With all the main components prepared, you have to declare some pending elements and the global Kustomize project assembling the pieces of your Gitea platform.
You need to declare the persistent volumes claimed by the PostgreSQL and the Gitea servers, also a namespace for the whole Gitea platform, and put the wildcard certificate you produced in the G029 guide in that new namespace.
So, the very first thing you need to do is create a resources
folder at the root of this Gitea Kustomize project.
$ mkdir -p $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea/resources
Here you'll declare as persistent volumes the three storage volumes you already left prepared in the first part of this guide.
Create three yaml files, one per persistent volume.
$ touch $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea/resources/{data-gitea,db-gitea,repos-gitea}.persistentvolume.yaml
Put the following declarations in their corresponding yaml files.
.apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: data-gitea spec: capacity: storage: 1.2G volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: local-path persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain local: path: /mnt/gitea-ssd/data/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01
.apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: db-gitea spec: capacity: storage: 3.5G volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: local-path persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain local: path: /mnt/gitea-ssd/db/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01
.apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: repos-gitea spec: capacity: storage: 9.3G volumeMode: Filesystem accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce storageClassName: local-path persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain local: path: /mnt/gitea-hdd/repos/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01
All these PVs are like the ones you declared for the Nextcloud platform, so I won't repeat what I explained about them here. Just remember the following.
Ensure that names and capacities correspond to what you've declared in the corresponding persistent volume claims.
Verify that paths exist and are correct.
specification has to point to the right node, in this case thek3sagent01
Let's declare a gitea
namespace where to put all the components of your Gitea platform.
Create a file for the namespace element under the
folder.$ touch $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea/resources/gitea.namespace.yaml
Copy the following declaration in
.apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: gitea
Now you need to configure the Secret of your wilcard certificate in the gitea
namespace. Remember that, in the last part of the Nextcloud platform guide, you saw how to configure a patch to modify the original resource with any extra namespaces you require. So here you'll just modify that patch to add the gitea
namespace to the list.
You'll have to edit the
file found in thecertificates/patches
directory of yourcert-manager
Kustomize project. It's full path on this guide is$HOME/k8sprjs/cert-manager/certificates/patches/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.certificate.cert-manager.reflector.namespaces.yaml
. In it, only add thegitea
namespace to thereflector
annotations there. The file should end looking like below.# Certificate wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls patch for Reflector-managed namespaces apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: Certificate metadata: name: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls namespace: certificates spec: secretTemplate: annotations: reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed-namespaces: "kube-system,nextcloud,gitea" reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-namespaces: "kube-system,nextcloud,gitea"
Validate the Kustomize output of the
project (kubectl kustomize $HOME/k8sprjs/cert-manager/certificates | less
). It should be like the one next.apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: certificates --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: Certificate metadata: name: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls namespace: certificates spec: dnsNames: - '*.deimos.cloud' - deimos.cloud duration: 8760h isCA: false issuerRef: group: cert-manager.io kind: ClusterIssuer name: cluster-issuer-selfsigned privateKey: algorithm: ECDSA encoding: PKCS8 rotationPolicy: Always size: 384 renewBefore: 720h secretName: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls secretTemplate: annotations: reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed: "true" reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-allowed-namespaces: kube-system,nextcloud,gitea reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-enabled: "true" reflector.v1.k8s.emberstack.com/reflection-auto-namespaces: kube-system,nextcloud,gitea subject: organizations: - Deimos --- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1 kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: cluster-issuer-selfsigned spec: selfSigned: {}
If the output is correct, apply the project to your cluster.
$ kubectl apply -k $HOME/k8sprjs/cert-manager/certificates
Keep in mind that thecert-manager
system won't automatically apply this modification to the annotations in the secret already generated for your wildcard certificate. This isn't an issue yet but later, after you've deployed the whole monitoring stack, you must apply the change to the certificate's secret to make Reflector clone it into the newgitea
Last resource you must declare is the Kustomize project that puts together all the components making up your Gitea platform.
