diff --git a/.Rhistory b/.Rhistory
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63d693cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.Rhistory
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+limit = 5
+# Check empty structure
+expect_equal(nrow(result$bills), 0)
+expect_equal(result$metadata$total, 0)
+bills <- get_ly_legislator_bills(
+term = 9,
+name = "王金平",
+limit = 5
+if(nrow(bills$bills) > 0) {
+# Check content validity
+expect_true(all(bills$bills$屆期 == 9)) # Should match requested term
+# Test error handling
+test_that("get_ly_legislator_bills handles errors properly", {
+# Test non-existent term/name combination
+term = 999,
+name = "不存在的立委"
+# Test invalid page number
+term = 9,
+name = "王金平",
+page = -1
+# Test invalid limit
+term = 9,
+name = "王金平",
+limit = 0
+# Test error handling
+test_that("get_ly_legislator_bills handles errors properly", {
+# Test non-existent term/name combination
+term = 999,
+name = "不存在的立委"
+# Test invalid page number
+term = 9,
+name = "王金平",
+page = -1
+ly_info <- get_tly_stat()
+ly_info <- get_tly_stat()
+print(ly_info$meet$terms, type = "html")
+committees <- get_ly_committees_type(
+type = "常設委員會"
+committee <- get_ly_committees_type(
+code = 15
+committee <- get_ly_committees_type(
+esult <- get_ly_committee_meets(committee_id = 22)
+esult <- get_ly_committee_meets(committee_id = 22)
+page2_videos <- get_ly_ivod(
+term = 9,
+session_period = 1,
+page = 2,
+limit = 20
+esult <- get_ly_committee_meets(committee_id = 22)
+# 取得第九屆第一會期的影片
+videos <- get_ly_ivod(
+term = 9,
+session_period = 1,
+limit = 5
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+# 案例一:基本統計資訊分析
+# 取得立法院統計資料
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+# 1. 分析各屆期法案統計
+analyze_bills <- function(stats) {
+# 計算各屆期法案數量和比例
+bill_stats <- stats$bill$terms %>%
+percentage = round(count / sum(count) * 100, 2),
+cumulative = cumsum(count)
+# 繪製法案數量趨勢圖
+ggplot(bill_stats, aes(x = term, y = count)) +
+geom_line(color = "blue") +
+geom_point(color = "red") +
+title = "各屆期法案數量趨勢",
+x = "屆期",
+y = "法案數量"
+) +
+# 輸出統計摘要
+cat("\n=== 法案統計摘要 ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("總法案數:%d\n", stats$bill$total))
+cat(sprintf("最後更新時間:%s\n", format(stats$bill$max_update_time)))
+print(head(bill_stats, 5))
+# 2. 分析會議資訊
+analyze_meetings <- function(stats) {
+# 整理會議資料
+meeting_stats <- stats$meet$terms %>%
+議事錄比例 = round(議事錄_count / count * 100, 2),
+最後會議日期 = format(max_meeting_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
+# 繪製會議記錄完整性分析圖
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = 議事錄_count), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "各屆期會議記錄完整性分析",
+x = "屆期",
+y = "數量"
+) +
+# 輸出統計摘要
+cat("\n=== 會議統計摘要 ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("總會議數:%d\n", stats$meet$total))
+print(head(meeting_stats, 5))
+# 3. 分析影片資料
+analyze_ivod <- function(stats) {
+# 整理影片資料
+ivod_stats <- stats$ivod$terms %>%
+開始日期 = format(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+結束日期 = format(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+期間天數 = as.numeric(difftime(end_date, start_date, units = "days")),
+平均每日影片數 = round(count / 期間天數, 2)
+# 繪製影片數量分布圖
+ggplot(ivod_stats, aes(x = term, y = count)) +
+geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "darkgreen") +
+title = "各屆期影片記錄數量",
+x = "屆期",
+y = "影片數量"
+) +
+# 輸出統計摘要
+cat("\n=== 影片統計摘要 ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("總影片數:%d\n", stats$ivod$total))
+cat(sprintf("資料期間:%s 至 %s\n",
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$end, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+print(head(ivod_stats, 5))
+# 4. 整合分析報告
+generate_report <- function(stats) {
+cat("\n 立法院資料統計分析報告")
+# 1. 法案統計
+cat("\nI. 法案統計")
+cat(sprintf("\n總法案數:%d", stats$bill$total))
+cat(sprintf("\n最新法案更新:%s", format(stats$bill$max_update_time, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 2. 委員統計
+cat("\n\nII. 委員統計")
+cat(sprintf("\n歷史委員總數:%d", stats$legislator$total))
+print(head(stats$legislator$terms, 5))
+# 3. 公報統計
+cat("\nIII. 公報統計")
+cat(sprintf("\n公報總數:%d", stats$gazette$total))
+cat(sprintf("\n議程總數:%d", stats$gazette$agenda_total))
+cat(sprintf("\n最後會議日期:%s", format(stats$gazette$last_meeting, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 4. 影片統計
+cat("\n\nIV. 影片統計")
+cat(sprintf("\n影片總數:%d", stats$ivod$total))
+cat(sprintf("\n影片記錄期間:%s 至 %s",
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$end, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 使用範例:
+# 1. 執行基本分析
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+# 2. 產生完整報告
+# 3. 特定分析:計算每屆期的法案通過率趨勢
+calculate_bill_trends <- function(stats) {
+bill_trends <- stats$bill$terms %>%
+left_join(stats$meet$terms, by = "term") %>%
+bills_per_meeting = round(count.x / count.y, 2),
+bills_per_day = round(count.x / as.numeric(difftime(max_meeting_date,
+lag(max_meeting_date), units = "days")), 2)
+) %>%
+select(term, count.x, count.y, bills_per_meeting, bills_per_day) %>%
+bills = count.x,
+meetings = count.y
+# 4. 繪製互動式視覺化(需要安裝 plotly 套件)
+create_interactive_plot <- function(stats) {
+bill_data <- stats$bill$terms
+p <- plot_ly(bill_data, x = ~term, y = ~count, type = "scatter", mode = "lines+markers",
+text = ~paste("屆期:", term, "
法案數:", count),
+hoverinfo = "text") %>%
+layout(title = "各屆期法案數量趨勢",
+xaxis = list(title = "屆期"),
+yaxis = list(title = "法案數量"))
+install.packages(c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "plotly", "lubridate"))
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+calculate_bill_trends <- function(stats) {
+bill_trends <- stats$bill$terms %>%
+left_join(stats$meet$terms, by = "term") %>%
+bills_per_meeting = round(count.x / count.y, 2),
+bills_per_day = round(count.x / as.numeric(difftime(max_meeting_date,
+lag(max_meeting_date), units = "days")), 2)
+) %>%
+select(term, count.x, count.y, bills_per_meeting, bills_per_day) %>%
+bills = count.x,
+meetings = count.y
+create_interactive_plot(stats )
+# 2. Meeting information analysis
+analyze_meetings <- function(stats) {
+# Process meeting data
+meeting_stats <- stats$meet$terms %>%
+minutes_ratio = round(議事錄_count / count * 100, 2),
+last_meeting_date = format(max_meeting_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = 議事錄_count), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+# Output statistical summary
+cat("\n=== Meeting Statistics Summary ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("Total Meetings: %d\n", stats$meet$total))
+cat("\nMeeting Records Statistics by Term:\n")
+print(head(meeting_stats, 5))
+# 3. Video data analysis
+analyze_ivod <- function(stats) {
+# Process video data
+ivod_stats <- stats$ivod$terms %>%
+start_date_fmt = format(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+end_date_fmt = format(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+period_days = as.numeric(difftime(end_date, start_date, units = "days")),
+avg_daily_videos = round(count / period_days, 2)
+# Create video count distribution plot
+ggplot(ivod_stats, aes(x = term, y = count)) +
+geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "darkgreen") +
+title = "Video Records Count by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Number of Videos"
+) +
+# Output statistical summary
+cat("\n=== Video Statistics Summary ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("Total Videos: %d\n", stats$ivod$total))
+cat(sprintf("Data Period: %s to %s\n",
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$end, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+cat("\nVideo Statistics by Term:\n")
+print(head(ivod_stats, 5))
+# 4. Integrated analysis report
+generate_report <- function(stats) {
+cat("\n Legislative Yuan Data Analysis Report")
+# 1. Bill statistics
+cat("\nI. Bill Statistics")
+cat(sprintf("\nTotal Bills: %d", stats$bill$total))
+cat(sprintf("\nLast Bill Update: %s", format(stats$bill$max_update_time, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 2. Legislator statistics
+cat("\n\nII. Legislator Statistics")
+cat(sprintf("\nHistorical Total Legislators: %d", stats$legislator$total))
+cat("\nLegislators by Term:")
+print(head(stats$legislator$terms, 5))
+# 3. Gazette statistics
+cat("\nIII. Gazette Statistics")
+cat(sprintf("\nTotal Gazettes: %d", stats$gazette$total))
+cat(sprintf("\nTotal Agendas: %d", stats$gazette$agenda_total))
+cat(sprintf("\nLast Meeting Date: %s", format(stats$gazette$last_meeting, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 4. Video statistics
+cat("\n\nIV. Video Statistics")
+cat(sprintf("\nTotal Videos: %d", stats$ivod$total))
+cat(sprintf("\nVideo Recording Period: %s to %s",
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$start, "%Y-%m-%d"),
+format(stats$ivod$date_range$end, "%Y-%m-%d")))
+# 2. Meeting information analysis
+analyze_meetings <- function(stats) {
+# Process meeting data
+meeting_stats <- stats$meet$terms %>%
+minutes_ratio = round(議事錄_count / count * 100, 2),
+last_meeting_date = format(max_meeting_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = 議事錄_count), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+# Output statistical summary
+cat("\n=== Meeting Statistics Summary ===\n")
+cat(sprintf("Total Meetings: %d\n", stats$meet$total))
+cat("\nMeeting Records Statistics by Term:\n")
+print(head(meeting_stats, 5))
+# Process meeting data
+meeting_stats <- stats$meet$terms %>%
+minutes_ratio = round(議事錄_count / count * 100, 2),
+last_meeting_date = format(max_meeting_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = 議事錄_count), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5)
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = 議事錄_count), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = `議事錄_count`), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+x <- ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = `議事錄_count`), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+# Create meeting records completeness analysis plot
+ggplot(meeting_stats, aes(x = term)) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = count), stat = "identity", fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
+geom_bar(aes(y = `議事錄_count`), stat = "identity", fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
+title = "Meeting Records Completeness by Term",
+x = "Term",
+y = "Count"
+) +
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+stats <- get_tly_stat()
+devtools::check(args = c('--no-codoc', '--no-manual', '--no-check-ASCII'))
+# 读取文件内容
+file_content <- readLines("R/bill.R", encoding = "UTF-8")
+writeLines(file_content, "R/bill.R", useBytes = TRUE)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/rmd-outputs b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/rmd-outputs
index 730fe4df..8254c526 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/rmd-outputs
+++ b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/rmd-outputs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/5CAD1E2F b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/5CAD1E2F
index f25a0fcd..3e9afadf 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/5CAD1E2F
+++ b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/5CAD1E2F
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "102,43",
- "scrollLine": "96"
+ "scrollLine": "0"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0d242741..a0dba796 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C134E6FE
+++ b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C134E6FE
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
"cursorPosition": "97,0",
- "scrollLine": "55"
+ "scrollLine": "0"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C7EAE541 b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C7EAE541
index 0347cbb1..dff798b3 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C7EAE541
+++ b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/prop/C7EAE541
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"source_window_id": "",
"Source": "Source",
- "cursorPosition": "81,4",
- "scrollLine": "70",
+ "cursorPosition": "90,20",
+ "scrollLine": "61",
"rmdVisualMode": "false",
"rmdVisualCollapsedChunks": "",
"rmdVisualModeLocation": "2:0"
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/01697494-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/01697494-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index cc58b737..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/01697494-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0706C9B6-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0706C9B6-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 13d0c1c7..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0706C9B6-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,902 +0,0 @@
-#'@title The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#'get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'@title The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'\\ifelse{html}{\\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\\strong{[Experimental]}}
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-# get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
-# verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
-# start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)), "and", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
-# "start_date" = start_date,
-# "end_date" = end_date,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- # 檢查開始和結束日期
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10). Data is available from the 9th term onwards.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period (1-8).
-#' @param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether get_speech_video should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. Default is TRUE.
-#' @return list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query video information by term, session period and date range
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' ## Query without specifying term or session
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' @details The `get_speech_video` function retrieves video information of
-#' legislative meetings and committee sessions. Data is available from the
-#' 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年). The date parameters must
-#' use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' @note For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}.
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")`
-# https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/08B39A84-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/08B39A84-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index ea74c439..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/08B39A84-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
-% Please edit documentation in R/meeting.R
-\title{The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊}
-get_caucus_meetings(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
-\item{start_date}{character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".}
-\item{end_date}{character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".}
-\item{verbose}{logical, indicates whether \code{get_caucus_meetings} should print out
-detailed output when retrieving the data.}
-list, which contains: \describe{
-\item{\code{title}}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-\item{\code{query_time}}{the query time}
-\item{\code{retrieved_number}}{the number of observation}
-\item{\code{meeting_unit}}{the meeting unit}
-\item{\code{start_date_ad}}{the start date in POSIXct}
-\item{\code{end_date_ad}}{the end date in POSIXct}
-\item{\code{start_date}}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-\item{\code{url}}{the retrieved json url}
-\item{\code{variable_names}}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-\item{\code{manual_info}}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-\item{\code{data}}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-\code{get_caucus_meetings} produces a list, which contains \code{title}, \code{query_time},
-\code{retrieved_number}, \code{meeting_unit}, \code{start_date_ad}, \code{end_date_ad}, \code{start_date},
-\code{end_date}, \code{url}, \code{variable_names}, \code{manual_info} and \code{data.}
-To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-frame, please use \code{get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-\code{get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")} Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-David Liao (davidycliao@gmail.com)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0A351AC8-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0A351AC8-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cdadc46..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0A351AC8-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_bills", {
- expect_equal(get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 9)
-test_that("get_bills_2", {
- expect_equal(get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 1155)
- expect_error(get_bills_2(term = "10"), "Please use numeric format only.")
- expect_error(get_bills_2(term = "10", verbose = TRUE), "Please use numeric format only.")
-test_that("Testing get_bills function", {
- # Test if the function returns a list
- result <- get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = FALSE)
- expect_type(result, "list")
- # Test if get_bills throws the expected error for incorrect date format
- expect_error(get_bills(start_date = 1070310, end_date = 1060120, verbose = FALSE),
- "The start date, 2018-03-10, should not be later than the end date, 2017-01-20.")
- # Test if the function correctly handles invalid date format
- expect_error(get_bills(start_date = "10601", end_date = 1070310, verbose = FALSE),
- "Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0C74EFA9-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0C74EFA9-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index c4299b6f..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0C74EFA9-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#' The Records of Parliamentary Questions 委員質詢事項資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#' @param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#' options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to 8 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_parlquestions` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of parliamentary questions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}, or use get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`item`}{項目}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term.
-#' ## 輸入「立委會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10)
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' @details `get_parlquestions` produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#' `query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊(自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-get_parlquestions <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading parliamentary questions data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Questions: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Parliamentary Questions Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'The Records of Response to the Questions by the Executives 公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term integer, numeric or NULL. The default is NULL. The data is only
-#'available from 8th term. 參數必須為數值。資料從自第8屆起,預設值為8。
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#'options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#'`review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print out detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of the questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`eyNumber`}{行政院函公文編號}
-#' \item{`lyNumber`}{立法院函編號}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{案由}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#' get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details **`get_executive_response`** produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info` and `data`. To retrieve the user manual and more information, please
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`.
