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Mo Morsi edited this page Jan 4, 2013 · 4 revisions

title: VSphere_Setup
updated_on: Wed Jun 13 14:46:30 ~~0400 2012\

h1. VSphere Setup
h2. vSphere setup instructions
\* You **should** have **1** Datacenter[1] created in vSphere\
\* You **should** have at least **1** Datastore[2] created in this
\* You **should** have user with right necessary to execute Virtual
Machine[3] tasks created\
\* You **should** mark at least **1** Virtual Machine[3] as a Template
in order to be able to clone it
h2. Initial Configuration
The `aeolus-configure` utility can be used to configure VMware for you.
But first, you must edit the config files it uses.
Edit `/etc/aeolus-configure/nodes/vsphere_configure` and fill in the
appropriate values. ie:
\$ sudo cat /etc/aeolus-configure/nodes/vsphere\_configure \
 enable\_https: true\
 enable\_security: false\
 package\_provider: rpm\
 \# Uncomment and provide values to match your vSphere environment.\
 \# Values below are examples.\
 username: Administrator\
 password: “REDACTED”\
 datastore: storage1-nfs\
 network\_name: “VM Network”\
Then, run `aeolus-configure -p vsphere` to apply the settings.
This will configure deltacloud and create the provider Conductor. You
can verify that this was functional by logging into Conductor and
ensuring that the vSphere provider is added under Administer /
Providers. From there you will also need to create a provider account.

h2. Architecture of vSphere driver:
\* **Realm** is mapped to VMWare Datastore[2] object which is referenced
by Datacenter[1].
\* **Hardware Profiles** are generated statically:
 \* small = Correspond to 1 CPU and 256MB of RAM\
 \* medium = Correspond to 1 CPU and 512MB of RAM\
 \* large = Correspond to 2 CPU and 1024MB of RAM\
 \* x-large = Correspond to 4 CPU and 2048MB of RAM\
 \* unknown = Set for an instance launched manually with custom
\* **Image** is representation of an Template[3] which is created by
*STOPPED* virtual machine. You can create a Template using vSphere
Client or via Deltacloud API using ‘Create Image’ operation on STOPPED
\* **Instance** represents a virtual machine. Virtual machines[3] are
collected from all Datacenters[1] and Datastores[2]. Instance has
correct mapping to Realm and can be operated using ‘start’, ‘stop’,
‘reboot’ and ‘destroy’ operation. When a new instance is being created,
‘realm\_id’ parameter indicate on which Datastore will be new instance
placed. Also it will take a ResourcePool[4] defined by Datacenter on
which is Datastore located.
h2. Image Building and Pushing
Images can be built and pushed through Conductor. Go to Administer~~\>
Environments ~~\> New Image to start the process.
To build from the command line, use aeolus-image; an example is listed
below. Before you push, wait for the build to complete by monitoring
Building an image expects ‘vsphere’ as the target type, and pushing
expects the provider name you entered when creating the provider
h3. VMware Tools
You’ll need to include the VMware Tools repo in the image template, and
also specify the “vmware-tools-esx-nox” package for installation .
This runs an agent in each guest, communicating useful information back
to vCenter and Aeolus.
For example, the IP address of the guest, so you can connect to it via
Having the guest agent installed also lets you reboot guests through
Aeolus. Without it, rebooting isn’t supported.
\* Repo:
\* Package name: vmware-tools-esx-nox\
\* OS’s: This repo is known to work with both RHEL6 and Fedora 16, even
though it has “rhel6” explicitly in the repo path.
If someone tests it with other Fedora versions, please update this page
with info on whether it works or not.

h3. Examples:
 \# aeolus-image build~~~~target vsphere~~~~template
\~/template.tpl~~~~environment default
 Target Image: decd1c78-2f4b-4281-a2e1-b899da2991ef\
 Image: 627c7e7e-df14-45b9-a1d6-4ebd70c4a417\
 Build: 20c1c4b3-8dad-40ca-9710-1dec244a7b9a\
 Status: BUILDING\
 Percent Complete: 0\
 \# aeolus-image push~~~~account
<vsphere provider account name in conductor>~~~~image
 Provider Image: 0f72a62c-489d-4904-a837-23edaef16ec4\
 Image: 627c7e7e-df14-45b9-a1d6-4ebd70c4a417\
 Build: 20c1c4b3-8dad-40ca-9710-1dec244a7b9a\
 Status: PUSHING\
 Percent Complete: 0\
h3. Image template examples:
**Template with VMware Tools included**
\<pre\><code class="xml">\
 <os> \
 <name>RHEL-6</name> \
 <install type="url">\

 <description>RHEL61 x86\_64 and VMWareTools</description>\
 <repository name='vmwareTools'>\

 <package name='vmware-tools-esx-nox'/> \
**Template with a custom application included**
\<pre\><code class="xml">\
 <install type="url">\

 <repository name="custom">\

h2. 6. Create a deployable and start the VM
Go to Administer~~\> Environments -\> Images, and select the image you
would like the deploy. A deployable can be created by clicking on the
“New Deployable from Image” button. You will then see a form where you
enter a name, select the hardware profile, and the catalog. A deployable
is created when you save.

You will then see the deployable page. Use the “Launch” button to start
a VM. It is activated if the image has been built and pushed to a

If you encounter problems, the [[Common Error Messages]] page may be

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