Produce a
file under thegitea
folder.touch $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea/kustomization.yaml
Put the following yaml declaration in that new
.# Gitea platform setup apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization namespace: gitea commonLabels: platform: gitea namePrefix: gitea- resources: - resources/data-gitea.persistentvolume.yaml - resources/db-gitea.persistentvolume.yaml - resources/repos-gitea.persistentvolume.yaml - resources/gitea.namespace.yaml - components/cache-redis - components/db-postgresql - components/server-gitea
This file is like the one you declared for your Nextcloud platform, so I'll refer to my explanations there for this yaml.
You have to validate the output of this Kustomize project. Since it's quite big, first dump it in a file with a significant name like
.$ kubectl kustomize $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea > gitea.k.output.yaml
Compare the dumped Kustomize output in your
file with the one below.apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: labels: platform: gitea name: gitea --- apiVersion: v1 data: redis.conf: | port 6379 bind protected-mode no maxmemory 64mb maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea name: gitea-cache-redis-6967fc5hc5 namespace: gitea --- apiVersion: v1 data: gitea-username: gitea initdb.sh: | #!/bin/bash echo ">>> Initializing PostgreSQL server" set -e echo ">>> Creating user ${POSTGRESQL_GITEA_USERNAME} for Gitea" psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "${POSTGRES_USER}" --dbname "${POSTGRES_DB}" <<-EOSQL CREATE ROLE ${POSTGRESQL_GITEA_USERNAME} WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '${POSTGRESQL_GITEA_PASSWORD}'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ${POSTGRES_DB} TO ${POSTGRESQL_GITEA_USERNAME}; EOSQL echo ">>> Enabling [pg_stat_statements] module on database ${POSTGRES_DB}" psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "${POSTGRES_USER}" --dbname "${POSTGRES_DB}" <<-EOSQL CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; EOSQL echo ">>> Creating user and schema ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME} for PostgreSQL Prometheus metrics exporter" psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "${POSTGRES_USER}" --dbname "${POSTGRES_DB}" <<-EOSQL -- To use IF statements, hence to be able to check if the user exists before -- attempting creation, we need to switch to procedural SQL (PL/pgSQL) -- instead of standard SQL. -- More: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/plpgsql-overview.html -- To preserve compatibility with <9.0, DO blocks are not used; instead, -- a function is created and dropped. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION __tmp_create_user() returns void as ' BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT -- SELECT list can stay empty for this FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = ''${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}'') THEN CREATE USER ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; END IF; END; ' language plpgsql; SELECT __tmp_create_user(); DROP FUNCTION __tmp_create_user(); ALTER USER ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME} WITH PASSWORD '${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PASSWORD}'; ALTER USER ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME} SET SEARCH_PATH TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME},pg_catalog; -- If deploying as non-superuser (for example in AWS RDS), uncomment the GRANT -- line below and replace <MASTER_USER> with your root user. -- GRANT ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME} TO <MASTER_USER>; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME} TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ${POSTGRES_DB} TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_pg_stat_activity() RETURNS SETOF pg_stat_activity AS ' SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity; ' LANGUAGE sql VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_activity AS SELECT * from get_pg_stat_activity(); GRANT SELECT ON ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_activity TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_pg_stat_replication() RETURNS SETOF pg_stat_replication AS ' SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_replication; ' LANGUAGE sql VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_replication AS SELECT * FROM get_pg_stat_replication(); GRANT SELECT ON ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_replication TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_pg_stat_statements() RETURNS SETOF pg_stat_statements AS ' SELECT * FROM public.pg_stat_statements; ' LANGUAGE sql VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_statements AS SELECT * FROM get_pg_stat_statements(); GRANT SELECT ON ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}.pg_stat_statements TO ${POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME}; EOSQL postgresql-db-name: gitea postgresql-superuser-name: postgres postgresql.conf: |- # Extension libraries loading shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements' # Connection settings listen_addresses = '' port = 5432 max_connections = 100 superuser_reserved_connections = 3 # Memory shared_buffers = 128MB work_mem = 8MB hash_mem_multiplier = 2.0 maintenance_work_mem = 16MB # Logging log_destination = 'stderr' logging_collector = off log_min_messages = 'INFO' log_error_verbosity = 'DEFAULT' log_connections = on log_disconnections = on log_hostname = off # pg_stat_statements extension library compute_query_id = on pg_stat_statements.max = 10000 pg_stat_statements.track = all prometheus-exporter-username: prom_metrics kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m namespace: gitea --- apiVersion: v1 data: cache-redis-svc-fqdn: gitea-cache-redis.gitea.svc.deimos.cluster.io db-postgresql-svc-fqdn: gitea-db-postgresql.gitea.svc.deimos.cluster.io kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea name: gitea-server-gitea-hffkf88tm4 namespace: gitea --- apiVersion: v1 data: redis-password: | Tm9wZV90aGlzX2lzX05PVF9vbmVfb2ZfbXlfcGFzc3dvcmRzX0FuZC15b3Vfc2hvdWxkbnRfdXNl X3RoaXNfb25lX2VpdGhlciEK kind: Secret metadata: labels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea name: gitea-cache-redis-4dg79kf68c namespace: gitea type: Opaque --- apiVersion: v1 data: gitea-user-password: | bDBuRy5QbDRpbl9UM3h0X3NFa1JldF9wNHM1d09SRC1Gb1JfZ0k3ZUFfdVozciEK postgresql-superuser-password: | bDBuRy5QbDRpbl9UM3h0X3NFa1JldF9wNHM1d09SRC1Gb1JfczRwRXJ1WjNyIQo= prometheus-exporter-password: | bDBuRy5QbDRpbl9UM3h0X3NFa1JldF9wNHM1d09SRC1Gb1JfM3hQMHJUZVJfdVozciEK kind: Secret metadata: labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m namespace: gitea type: Opaque --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: prometheus.io/port: "9121" prometheus.io/scrape: "true" labels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea name: gitea-cache-redis namespace: gitea spec: ports: - name: server port: 6379 protocol: TCP - name: metrics port: 9121 protocol: TCP selector: app: cache-redis platform: gitea type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: prometheus.io/port: "9187" prometheus.io/scrape: "true" labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea name: gitea-db-postgresql namespace: gitea spec: ports: - name: server port: 5432 protocol: TCP - name: metrics port: 9187 protocol: TCP selector: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea type: ClusterIP --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: prometheus.io/path: /metrics prometheus.io/port: "3000" prometheus.io/scheme: https prometheus.io/scrape: "true" labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea name: gitea-server-gitea namespace: gitea spec: loadBalancerIP: ports: - name: https port: 443 protocol: TCP targetPort: 3000 - name: ssh port: 22 protocol: TCP selector: app: server-gitea platform: gitea type: LoadBalancer --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: labels: platform: gitea name: gitea-data-gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 1.2G local: path: /mnt/gitea-ssd/data/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: local-path volumeMode: Filesystem --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: labels: platform: gitea name: gitea-db-gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 3.5G local: path: /mnt/gitea-ssd/db/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: local-path volumeMode: Filesystem --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: labels: platform: gitea name: gitea-repos-gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 9.3G local: path: /mnt/gitea-hdd/repos/k3smnt nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: kubernetes.io/hostname operator: In values: - k3sagent01 persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain storageClassName: local-path volumeMode: Filesystem --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea name: gitea-data-server-gitea namespace: gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1.2G storageClassName: local-path volumeName: gitea-data-gitea --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea name: gitea-db-postgresql namespace: gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 3.5G storageClassName: local-path volumeName: gitea-db-gitea --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea name: gitea-repos-server-gitea namespace: gitea spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 9.3G storageClassName: local-path volumeName: gitea-repos-gitea --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea name: gitea-cache-redis namespace: gitea spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea template: metadata: labels: app: cache-redis platform: gitea spec: affinity: podAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - labelSelector: matchExpressions: - key: app operator: In values: - server-gitea topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname containers: - command: - redis-server - /etc/redis/redis.conf - --requirepass $(REDIS_PASSWORD) env: - name: REDIS_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: redis-password name: gitea-cache-redis-4dg79kf68c image: redis:6.2-alpine name: server ports: - containerPort: 6379 resources: limits: memory: 64Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/redis/redis.conf name: redis-config subPath: redis.conf - env: - name: REDIS_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: redis-password name: gitea-cache-redis-4dg79kf68c image: oliver006/redis_exporter:v1.32.0-alpine name: metrics ports: - containerPort: 9121 resources: limits: memory: 32Mi volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 292 items: - key: redis.conf path: redis.conf name: gitea-cache-redis-6967fc5hc5 name: redis-config --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea name: gitea-db-postgresql namespace: gitea spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea serviceName: gitea-db-postgresql template: metadata: labels: app: db-postgresql platform: gitea spec: containers: - args: - -c - config_file=/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf env: - name: POSTGRES_USER valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: postgresql-superuser-name name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: POSTGRES_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: postgresql-superuser-password name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m - name: POSTGRES_DB valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: postgresql-db-name