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rmzelle edited this page Oct 31, 2011 · 20 revisions

This is the official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) styles. An interface for browsing, searching, and filtering the styles from this repository can be found at

Editing Styles


Contributing Styles (and Locales)

We welcome your help in adding new styles and updating existing ones. If you want to contribute a (modified) style, make sure it validates and meets our style requirements, and follow the instructions for submitting styles. For instructions on how to help translating the CSL locale files, see the wiki of the locales repository.

Requesting Styles

If you find editing CSL styles too daunting or difficult, you can put in a style request instead.

Troubleshooting Styles

If you experience bugs using CSL styles (e.g., errors with installing styles), you should contact the support of the CSL-compatible software you're using (e.g., while you are welcome to use the Zotero forums for general CSL support, it is not the place to ask for help for problems with other products, like Mendeley or Papers). In your bug report, clearly indicate the version of the software you're using, and mention which style is giving you problems. If you are using a style you customized yourself, make sure it validates, and make it available online (e.g., via so people can try to reproduce the problem.

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