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The Maracas package extends julia base/test.jl to provide syntactic sugar and verbose output to tests.

Launch your tests as usual

Maracas tests run Demo


  • document your code with nested typed test sets
  • show indented colored results, modifiable by user
  • @describe description::String begin ... end : group tests under the given description
  • @it description::String begin ... end : describe a specification
  • @unit description::String begin ... end : describe a simple unit test
  • @skip : will mark as skipped any assertion test, or maracas testset, macro placed after it.


First, in your test file declare you're using the package:

using Maracas

Then write your testsets with @describe, @it, or @unit functions with the same assertions as usual (@test, @test_throws)

You can also prefix testset functions with @skip like '@skip @describe', '@skip @it', or '@skip @unit' to skip a testset: the title will be shown in test results but the testset is not executed and all contained tests are ignored.

@skip works also before any macro starting with "@test" (@test, @test_throws, @test_broken...)

using Maracas
is_magenta(ts::MaracasTestSet)=occursin(Base.text_colors[:magenta], ts.description)
is_blue(ts::MaracasTestSet)=occursin(Base.text_colors[:blue], ts.description)
is_cyan(ts::MaracasTestSet)=occursin(Base.text_colors[:cyan], ts.description)

@describe "it is a test suite" begin
    @it "has specs" begin
        a_spec = @it("is made with macro '@it'", begin end)
        @test occursin("[Spec]", a_spec.description)
    @it "has tests" begin
        a_test = @unit("made with macro '@unit'", begin end)
        @test occursin("[Test]", a_test.description)

    @unit "test suite title is magenta by default" begin
        nested_describe = @describe("you can document your code with your tests", begin end)
        @test is_magenta(nested_describe)

    @unit "spec title is cyan by default" begin
        @test is_cyan(@it("is cyan", begin end))
    @unit "test title is blue by default" begin
        @test is_blue(@unit("in blue", begin end))

    @unit "'it' is prepended to specs" begin
        description = "had a spec description not starting with it"
        a_spec = @it("had a spec description not starting with it", begin end)
        @test occursin(string("it ", description), a_spec.description)

    @skip @describe "a whole describe can be skipped" begin
        @it "should not be executed" begin
            @test false
    @skip @it "can skip '@it' with @skip" begin
        @test false
    @skip @unit "'@unit' can be skipped with @skip" begin
        @test false
    @skip @testset "@skip works with default testset but it's not shown in results" begin
        @test false
    @unit "@skip can also skip @test assertions" begin
        @skip @test false
        @skip @test_throws false
        @skip @test_skip false
        @skip @test_broken false

Changing Styles

You can modify color and boldness with the folowing functions:

  • set_title_style(color::TextColor, bold::Bool=true): change the style of titles defined with describe (default: :magenta)
  • set_test_style(color::TextColor, bold::Bool=true): change the style of [test] (default: :blue)
  • set_spec_style(color::TextColor, bold::Bool=true): change the style of [spec] (default: :cyan)
  • set_error_color(color::TextColor): set the color of error results (default: :red)
  • set_warn_color(color::TextColor): set the color of warn results (default: :yellow)
  • set_pass_color(color::TextColor): set the color of pass results (default: :green)
  • set_info_color(color::TextColor): set the color of total results (default: :blue)

Available colors are defined by Base.text_colors, which are either UInt8 between 0 and 255 inclusive or symbols you'll find inside julia REPL Help mode about Base.text_colors.

$ julia
   _       _ _(_)_     |  A fresh approach to technical computing
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |  Documentation:
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?help" for help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 0.6.0 (2017-06-19 13:05 UTC)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |
|__/                   |  x86_64-redhat-linux

help?> Base.text_colors
  Dictionary of color codes for the terminal.

  Available colors are: :normal, :default, :bold, :black, :blue, :cyan, :green, :light_black, :light_blue, :light_cyan, :light_green, :light_magenta, :light_red, :light_yellow, :magenta, :nothing, :red,
  :white, or :yellow as well as the integers 0 to 255 inclusive.

  The color :default will print text in the default color while the color :normal will print text with all text properties (like boldness) reset. Printing with the color :nothing will print the string without