live website:
This was a formative assessment for our IT103P (Web Programming) course during my 2nd year as a Computer Science student.
We were tasked to create a frontend to display the data requested from a free public API of our choice.
We were given the following instructions:
Here is a big list of free public api's that you could make requests from:
Choose any API that you want and build a front-end around it.
For example, Dota 2 has a public API that has 50,000 free calls per month. It has a bunch of endpoints like getting the data of a particular match (who won the match, the heroes that each team picked, players, etc.) or getting the data of a particular hero, and much more.
I can make a frontend around this which could display this data in any way that I want. For this assessment, I suggest using these API's:
- = An API that returns anime quotes
- = An API that returns recent bitcoin transactions
- = An API that returns the lyrics of any song
- = Cat facts 🐱
But you can choose any free public API that you want.