Year | Title | Info |
2006 | Fischer: Einstein, Hawking, Singh & Co. | A book about popular science books one should know about |
The following lists are also interesting:
Year | Title | Info |
2018 | Hansen: Great at Work | Seven principles on how to be successful at work supported by statistics |
2017 | Dalio: Principles | |
2017 | Solingen: Der Bienenhirte | Gives useful insights for leading agile teams based on a nice analogy |
2015 | Thiel: Zero to One | |
2014 | Keese: Silicon Valley | --- |
2011 | Ries: The lean startup | |
2002 | deMarco: Slack | Why over-optimization is bad for any company |
Year | Title | Info |
2014 | Distler: Möbel kaufen - Qualität erkennen | --- |
2013 | Groß: Geldanlage für Faule | Doesn't work, if the interest rates are so low as they are nowadays |
2011 | Hodgkinson: Leitfaden für faule Eltern | "Leave the kids alone" |
2010 | Busemann: Papa To Go | A nice gift |
Year | Title | Info |
2019 | Michalk: Gesundheit optimieren | Guide to optimize health |
2018 | Axt-Gadermann: Power für die Schilddrüse | Self-help for problems with thyroid gland |
2016 | Starrett: Sitzen ist das neue Rauchen | This book convinced me to get a standing desk |
2015 | Greger: How not to die | |
2012 | Hickisch: Grüne Smoothies | A green smoothie a day keeps the doctor away |
2009 | Ackerman: 24 Stunden | |
2007 | Spitzer: Lernen | Important insights from neuroscience on how our brain works and learns |
Year | Title | Info |
2011 | Spufford: Red Plenty | Why the planned economics of soviet union failed despite interesting mathematical optimization ideas |
2005 | Mähr: Vergessene Erfindungen | Forgotten inventions (Semaphore telegraph, Flettner rotor, etc.) |
1997 | DiTrocchio: Der große Schwindel | Some interesting cases of fraud in science |
1989 | Haffner: Von Bismarck zu Hitler | The best book about the German Reich |
Year | Title | Info |
2009 | Wallace: Die Entdeckung des Unendlichen | |
Year | Title | Info |
2016 | van Reybrouck: Gegen Wahlen | Why elections are not democratic |
2015 | Sygar: Endspiel | |
2015 | Brzezinski: Die einzige Weltmacht | |
2007 | Weyh: Die letzte Wahl | |
Year | Title | Info |
2021 | Galef: The scout mindset | |
2013 | Konnikova: Mastermind | |
2013 | Scheich: Positives Denken macht krank | Read this, if you feel sick |
2012 | Cain: Quiet |'t_Stop_Talking |
2010 | Gladwell: Überflieger | |
2009 | Watzlawick: Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein | The best book about psychology, ever |
Year | Title | Info |
2014 | Maurer: One small step can change your life | Achieving lasting success through small, steady steps |
2013 | Guise: Mini Habits | Mini Habits are "too small to fail", so one can do them every day |
2003 | Kingston: Feng Shui gegen das Gerümpel des Alltags | I should read this book again |
Year | Title | Info |
2020 | Stryker: The 12-minute athlete | The best bodyweight HIIT program. It really improved my fitness. |
2020 | Baum: Vegan zur Höchstleistung | --- |
2018 | Scheck: Top ernährt im Sport | No nonsense guide to nutrition for sport |
2011 | Lauren: Fit ohne Geräte | Very good an challenging home workout routines |
2000 | Boeckh-Behrens: Fitness-Krafttraining | The scientifically proven, most effective exercises. |
1998 | Barteck: Fitness Manual | Shows techniques and training tips for many types of sport (Swimming, Skiing, Jogging, etc...) |
Year | Title | Info |
2015 | Reinhart: Statistics done wrong | Should be mandatory reading for every scientist |
2015 | Silver: The signal and the noise | |
2011 | Mlodinow: Wenn Gott würfelt | |
1991 | Huff: How to lie with statistics | |
Year | Title | Info |
2019 | Zuckerman: The man who solved the market | How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution |
2016 | Hagstrom: Warren Buffett | |
2011 | Mallaby: More Money than God | The history of the Hedge Fund Industry. Some rare insights into |
2008 | Mandelbrot: The (Mis)Behaviour of Markets | The "father of fractals" explains the stock markets behaviour |
2007 | Taleb: Fooled by Randomness | |
2006 | Poundstone: Fortune's Formula | The amazing story of,, and the hedgefond |
Year | Title | Info |
2019 | Dietrich: Highlights Georgien | Nice pictures of Georgia |
2010 | Rademacher: Das Buch für Berlinhasser | Mandatory reading about Berlin, unfortunately some parts are already outdated and nowadays even worse than described. |