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» Chevrons.jl

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Test Status Codecov

Your friendly >> chevron >> based syntax for piping data through multiple transformations.

A Julia package with all the good ideas from Chain.jl and Pipe.jl, but with nicer syntax and REPL integration.

Here is a simple example:

julia> using Chevrons, DataFrames, TidierData

julia> Chevrons.enable_repl()  # magic to enable Chevrons syntax in the REPL

julia> df = DataFrame(name=["John", "Sally", "Roger"], age=[54, 34, 79], children=[0, 2, 4])
3×3 DataFrame
 Row │ name    age    children
     │ String  Int64  Int64
   1 │ John       54         0
   2 │ Sally      34         2
   3 │ Roger      79         4

julia> df >> @filter(age > 40) >> @select(num_children=children, age)
2×2 DataFrame
 Row │ num_children  age
     │ Int64         Int64
   1 │            0     54
   2 │            4     79

Quick comparison with similar packages:

Feature Chevrons.jl Chain.jl Pipe.jl
Piping syntax ✔️ (>>) ✔️ (@chain) ✔️ (|>)
Side effects ✔️ (>>>) ✔️ (@aside)
Pipe backwards ✔️ (<<)
Recursive syntax ✔️
REPL integration ✔️
Line numbers on errors ✔️



Click ] to enter the Pkg REPL then do:

pkg> add Chevrons

Getting started

Chevrons exports a macro @chevrons which transforms expressions like x >> f(y, z) into f(x, y, z). These can be chained together, so that

@chevrons Int[] >> push!(5, 2, 4, 3, 1) >> sort!()

is equivalent to

sort!(push!(Int[], 5, 2, 4, 3, 1))

In fact we can see exactly what it is transformed to with @macroexpand. This is equivalent code but with intermediate results saved for clarity.

julia> @macroexpand @chevrons Int[] >> push!(5, 2, 4, 3, 1) >> sort!()
    var"##chevrons#241" = Int[]
    var"##chevrons#242" = push!(var"##chevrons#241", 5, 2, 4, 3, 1)

REPL integration

If you are using the Julia REPL, you can activate Chevrons's REPL integration like

julia> Chevrons.enable_repl()

This allows you to use this syntax from the Julia REPL without typing @chevrons every time. Use Chevrons.enable_repl(false) to disable it again. The rest of the examples here will be from the REPL.

Also see this tip for automatically enabling the REPL integration.

Basic piping syntax with >>

Expressions like x >> f(y, z) are transformed to insert x as an extra first argument in the function call, like:

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >> sort!() >> println()
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

If you want the argument to appear elsewhere, you can indicate where with _:

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >> filter!(isodd, _) >> println()
[5, 3, 1]

In fact, you can use any expression involving _:

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >> filter!(isodd, _ .+ 10) >> println()
[15, 13, 11]

Side-effects with >>>

Sometimes you want to do something with an intermediate value in the pipeline, but then continue with the previous value. For this, you can use x >>> f() which is transformed to tmp = x; f(tmp); tmp. It is very similar to Chain.jl's @aside syntax.

One use for this is to log intermediate values for debugging:

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >> filter!(isodd, _) >>> println("x = ", _) >> sum()
x = [5, 3, 1]

You can assign values, and even use them in later steps:

julia> 10 >> (_ * 2) >>> (x = _) >> (x^2 - _)

julia> x

It is also useful for functions which mutate the argument but do not return it:

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >> popat!(4)

julia> [5,2,4,3,1] >>> popat!(4) >> println()
[5, 2, 4, 1]

Piping backwards with <<

You can use << to pipe backwards: f(y) << x is transformed to f(x, y).

This can be useful as a sort of "inline do-notation":

julia> write("hello.txt", "ignore this line\nkeep this line!");

julia> (
           >> open()
           << (io -> io >>> readline() >> read(String))
           >> uppercase()

You can instead just use regular do-notation:

julia> (
           >> open() do io
               io >>> readline() >> read(String)
           >> uppercase()

Recursive usage

The @chevrons macro works recursively, meaning you can wrap an entire module (or script or function or any code block) and all >>/>>>/<< expressions will be converted.

For example here is the first example in this README converted to a script:

using Chevrons, DataFrames, TidierData

@chevrons begin
    df = DataFrame(name=["John", "Sally", "Roger"], age=[54, 34, 79], children=[0, 2, 4])
    df2 = df >> @filter(age > 40) >> @select(num_children=children, age)
    df2 >> println("data:", _)
    df2 >> size >> println("size:", _)

Or the data manipulation step can be encapsulated as a function like so:

@chevrons munge(df) = df >> @filter(age > 40) >> @select(num_children=children, age)

Pro tips


If you surround your pipelines with parentheses then you can place each transformation on a separate line for clarity. This also allows you to easily comment out individual transformations.

@chevrons (
    # >> @filter(age > 40)
    >> @select(nchildren=children, age),

Or you can use >>(x, y, z) syntax instead of x >> y >> z like so:

@chevrons >>(
    # @filter(age > 40),
    @select(nchildren=children, age),

Startup file

You can add the following lines to your startup.jl file (usually at ~/.julia/config/startup.jl) to enable Chevrons's REPL integration automatically:

if isinteractive()
        using Chevrons
        @warn "Chevrons not available"
    if @isdefined Chevrons

Chevrons has no dependencies so is safe to add to your global environment - then it will always be available at the REPL.


See the docstrings for more help:

  • @chevrons ...: Transform and execute the given code.
  • chevrons(expr): Transform the given expression.
  • Chevrons.enable_repl(on=true): Enable/disable the REPL integration.