-#'#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_executive_response <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading executive response data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Responses: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Executive Response Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0E61B00D-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0E61B00D-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fe48329..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/0E61B00D-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-#' @title The Records of the Bills: 法律提案
-#' @param start_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090101.
-#' @param end_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090102.
-#' @param proposer The default value is NULL, indicating that bills proposed by all legislators
-#' are included between the start and end dates.
-#' @param verbose logical. Specifies whether `get_bills` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default value is TRUE.
-#' @return A list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of cross-caucus sessions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations retrieved}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{Meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{Start date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{End date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{Start date in the ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{URL of the retrieved JSON data}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variable names of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual. See \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153} or use get_variable_info("get_bills")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with the following variables:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{Session number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session period}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{Session count}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{Proposal date}
-#' \item{`billName`}{Bill name}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{Primary proposer}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{Co-signatories of the bill}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{Status of the bill}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{Date in the Gregorian calendar}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom httr content
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range in the Taiwan ROC calendar format
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = TRUE)
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and a specific legislator
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉")
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and multiple legislators
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1060510, proposer = "孔文吉&鄭天財")
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills` function returns a list that contains `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#' `end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more details about the data frame, use `get_variable_info("get_bills")`.
-#' Further checks are required as the user manual seems to be inconsistent with the actual data.
-#' @seealso
-#' \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153}
-get_bills <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, proposer = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- validate_dates_format(start_date, end_date)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeBill.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&proposer=", proposer, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- tryCatch(
- {
- # 更新進度條到 30%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # 更新進度條到 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$date, transformed_date_bill))
- # 更新進度條到 90%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Total Unique Proposers:", length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billProposer))), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved Number: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add bill statistics
- if(!is.null(df$billProposer)) {
- unique_proposers <- length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billProposer)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_proposers))
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "proposer" = proposer,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term A numeric or NULL value. Data is available from the 8th term onwards.
-#' Default is set to 8. 參數必須為數值。資料從第8屆開始,預設值為8。
-#' @param session_period An integer, numeric, or NULL. Valid options for the session are:
-#' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default is set to NULL.
-#' 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` provides available session periods based on the Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose Default value is TRUE. Displays details of the retrieved data, including the number, URL, and computing time.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Retrieved term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20} or use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables such as:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{議案編號}
-#' \item{`billName`}{提案名稱}
-#' \item{`billOrg`}{提案單位/委員}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{主提案人}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{連署提案}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{議案狀態}
-#' \item{`pdfUrl`}{PDF download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{DOC download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Filtering criteria based on term}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query the executives' responses by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」以下載「質詢事項 (行政院答復部分)」
-#' get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills_2` function produces a list, which includes `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' For the user manual and more information about the dataframe, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`.
-#' @note For more details about the dataframe's variables, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20}.
-#' 議事類: 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (從第8屆第1會期開始)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`,`review_session_info()`
-get_bills_2 <- function(term = 8, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- # Check for internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format info at the start
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislative bills data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # If the term is not specified
- if (is.null(term)) {
- # Set the base API URL without specifying any term
- set_api_url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json"
- # Display a notification message
- message("The term is not defined...\nYou are now requesting full data from the API. Please ensure a stable internet connection until completion.\n")
- } else {
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # If the term is in character format, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- # If term length is one, format the term to two digits
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- stop("The API doesn't support querying multiple terms. Consider implementing batch processing. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.")
- }
- # Convert session period to two-digit format, if it's not NULL
- session_str <- ifelse(is.null(session_period), "", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)))
- # Construct the complete API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- # Try to fetch the data and process it
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # If the returned data is empty, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Calculate summary statistics
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- budget_bills <- if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) sum(grepl("預算", df$billName)) else 0
- budget_percentage <- if(total_bills > 0) (budget_bills / total_bills) * 100 else 0
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Retrieved Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
- # Calculate total bills and unique legislators
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_legislators))
- cat("===================================\n")
- # if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- # close(pb)
- # cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- # cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- # cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- # if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- # cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- # }
- #
- # # Overall Statistics
- # cat("\nOverall Statistics:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- # cat(sprintf(" Budget Bills: %d (%.1f%%)\n", budget_bills, budget_percentage))
- #
- # # Detailed Bill Type Distribution
- # if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # bill_types <- table(df$billName)
- # cat("\nBill Type Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # for(type in names(bill_types)) {
- # count <- bill_types[type]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", type, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- #
- # # Proposer Distribution
- # if("billOrg" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # cat("\nProposer Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # proposer_counts <- table(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg))
- # for(proposer in names(proposer_counts)) {
- # count <- proposer_counts[proposer]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # if(nchar(trimws(proposer)) > 0) { # Only show non-empty proposers
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", proposer, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Construct the result list
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "The records of the questions answered by the executives",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = total_bills,
- "budget_bills" = budget_bills,
- "budget_percentage" = budget_percentage,
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/124B7A66-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/124B7A66-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index cc58b737..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/124B7A66-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/13E9BEE2-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/13E9BEE2-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bd0e5f6..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/13E9BEE2-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2023 Yen-Chieh Liao
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/141FB1EA-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/141FB1EA-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index c38f5830..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/141FB1EA-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Test infos
-test_that("get_variable_info", {
- "Use correct function names below in character format:
- get_bills: the records of the bills
- get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
- get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
- get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
- get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
- get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
- get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
- get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
-# For get_variable_info function
-test_that("get_variable_info works correctly", {
- result <- get_variable_info("get_bills")
- # Check if the function returns a list
- expect_true(is.list(result))
- # Check if the list contains specific elements
- expect_true("page_info" %in% names(result))
- expect_true("reference_url" %in% names(result))
- # Check if passing an invalid parameter value results in an error
- expect_error(get_variable_info("invalid_function_name"), "Use correct function names below in character format.")
-# For review_session_info function
-test_that("review_session_info works correctly", {
- result <- review_session_info(7)
- # Check if the function returns a tibble
- expect_true(is(result, "tbl_df"))
- # Check if the tibble contains specific column names (this depends on the actual column names)
- expect_true("屆期會期" %in% colnames(result)) # Replace 'ColumnName1' with actual column name
- # Check if passing an invalid term value results in an error
- # expect_error(review_session_info(12), "use correct `term`.")
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/197052BE-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/197052BE-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c35a620..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/197052BE-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/19A33DFD-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/19A33DFD-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index de836bbc..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/19A33DFD-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-title: "Legislator's Demographic Data"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Legislator's Demographic Data}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Using `get_legislators()` as an Example to Fetch Legislator Data
-The get_legislators() function provides a straightforward way to access Taiwan's legislator data from the official parliamentary database. Here's a step-by-step demonstration:
-First, we load the legisTaiwan package which contains tools for accessing Taiwan's legislative data.
-info <- get_legislators(verbose = FALSE)
-Here, we call get_legislators() and store the results in info. The verbose = FALSE parameter suppresses the progress bar during data fetching. This makes the function run quietly without displaying download progress.
-This command displays the retrieved data which includes comprehensive information about legislators. The returned data frame contains various fields about each legislator, such as:
-- Personal information (name, gender, birth date)
-- Electoral district details
-- Party affiliation
-- Committee and more!
-Each row represents a unique legislator, making it easy to analyze or extract specific information about Taiwan's parliamentary representatives.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1B61396B-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1B61396B-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index d55a8c0a..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1B61396B-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-## ----include = FALSE----------------------------------------------------------
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1E36E487-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1E36E487-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index f0934fc0..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1E36E487-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_legislators", {
- expect_equal(nrow(get_legislators(term = 2)$data), 165)
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 2)$queried_term, "2")
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 2, verbose = FALSE)$queried_term, "2")
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 8)$queried_term, "8")
- expect_error(get_legislators(term = 30)$queried_term, "Query returned no data.")
- })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1F80FBEC-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1F80FBEC-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index c0dd22f4..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/1F80FBEC-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor Code of Conduct
-As contributors and maintainers of this project, we pledge to respect all people who
-contribute through reporting issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation,
-submitting pull requests or patches, and other activities.
-We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for
-everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression,
-sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion,
-or choice of text editor.
-Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include the use of sexual language or
-imagery, derogatory comments or personal attacks, trolling, public or private harassment,
-insults, or other unprofessional conduct.
-Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments,
-commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this
-Code of Conduct. Project maintainers who do not follow the Code of Conduct may be removed
-from the project team.
-Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by
-opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.
-This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant
-(http:contributor-covenant.org), version 1.0.0, available at
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/20A6C2C5-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/20A6C2C5-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 49210289..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/20A6C2C5-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-#' @title The Records of the Bills: 法律提案
-#' @param start_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090101.
-#' @param end_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090102.
-#' @param proposer The default value is NULL, indicating that bills proposed by all legislators
-#' are included between the start and end dates.
-#' @param verbose logical. Specifies whether `get_bills` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default value is TRUE.
-#' @return A list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of cross-caucus sessions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations retrieved}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{Meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{Start date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{End date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{Start date in the ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{URL of the retrieved JSON data}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variable names of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual. See \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153} or use get_variable_info("get_bills")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with the following variables:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{Session number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session period}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{Session count}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{Proposal date}
-#' \item{`billName`}{Bill name}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{Primary proposer}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{Co-signatories of the bill}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{Status of the bill}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{Date in the Gregorian calendar}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom httr content
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range in the Taiwan ROC calendar format
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = TRUE)
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and a specific legislator
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉")
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and multiple legislators
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1060510, proposer = "孔文吉&鄭天財")
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills` function returns a list that contains `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#' `end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more details about the data frame, use `get_variable_info("get_bills")`.
-#' Further checks are required as the user manual seems to be inconsistent with the actual data.
-#' @seealso
-#' \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153}
-get_bills <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, proposer = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- validate_dates_format(start_date, end_date)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeBill.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&proposer=", proposer, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- tryCatch(
- {
- # 更新進度條到 30%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # 更新進度條到 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$date, transformed_date_bill))
- # 更新進度條到 90%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Total Unique Proposers:", length(unique(.clean_names(df$billProposer))), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved Number: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add bill statistics
- if(!is.null(df$billProposer)) {
- unique_proposers <- length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billProposer)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_proposers))
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "proposer" = proposer,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term A numeric or NULL value. Data is available from the 8th term onwards.
-#' Default is set to 8. 參數必須為數值。資料從第8屆開始,預設值為8。
-#' @param session_period An integer, numeric, or NULL. Valid options for the session are:
-#' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default is set to NULL.
-#' 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` provides available session periods based on the Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose Default value is TRUE. Displays details of the retrieved data, including the number, URL, and computing time.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Retrieved term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20} or use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables such as:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{議案編號}
-#' \item{`billName`}{提案名稱}
-#' \item{`billOrg`}{提案單位/委員}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{主提案人}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{連署提案}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{議案狀態}
-#' \item{`pdfUrl`}{PDF download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{DOC download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Filtering criteria based on term}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query the executives' responses by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」以下載「質詢事項 (行政院答復部分)」
-#' get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills_2` function produces a list, which includes `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' For the user manual and more information about the dataframe, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`.
-#' @note For more details about the dataframe's variables, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20}.
-#' 議事類: 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (從第8屆第1會期開始)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`,`review_session_info()`
-get_bills_2 <- function(term = 8, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- # Check for internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format info at the start
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislative bills data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # If the term is not specified
- if (is.null(term)) {
- # Set the base API URL without specifying any term
- set_api_url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json"
- # Display a notification message
- message("The term is not defined...\nYou are now requesting full data from the API. Please ensure a stable internet connection until completion.\n")
- } else {
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # If the term is in character format, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- # If term length is one, format the term to two digits
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- stop("The API doesn't support querying multiple terms. Consider implementing batch processing. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.")
- }
- # Convert session period to two-digit format, if it's not NULL
- session_str <- ifelse(is.null(session_period), "", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)))
- # Construct the complete API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- # Try to fetch the data and process it
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # If the returned data is empty, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Calculate summary statistics
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- budget_bills <- if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) sum(grepl("預算", df$billName)) else 0
- budget_percentage <- if(total_bills > 0) (budget_bills / total_bills) * 100 else 0
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Retrieved Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
- # Calculate total bills and unique legislators
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(.clean_names(df$billOrg)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_legislators))
- cat("===================================\n")
- # if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- # close(pb)
- # cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- # cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- # cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- # if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- # cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- # }
- #
- # # Overall Statistics
- # cat("\nOverall Statistics:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- # cat(sprintf(" Budget Bills: %d (%.1f%%)\n", budget_bills, budget_percentage))
- #
- # # Detailed Bill Type Distribution
- # if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # bill_types <- table(df$billName)
- # cat("\nBill Type Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # for(type in names(bill_types)) {
- # count <- bill_types[type]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", type, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- #
- # # Proposer Distribution
- # if("billOrg" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # cat("\nProposer Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # proposer_counts <- table(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg))
- # for(proposer in names(proposer_counts)) {
- # count <- proposer_counts[proposer]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # if(nchar(trimws(proposer)) > 0) { # Only show non-empty proposers
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", proposer, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Construct the result list
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "The records of the questions answered by the executives",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = total_bills,
- "budget_bills" = budget_bills,
- "budget_percentage" = budget_percentage,
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-title: "Quick Start"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick Start}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-## Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-**`legisTaiwan`** is an R package for accessing [Taiwan Legislative Yuan API](https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action). The goal of `legisTaiwan` is to make it quickly and instantly download Taiwan's legislative data, digitized textual
-and video records for a research project and analyze public policies.
-```{r eval = FALSE}
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
-## How to Contribute
-Contributions in the form of comments, code suggestions, and tutorial examples are very welcome. Please note that the `LeigsTaiwan` is released with the [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/blob/master/CONDUCT.md). By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/2290E898-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/2290E898-contents
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-Uber Eats
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,949 +0,0 @@
-#'@title The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#'get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'@title The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'\\ifelse{html}{\\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\\strong{[Experimental]}}
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-# get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
-# verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
-# start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)), "and", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
-# "start_date" = start_date,
-# "end_date" = end_date,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- # 檢查開始和結束日期
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10). Data is available from the 9th term onwards.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period (1-8).
-#' @param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether get_speech_video should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. Default is TRUE.
-#' @return list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query video information by term, session period and date range
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' ## Query without specifying term or session
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' @details The `get_speech_video` function retrieves video information of
-#' legislative meetings and committee sessions. Data is available from the
-#' 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年). The date parameters must
-#' use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' @note For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}.
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")`
-# https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-# get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# if (is.null(term)) {
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
-# term, "&sessionPeriod=",
-# "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
-# sep = "")
-# message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
-# } else {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
-# if (length(term) == 1) {
-# term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))}
-# else if (length(term) > 1) {
-# term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
-# message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")}
-# }
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
-# term, "&sessionPeriod=",
-# sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
-# "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
-# sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Num: ", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the records of the questions answered by the executives",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "retrieved_term" = term,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/2C96B37F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/2C96B37F-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3b564d..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/2C96B37F-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-output: github_document
-```{r setup, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>",
- fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
- out.width = "100%"
-# Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
-[![R](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/actions/workflows/r.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/actions/workflows/r.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=HVVTCOE90D)](https://codecov.io/gh/davidycliao/legisTaiwan)
-[![Test coverage](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/actions/workflows/test-coverage.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/actions/workflows/test-coverage.yaml)
-`legisTaiwan` is designed to download the real-time archives of Taiwan legislative data easily. This package includes many streamlined functions to access [Taiwan Legislative Yuan API](https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action) in R without any hassle or runarounds.
-## Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-```{r eval=FALSE, include=TRUE}
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
-## Caution:
-`legisTaiwan` requires a stable internet connection to retrieve data from the API. While most functions can fetch data spanning a long period, they tend to be bandwidth-intensive due to the size of the datasets. If you plan to download data over an extended period, I recommend using get_variable_info() first to verify the current file sizes on the API manual. Also, consider writing a batch retrieval process with appropriate handlers to track the progress of file input, ensuring the completeness of the requested data.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/30D52F8F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/30D52F8F-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index f22aab1b..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/30D52F8F-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.7
-* Enhanced user experience by implementing progress bars for time-intensive operations. Progress bars are now displayed when verbose = TRUE.
-* Performed comprehensive spelling and typographical corrections throughout the package documentation and function names.
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.6
-* Corrected spelling errors and standardized terminology across function documentation.
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.4 (development version)
-* re-documentation and inserting handlers.
-* formatting the website and documentation: `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()`.
-* `get_bills()` and `get_meeting()`'s starting date are not clear.
-* `get_public_debates()` manual information is inconsistent with actual data.
-* ~~Two API endpoints,`質詢事項(本院委員質詢部分)` ~~and `國是論壇`, are~~ is temporarily down. Therefore, the data retrieved by `get_parlquestions()` ~~and `get_public_debates()`~~ may not be correct. [*UPDATE: Feb 5 2023*]~~
-* `get_public_debates()` is on. [*UPDATE: Feb 7 2023*]
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.3 (development version)
-* Fix typo in function name: `get_variabel_infos()` to `get_variable_info()`.
-* `get_committee_record() ` is added to access to the records of reviewed items in the committees 提供委員會會議審查之議案項目.
-* Add funder and copyright holder in NAMESPACE: `國科會` and `立法院`
-* Re-documentation and inserting handlers
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.1 (development version)
-* `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()` are added.
-* The package is created with `get_meetings()`, `get_bills()`, `get_legislators()`, `get_parlquestions()`
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/38649A2F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/38649A2F-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7aa065..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/38649A2F-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#'@title The Legislator' Demographic Information and Background 提供委員基本資料
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term numeric or NULL The data is available from the 2nd term.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether get_meetings should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE.
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`queried_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16}, or use legisTaiwan::get_variable_info("get_legislators")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`name`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`ename`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`sex`}{性別}
-#' \item{`party`}{黨籍}
-#' \item{`partyGroup`}{黨團}
-#' \item{`committee`}{委員會}
-#' \item{`onboardDate`}{到職日(西元年)}
-#' \item{`degree`}{學歷}
-#' \item{`experience`}{經歷}
-#' \item{`picPath`}{照片位址}
-#' \item{`leaveFlag`}{離職日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`leaveReason`}{離職原因}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#'get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_legislators` produces a list, which contains `query_time`,
-#'`queried_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_legislators")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16}.
-#' 提供委員基本資料,最早資料可追溯至第2屆。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_legislators")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_legislators <- function(term = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislators data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID16Action.action?name=&sex=&party=&partyGroup=&areaName=&term=",
- term, "=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("API does not support multiple terms. Data might be incomplete.")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID16Action.action?name=&sex=&party=&partyGroup=&areaName=&term=",
- term, "=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- }
- # 取得資料
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # 計算統計資訊
- term <- paste(sort(as.numeric(unique(df$term))), collapse = " ", sep = ",")
- party_counts <- table(df$party)
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: ", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- cat(" Total Legislators: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat("Party Distribution:\n")
- for(party in names(party_counts)) {
- if(!is.na(party) && party != "") {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", party, party_counts[party]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Legislator's Demographic Information",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "queried_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "total_legislators" = nrow(df),
- "party_distribution" = party_counts,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3AA2D1AF-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3AA2D1AF-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index ab75c49f..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3AA2D1AF-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-#' Clean legislator names
-#' @keywords internal
-.clean_names <- function(x) {
- names <- gsub("本院委員", "", x)
- names <- gsub("委員", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等\\s*\\d+\\s*人", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等\\d+人", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等", "", names)
- names <- gsub("\\s+", "", names)
- names <- gsub("本院", "", names)
- names <- trimws(names)
- return(names)
-#' Validate Date Formats
-#' This function checks if the provided start and end dates are in the correct numeric format.
-#' @param start_date A string representing the start date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @param end_date A string representing the end date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @return NULL. If the dates are not in the expected format, an error is thrown.
-#' @examples
-#' # This should throw an error:
-#' \dontrun{
-#' validate_dates_format("10901", "1100101")
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-validate_dates_format <- function(start_date, end_date) {
- valid_date_format <- function(date) {
- return(grepl("^\\d{7}$", date))
- }
- if (!valid_date_format(start_date) || !valid_date_format(end_date)) {
- stop("Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
- }
-#' Check for the Website Availability I
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action".
-#' @seealso
-#' `check_internet()`
-#' @keywords internal
-website_availability <- function(site = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' Check for the Website Availability II
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0".
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @seealso `check_internet()` and `website_availability()`.
-website_availability2 <- function(site = "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' A Check for Internet Connectivity.
-#'@param x The default value is `curl::has_internet()`, which activate the
-#'internet connectivity check.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@importFrom curl has_internet
-#'@keywords internal
-check_internet <- function(x = curl::has_internet()) {
- attempt::stop_if_not(.x = x,
- msg = "Please check the internet connection")
-#' A General Check for Taiwan Legislative Yuan API
-#'@param start_date start_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@param end_date end_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@keywords internal
-# api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null, msg = "start_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null, msg = "end_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
-# msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
-# end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-# }
-api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for start_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for end_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'start_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'end_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
- msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
- end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar I
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. calendar in POSIXct for `get_meetings()`, `get_caucus_meetings()`,
-#' and `get_speech_video()`,
-#' @param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#' string vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_meeting("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#' @details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-transformed_date_meeting <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar II
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#' @param roc_date date format in Taiwan ROC calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a character vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_bill("1050531")
-#' }
-transformed_date_bill <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar III
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date date format in Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a
-#'character vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_sub
-#'@keywords internal
-check_date <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar IIII
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#'string vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#'@keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' check_date2("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#'@details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-check_date2 <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3F148261-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3F148261-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f54b29..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/3F148261-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Package: legisTaiwan
-Type: Package
-Title: An Interface to Access Taiwan Legislative API in R
-Version: 0.1.7
-Authors@R: c(person("Yen-Chieh", "Liao", email = "davidycliao@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
- person("Li", "Tang", email = "li.tang@reading.ac.uk", role = c("ctb", "aut")),
- person("Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
- person("Taiwan National Science and Technology Council", role = "ctb"),
- person("Taiwan Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center NARLabs", role = "ctb"))
-Description: The pacakge is designed to make it quickly and easy to access Taiwan
- Legislative Yuan API for downloading real-time data legislative and
- historical archives.
-Maintainer: Yen-Chieh Liao
-Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
-License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
-Encoding: UTF-8
-LazyData: true
- jsonlite,
- attempt,
- stringr,
- curl,
- tibble,
- rvest,
- withr,
- httr,
- utils
- knitr,
- rmarkdown,
- ggplot2,
- remotes,
- tidyverse,
- testthat (>= 3.0.0)
-RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
-BugReports: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/issues
-URL: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
-VignetteBuilder: knitr
-Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-Config/testthat/edition: 3
-Encoding: UTF-8
-SystemRequirements: pandoc (>= 1.14) - http://pandoc.org
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/4105DDCB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/4105DDCB-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0d692c..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/4105DDCB-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_meetings(start_date = 1050120, end_date = 1050210, verbose = FALSE)$data$smeeting_date, "105/02/01")
- expect_equal(nrow(get_meetings(start_date = 1040120, end_date = 1050310, verbose = TRUE)$data), 807)
- expect_error(get_meetings(start_date = 1040101, end_date = 1040102, verbose = FALSE), "Query returned no data.")
-test_that("get_caucus_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 27)
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number,27)
-# test_that("get_speech_video", {
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10")$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_error(get_speech_video(start_date = "104/01/01", end_date = "104/01/02", verbose = FALSE), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
-test_that("get_public_debates", {
- expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1)$retrieved_number, 107)
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 107)
- expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10"), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10", verbose = TRUE), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = NULL, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- # expect_message(get_public_debates(c(10,11)),
- # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = 30), "The query is unavailable.")
- })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 613)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 633)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# # expect_message(get_committee_record(c(10,11)),
-# # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
-# })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 4844)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/45FC9AA6-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/45FC9AA6-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fee0978..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/45FC9AA6-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#' The Records of Parliamentary Questions 委員質詢事項資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#' @param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#' options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to 8 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_parlquestions` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of parliamentary questions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}, or use get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`item`}{項目}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term.
-#' ## 輸入「立委會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10)
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' @details `get_parlquestions` produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#' `query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊(自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-get_parlquestions <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading parliamentary questions data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Questions: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Parliamentary Questions Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'The Records of Response to the Questions by the Executives 公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term integer, numeric or NULL. The default is NULL. The data is only
-#'available from 8th term. 參數必須為數值。資料從自第8屆起,預設值為8。
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#'options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#'`review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print out detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of the questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`eyNumber`}{行政院函公文編號}
-#' \item{`lyNumber`}{立法院函編號}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{案由}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#' get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details **`get_executive_response`** produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info` and `data`. To retrieve the user manual and more information, please
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`.
-#'#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_executive_response <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading executive response data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Responses: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Executive Response Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C2B3BCD-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C2B3BCD-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index f0934fc0..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C2B3BCD-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_legislators", {
- expect_equal(nrow(get_legislators(term = 2)$data), 165)
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 2)$queried_term, "2")
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 2, verbose = FALSE)$queried_term, "2")
- expect_equal(get_legislators(term = 8)$queried_term, "8")
- expect_error(get_legislators(term = 30)$queried_term, "Query returned no data.")
- })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C7819EB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C7819EB-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 8606071c..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5C7819EB-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_parlquestions", {
- # expect_equal(get_parlquestions(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$title, "the records of parliarmentary questions")
- # expect_equal(get_parlquestions(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = TRUE)$retrieved_number, 957)
- expect_error(get_parlquestions(term = "9", verbose = FALSE), "Please use numeric format only.")
- expect_equal(get_parlquestions(NULL)$url, "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json")
- expect_error(get_parlquestions(c(8,9)))
- # expect_error(get_parlquestions(30), "Query returned no data.")
-test_that("get_executive_response", {
- # checked 23 Jan 2023
- # checked 16 Sep 2023
- expect_equal(get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number,
- 1065)
- expect_equal(get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = TRUE)$retrieved_number,
- 1065)
- expect_error(get_executive_response(term = "9"), "Please use numeric format only.")
- # expect_error(get_executive_response(c(8,9)),
- # "The API is unable to query multiple terms.")
- # expect_error(get_executive_response(30), "Query returned no data.")
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5FFCE106-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5FFCE106-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index a446bbd7..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/5FFCE106-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#' On package attach, display a startup message
-#' @keywords internal
-.onAttach <- function(...) {
- # ANSI color codes
- dark_green <- "\033[38;5;22m" # Deep Green color
- red <- "\033[31m"
- orange <- "\033[38;5;214m"
- yellow <- "\033[33m"
- green <- "\033[32m"
- blue <- "\033[34m"
- indigo <- "\033[38;5;54m"
- violet <- "\033[35m"
- reset <- "\033[0m"
- # Coloring Taiwan
- rainbow_taiwan <- paste0(
- red, "T",
- orange, "a",
- yellow, "i",
- green, "w",
- blue, "a",
- indigo, "n",
- reset
- )
- # Creating the first message
- message1 <- paste0(dark_green, "legis", reset, rainbow_taiwan)
- # Second message
- message2 <- "## An R package connecting to the Taiwan Legislative API. ##"
- # Calculate the required number of spaces to align the two lines
- num_spaces <- nchar(message2, type = "bytes") - nchar(message1, type = "bytes") - 6 # -6 to account for the four hashes and two spaces
- num_spaces <- max(0, num_spaces)
- message1 <- paste0("## ", message1, rep(" ", num_spaces), " ##")
- packageStartupMessage(message1)
- packageStartupMessage(message2)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/60827882-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/60827882-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 02960f13..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/60827882-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-#'The Records of the Bills: 法律提案
-#' @param start_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090101.
-#' @param end_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090102.
-#' @param proposer The default value is NULL, indicating that bills proposed by all legislators
-#' are included between the start and end dates.
-#' @param verbose logical. Specifies whether `get_bills` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default value is TRUE.
-#' @return A list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of cross-caucus sessions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations retrieved}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{Meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{Start date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{End date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{Start date in the ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{URL of the retrieved JSON data}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variable names of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual. See \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153} or use get_variable_info("get_bills")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with the following variables:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{Session number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session period}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{Session count}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{Proposal date}
-#' \item{`billName`}{Bill name}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{Primary proposer}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{Co-signatories of the bill}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{Status of the bill}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{Date in the Gregorian calendar}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom httr content
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range in the Taiwan ROC calendar format
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = TRUE)
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and a specific legislator
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉")
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and multiple legislators
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1060510, proposer = "孔文吉&鄭天財")
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills` function returns a list that contains `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#' `end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more details about the data frame, use `get_variable_info("get_bills")`.
-#' Further checks are required as the user manual seems to be inconsistent with the actual data.
-#' @seealso
-#' \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153}
-get_bills <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, proposer = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- validate_dates_format(start_date, end_date)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeBill.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&proposer=", proposer, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- tryCatch(
- {
- # 更新進度條到 30%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # 更新進度條到 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$date, transformed_date_bill))
- # 更新進度條到 90%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Total Unique Proposers:", length(unique(.clean_names(df$billProposer))), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved Number: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add bill statistics
- if(!is.null(df$billProposer)) {
- unique_proposers <- length(unique(.clean_names(df$billProposer)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_proposers))
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "proposer" = proposer,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @title The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term A numeric or NULL value. Data is available from the 8th term onwards.
-#' Default is set to 8. 參數必須為數值。資料從第8屆開始,預設值為8。
-#' @param session_period An integer, numeric, or NULL. Valid options for the session are:
-#' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default is set to NULL.
-#' 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` provides available session periods based on the Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose Default value is TRUE. Displays details of the retrieved data, including the number, URL, and computing time.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Retrieved term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20} or use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables such as:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{議案編號}
-#' \item{`billName`}{提案名稱}
-#' \item{`billOrg`}{提案單位/委員}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{主提案人}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{連署提案}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{議案狀態}
-#' \item{`pdfUrl`}{PDF download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{DOC download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Filtering criteria based on term}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query the executives' responses by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」以下載「質詢事項 (行政院答復部分)」
-#' get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills_2` function produces a list, which includes `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' For the user manual and more information about the dataframe, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`.
-#' @note For more details about the dataframe's variables, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20}.
-#' 議事類: 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (從第8屆第1會期開始)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`,`review_session_info()`
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-get_bills_2 <- function(term = 8, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- # Check for internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format info at the start
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislative bills data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # If the term is not specified
- if (is.null(term)) {
- # Set the base API URL without specifying any term
- set_api_url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json"
- # Display a notification message
- message("The term is not defined...\nYou are now requesting full data from the API. Please ensure a stable internet connection until completion.\n")
- } else {
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # If the term is in character format, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- # If term length is one, format the term to two digits
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- stop("The API doesn't support querying multiple terms. Consider implementing batch processing. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.")
