This sample demonstrates how to build container images for *** Project ASP.NET Core web apps***.
You can start by launching a sample from the Microsoft container registry and access it in a local web browser at http://localhost:8080
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --publish 8080:80
You can also call the endpoint that the app exposes:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/Environment
{"runtimeVersion":".NET 7.0.9","osVersion":"Linux #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 22:23:49 UTC 2021","osArchitecture":"X64","user":"root","processorCount":8,"totalAvailableMemoryBytes":26672091136,"memoryLimit":9223372036854771712,"memoryUsage":28987392,"hostName":"541501cd8ab4"}
You can build and run an image using the following Docker compose instructions (if you've cloned this repo):
PS C:\opt\Repository\econ-project-template> docker compose build
[+] Building 0.8s (15/15) FINISHED
Run the image locally
PS C:\opt\Repository\econ-project-template> docker compose up -d
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Network econ-project-template_common-network Created
✔ Container econ-project-template-project-application-1 Started
Remove the image locally
PS C:\opt\Repository\econ-project-template> docker compose down
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Container econ-project-template-project-application-1 Removed
✔ Network econ-project-template_common-network Removed
You can build and run the image using the following Dockerfile instructions:
docker build --pull --tag webapp .
You should see the following console output as the application starts:
docker run --env ASPNETAPP_NAME=WebApp --env ASPNETAPP_FULLNAME="Application Name" --detach --publish 8080:80 webapp
After the application starts, navigate to http://localhost:8080
in your local web browser.
Note: ASP.NET Core apps (in official images) listen to port 80 by default. The
argument in these examples maps host port8080
to container port80
mapping). The container will not be accessible without this mapping.
You can see the app running via docker ps
> docker ps
42d58fd44526 webapp "dotnet WebApp.dll -…" 3 seconds ago Up 1 second (health: starting)>80/tcp happy_boy
The .NET Team publishes images for multiple distros. The default Dockerfile uses a major.minor version tag, which references a multi-platform image that provides Debian and Windows Nano Server images (depending on the requesting client).
More extensive samples are provided at the GitHub dotnet-docker repository.
You can tag and push an image using the following instructions (if you've built the docker image from this repo):
oc registry login
docker tag webapp[Namespace-dev]/webappimage
docker push[Namespace-dev]/webappimage:latest