(Proposed UX specification for https://phynti.com/safe-rooms)
Phynti plans to offer safe rooms where scans for safety threats can happen while otherwise protecting the users' privacy.
Both the EU, USA and other nations are evaluating or implementing legislations that will enforce citizens to unlock their data for scanning for safety threats (such as terrorist planning and illegal depiction of minors).
Previously, the technical community has strongly resisted such legislation due to fears of safety breaches and undesired governmental surveillance.
Phynti's safe rooms offers a common ground where safety and privacy can coexist. The safe rooms have uncompromised security, safeguarded in part by non governmental agencies (NGOs), while allowing law enforcement agencies to fulfil their threat monitoring duties.
Phynti safe rooms are safer than other alternatives since threat monitoring technically cannot take place without the discretion of NGOs. The safe rooms do not compromise the basic encryption through use of backdoors or weaker algorithms, which are the alternatives currently being evaluated or implemented elsewhere.
Read more:
- How do the safe rooms work?
- What is a safe room dictionary?
- How are the dictionaries used?
- Safe room scenarios
The safe rooms are under planning. Click here to receive our development newsletter. Until legislation enforces such scans, safe room participation is voluntary.
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