- }
- # Convert session period to two-digit format, if it's not NULL
- session_str <- ifelse(is.null(session_period), "", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)))
- # Construct the complete API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- # Try to fetch the data and process it
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # If the returned data is empty, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Calculate summary statistics
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- budget_bills <- if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) sum(grepl("預算", df$billName)) else 0
- budget_percentage <- if(total_bills > 0) (budget_bills / total_bills) * 100 else 0
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Retrieved Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
- # Calculate total bills and unique legislators
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(.clean_names(df$billOrg)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_legislators))
- cat("===================================\n")
- # if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- # close(pb)
- # cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- # cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- # cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- # if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- # cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- # }
- #
- # # Overall Statistics
- # cat("\nOverall Statistics:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- # cat(sprintf(" Budget Bills: %d (%.1f%%)\n", budget_bills, budget_percentage))
- #
- # # Detailed Bill Type Distribution
- # if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # bill_types <- table(df$billName)
- # cat("\nBill Type Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # for(type in names(bill_types)) {
- # count <- bill_types[type]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", type, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- #
- # # Proposer Distribution
- # if("billOrg" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # cat("\nProposer Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # proposer_counts <- table(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg))
- # for(proposer in names(proposer_counts)) {
- # count <- proposer_counts[proposer]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # if(nchar(trimws(proposer)) > 0) { # Only show non-empty proposers
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", proposer, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Construct the result list
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "The records of the questions answered by the executives",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = total_bills,
- "budget_bills" = budget_bills,
- "budget_percentage" = budget_percentage,
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E
deleted file mode 100644
index 154f58e2..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- "id": "6178CD1E",
- "path": "~/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/_pkgdown.yml",
- "project_path": "_pkgdown.yml",
- "type": "yaml",
- "hash": "0",
- "contents": "",
- "dirty": false,
- "created": 1735335828408.0,
- "source_on_save": false,
- "relative_order": 6,
- "properties": {
- "source_window_id": "",
- "Source": "Source",
- "cursorPosition": "102,43",
- "scrollLine": "96"
- },
- "folds": "",
- "lastKnownWriteTime": 1735335850,
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "collab_server": "",
- "source_window": "",
- "last_content_update": 1735335850012,
- "read_only": false,
- "read_only_alternatives": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 0405c080..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6178CD1E-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-url: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
- title: Accessing Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
- links:
- - text: Discussion
- href: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/discussions
- - text: legisCrawler 爬台灣立法委員問政專輯的爬蟲小幫手️🕸️
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisCrawler/
- - text: "The Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Government (CAIG)"
- href: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centres-institutes/centre-for-artificial-intelligence-in-government
- - text: "ParlSpeech: Legislative Speeches in the Key Parliamentary Democracies"
- href: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/L4OAKN
- - text: "ParlEE: Sentence-level Speeches of Six EU Legislative Chambers"
- href: https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/datasets/parlee-plenary-speeches-v2-data-set-annotated-full-text-of-151-mi
-- title: API Functions
- desc: functions connect to Taiwan Legialtive Yuan API.
-- contents:
- - get_parlquestions
- - get_meetings
- - get_caucus_meetings
- - get_executive_response
- - get_public_debates
- - get_speech_video
- - get_committee_record
- - get_bills
- - get_bills_2
- - get_legislators
- - get_variable_info
- - review_session_info
- Yen-Chieh Liao:
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io
- Li Tang:
- href: https://sites.google.com/view/litang2020?pli=1
- Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院:
- href: "https://data.ly.gov.tw/catelog.action"
- html: ""
- package: tidytemplate
- bootstrap: 5
- includes:
- in_header: |
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- href: articles/quickstart.html#quickstart.html#how-to-contribute
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- text: Manual
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- href: articles/manual.html#interpellation-and-debates
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- href: articles/manual.html#miscellaneous
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Reference
- menu:
- - text: "Function Reference"
- href: reference/index.html
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Tutorial
- menu:
- - text: "Records of the Bills"
- href: articles/get_bills.html
- - text: "Demographic Data"
- href: articles/get_legislators.html
- - text: "Parliarmentary Questions"
- href: articles/get_parlquestions.html
- - text: "Party Caucus Negotiation"
- href: articles/Party Caucus Negotiation.html
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--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/61EA4764-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-#' Clean legislator Names
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-#' @keywords internal
-.clean_names <- function(x) {
- names <- gsub("本院委員", "", x)
- names <- gsub("委員", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等\\s*\\d+\\s*人", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等\\d+人", "", names)
- names <- gsub("等", "", names)
- names <- gsub("\\s+", "", names)
- names <- gsub("本院", "", names)
- names <- trimws(names)
- return(names)
-#' Validate Date Formats
-#' This function checks if the provided start and end dates are in the correct numeric format.
-#' @param start_date A string representing the start date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @param end_date A string representing the end date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @return NULL. If the dates are not in the expected format, an error is thrown.
-#' @examples
-#' # This should throw an error:
-#' \dontrun{
-#' validate_dates_format("10901", "1100101")
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-validate_dates_format <- function(start_date, end_date) {
- valid_date_format <- function(date) {
- return(grepl("^\\d{7}$", date))
- }
- if (!valid_date_format(start_date) || !valid_date_format(end_date)) {
- stop("Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
- }
-#' Check for the Website Availability I
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action".
-#' @seealso
-#' `check_internet()`
-#' @keywords internal
-website_availability <- function(site = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' Check for the Website Availability II
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0".
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @seealso `check_internet()` and `website_availability()`.
-website_availability2 <- function(site = "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' A Check for Internet Connectivity.
-#'@param x The default value is `curl::has_internet()`, which activate the
-#'internet connectivity check.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@importFrom curl has_internet
-#'@keywords internal
-check_internet <- function(x = curl::has_internet()) {
- attempt::stop_if_not(.x = x,
- msg = "Please check the internet connection")
-#' A General Check for Taiwan Legislative Yuan API
-#'@param start_date start_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@param end_date end_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@keywords internal
-# api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null, msg = "start_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null, msg = "end_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
-# msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
-# end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-# }
-api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for start_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for end_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'start_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'end_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
- msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
- end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar I
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. calendar in POSIXct for `get_meetings()`, `get_caucus_meetings()`,
-#' and `get_speech_video()`,
-#' @param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#' string vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_meeting("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#' @details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-transformed_date_meeting <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar II
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#' @param roc_date date format in Taiwan ROC calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a character vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_bill("1050531")
-#' }
-transformed_date_bill <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar III
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date date format in Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a
-#'character vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_sub
-#'@keywords internal
-check_date <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar IIII
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#'string vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#'@keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' check_date2("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#'@details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-check_date2 <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6AD4F8AF-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/6AD4F8AF-contents
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-test_that("get_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_meetings(start_date = 1050120, end_date = 1050210, verbose = FALSE)$data$smeeting_date, "105/02/01")
- expect_equal(nrow(get_meetings(start_date = 1040120, end_date = 1050310, verbose = TRUE)$data), 807)
- expect_error(get_meetings(start_date = 1040101, end_date = 1040102, verbose = FALSE), "The query is unavailable.")
-test_that("get_caucus_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 27)
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number,27)
-# test_that("get_speech_video", {
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10")$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_error(get_speech_video(start_date = "104/01/01", end_date = "104/01/02", verbose = FALSE), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
-test_that("get_public_debates", {
- expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1)$retrieved_number, 107)
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 107)
- expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10"), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10", verbose = TRUE), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = NULL, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- # expect_message(get_public_debates(c(10,11)),
- # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = 30), "The query is unavailable.")
- })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 613)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 633)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# # expect_message(get_committee_record(c(10,11)),
-# # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
-# })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 4844)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/70F2581F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/70F2581F-contents
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-url: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
- title: Accessing Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
- links:
- - text: Discussion
- href: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/discussions
- - text: legisCrawler 爬台灣立法委員問政專輯的爬蟲小幫手️🕸️
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisCrawler/
- - text: "Text and Policy Research Group @ UCD"
- href: https://text-and-policy.com
- - text: "The Connected_Politics Lab @ UCD"
- href: https://www.ucd.ie/connected_politics/
- - text: "LACAN: Legislators, Accountability and Collective Agency"
- href: https://projectlacan.wordpress.com/team/
- - text: "ParlSpeech: Legislative Speeches in the Key Parliamentary Democracies"
- href: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/L4OAKN
- - text: "ParlEE: Sentence-level Speeches of Six EU Legislative Chambers"
- href: https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/datasets/parlee-plenary-speeches-v2-data-set-annotated-full-text-of-151-mi
-- title: API Functions
- desc: functions connect to Taiwan Legialtive Yuan API.
-- contents:
- - get_parlquestions
- - get_meetings
- - get_caucus_meetings
- - get_executive_response
- - get_public_debates
- - get_speech_video
- - get_committee_record
- - get_bills
- - get_bills_2
- - get_legislators
- - get_variable_info
- - review_session_info
- David Liao:
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io
- Li Tang:
- href: https://sites.google.com/view/litang2020?pli=1
- Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院:
- href: "https://data.ly.gov.tw/catelog.action"
- html: ""
- package: tidytemplate
- bootstrap: 5
- includes:
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- params:
- ganalytics: G-X85ED8P5EW
- mode: auto
- type: inverse
- left:
- - icon: fa-home
- href: index.html
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- text: Quick Start
- menu:
- - text: "Quick Start Guide"
- href: articles/quickstart.html#get-started-with-using-remotes
- - text: "How to Contribute"
- href: articles/quickstart.html#quickstart.html#how-to-contribute
- - icon: fa-project-diagram
- text: Manual
- menu:
- - text: "Interpellation and Debates"
- href: articles/manual.html#interpellation-and-debates
- - text: "Bill and Budget"
- href: articles/manual.html#bill-and-budget
- - text: "Miscellaneous"
- href: articles/manual.html#miscellaneous
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Reference
- menu:
- - text: "Function Reference"
- href: reference/index.html
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Tutorial
- menu:
- - text: "Records of the Bills"
- href: articles/get_bills.html
- - text: "Demographic Data"
- href: articles/get_legislators.html
- - text: "Parliarmentary Questions"
- href: articles/get_parlquestions.html
- - text: "Party Caucus Negotiation"
- href: articles/get_caucus_meetings.html
- - icon: fa-newspaper-o
- text: News
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- - text: "0.1.6"
- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-016-development-version
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- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-011-development-version
- right:
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- text: GitHub
- href: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan
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--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7B380B8B-contents
+++ /dev/null
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-#' The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#' get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-#'@encoding UTF-8
-# get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
-# verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
-# start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
-# "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
-# "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
-# "start_date" = start_date,
-# "end_date" = end_date,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查必要參數
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- message("\nBoth start_date and end_date must be provided.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading meeting records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(meeting_unit)) {
- cat(" Meeting Unit: ", meeting_unit, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add meeting type distribution if available
- if("meeting_type" %in% colnames(df)) {
- meeting_counts <- table(df$meeting_type)
- cat("\nMeeting Type Distribution:\n")
- for(type in names(meeting_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", type, meeting_counts[type]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Meeting Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#'`get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")` Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-#'@encoding UTF-8
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' Video Information of Legislative Meetings and Committees
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @description
-#' Retrieves video records and information of legislative meetings and committee sessions,
-#' including speech segments, meeting details, and video URLs. Data is available in both
-#' JSON and CSV formats from the 9th legislative term onwards.
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10).
-#' Data is available from the 9th term onwards. Default is NULL.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8).
-#' Default is NULL.
-#' @param start_date character. Must be formatted in ROC calendar with forward slashes
-#' between year, month and day, e.g., "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character. Must be formatted in ROC calendar with forward slashes
-#' between year, month and day, e.g., "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @param format character. Data format to retrieve, either "json" or "csv".
-#' Default is "json".
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`format`}{data format ("json" or "csv")}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @importFrom readr read_csv
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # Query video information in JSON format
-#' videos <- get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' # Query in CSV format
-#' videos_csv <- get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30",
-#' format = "csv"
-#' )
-#' # Query without specifying term/session
-#' videos <- get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' }
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves video information from legislative meetings and committee
-#' sessions. Data is available from the 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年).
-#' The date parameters must use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' Data can be retrieved in either JSON or CSV format.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit:
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")`
-#' * Example API URL: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv}
-#'@encoding UTF-8
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ccf363..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- "id": "7BDEAA0D",
- "path": "~/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml",
- "project_path": ".github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml",
- "type": "yaml",
- "hash": "0",
- "contents": "",
- "dirty": false,
- "created": 1735335486554.0,
- "source_on_save": false,
- "relative_order": 3,
- "properties": {
- "source_window_id": "",
- "Source": "Source",
- "cursorPosition": "97,0",
- "scrollLine": "55"
- },
- "folds": "",
- "lastKnownWriteTime": 1735335496,
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "collab_server": "",
- "source_window": "",
- "last_content_update": 1735335496201,
- "read_only": false,
- "read_only_alternatives": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index db220a53..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/7BDEAA0D-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-# Workflow derived from https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/v2/examples
-# Need help debugging build failures? Start at https://github.com/r-lib/actions#where-to-find-help
-# on:
-# push:
-# branches: [main, master]
-# pull_request:
-# branches: [main, master]
-# name: R-CMD-check
-# jobs:
-# R-CMD-check:
-# runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
-# name: ${{ matrix.config.os }} (${{ matrix.config.r }})
-# strategy:
-# fail-fast: false
-# matrix:
-# config:
-# - {os: macos-latest, r: 'release'}
-# - {os: windows-latest, r: 'release'}
-# - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
-# - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'release'}
-# env:
-# GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-# steps:
-# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
-# with:
-# r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }}
-# http-user-agent: ${{ matrix.config.http-user-agent }}
-# use-public-rspm: true
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
-# with:
-# extra-packages: any::rcmdcheck
-# needs: check
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
-# with:
-# upload-snapshots: true
-name: R-CMD-check
- R-CMD-check:
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
- name: ${{ matrix.config.os }} (${{ matrix.config.r }})
- strategy:
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- config:
- - {os: macos-latest, r: 'release'}
- - {os: windows-latest, r: 'release'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'release'}
- env:
- GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
- with:
- r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }}
- http-user-agent: ${{ matrix.config.http-user-agent }}
- use-public-rspm: true
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
- with:
- extra-packages: any::rcmdcheck
- needs: check
- - uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
- env:
- with:
- args: 'c("--no-manual", "--no-codoc", "--no-examples", "--ignore-ascii")'
- error-on: '"error"'
- upload-snapshots: true
- check-dir: check
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/85DCA94A-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/85DCA94A-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index e946a839..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/85DCA94A-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-## Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
-`legisTaiwan` requires a stable internet connection to retrieve data
-from the API. While most functions can fetch data spanning a long
-period, they tend to be bandwidth-intensive due to the size of the
-datasets. If you plan to download data over an extended period, I
-recommend using `get_variable_info()` first to verify the current file
-sizes on the API. Also, consider writing a batch retrieval process with
-appropriate handlers to track the progress of file input, ensuring the
-completeness of the requested data.
-### Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-``` r
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
- library(legisTaiwan)
- #> ## legisTaiwan ##
- #> ## An R package connecting to the Taiwan Legislative API. ##
-### Notice:
-`legisTaiwan` requires a stable internet connection to retrieve data
-from the API. While most functions can fetch data spanning a long
-period, they tend to be bandwidth-intensive due to the size of the
-datasets. If you plan to download data over an extended period, I
-recommend using `get_variable_info()` first to verify the current file
-sizes on the API. Also, consider writing a batch retrieval process with
-appropriate handlers to track the progress of file input, ensuring the
-completeness of the requested data.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/870D6CE4-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/870D6CE4-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 18e2b451..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/870D6CE4-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-#'@title Check Each Function's Manual
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@description `get_variable_info` generate each API's endpoint manual returned
-#'from the website of Taiwan Legislative Yuan. The avalaible options is: `get_bills`,
-#'`get_bills_2`, `get_meetings`, `get_caucus_meetings`, `get_speech_video` ,
-#'`get_public_debates`, `get_parlquestions`, `get_executive_response` and
-#'@param param_ characters. Must be one of options below: \describe{
-#' \item{get_bills}{get_bills: the records of the bills, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_bills_2}{the records of legislators and the government proposals, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_meetings}{the spoken meeting records, see \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}}
-#' \item{get_caucus_meetings}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}}
-#' \item{get_speech_video}{the full video information of meetings and committees, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}}
-#' \item{get_public_debates}{the records of national public debates, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}}
-#' \item{get_parlquestions}{the records of parliamentary questions, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_executive_response}{the records of the questions answered by the executives, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}}
-#'@return list \describe{
-#' \item{`page_info`}{information of the end point}
-#' \item{`reference_url`}{the url of the page}}
-#'@details `get_variable_info` produces a list, which contains `page_info` and `reference_url`.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @export
-#' @seealso `review_session_info()`.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' get_variable_info("get_bills")
-#' }
-# get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
-# check_internet()
-# attempt::stop_if_all(website_availability(), isFALSE, msg = "the error from the API.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct funtion names.")
-# attempt::stop_if(param_ , ~ length(.x) >1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
-# if (param_ == "get_parlquestions") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_legislators") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_committee_record") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_executive_response") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_caucus_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_speech_video") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills_2") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_public_debates") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
-# }
-# else if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
-# if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
-# }
-# html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div") )
-# page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-# else {
-# stop("Use correct funtion names below in character format:
-# get_bills: the records of the bills
-# get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
-# get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
-# get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
-# get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
-# get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
-# get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
-# get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
-# }
-# html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
-# title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
-# content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
-# df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2 )],
-# content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2 ) -1])
-# colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
-# page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
- # Ensure internet and website availability
- check_internet()
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability(), msg = "the error from the API.")
- # Parameter checks
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct function names.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, ~ length(.x) > 1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
- # Dictionary for URL mapping
- url_mapping <- list(
- get_parlquestions = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- get_legislators = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16",
- get_committee_record = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- get_executive_response = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- get_caucus_meetings = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- get_speech_video = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- get_bills_2 = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20",
- get_public_debates = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
- )
- if (!(param_ %in% names(url_mapping) || param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings"))) {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format:
- get_bills: the records of the bills
- get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
- get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
- get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
- get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
- get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
- get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
- get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- }
- # Fetch URL from dictionary or process special cases
- if (param_ %in% names(url_mapping)) {
- url <- url_mapping[[param_]]
- } else if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
- } else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
- } else {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format.")
- }
- if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
- html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div"))
- page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
- }
- html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
- title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
- content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
- df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2)],
- content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2) - 1])
- colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
- page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
-#'@title Check Session Periods in Each Year (Minguo Calendar)
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@details `review_session_info` produces a dataframe, displaying each session
-#'period in year formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param term numeric
-#'@return dataframe
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @seealso
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' review_session_info(7)
-#' }
-review_session_info <- function(term) {
- # Input validation
- if(missing(term)) {
- stop("Term parameter is required")
- }
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability2(),
- msg = "API connection error. Please check your internet connection.")
- attempt::stop_if(term, is.null,
- msg = "Term cannot be NULL. Please provide a valid term number (1-11).")
- attempt::stop_if_not(term %in% 1:11,
- msg = paste("Invalid term:", term,
- "\nPlease provide a term number between 1 and 11."))
- # Construct URL
- url <- sprintf("https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=%02d&startYear=0",
- as.numeric(term))
- tryCatch({
- # Parse HTML
- html_ <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url),
- "*[class='section_wrapper']")
- # Extract titles
- title <- stringr::str_split_1(
- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_titlebar2']")
- ),
- "\t\r"
- )[1:2]
- # Extract rows
- odd_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_odd']")
- )
- even_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_even']")
- )
- # Process data
- data <- lapply(
- lapply(c(odd_rows, even_rows),
- function(x) stringr::str_split_1(x, "\r\r")),
- function(x) gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)
- )
- # Create dataframe
- df <- do.call(rbind, data)
- colnames(df) <- title
- return(tibble::as_tibble(df))
- },
- error = function(e) {
- stop(paste("Error retrieving session information:", e$message))
- })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F3300C0-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F3300C0-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d05ee61..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F3300C0-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-## Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
-`legisTaiwan` is designed to streamline access to real-time archives of
-Taiwan’s legislative data, drawing inspiration from the UK’s
-TheyWorkForYou API. By providing straightforward access to the Taiwan
-Legislative Yuan API in R, this package not only aims to enhance
-legislative accountability and public transparency but also serves as a
-powerful tool for academic research. Scholars can easily retrieve and
-analyze legislative data including voting records, parliamentary
-questions, and bill proposals, facilitating quantitative research and
-empirical analysis. As the package interfaces directly with Legislative
-Yuan API endpoints, a stable internet connection is required. Users are
-welcome to contact [the author](https://davidycliao.github.io) for any
-API implementation assistance.
-TheyWorkForYou API。透過在 R 環境中提供直接連接立法院開放資料 API
-API 介接,使用時請確保網路連線穩定。如有任何 API
-### Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-``` r
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
- library(legisTaiwan)
- #> ## legisTaiwan ##
- #> ## An R package connecting to the Taiwan Legislative API. ##
-### Summary Descriptive of Current Bills (法案提案統計)
-``` r
-#> $page_info
-#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
-#> `資料集名稱:議案提案` 資料集描述
-#> 1 資料目錄 "議事類"
-#> 2 資料集說明 "提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊。(自第8屆第1會期起)"
-#> 3 資料提供者 "議事暨公報資訊網"
-#> 4 欄位說明 "term:屆別,sessionPeriod:會期,sessionTimes:會次,meetingTime…
-#> 5 資料集預覽 "HTML預覽 6 資料集使用 "使用方式及列表"
-#> 7 API說明 "API提供參數分別為屆別(term)、會期(sessionPeriod)、會次(sessionTimes…
-#> 8 連結說明 "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=10…
-#> 9 更新頻率 "每日04時15分"
-#> 10 資料筆數 "30766"
-#> 11 建立時間 "2014-09-03WedSep0310:38:36CST2014"
-#> 12 更新時間 "2024-12-26ThuDec2604:21:02CST2024"
-#> $reference_url
-#> [1] "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20"
-### Summary Descriptive of Parliamentary Questions (委員質詢事項統計分析)
-``` r
-#> $page_info
-#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
-#> `資料集名稱:質詢事項(本院委員質詢部分)` 資料集描述
-#> 1 資料目錄 "質詢類"
-#> 2 資料集說明 "提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊。(自第10屆第1會期起)"……
-#> 3 資料提供者 "議事暨公報資訊網"
-#> 4 欄位說明 "term:屆別,sessionPeriod:會期,sessionTi…
-#> 5 資料集預覽 "HTML預覽 6 資料集使用 "使用方式及列表"
-#> 7 API說明 "API提供參數分別為屆別(term)、會期(sessionPerio…
-#> 8 連結說明 "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Acti…
-#> 9 更新頻率 "每日01時55分"
-#> 10 資料筆數 "1689"
-#> 11 建立時間 "2014-08-18MonAug1806:00:00CST2014"
-#> 12 更新時間 "2024-12-27FriDec2701:56:46CST2024"
-#> $reference_url
-#> [1] "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6"
-### Notice:
-`legisTaiwan` requires a stable internet connection to retrieve data
-from the API. While most functions can fetch data spanning a long
-period, they tend to be bandwidth-intensive due to the size of the
-datasets. If you plan to download data over an extended period, I
-recommend using `get_variable_info()` first to verify the current file
-sizes on the API. Also, consider writing a batch retrieval process with
-appropriate handlers to track the progress of file input, ensuring the
-completeness of the requested data.
-### Acknowledgments
-This package supported the author’s doctoral dissertation *“Electoral
-Reform, Distributive Politics, and Parties in the Taiwanese Congress”*
-at the University of Essex. The PhD project was made possible through
-the generous funding of the 2022 Taiwan Ministry of Science and
-Technology (MOST) TOP Grant and a full PhD fellowship from the Ministry
-of Education (2018-2021), Taiwan. The author extends sincere gratitude
-to the Legislative Yuan API Center for their technical assistance and
-commitment to data transparency.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F65F2D7-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F65F2D7-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 4733aa71..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8F65F2D7-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Package: legisTaiwan
-Type: Package
-Title: An Interface to Access Taiwan Legislative API in R
-Version: 0.1.6
-Authors@R: c(person("David", "Liao", email = "davidycliao@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
- person("Li", "Tang", email = "l.tang@mdx.ac.uk", role = c("ctb", "aut")),
- person("Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
- person("Taiwan National Science and Technology Council", role = "ctb"),
- person("Taiwan Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center NARLabs", role = "ctb"))
-Description: The pacakge is designed to make it quickly and easy to access Taiwan
- Legislative Yuan API for downloading real-time data legislative and
- historical archives.
-Maintainer: David Liao
-Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
-License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
-Encoding: UTF-8
-LazyData: true
- jsonlite,
- attempt,
- stringr,
- curl,
- tibble,
- rvest,
- withr,
- httr
- knitr,
- rmarkdown,
- ggplot2,
- remotes,
- tidyverse,
- testthat (>= 3.0.0)
-RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
-BugReports: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/issues
-URL: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
-VignetteBuilder: knitr
-Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-Config/testthat/edition: 3
-SystemRequirements: pandoc (>= 1.14) - http://pandoc.org
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8FE1B913-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8FE1B913-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ff2f8d..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/8FE1B913-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,993 +0,0 @@
-#' The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#' get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-# get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
-# verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
-# start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
-# "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
-# "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
-# "start_date" = start_date,
-# "end_date" = end_date,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查必要參數
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- message("\nBoth start_date and end_date must be provided.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading meeting records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(meeting_unit)) {
- cat(" Meeting Unit: ", meeting_unit, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add meeting type distribution if available
- if("meeting_type" %in% colnames(df)) {
- meeting_counts <- table(df$meeting_type)
- cat("\nMeeting Type Distribution:\n")
- for(type in names(meeting_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", type, meeting_counts[type]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Meeting Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#'`get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")` Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' Video Information of Legislative Meetings and Committees
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @description
-#' Retrieves video records and information of legislative meetings and committee sessions,
-#' including speech segments, meeting details, and video URLs. Data is available in both
-#' JSON and CSV formats from the 9th legislative term onwards.
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10).
-#' Data is available from the 9th term onwards. Default is NULL.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8).
-#' Default is NULL.
-#' @param start_date character. Must be formatted in ROC calendar with forward slashes
-#' between year, month and day, e.g., "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character. Must be formatted in ROC calendar with forward slashes
-#' between year, month and day, e.g., "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @param format character. Data format to retrieve, either "json" or "csv".
-#' Default is "json".
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`format`}{data format ("json" or "csv")}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @importFrom readr read_csv
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # Query video information in JSON format
-#' videos <- get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' # Query in CSV format
-#' videos_csv <- get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30",
-#' format = "csv"
-#' )
-#' # Query without specifying term/session
-#' videos <- get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' }
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves video information from legislative meetings and committee
-#' sessions. Data is available from the 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年).
-#' The date parameters must use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' Data can be retrieved in either JSON or CSV format.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit:
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")`
-#' * Example API URL: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv}
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/94CF26B1-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/94CF26B1-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee615ff..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/94CF26B1-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/951C614C-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/951C614C-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fee0978..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/951C614C-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#' The Records of Parliamentary Questions 委員質詢事項資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#' @param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#' options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to 8 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_parlquestions` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of parliamentary questions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}, or use get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`item`}{項目}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term.
-#' ## 輸入「立委會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10)
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' @details `get_parlquestions` produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#' `query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊(自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-get_parlquestions <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading parliamentary questions data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Questions: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Parliamentary Questions Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'The Records of Response to the Questions by the Executives 公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term integer, numeric or NULL. The default is NULL. The data is only
-#'available from 8th term. 參數必須為數值。資料從自第8屆起,預設值為8。
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#'options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#'`review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print out detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of the questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`eyNumber`}{行政院函公文編號}
-#' \item{`lyNumber`}{立法院函編號}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{案由}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#' get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details **`get_executive_response`** produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info` and `data`. To retrieve the user manual and more information, please
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`.
-#'#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_executive_response <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading executive response data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Responses: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Executive Response Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/97603842-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/97603842-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 62cad3fd..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/97603842-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-title: "An Example of Party Caucus Negotiation"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{An Example of Party Caucus Negotiation}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Fetching Caucus Meeting Data
-First, load the package:
-Now, let's retrieve caucus meeting records. Note the special date format required:
-caucus_df <- get_caucus_meetings(
- start_date = "111/09/23",
- end_date = "112/01/19",
- verbose = FALSE
-Important notes about date formatting:
-- Dates must be in ROC calendar format
-- Format required: "YYY/MM/DD" (with slashes)
-- This differs from the format used in get_bills()
-- Format standardization is planned for version 0.2+
-View the retrieved data:
-The returned data includes comprehensive information about caucus meetings, such as:
-- Meeting dates and times
-- Participating party caucuses
-- Meeting agendas and topics
-- Attendance records
-- Meeting outcomes and decisions
-The `docUrl` field provides direct access to the original caucus meeting minutes and documentation. This URL links to the official Legislative Yuan's repository where researchers and the public can view detailed records of caucus deliberations.
-caucus_df$data[c("subject", "docUrl")]
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/98215D9E-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/98215D9E-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b431f42..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/98215D9E-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-title: "Fetching Parliarmentary Questions"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Fetching Parliarmentary Questions}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Accessing Parliamentary Questions with legisTaiwan Package
-This tutorial demonstrates how to use the legisTaiwan package to access parliamentary questions and executive responses from Taiwan's Legislative Yuan. The package provides convenient functions to fetch publicly available data.
-### Loading the Package
-First, install and load the legisTaiwan package:
-### Fetching Parliamentary Questions
-Use the get_parlquestions() function to retrieve parliamentary questions from legislators:
-# Fetch questions from the 11th term
-pa_term10 <- get_parlquestions(term = 11, verbose = TRUE)
-# Examine the data structure
-__Function parameters:__
-- `term`: Legislative term (must be numeric, e.g., 11)
-- `session_period`: Session period (optional)
-- `verbose = TRUE`: Display download progress and information
-__The returned data contains:__
-- `title`: Data title
-- `query_time`: Query timestamp
-`_retrieved_number`: Number of records retrieved
-- `data`: A dataframe containing:
- + term: Legislative term
- + sessionPeriod: Session period
- + sessionTimes: Session count
- + item: Question items
-### Retrieving Executive Responses
-Use the get_executive_response() function to fetch responses from the Executive Yuan:
-# Fetch executive responses from the 10th term, 2nd session
-exec_response <- get_executive_response(term = 10, session_period = 2, verbose = TRUE)
-# Examine the data structure
-__Function parameters:__
-- `term`: Legislative term
-- `session_period`: Session period
-- `verbose = TRUE`: Display download progress and information
-__The returned data includes:__
-- `title`: Data title
-- `query_time`: Query timestamp
-- `retrieved_number`: Number of records retrieved
-- `data`: A dataframe containing response information
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9DA711D8-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9DA711D8-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 62cad3fd..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9DA711D8-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-title: "An Example of Party Caucus Negotiation"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{An Example of Party Caucus Negotiation}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Fetching Caucus Meeting Data
-First, load the package:
-Now, let's retrieve caucus meeting records. Note the special date format required:
-caucus_df <- get_caucus_meetings(
- start_date = "111/09/23",
- end_date = "112/01/19",
- verbose = FALSE
-Important notes about date formatting:
-- Dates must be in ROC calendar format
-- Format required: "YYY/MM/DD" (with slashes)
-- This differs from the format used in get_bills()
-- Format standardization is planned for version 0.2+
-View the retrieved data:
-The returned data includes comprehensive information about caucus meetings, such as:
-- Meeting dates and times
-- Participating party caucuses
-- Meeting agendas and topics
-- Attendance records
-- Meeting outcomes and decisions
-The `docUrl` field provides direct access to the original caucus meeting minutes and documentation. This URL links to the official Legislative Yuan's repository where researchers and the public can view detailed records of caucus deliberations.
