|   │   |   └── ComponentName/
|   |   │       ├── ComponentName.tsx
|   |   │       └── ComponentName.scss
|   │   ├── graphQL/
|   │   |   ├── mutations/
|   │   |   └── queries/
|   │   ├── helpers/
|   │   |   └── -- Utility functions
|   │   ├── layouts/
|   │   |   └── -- Footer, Header, general layout
|   │   ├── pages/
|   │   |   ├── DesignSystem/
|   |   │   |   └── DesignSystem.tsx
|   │   |   └── PageName/
|   |   │       ├── PageName.tsx
|   |   │       └── PageName.scss
|   │   ├── styles/             -- General styles
|   │   |   ├── _base.scss      -- HTML selectors
|   │   |   ├── _mixins.scss
|   │   |   ├── _reset.scss     -- normalize.css
|   │   |   ├── _variables.scss -- Colors, typography and variables naming
|   │   |   └── main.scss       -- Style imports in App.tsx
|   │   ├── types/              -- Typescript type declarations
|   │   |   └── ...
|   │   └── App.tsx
|   └── -- Other client side config files
├── server/                     -- BACKEND
|   ├── src/
|   │   ├── __tests__/
|   │   |   └── ...
|   │   ├── dataSource/
|   │   |   ├── dataSource.ts
|   │   |   └── initTestData.ts
|   │   ├── entities/
|   │   └── resolvers/
|   ├── index.ts          
|   └── -- Other server side config files
├── .env                        -- ❗ create this before first launch
├── .env.sample
├── docker-compose.yml
└── -- Other general config files