name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: POSTGRESQL_GITEA_USERNAME valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: gitea-username name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: POSTGRESQL_GITEA_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: gitea-user-password name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m - name: POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_USERNAME valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: prometheus-exporter-username name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: POSTGRESQL_PROMETHEUS_EXPORTER_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: prometheus-exporter-password name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m image: postgres:14.1-bullseye name: server ports: - containerPort: 5432 resources: limits: memory: 320Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data name: postgresql-storage - mountPath: /etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf name: postgresql-config subPath: postgresql.conf - mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/initdb.sh name: postgresql-config subPath: initdb.sh - env: - name: DATA_SOURCE_USER valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: prometheus-exporter-username name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: DATA_SOURCE_PASS valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: prometheus-exporter-password name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m - name: DATA_SOURCE_URI value: localhost:5432/?sslmode=disable - name: PG_EXPORTER_AUTO_DISCOVER_DATABASES value: "true" image: wrouesnel/postgres_exporter:latest name: metrics ports: - containerPort: 9187 resources: limits: memory: 32Mi volumes: - configMap: items: - key: initdb.sh path: initdb.sh - key: postgresql.conf path: postgresql.conf name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m name: postgresql-config - name: postgresql-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: gitea-db-postgresql --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea name: gitea-server-gitea namespace: gitea spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea serviceName: gitea-server-gitea template: metadata: labels: app: server-gitea platform: gitea spec: containers: - env: - name: GITEA__server__PROTOCOL value: https - name: GITEA__server__DOMAIN value: gitea.deimos.cloud - name: GITEA__server__HTTP_ADDR value: - name: GITEA__server__ROOT_URL value: $(GITEA__server__PROTOCOL)://$(GITEA__server__DOMAIN)/ - name: GITEA__server__CERT_FILE value: https/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.crt - name: GITEA__server__KEY_FILE value: https/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.key - name: GITEA__repository__ROOT value: /data/gitea/repos - name: GITEA__metrics__ENABLED value: "true" - name: GITEA__database__DB_TYPE value: postgres - name: POSTGRESQL_HOST_FQDN valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: db-postgresql-svc-fqdn name: gitea-server-gitea-hffkf88tm4 - name: GITEA__database__HOST value: $(POSTGRESQL_HOST_FQDN):5432 - name: GITEA__database__NAME valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: postgresql-db-name name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: GITEA__database__USER valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: gitea-username name: gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m - name: GITEA__database__PASSWD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: gitea-user-password name: gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m - name: GITEA__database__SSL_MODE value: disable - name: GITEA__cache__ENABLED value: "true" - name: GITEA__cache__ADAPTER value: redis - name: REDIS_HOST_FQDN valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: key: cache-redis-svc-fqdn name: gitea-server-gitea-hffkf88tm4 - name: REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: key: redis-password name: gitea-cache-redis-4dg79kf68c - name: GITEA__cache__HOST value: redis://:$(REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD)@$(REDIS_HOST_FQDN):6379/0?pool_size=100&idle_timeout=180s - name: GITEA__queue__TYPE value: redis - name: GITEA__queue__CONN_STR value: redis://:$(REDIS_HOST_PASSWORD)@$(REDIS_HOST_FQDN):6379/0 - name: GITEA__session__PROVIDER value: redis - name: GITEA__session__PROVIDER_CONFIG value: $(GITEA__cache__HOST) - name: GITEA__session__COOKIE_SECURE value: "true" - name: GITEA__session__COOKIE_NAME value: gitea_cookie - name: GITEA__log__ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL value: trace image: gitea/gitea:1.15.9 name: server ports: - containerPort: 3000 name: https - containerPort: 22 name: ssh resources: limits: memory: 256Mi volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data name: data-storage - mountPath: /data/gitea/https/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.crt name: certificate subPath: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.crt - mountPath: /data/gitea/https/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.key name: certificate subPath: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.key - mountPath: /data/gitea/repos name: repos-storage volumes: - name: certificate secret: items: - key: tls.crt path: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.crt - key: tls.key path: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls.key secretName: wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls - name: data-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: gitea-data-server-gitea - name: repos-storage persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: gitea-repos-server-gitea
The main things to check are the names of the resources, validating that they've been transformed correctly by Kustomize and appear in the right places.