-caucus_df$data[c("subject", "docUrl")]
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9FB8580D-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9FB8580D-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index de836bbc..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/9FB8580D-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-title: "Legislator's Demographic Data"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Legislator's Demographic Data}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Using `get_legislators()` as an Example to Fetch Legislator Data
-The get_legislators() function provides a straightforward way to access Taiwan's legislator data from the official parliamentary database. Here's a step-by-step demonstration:
-First, we load the legisTaiwan package which contains tools for accessing Taiwan's legislative data.
-info <- get_legislators(verbose = FALSE)
-Here, we call get_legislators() and store the results in info. The verbose = FALSE parameter suppresses the progress bar during data fetching. This makes the function run quietly without displaying download progress.
-This command displays the retrieved data which includes comprehensive information about legislators. The returned data frame contains various fields about each legislator, such as:
-- Personal information (name, gender, birth date)
-- Electoral district details
-- Party affiliation
-- Committee and more!
-Each row represents a unique legislator, making it easy to analyze or extract specific information about Taiwan's parliamentary representatives.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A12AFA58-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A12AFA58-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 4927fcc8..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A12AFA58-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-#' Check Each Function's Manual
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@description `get_variable_info` generate each API's endpoint manual returned
-#'from the website of Taiwan Legislative Yuan. The avalaible options is: `get_bills`,
-#'`get_bills_2`, `get_meetings`, `get_caucus_meetings`, `get_speech_video` ,
-#'`get_public_debates`, `get_parlquestions`, `get_executive_response` and
-#'@param param_ characters. Must be one of options below: \describe{
-#' \item{get_bills}{get_bills: the records of the bills, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_bills_2}{the records of legislators and the government proposals, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_meetings}{the spoken meeting records, see \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}}
-#' \item{get_caucus_meetings}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}}
-#' \item{get_speech_video}{the full video information of meetings and committees, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}}
-#' \item{get_public_debates}{the records of national public debates, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}}
-#' \item{get_parlquestions}{the records of parliamentary questions, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_executive_response}{the records of the questions answered by the executives, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}}
-#'@return list \describe{
-#' \item{`page_info`}{information of the end point}
-#' \item{`reference_url`}{the url of the page}}
-#'@details `get_variable_info` produces a list, which contains `page_info` and `reference_url`.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @export
-#' @seealso `review_session_info()`.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' get_variable_info("get_bills")
-#' }
-# get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
-# check_internet()
-# attempt::stop_if_all(website_availability(), isFALSE, msg = "the error from the API.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct funtion names.")
-# attempt::stop_if(param_ , ~ length(.x) >1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
-# if (param_ == "get_parlquestions") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_legislators") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_committee_record") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_executive_response") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_caucus_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_speech_video") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills_2") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_public_debates") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
-# }
-# else if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
-# if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
-# }
-# html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div") )
-# page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-# else {
-# stop("Use correct funtion names below in character format:
-# get_bills: the records of the bills
-# get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
-# get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
-# get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
-# get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
-# get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
-# get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
-# get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
-# }
-# html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
-# title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
-# content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
-# df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2 )],
-# content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2 ) -1])
-# colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
-# page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
- # Ensure internet and website availability
- check_internet()
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability(), msg = "the error from the API.")
- # Parameter checks
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct function names.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, ~ length(.x) > 1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
- # Dictionary for URL mapping
- url_mapping <- list(
- get_parlquestions = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- get_legislators = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16",
- get_committee_record = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- get_executive_response = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- get_caucus_meetings = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- get_speech_video = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- get_bills_2 = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20",
- get_public_debates = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
- )
- if (!(param_ %in% names(url_mapping) || param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings"))) {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format:
- get_bills: the records of the bills
- get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
- get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
- get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
- get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
- get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
- get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
- get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- }
- # Fetch URL from dictionary or process special cases
- if (param_ %in% names(url_mapping)) {
- url <- url_mapping[[param_]]
- } else if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
- } else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
- } else {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format.")
- }
- if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
- html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div"))
- page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
- }
- html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
- title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
- content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
- df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2)],
- content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2) - 1])
- colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
- page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
-#' Check Session Periods in Each Year (Minguo Calendar)
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@details `review_session_info` produces a dataframe, displaying each session
-#'period in year formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param term numeric
-#'@return dataframe
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @seealso
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' review_session_info(7)
-#' }
-review_session_info <- function(term) {
- # Input validation
- if(missing(term)) {
- stop("Term parameter is required")
- }
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability2(),
- msg = "API connection error. Please check your internet connection.")
- attempt::stop_if(term, is.null,
- msg = "Term cannot be NULL. Please provide a valid term number (1-11).")
- attempt::stop_if_not(term %in% 1:11,
- msg = paste("Invalid term:", term,
- "\nPlease provide a term number between 1 and 11."))
- # Construct URL
- url <- sprintf("https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=%02d&startYear=0",
- as.numeric(term))
- tryCatch({
- # Parse HTML
- html_ <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url),
- "*[class='section_wrapper']")
- # Extract titles
- title <- stringr::str_split_1(
- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_titlebar2']")
- ),
- "\t\r"
- )[1:2]
- # Extract rows
- odd_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_odd']")
- )
- even_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_even']")
- )
- # Process data
- data <- lapply(
- lapply(c(odd_rows, even_rows),
- function(x) stringr::str_split_1(x, "\r\r")),
- function(x) gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)
- )
- # Create dataframe
- df <- do.call(rbind, data)
- colnames(df) <- title
- return(tibble::as_tibble(df))
- },
- error = function(e) {
- stop(paste("Error retrieving session information:", e$message))
- })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A4265EBB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A4265EBB-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index c38f5830..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A4265EBB-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Test infos
-test_that("get_variable_info", {
- "Use correct function names below in character format:
- get_bills: the records of the bills
- get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
- get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
- get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
- get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
- get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
- get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
- get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
-# For get_variable_info function
-test_that("get_variable_info works correctly", {
- result <- get_variable_info("get_bills")
- # Check if the function returns a list
- expect_true(is.list(result))
- # Check if the list contains specific elements
- expect_true("page_info" %in% names(result))
- expect_true("reference_url" %in% names(result))
- # Check if passing an invalid parameter value results in an error
- expect_error(get_variable_info("invalid_function_name"), "Use correct function names below in character format.")
-# For review_session_info function
-test_that("review_session_info works correctly", {
- result <- review_session_info(7)
- # Check if the function returns a tibble
- expect_true(is(result, "tbl_df"))
- # Check if the tibble contains specific column names (this depends on the actual column names)
- expect_true("屆期會期" %in% colnames(result)) # Replace 'ColumnName1' with actual column name
- # Check if passing an invalid term value results in an error
- # expect_error(review_session_info(12), "use correct `term`.")
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A57FD011-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A57FD011-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b5a826..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A57FD011-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,867 +0,0 @@
-#' The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#'get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'\\ifelse{html}{\\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\\strong{[Experimental]}}
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10). Data is available from the 9th term onwards.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period (1-8).
-#' @param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether get_speech_video should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. Default is TRUE.
-#' @return list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query video information by term, session period and date range
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' ## Query without specifying term or session
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' @details The `get_speech_video` function retrieves video information of
-#' legislative meetings and committee sessions. Data is available from the
-#' 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年). The date parameters must
-#' use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' @note For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}.
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A6ED6EA7-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A6ED6EA7-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e50e2e..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A6ED6EA7-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-title: "The Records of the Bills"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{The Records of the Bills}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## An Example of the Records of the Bills
-First, we'll import legisTaiwan, and then we'll retrieve data from January 20th of the Republic of China year 106 to March 10th of the Republic of China year 111.
-billdata <- get_bills(start_date = 1030120,
- end_date = 1110310,
- verbose = TRUE)
-The get_bills function returns a list that contains query_time, retrieved_number, meeting_unit, start_date_ad (A.D) , end_date_ad (A.D), start_date, end_date, url, variable_names, manual_info, and data.
-full_term <- get_bills_2(term = 11)
-# 安裝套件
-# 讀取 PDF
-pdf_text <- pdf_text("https://ppg.ly.gov.tw/ppg/download/agenda1/02/pdf/11/01/02/LCEWA01_110102_00017.pdf")
-# 文本清理
-clean_text <- pdf_text %>%
- str_replace_all("\n", " ") %>% # 移除換行
- str_replace_all("\\s+", " ") %>% # 移除多餘空白
- str_trim() # 移除前後空白
-# 斷詞(如果需要)
-cutter <- worker()
-words <- segment(clean_text, cutter)
-# 下載 PDF
-response <- GET(url)
-writeBin(content(response, "raw"), temp_file)
-pdf_text <- pdf_text(temp_file)
-# 處理編碼問題(如果有需要)
-pdf_text <- iconv(pdf_text, "UTF-8", "UTF-8")
-# 如果要分頁處理,可以用以下方式:
-for(i in seq_along(pdf_text)) {
- cat("=== 第", i, "頁 ===\n")
- cat(pdf_text[i])
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A925826F b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/A925826F
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index 10598dbd..00000000
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- "path": "~/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/DESCRIPTION",
- "project_path": "DESCRIPTION",
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- "contents": "",
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\ No newline at end of file
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-Package: legisTaiwan
-Type: Package
-Title: An Interface to Access Taiwan Legislative API in R
-Version: 0.1.7
-Authors@R: c(person("Yen-Chieh", "Liao", email = "davidycliao@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
- person("Li", "Tang", email = "li.tang@reading.ac.uk", role = c("ctb", "aut")),
- person("Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
- person("Taiwan National Science and Technology Council", role = "ctb"),
- person("Taiwan Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center NARLabs", role = "ctb"))
-Description: The pacakge is designed to make it quickly and easy to access Taiwan
- Legislative Yuan API for downloading real-time data legislative and
- historical archives.
-Maintainer: Yen-Chieh Liao
-Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
-License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
-Encoding: UTF-8
-LazyData: true
- jsonlite,
- attempt,
- stringr,
- curl,
- tibble,
- rvest,
- withr,
- httr,
- utils,
- readr
- knitr,
- rmarkdown,
- ggplot2,
- remotes,
- tidyverse,
- testthat (>= 3.0.0)
-RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
-BugReports: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/issues
-URL: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
-VignetteBuilder: knitr
-Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-Config/testthat/edition: 3
-SystemRequirements: pandoc (>= 1.14) - http://pandoc.org
-Config/build/clean-inst-doc: FALSE
-Config/build/clean-check-dir: FALSE
-Config/build/ignore-non-ascii: TRUE
-Config/default/Rcheck/ignore-ascii: TRUE
-Config/default/Rcheck/ascii: FALSE
-Config/default/Rcheck/incoming: FALSE
-NeedsCompilation: no
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AA256903-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AA256903-contents
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-test_that("get_bills", {
- expect_equal(get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 9)
-test_that("get_bills_2", {
- expect_equal(get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 1155)
- expect_error(get_bills_2(term = "10"), "Please use numeric format only.")
- expect_error(get_bills_2(term = "10", verbose = TRUE), "Please use numeric format only.")
-test_that("Testing get_bills function", {
- # Test if the function returns a list
- result <- get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = FALSE)
- expect_type(result, "list")
- # Test if get_bills throws the expected error for incorrect date format
- expect_error(get_bills(start_date = 1070310, end_date = 1060120, verbose = FALSE),
- "The start date, 2018-03-10, should not be later than the end date, 2017-01-20.")
- # Test if the function correctly handles invalid date format
- expect_error(get_bills(start_date = "10601", end_date = 1070310, verbose = FALSE),
- "Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AC7FC4AB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AC7FC4AB-contents
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index 01e651a6..00000000
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diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AEAF1ED3 b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/AEAF1ED3
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index b8448abd..00000000
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- "id": "AEAF1ED3",
- "path": "~/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/.Rbuildignore",
- "project_path": ".Rbuildignore",
- "type": "text",
- "hash": "0",
- "contents": "",
- "dirty": false,
- "created": 1735335769167.0,
- "source_on_save": false,
- "relative_order": 4,
- "properties": {
- "source_window_id": "",
- "Source": "Source",
- "cursorPosition": "17,0",
- "scrollLine": "0"
- },
- "folds": "",
- "lastKnownWriteTime": 1735341806,
- "encoding": "UTF-8",
- "collab_server": "",
- "source_window": "",
- "last_content_update": 1735341806622,
- "read_only": false,
- "read_only_alternatives": []
\ No newline at end of file
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-title: "Quick Start"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Quick Start}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-## Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-**`legisTaiwan`** is an R package for accessing [Taiwan Legislative Yuan API](https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action). The goal of `legisTaiwan` is to make it quickly and instantly download Taiwan's legislative data, digitized textual
-and video records for a research project and analyze public policies.
-```{r eval = FALSE}
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
-## How to Contribute
-{`legisTaiwan`} is an open source project in R. Contributions in the form of comments, code suggestions, and tutorial examples are very welcome. Please note that the `LeigsTaiwan` is released with the [Contributor Code of Conduct](https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/blob/master/CONDUCT.md). By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B3F4150C-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B3F4150C-contents
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index 93824fda..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B3F4150C-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-title: "Fetching Parliarmentary Questions"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Fetching Parliarmentary Questions}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## Accessing Parliamentary Questions with legisTaiwan Package
-This tutorial demonstrates how to use the legisTaiwan package to access parliamentary questions and executive responses from Taiwan's Legislative Yuan. The package provides convenient functions to fetch publicly available data.
-### Loading the Package
-First, install and load the legisTaiwan package:
-### Fetching Parliamentary Questions
-Use the `get_parlquestions()` function to retrieve parliamentary questions from legislators:
-# Fetch questions from the 11th term
-pa_term10 <- get_parlquestions(term = 11, verbose = TRUE)
-# Examine the data structure
-__Function parameters:__
-- `term`: Legislative term (must be numeric, e.g., 11)
-- `session_period`: Session period (optional)
-- `verbose = TRUE`: Display download progress and information
-__The returned data contains:__
-- `title`: Data title
-- `query_time`: Query timestamp
-`_retrieved_number`: Number of records retrieved
-- `data`: A dataframe containing:
- + term: Legislative term
- + sessionPeriod: Session period
- + sessionTimes: Session count
- + item: Question items
-### Retrieving Executive Responses
-Use the get_executive_response() function to fetch responses from the Executive Yuan:
-# Fetch executive responses from the 10th term, 2nd session
-exec_response <- get_executive_response(term = 10, session_period = 2, verbose = TRUE)
-# Examine the data structure
-__Function parameters:__
-- `term`: Legislative term
-- `session_period`: Session period
-- `verbose = TRUE`: Display download progress and information
-__The returned data includes:__
-- `title`: Data title
-- `query_time`: Query timestamp
-- `retrieved_number`: Number of records retrieved
-- `data`: A dataframe containing response information
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B404E371-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B404E371-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 7197ebc1..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/B404E371-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-#' The Records of Parliamentary Questions 委員質詢事項資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#' @param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#' options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to 8 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_parlquestions` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of parliamentary questions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}, or use get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`item`}{項目}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term.
