All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.1.2 (2023-01-19)
- remove messageaqfactory: remove messageAqFactory; remove redundant pollFactory dependency (dcd1c67)
- add a badges to (888524b)
- changelog: add CHANGELOG of v1.1.1 (ea1f0ca)
- maci: added README for the circuit package and fixed typo in contract's README (4d0f74b)
- maci: updated docs after review (fd0da34), closes #531 #556
1.1.1 (2022-12-03)
- core/ts/macistate.ts: fix nothing_up_to_my_sleeve bug in MaciState.ts as well as unit tests (3d2b21f)
- float.circom: add a*b overflow check (c9a24ba)
- float.circom: rewrite float.circom (efd4617)
- maci: reverted a fix and fixed test suits (8300cc5)
- maci: upgraded minor version and fixed bug in testnet deployment (5ef5ed8), closes #551 #552
- maci: upgraded snarkjs and other dependencies (0ce643a)
- processmessages.circom: data are not fully verified during state update (6df6a40)
- topupcredit.sol, subsidy.circom: add comments for upper bound of constants (c8eb37a)
- circuits: revert snarkjs upgrade (b045893)