If the Kustomize output is fine by you, apply it to your K3s cluster.
$ kubectl apply -k $HOME/k8sprjs/gitea
After applying the Kustomize project, you can check the progress of its deployment with
(in another shell).$ watch kubectl -n gitea get pv,pvc,cm,secret,deployment,replicaset,statefulset,pod,svc
Below, you can see how the output from the
command above could look.Every 2,0s: kubectl -n gitea get pv,pvc,cm,secret,deployment,replicaset,statefulset,pod,svc jv11dev: Sat Jan 1 17:48:59 2022 NAME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES RECLAIM POLICY STATUS CLAIM STORAGECLASS REASON AGE persistentvolume/nxcd-data-nextcloud 9300M RWO Retain Bound nextcloud/nxcd-data-server-nextcloud local-path 3d1h persistentvolume/nxcd-db-nextcloud 3500M RWO Retain Bound nextcloud/nxcd-db-mariadb local-path 3d1h persistentvolume/nxcd-html-nextcloud 1200M RWO Retain Bound nextcloud/nxcd-html-server-nextcloud local-path 3d1h persistentvolume/gitea-data-gitea 1200M RWO Retain Bound gitea/gitea-data-server-gitea local-path 5m3s persistentvolume/gitea-db-gitea 3500M RWO Retain Bound gitea/gitea-db-postgresql local-path 5m3s persistentvolume/gitea-repos-gitea 9300M RWO Retain Bound gitea/gitea-repos-server-gitea local-path 5m3s NAME STATUS VOLUME CAPACITY ACCESS MODES STORAGECLASS AGE persistentvolumeclaim/gitea-db-postgresql Bound gitea-db-gitea 3500M RWO local-path 5m3s persistentvolumeclaim/gitea-data-server-gitea Bound gitea-data-gitea 1200M RWO local-path 5m3s persistentvolumeclaim/gitea-repos-server-gitea Bound gitea-repos-gitea 9300M RWO local-path 5m3s NAME DATA AGE configmap/kube-root-ca.crt 1 5m4s configmap/gitea-cache-redis-6967fc5hc5 1 5m4s configmap/gitea-db-postgresql-2m294k4k9m 6 5m4s configmap/gitea-server-gitea-hffkf88tm4 2 5m4s NAME TYPE DATA AGE secret/default-token-t9c85 kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 5m4s secret/gitea-cache-redis-d5mfg2c4fh Opaque 1 5m4s secret/gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m Opaque 3 5m4s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/gitea-cache-redis 1/1 1 1 5m3s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/gitea-cache-redis-6f9bfb47f8 1 1 1 5m3s NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/gitea-server-gitea 0/1 5m3s statefulset.apps/gitea-db-postgresql 1/1 5m3s NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/gitea-db-postgresql-0 2/2 Running 0 5m3s pod/gitea-server-gitea-0 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 5m2s pod/gitea-cache-redis-6f9bfb47f8-qjwtb 2/2 Running 0 5m3s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/gitea-cache-redis ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP,9121/TCP 5m4s service/gitea-db-postgresql ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP,9187/TCP 5m4s service/gitea-server-gitea LoadBalancer 443:30943/TCP,22:31261/TCP 5m3s
There are some particularities in this output.
command used doesn't have the-o wide
option, to make the output shorter so it could fit my shell screen. -
In the list of persistent volumes you can see the ones that correspond to the Nextcloud platform. This is because persistent volumes are not namespaced, like the nodes of the cluster.
secret is missing and thegitea-server-gitea-0
pod is inContainerCreating
status, waiting for that secret to be available.
Now is when you must update your wildcard certificate's secret like you did after deploying the Nextcloud's platform. It was nothing more than executing the cert-manager command with kubectl
as shown next.
