Term | Meaning |
Docker | A platform for developers to develop, deploy and run applications with containers |
Docker Compose | A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications |
Docker Machine | A tool for creating and managing machines running Docker |
Image | An executable package that includes everything needed to run an application - the code, a runtime, libraries, environment variables, and configuration files |
Container | A runtime instance of an image - what the image becomes in memory when executed (that is, an image with state, or a user process) |
Repository | A collection of images (like a GitHub repository, but with the code already built) |
Registry | A collection of repositories |
Service | A distinct part of a distributed application e.g. a database, a front-end etc. A service runs only one image, but replicas are common for e.g. load-balancing. Scaling a service entails increasing the number of containers running the application, assigning more computing resources to it. |
Task | A single container running in a service. |
Swarm | A group of machines running Docker, joined into a cluster. The swarm is orchestrated by a swarm manager |
Node | A machine that is a member of a swarm (either a swarm manager or a worker). |
Command | Description |
docker --version |
See docker version |
docker info |
See docker info |
docker version |
See shorter docker info |
Command | Description |
docker image ls |
See all docker images on machine |
docker container ls |
See all (active) docker containers |
docker container ls --all |
See all previously run containers |
docker container ls -aq |
See just the uuids of all previously run containers (quiet mode) |
Command | Description |
docker build -t friendly_name . |
Build a docker image from the current directory and tag it with friendly_name |
docker run image_name |
Run image image_name |
docker run -p machine_port:container_port friendly_name |
Run the image friendly_name and map the resulting container's published container_port to the machine_port |
docker run -d -p machine_port:container_port friendly_name |
Same as above, but detach from the container (run it in the background) and return the container ID |
docker container stop container_id |
Stop container container_id |
Command | Description |
docker login |
Log into the Docker public registry |
docker tag image_name username/respository:tag |
Tag an image for upload to a repository under account username in a registry; the tag is often used for versioning of the image |
docker push username/respository:tag |
Push an image to a repository in the Docker public registry. The container can now be deployed on any machine by using docker run -p machine_port:container_port username/repository:tag |
Command | Description |
docker swarm init |
Initialise a swarm of containers |
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml app_name |
Deploy a new stack or update one, starting app_name by composing (-c ) from a docker-compose.yml file |
docker service ls |
See all running services |
docker service ps app_name_service_name |
List the tasks of a service service_name running under app_name |
docker stack rm app_name |
Take down an app |
docker swarm leave --force |
Take down the swarm |
Command | Description |