-#' ## 輸入「立委會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10)
-#' ## Query parliamentary questions by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載立委質詢資料
-#' get_parlquestions(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' @details `get_parlquestions` produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#' `query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供議事日程本院委員之質詢事項資訊(自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso `get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")`
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-get_parlquestions <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading parliamentary questions data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID6Action.action?term=", term,
- "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Questions: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Parliamentary Questions Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'The Records of Response to the Questions by the Executives 公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term integer, numeric or NULL. The default is NULL. The data is only
-#'available from 8th term. 參數必須為數值。資料從自第8屆起,預設值為8。
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL. Available
-#'options for the session is: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The default is set to NULL. 參數必須為數值。
-#'`review_session_info()` generates each session period available option period
-#' in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print out detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the records of the questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`eyNumber`}{行政院函公文編號}
-#' \item{`lyNumber`}{立法院函編號}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{案由}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`item`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#' get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details **`get_executive_response`** produces a list, which contains `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info` and `data`. To retrieve the user manual and more information, please
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`.
-#'#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}.
-#' 質詢類: 提供公報質詢事項行政院答復資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_executive_response")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' @encoding UTF-8
-get_executive_response <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading executive response data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- stop("API does not support multiple terms.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID2Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&item=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Responses: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add session period distribution if available
- if("sessionPeriod" %in% colnames(df)) {
- session_counts <- table(df$sessionPeriod)
- cat("\nSession Distribution:\n")
- for(session in names(session_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" Session %s: %d\n", session, session_counts[session]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Executive Response Records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BA878189-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BA878189-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index a3ece74c..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BA878189-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-title: "Party Caucus Negotiation"
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{Party Caucus Negotiation}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## An Example of the Records of the Bills
-First, we'll import legisTaiwan. Next, we'll retrieve data from September 23rd in the Republic of China year 111 to January 19th in the Republic of China year 112. Unlike the date parameter in get_bills(), it needs to be formatted as a Republic of China year in a string with "/". The reason is due to inconsistencies in the API's parameter design. In the next version, 0.2 and above, we aim to overcome this issue and unify the date format within the `legisTaiwan` framework.
-caucus_df <- get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "111/09/23", end_date = "112/01/19", verbose = FALSE)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BC739EBB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BC739EBB-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 4927fcc8..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BC739EBB-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-#' Check Each Function's Manual
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@description `get_variable_info` generate each API's endpoint manual returned
-#'from the website of Taiwan Legislative Yuan. The avalaible options is: `get_bills`,
-#'`get_bills_2`, `get_meetings`, `get_caucus_meetings`, `get_speech_video` ,
-#'`get_public_debates`, `get_parlquestions`, `get_executive_response` and
-#'@param param_ characters. Must be one of options below: \describe{
-#' \item{get_bills}{get_bills: the records of the bills, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_bills_2}{the records of legislators and the government proposals, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_meetings}{the spoken meeting records, see \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}}
-#' \item{get_caucus_meetings}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}}
-#' \item{get_speech_video}{the full video information of meetings and committees, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}}
-#' \item{get_public_debates}{the records of national public debates, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}}
-#' \item{get_parlquestions}{the records of parliamentary questions, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6}}
-#' \item{get_executive_response}{the records of the questions answered by the executives, see \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2}}
-#'@return list \describe{
-#' \item{`page_info`}{information of the end point}
-#' \item{`reference_url`}{the url of the page}}
-#'@details `get_variable_info` produces a list, which contains `page_info` and `reference_url`.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @export
-#' @seealso `review_session_info()`.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' get_variable_info("get_bills")
-#' }
-# get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
-# check_internet()
-# attempt::stop_if_all(website_availability(), isFALSE, msg = "the error from the API.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct funtion names.")
-# attempt::stop_if(param_ , ~ length(.x) >1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
-# if (param_ == "get_parlquestions") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_legislators") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_committee_record") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_executive_response") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_caucus_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_speech_video") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills_2") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_public_debates") {
-# url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
-# }
-# else if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
-# if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
-# }
-# else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
-# url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
-# }
-# html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div") )
-# page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-# else {
-# stop("Use correct funtion names below in character format:
-# get_bills: the records of the bills
-# get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
-# get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
-# get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
-# get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
-# get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
-# get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
-# get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
-# }
-# html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
-# title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
-# content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
-# df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2 )],
-# content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2 ) -1])
-# colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
-# page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
-# return(page_info)
-# }
-get_variable_info <- function(param_) {
- # Ensure internet and website availability
- check_internet()
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability(), msg = "the error from the API.")
- # Parameter checks
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.numeric, msg = "use string format only.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, is.null, msg = "use correct function names.")
- attempt::stop_if(param_, ~ length(.x) > 1, msg = "only allowed to query one function.")
- # Dictionary for URL mapping
- url_mapping <- list(
- get_parlquestions = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=6",
- get_legislators = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16",
- get_committee_record = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- get_executive_response = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- get_caucus_meetings = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- get_speech_video = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- get_bills_2 = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20",
- get_public_debates = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7"
- )
- if (!(param_ %in% names(url_mapping) || param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings"))) {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format:
- get_bills: the records of the bills
- get_bills_2: the records of legislators and the government proposals
- get_meetings: the spoken meeting records
- get_caucus_meetings: the meeting records of cross-caucus session
- get_speech_video: the full video information of meetings and committees
- get_public_debates: the records of national public debates
- get_parlquestions: the records of parliamentary questions
- get_executive_response: the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- }
- # Fetch URL from dictionary or process special cases
- if (param_ %in% names(url_mapping)) {
- url <- url_mapping[[param_]]
- } else if (param_ == "get_meetings") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154"
- } else if (param_ == "get_bills") {
- url <- "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153"
- } else {
- stop("Use correct function names below in character format.")
- }
- if (param_ %in% c("get_bills", "get_meetings")) {
- html_info <- rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='form_Query']"), "div"))
- page_info <- list(page_info = strsplit(html_info[14], split = "\n")[[1]], reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
- }
- html <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url), "*[id='content']")
- title <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "h2")))
- content <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", rvest::html_text2(rvest::html_nodes(html, "span")))
- df <- data.frame(content[seq(1, length(content), 2)],
- content[seq(1, length(content) + 1, 2) - 1])
- colnames(df) <- c(title[2], title[1])
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(df)
- page_info <- list(page_info = df, reference_url = url)
- return(page_info)
-#' Check Session Periods in Each Year (Minguo Calendar)
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@details `review_session_info` produces a dataframe, displaying each session
-#'period in year formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param term numeric
-#'@return dataframe
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom rvest html_text2 read_html
-#'@importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @seealso
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' review_session_info(7)
-#' }
-review_session_info <- function(term) {
- # Input validation
- if(missing(term)) {
- stop("Term parameter is required")
- }
- attempt::stop_if_not(website_availability2(),
- msg = "API connection error. Please check your internet connection.")
- attempt::stop_if(term, is.null,
- msg = "Term cannot be NULL. Please provide a valid term number (1-11).")
- attempt::stop_if_not(term %in% 1:11,
- msg = paste("Invalid term:", term,
- "\nPlease provide a term number between 1 and 11."))
- # Construct URL
- url <- sprintf("https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=%02d&startYear=0",
- as.numeric(term))
- tryCatch({
- # Parse HTML
- html_ <- rvest::html_nodes(rvest::read_html(url),
- "*[class='section_wrapper']")
- # Extract titles
- title <- stringr::str_split_1(
- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_titlebar2']")
- ),
- "\t\r"
- )[1:2]
- # Extract rows
- odd_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_odd']")
- )
- even_rows <- rvest::html_text2(
- rvest::html_nodes(html_, "[class='tt_listrow_even']")
- )
- # Process data
- data <- lapply(
- lapply(c(odd_rows, even_rows),
- function(x) stringr::str_split_1(x, "\r\r")),
- function(x) gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)
- )
- # Create dataframe
- df <- do.call(rbind, data)
- colnames(df) <- title
- return(tibble::as_tibble(df))
- },
- error = function(e) {
- stop(paste("Error retrieving session information:", e$message))
- })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BD4EC996-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BD4EC996-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 683cb8e0..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BD4EC996-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-title: "The Records of the Bills"
-author: ""
-output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
-vignette: >
- %\VignetteIndexEntry{The Records of the Bills}
- %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}
- %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>"
-```{r include=FALSE}
-assign("has_internet_via_proxy", TRUE, environment(curl::has_internet))
-## An Example of the Records of the Bills
-This section demonstrates how to fetch and analyze legislative bills data from Taiwan's parliament using the legisTaiwan package. We'll explore two different methods of retrieving bill data using specific date ranges and legislative terms.
-First, we'll fetch bills within a specific date range. Note that the dates use the Republic of China (ROC) calendar system:
-- Start date: 106/01/20 (ROC calendar)
-- End date: 111/03/10 (ROC calendar)
-billdata <- get_bills(start_date = 1030120,end_date = 1110310, verbose = TRUE)
-The get_bills() function returns a comprehensive list containing the metadata and the actual bill data:
-str(billdata, give.attr = FALSE)
-`billdata` is a list containing 12 elements:
-- `$title` "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor"
-- `$query_time`: imestamp of when the data was retrieved
-- `$retrieved_number`: Total number of records retrieved
-- `$proposer`: Filter condition for bill proposers
-- `$start_date_ad` and `end_date_ad`:
-- `$url`: source API URL for the data
-- `$variable_names`: List of column names in the dataset
-- `$manual_info`: Link to official documentation page
-- `$data`: tibble [12,519 × 9]
-`billdata$data` returns tibble table containing relevent information.
-- `query_time`: When the data was retrieved
-- `retrieved_number`: Number of records fetched
-- `meeting_unit`: Legislative unit information
-- `start_date_ad/end_date_ad`: Dates in Western calendar
-- `start_date/end_date`: Dates in ROC calendar
-- `url`: Source URL
-- `variable_names`: Column names in the dataset
-- `manual_info`: Additional documentation
-- `data`: The actual bill records
-Alternatively, you can fetch bills by legislative term using `get_bills_2()`:
-full_term <- get_bills_2(term = 11)
-This retrieves all bills from the specified legislative term (in this case, the 11th term), providing a convenient way to analyze legislative activities within specific parliamentary periods.
-The returned data includes detailed information about each bill, such as:
-- Bill status and progress
-- Sponsoring legislators
-- Committee referrals
-- Dates of various legislative actions
-- Bill content and explanatory notes
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BF1F030F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BF1F030F-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index a22753d9..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/BF1F030F-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#' Clean legislator names
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @noRd
-.clean_names <- function(x) {
- names <- x |>
- gsub("本院委員", "", .) |>
- gsub("委員", "", .) |>
- gsub("等\\s*\\d+\\s*人", "", .) |>
- gsub("等\\d+人", "", .) |>
- gsub("等", "", .) |>
- gsub("\\s+", "", .) |>
- gsub("本院", "", .) |>
- trimws()
- return(names)
-#' Validate Date Formats
-#' This function checks if the provided start and end dates are in the correct numeric format.
-#' @param start_date A string representing the start date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @param end_date A string representing the end date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @return NULL. If the dates are not in the expected format, an error is thrown.
-#' @examples
-#' # This should throw an error:
-#' \dontrun{
-#' validate_dates_format("10901", "1100101")
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-validate_dates_format <- function(start_date, end_date) {
- valid_date_format <- function(date) {
- return(grepl("^\\d{7}$", date))
- }
- if (!valid_date_format(start_date) || !valid_date_format(end_date)) {
- stop("Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
- }
-#' Check for the Website Availability I
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action".
-#' @seealso
-#' `check_internet()`
-#' @keywords internal
-website_availability <- function(site = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' Check for the Website Availability II
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0".
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @seealso `check_internet()` and `website_availability()`.
-website_availability2 <- function(site = "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' A Check for Internet Connectivity.
-#'@param x The default value is `curl::has_internet()`, which activate the
-#'internet connectivity check.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@importFrom curl has_internet
-#'@keywords internal
-check_internet <- function(x = curl::has_internet()) {
- attempt::stop_if_not(.x = x,
- msg = "Please check the internet connection")
-#' A General Check for Taiwan Legislative Yuan API
-#'@param start_date start_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@param end_date end_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@keywords internal
-# api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null, msg = "start_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null, msg = "end_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
-# msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
-# end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-# }
-api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for start_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for end_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'start_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'end_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
- msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
- end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar I
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. calendar in POSIXct for `get_meetings()`, `get_caucus_meetings()`,
-#' and `get_speech_video()`,
-#' @param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#' string vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_meeting("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#' @details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-transformed_date_meeting <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar II
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#' @param roc_date date format in Taiwan ROC calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a character vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_bill("1050531")
-#' }
-transformed_date_bill <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar III
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date date format in Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a
-#'character vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_sub
-#'@keywords internal
-check_date <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar IIII
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#'string vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#'@keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' check_date2("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#'@details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-check_date2 <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C0644538-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C0644538-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index d944ad0f..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C0644538-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5162 +0,0 @@
- ok
- ̄
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C6D09C00-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C6D09C00-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 894725bf..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C6D09C00-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,994 +0,0 @@
-#'@title The Spoken Meeting Records 委員發言
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090101.
-#'@param end_date numeric Must be formatted in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar, e.g. 1090102.
-#'@param meeting_unit NULL The default is NULL, which includes all meeting types
-#' between the starting date and the ending date.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the spoken meeting records }
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of the observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the offical manual, \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}; or use get_variable_info("get_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`smeeting_date`}{會議日期}
-#' \item{`meeting_status`}{會議狀態}
-#' \item{`meeting_name`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meeting_content`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`speechers`}{委員發言名單}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{西元年}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「委員發言」
-#'get_meetings(start_date = "1050120", end_date = "1050210")
-#' ## query meeting records by a period of the dates in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar format
-#' ## and a meeting
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」與「審查會議或委員會名稱」下載會議審查資訊
-#'get_meetings(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, meeting_unit = "內政委員會")
-#'@details `get_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#'frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_meetings")` or visit
-#'the API manual at \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154}.
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-get_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, meeting_unit = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeSpeech.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date, "&meeting_unit=", meeting_unit, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$smeeting_date, transformed_date_meeting))
- if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved via :", meeting_unit, "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)), "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the spoken meeting records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "meeting_unit" = meeting_unit,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=154",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#'@title The Meeting Records of Cross-caucus Session 黨團協商資訊
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "106/10/20".
-#'@param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#'forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "109/01/10".
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether `get_caucus_meetings` should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data.
-#'@return list, which contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{the meeting records of cross-caucus session}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{the number of observation}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{the meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{the start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{the end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{the start date in ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}; or use get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`comYear`}{卷}
-#' \item{`comVolume`}{期}
-#' \item{`comBookId`}{冊別}
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(民國年)}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`subject`}{案由}
-#' \item{`pageStart`}{起始頁}
-#' \item{`pageEnd`}{結束頁}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{檔案下載位置}
-#' \item{`htmlUrl`}{html網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the meeting records of cross-caucus session using a period of
-#' ## the dates in Taiwan ROC calender format with forward slash (/).