$ kubectl cert-manager -n certificates renew wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls
Manually triggered issuance of Certificate certificates/wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls
The certificate's secret should be updated immediately, although Reflector may take a moment before it replicates the secret into the gitea
namespace. Remember to check it out with kubectl
$ kubectl -n gitea get secrets
default-token-w6rq6 kubernetes.io/service-account-token 3 22m
gitea-cache-redis-4dg79kf68c Opaque 1 22m
gitea-db-postgresql-2gmd96742m Opaque 3 22m
wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls kubernetes.io/tls 3 6m
Notice that the wildcard.deimos.cloud-tls
secret is the one with the most recent AGE
in my gitea
Now you have all the Gitea platform components running, but this doesn't mean that you've completed the Gitea setup.
Open in a browser the domain or IP you've set up for this Gitea server, in this guide's case the URL will be
. First you'll see a security warning about the certificate, accept it and then you should see your Gitea'sInitial Configuration
page.It's a long form in which you'll see how some of its values are the ones you've setup in your Gitea server's stateful set. The rest of values are just defaults.
At the bottom of this page, there are three unfolded sections under the title
Optional Settings
. Unfold the one namedAdministrator Account Settings
.With this you can create an independent administrator account for your Gitea platform, something I very much recommend you to do. Remember that, from a security standpoint, it's much better not to use a normal user as an administrator. You could define an administrator as in the next capture.
The next thing to do is to press the
Install Gitea
button found at the bottom of thisInitial Configuration
page.A few seconds after pressing the button, you'll see a progress animation with the Gitea logo.
Some seconds later, Gitea will restart it's own web server so you may see an error page in your browser while it tries to reach the
page (in this guidehttps://gitea.deimos.cloud/user/login
) of your Gitea server. -
Give Gitea a few seconds more, then refresh the Gitea page that failed in your browser. That way you should get directly in the Gitea dashboard, logged in with your administrator account.
With your Gitea platform running, there are a few particular things you might like to consider to do to iron particular security concerns.
Enable the two-factor authentication of your administrator user.
- Never use this administrator user for everyday Gitea usage (like for uploading Git repositories).
Create a new normal user for regular usage of your Gitea platform.
- Enable 2FA to this normal user.
- Assign its own SSH and GPG keys to this user, which are used for Git authentication and commit signing respectively.
You can find the Kustomize project for this Gitea platform deployment in the following attached folder.
- Official Doc - Local Storage Volumes
- Official Doc - Local Persistent Volumes for Kubernetes Goes Beta
- Official Doc - Reserving a PersistentVolume
- Official Doc - Local StorageClass
- Official Doc - Reclaiming Persistent Volumes
- Kubernetes API - PersistentVolume
- Kubernetes API - PersistentVolumeClaim
- Kubernetes Persistent Volumes, Claims, Storage Classes, and More
- Rancher K3s - Setting up the Local Storage Provider
- K3s local path provisioner on GitHub
- Using "local-path" in persistent volume requires sudo to edit files on host node?
- Kubernetes size definitions: What's the difference of "Gi" and "G"?
- distinguish unset and empty values for storageClassName
- Kubernetes Mounting Volumes in Pods. Mount Path Ownership and Permissions
- Official Doc - Assigning Pods to Nodes
- Official Doc - Assign Pods to Nodes using Node Affinity
- Kubernetes API - Pod scheduling
- Implement Node and Pod Affinity/Anti-Affinity in Kubernetes: A Practical Example
- Tutorial: Apply the Sidecar Pattern to Deploy Redis in Kubernetes
- Amazon EKS Workshop Official Doc - Assigning Pods to Nodes
- Official Doc - ConfigMaps
- Official Doc - Configure a Pod to Use a ConfigMap
- An Introduction to Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMaps
- Kubernetes - Using ConfigMap SubPaths to Mount Files
- Kubernetes Secrets | Declare confidential data with examples
- Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets
- Import data to config map from kubernetes secret
- Gitea Official site
- Gitea Docker image
- Gitea on GitHub
- Installation with Docker
- Configuration Cheat Sheet
- Managing Deployments With Environment Variables
- HTTPS setup to encrypt connections to Gitea
- Gitea
- Gitea Environment To Ini
- Gitea command line global options
- Gitea Configuration Cheat Sheet
- Where does Gitea store what file
- Monitor Gitea with Prometheus
- Install and Configure Gitea Git Service on Kubernetes / OpenShift
- Running Gitea on Kubernetes
- Running Gitea on a Virtual Cloud Server
- Setup a Self-Hosted Git Service with Gitea
- gitea support HA mode for redis & postgres
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