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🐣💻 Developing Tools

Test Pipeline Lint Pipeline Coverage Pipeline Package Version Supported Python Versions

The Developing Tools project is a Python 🐍 package designed to enhance the development process by providing a collection of tools/utilities aimed at improving debugging, performance measurement, error handling, ...

These tools ⚒️ are intended to assist developers in identifying performance bottlenecks, handling transient errors, and gaining insights into function behavior during runtime. The package is easy to install and use, making it a good addition to any Python developer's toolkit 🚀.

Table of Contents

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📥 Installation

You can install Developing Tools using pip:

pip install developing-tools

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💻 Utilization

Execution Time

The execution_time decorator allows you to measure the execution time of a function. The decorator has one parameter:

  • output_decimals: Number of decimal places to display in the output. Default is 10.
from time import sleep
from developing_tools.functions import execution_time

def too_slow_function() -> None:


# >>> Function "too_slow_function" took 2.00 seconds to execute.

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Retry It

The retryit decorator allows you to retry a function multiple times in case of failure. The decorator has two parameters:

  • attempts: The number of attempts to execute the function, if None the function will be executed indefinitely. Default is None.
  • delay: The delay between attempts in seconds, if a tuple is provided the delay will be randomized between the two values. Default is 5 seconds.
  • raise_exception: If True the decorator will raise the last caught exception if the function fails all attempts. Default is True.
  • valid_exceptions: A tuple of exceptions that the decorator should catch and retry the function, if None the decorator will catch all exceptions. Default is None.
from developing_tools.functions import retryit

@retryit(attempts=3, delay=0.5, raise_exception=True, valid_exceptions=(ValueError,))
def failing_function() -> None:
    raise ValueError('This function always fails!')


# >>> Function failed with error: "This function always fails!". Retrying in 0.50 seconds ...
# >>> Attempt [2/3] to execute function "failing_function".
# >>> Function failed with error: "This function always fails!". Retrying in 0.50 seconds ...
# >>> Attempt [3/3] to execute function "failing_function".
# >>> Function failed with error: "This function always fails!". No more attempts.
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<file_path>/", line 7, in <module>
#     failing_function()
#   File "<file_path>/developing_tools/functions/", line 132, in wrapper
#     raise exception
#   File "<file_path>/developing_tools/functions/", line 124, in wrapper
#     return function(*args, **kwargs)
#            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#   File "<file_path>/", line 5, in failing_function
#     raise ValueError('This function always fails!')
# ValueError: This function always fails!

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Print Parameters

The print_parameters decorator allows you to print the parameters of a function. The decorator has two parameters:

  • show_types: If True the decorator will print the types of the parameters. Default is False.
  • include_return: If True the decorator will print the return value of the function. Default is True.
from developing_tools.functions import print_parameters

@print_parameters(show_types=True, include_return=True)
def normal_function(a: int, b: str, c: int, d) -> str:
    return a

normal_function(1, 'Hello', c=3, d=4)

# >>> Positional arguments:
# >>>         Argument 1: value "1", type int
# >>>         Argument 2: value "Hello", type str
# >>>
# >>> Keyword arguments:
# >>>         Argument c: value "3", supposed type int, real type int
# >>>         Argument d: value "4", supposed type Any, real type int
# >>>
# >>> Return value:
# >>>         "1", supposed type str, real type int

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The timeout decorator allows you to set a maximum execution time for a function. The decorator has one parameter:

  • seconds: The maximum number of seconds the function is allowed to execute before raising a TimeoutError. Default is 10 seconds.
from time import sleep
from developing_tools.functions import timeout

def too_slow_function() -> None:


# >>> TimeoutError: Function too_slow_function exceeded the 2 seconds timeout.

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions to Developing Tools! To ensure a smooth collaboration process, please follow the guidelines below.

How to Contribute

1. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.

2. Clone Your Fork:

git clone git+ssh://<your-username>/developing-tools.git

3. Create a Branch:

git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name

4. Make Your Changes: Implement your new feature or fix a bug.

5. Run Tests: Ensure all the following tests pass before submitting your changes.

  • Run tests:
make test
  • Run tests with coverage:
make coverage
  • Run linter:
make lint
  • Run formatter:
make format

6. Commit Your Changes:

git commit -m "✨ feature: your feature description"

7. Push to Your Fork:

git push origin feature/your-feature-name

8. Create a Pull Request: Navigate to the original repository and create a pull request from your fork.

9. Wait for Review: Your pull request will be reviewed by the maintainers. Make any necessary changes based on their feedback.

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🔑 License

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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