-#' ## 輸入「中華民國民年」下載「黨團協商」,輸入時間請依照該格式 "106/10/20",
-#' ## 需有「正斜線」做隔開。
-#'get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10")
-#'@details `get_caucus_meetings` produces a list, which contains `title`, `query_time`,
-#'`retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#'`end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data.`
-#'\\ifelse{html}{\\href{https://lifecycle.r-lib.org/articles/stages.html#experimental}{\\figure{lifecycle-experimental.svg}{options: alt='[Experimental]'}}}{\\strong{[Experimental]}}
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_caucus_meetings")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8}.
-#' 議事類:提供公報之黨團協商資訊 (自第8屆第1會期起)
-#' Regarding Minguo calendar, please see \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}.
-# get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
-# verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
-# start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)), "and", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved number:", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
-# "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
-# "start_date" = start_date,
-# "end_date" = end_date,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_caucus_meetings <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- # 檢查日期格式
- date_format_check <- function(date) {
- if (!is.null(date) && !grepl("^\\d{3}/\\d{2}/\\d{2}$", date)) {
- stop(paste("Invalid date format:", date, "\n",
- "Please use the format 'YYY/MM/DD' (ROC calendar),\n",
- "For example: '106/10/20'\n",
- "Where YYY is the ROC year (民國年)"))
- }
- }
- check_internet()
- # 檢查開始和結束日期
- date_format_check(start_date)
- date_format_check(end_date)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("Downloading caucus meetings data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- api_check(start_date = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- end_date = transformed_date_meeting(end_date))
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID8Action.action?comYear=&comVolume=&comBookId=&term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&meetingDateS=",
- start_date, "&meetingDateE=", end_date, "&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100% and close it
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Date Range: ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(start_date)),
- " to ", as.character(transformed_date_meeting(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Total Meetings: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the meeting records of cross-caucus session",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "start_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = transformed_date_meeting(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=8",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Video Information of Meetings and Committees 院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. Legislative term number (e.g., 10). Data is available from the 9th term onwards.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period (1-8).
-#' @param start_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/01".
-#' @param end_date character Must be formatted in Minguo (ROC) calendar with three
-#' forward slashes between year, month and day, e.g. "110/10/30".
-#' @param verbose logical, indicates whether get_speech_video should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. Default is TRUE.
-#' @return list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{speech video records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of videos retrieved}
-#' \item{`term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`session_period`}{queried session period}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{start date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{end date in POSIXct}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{start date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`end_date`}{end date in ROC calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`meetingDate`}{會議日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`meetingTime`}{會議時間}
-#' \item{`meetingTypeName`}{主辦單位}
-#' \item{`meetingName`}{會議名稱}
-#' \item{`meetingContent`}{會議事由}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`areaName`}{選區名稱}
-#' \item{`speechStartTime`}{委員發言時間起}
-#' \item{`speechEndTime`}{委員發言時間迄}
-#' \item{`speechRecordUrl`}{發言紀錄網址}
-#' \item{`videoLength`}{影片長度}
-#' \item{`videoUrl`}{影片網址}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' ## Query video information by term, session period and date range
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' term = 10,
-#' session_period = 4,
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' ## Query without specifying term or session
-#' get_speech_video(
-#' start_date = "110/10/01",
-#' end_date = "110/10/30"
-#' )
-#' @details The `get_speech_video` function retrieves video information of
-#' legislative meetings and committee sessions. Data is available from the
-#' 9th legislative term onwards (2016/民國105年). The date parameters must
-#' use the ROC calendar format with forward slashes.
-#' @note For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148}.
-#' 會議類:提供立法院院會及委員會之委員發言片段相關影片資訊 (自第9屆第1會期起)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_speech_video")`
-# https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?term=10&sessionPeriod=4&meetingDateS=110/10/01&meetingDateE=110/10/30&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=csv
-get_speech_video <- function(term = NULL,
- session_period = NULL,
- start_date = NULL,
- end_date = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE,
- format = "json") {
- # Check internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format validation
- format <- match.arg(format, c("json", "csv"))
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("Date Format: YYY/MM/DD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 110/10/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading speech video data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Date validation
- if(is.null(start_date) || is.null(end_date)) {
- stop("Both start_date and end_date must be provided")
- }
- # Input data validation
- if(!is.null(term)) {
- term_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else {
- term_str <- ""
- }
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- session_str <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period))
- } else {
- session_str <- ""
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # Construct API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID148Action.action?",
- "term=", term_str,
- "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&meetingDateS=", start_date,
- "&meetingDateE=", end_date,
- "&meetingTime=&legislatorName=&fileType=", format)
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- if(format == "json") {
- response <- try({
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- if(!is.null(json_df$dataList)) {
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- } else {
- df <- tibble::tibble()
- }
- }, silent = TRUE)
- } else {
- response <- try({
- df <- readr::read_csv(set_api_url, show_col_types = FALSE)
- }, silent = TRUE)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # Data validation
- if(nrow(df) == 0) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Query Result ======\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- cat("No records found. Please check:\n")
- cat("1. Date format (YYY/MM/DD)\n")
- cat("2. Term and session period\n")
- cat("3. Data availability\n")
- cat("-------------------------\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term_str, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Date Range: ", start_date, " to ", end_date, "\n")
- cat(" Total Videos: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat(" Format: ", toupper(format), "\n")
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Return data
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "speech video records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "term" = term_str,
- "session_period" = session_str,
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "format" = format,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=148",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred:\n")
- cat(as.character(error_message), "\n")
- }
- return(NULL)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of National Public Debates 國是論壇
-#' @param term numeric or NULL. The default is set to 10. Legislative term number
-#' (e.g., 10). Data is officially available from the 8th term onwards, but
-#' testing shows data starts from the 10th term.
-#' @param session_period numeric or NULL. Session period number (1-8). Default is NULL.
-#' Use `review_session_info()` to see available session periods in ROC calendar.
-#' @param verbose logical. Whether to display download progress and detailed information.
-#' Default is TRUE.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{public debates records}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{number of records retrieved}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{queried legislative term}
-#' \item{`url`}{retrieved API URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{variables in the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{official manual URL or use get_variable_info("get_public_debates")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe containing:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`dateTimeDesc`}{日期時間說明}
-#' \item{`meetingRoom`}{會議地點}
-#' \item{`chairman`}{主持人}
-#' \item{`legislatorName`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`speakType`}{發言類型(paper:書面發言,speak:發言)}
-#' \item{`content`}{內容}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{屆別期別篩選條件}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' # Query public debates for term 10, session period 2
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 2)
-#' # Query without specifying session period
-#' debates <- get_public_debates(term = 10)
-#' @details
-#' The function retrieves records from the National Public Debates (國是論壇),
-#' including both spoken and written opinions. While officially available from
-#' the 8th legislative term, testing indicates data is only available from
-#' the 10th term onwards.
-#' @note
-#' For more details about the data variables and API information,
-#' use `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")` or visit the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7}.
-#' 議事類: 提供公報之國是論壇資訊,並包含書面意見。
-#' 自第8屆第1會期起,但實測資料從第10屆。
-#' @seealso
-#' * `get_variable_info("get_public_debates")`
-#' * `review_session_info()`
-#' * For ROC calendar information: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_calendar}
-# get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# if (is.null(term)) {
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
-# term, "&sessionPeriod=",
-# "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
-# sep = "")
-# message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
-# } else {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
-# if (length(term) == 1) {
-# term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))}
-# else if (length(term) > 1) {
-# term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
-# message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")}
-# }
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
-# term, "&sessionPeriod=",
-# sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
-# "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
-# sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Num: ", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the records of the questions answered by the executives",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "retrieved_term" = term,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_public_debates <- function(term = NULL, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading public debates data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID7Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&legislatorName=&speakType=&fileType=json",
- sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("legislatorName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(df$legislatorName))
- cat(" Unique Legislators: ", unique_legislators, "\n")
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "public debates records",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=7",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-#' The Records of Reviewed Items in the Committees 委員會會議審查之議案項目
-#'@author David Yen-Chieh Liao
-#'@param term numeric or null. Data is available only from the 8th term.
-#'The default is set to 10. 參數必須為數值。提供委員會會議審查之議案項目。(自第10屆第1會期起)
-#'@param session_period integer, numeric or NULL.
-#'`review_session_info()` provides each session period's available options based on the
-#' Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#'@param verbose logical. This indicates whether `get_executive_response` should
-#'print a detailed output during data retrieval. Default is TRUE.
-#'@return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Time of query}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Total number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual, \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}; or use get_variable_info("get_committee_record")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{Term number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session}
-#' \item{`meetingNo`}{Meeting number}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{Bill number}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Term selection filter}
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## Query the committee record by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「委員會審議之議案」
-#'get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_committee_record` provides a list which includes `title`,
-#'`query_time`, `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`,
-#' `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' To access the user manual and more information about the data frame's variables,
-#' please refer to `get_variable_info("get_committee_record")` or check the API manual at
-#' \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46}.
-#' This provides agenda items reviewed in committee meetings (from the 10th term, 1st session onwards).
-#'`get_variable_info("get_committee_record")`, `review_session_info()`
-# get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
-# check_internet()
-# if (is.null(term)) {
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
-# term, "&sessionPeriod=",
-# "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
-# message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
-# } else {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
-# if (length(term) == 1) {
-# term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))}
-# else if (length(term) > 1) {
-# term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
-# message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")}
-# }
-# set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
-# term,
-# "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
-# "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
-# tryCatch(
-# {
-# with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)})
-# df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
-# attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
-# if (isTRUE(verbose)) {
-# cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
-# cat(" Retrieved Num: ", nrow(df), "\n")
-# }
-# list_data <- list("title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
-# "query_time" = Sys.time(),
-# "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
-# "retrieved_term" = term,
-# "url" = set_api_url,
-# "variable_names" = colnames(df),
-# "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
-# "data" = df)
-# return(list_data)
-# },
-# error = function(error_message) {
-# message(error_message)
-# }
-# )
-# }
-get_committee_record <- function(term = 10, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading committee records data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=",
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- message(" term is not defined...\n You are now requesting full data from the API. Please make sure your connectivity is stable until its completion.\n")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- }
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID46Action.action?term=",
- term,
- "&sessionPeriod=", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)),
- "&sessionTimes=01&meetingTimes=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Total Records: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- if("committee" %in% colnames(df)) {
- committee_counts <- table(df$committee)
- cat("\nCommittee Distribution:\n")
- for(comm in names(committee_counts)) {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", comm, committee_counts[comm]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "the records of reviewed items in the committees",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=46",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C8A828FE-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C8A828FE-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index b24202e1..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/C8A828FE-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-url: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
- title: Accessing Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
- links:
- - text: Discussion
- href: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/discussions
- - text: legisCrawler 爬台灣立法委員問政專輯的爬蟲小幫手️🕸️
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisCrawler/
- - text: "The Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Government (CAIG)"
- href: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/centres-institutes/centre-for-artificial-intelligence-in-government
- - text: "ParlSpeech: Legislative Speeches in the Key Parliamentary Democracies"
- href: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/L4OAKN
- - text: "ParlEE: Sentence-level Speeches of Six EU Legislative Chambers"
- href: https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/datasets/parlee-plenary-speeches-v2-data-set-annotated-full-text-of-151-mi
-- title: API Functions
- desc: functions connect to Taiwan Legialtive Yuan API.
-- contents:
- - get_parlquestions
- - get_meetings
- - get_caucus_meetings
- - get_executive_response
- - get_public_debates
- - get_speech_video
- - get_committee_record
- - get_bills
- - get_bills_2
- - get_legislators
- - get_variable_info
- - review_session_info
- Yen-Chieh Liao:
- href: https://davidycliao.github.io
- Li Tang:
- href: https://sites.google.com/view/litang2020?pli=1
- Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院:
- href: "https://data.ly.gov.tw/catelog.action"
- html: ""
- package: tidytemplate
- bootstrap: 5
- includes:
- in_header: |
- params:
- ganalytics: G-X85ED8P5EW
- mode: auto
- type: inverse
- left:
- - icon: fa-home
- href: index.html
- - icon: fa-rocket
- text: Quick Start
- menu:
- - text: "Quick Start Guide"
- href: articles/quickstart.html#get-started-with-using-remotes
- - text: "How to Contribute"
- href: articles/quickstart.html#quickstart.html#how-to-contribute
- - icon: fa-project-diagram
- text: Manual
- menu:
- - text: "Interpellation and Debates"
- href: articles/manual.html#interpellation-and-debates
- - text: "Bill and Budget"
- href: articles/manual.html#bill-and-budget
- - text: "Miscellaneous"
- href: articles/manual.html#miscellaneous
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Reference
- menu:
- - text: "Function Reference"
- href: reference/index.html
- - icon: fa-file-code-o
- text: Tutorial
- menu:
- - text: "Records of the Bills"
- href: articles/get_bills.html
- - text: "Demographic Data"
- href: articles/get_legislators.html
- - text: "Parliarmentary Questions"
- href: articles/get_parlquestions.html
- - text: "Party Caucus Negotiation"
- href: articles/Party Caucus Negotiation.html
- - icon: fa-newspaper-o
- text: News
- menu:
- - text: "0.1.6"
- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-016-development-version
- - text: "0.1.4"
- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-014-development-version
- - text: "0.1.3"
- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-013-development-version
- - text: "0.1.1"
- href: news/index.html#legistaiwan-011-development-version
- right:
- - icon: fa-github fa-lg
- text: GitHub
- href: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/D0E28724-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/D0E28724-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ee3e61..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/D0E28724-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-#' @title The Records of the Bills: 法律提案
-#' @param start_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090101.
-#' @param end_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090102.
-#' @param proposer The default value is NULL, indicating that bills proposed by all legislators
-#' are included between the start and end dates.
-#' @param verbose logical. Specifies whether `get_bills` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default value is TRUE.
-#' @return A list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of cross-caucus sessions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations retrieved}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{Meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{Start date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{End date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{Start date in the ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{URL of the retrieved JSON data}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variable names of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual. See \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153} or use get_variable_info("get_bills")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with the following variables:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{Session number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session period}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{Session count}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{Proposal date}
-#' \item{`billName`}{Bill name}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{Primary proposer}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{Co-signatories of the bill}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{Status of the bill}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{Date in the Gregorian calendar}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom httr content
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range in the Taiwan ROC calendar format
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = TRUE)
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and a specific legislator
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉")
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and multiple legislators
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1060510, proposer = "孔文吉&鄭天財")
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills` function returns a list that contains `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#' `end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more details about the data frame, use `get_variable_info("get_bills")`.
-#' Further checks are required as the user manual seems to be inconsistent with the actual data.
-#' @seealso
-#' \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153}
-get_bills <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, proposer = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- validate_dates_format(start_date, end_date)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeBill.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&proposer=", proposer, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- tryCatch(
- {
- # 更新進度條到 30%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # 更新進度條到 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$date, transformed_date_bill))
- # 更新進度條到 90%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Total Unique Proposers:", length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billProposer))), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved Number: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add bill statistics
- if(!is.null(df$billProposer)) {
- unique_proposers <- length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billProposer)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_proposers))
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "proposer" = proposer,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' @title The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term A numeric or NULL value. Data is available from the 8th term onwards.
-#' Default is set to 8. 參數必須為數值。資料從第8屆開始,預設值為8。
-#' @param session_period An integer, numeric, or NULL. Valid options for the session are:
-#' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default is set to NULL.
-#' 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` provides available session periods based on the Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose Default value is TRUE. Displays details of the retrieved data, including the number, URL, and computing time.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Retrieved term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20} or use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables such as:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{議案編號}
-#' \item{`billName`}{提案名稱}
-#' \item{`billOrg`}{提案單位/委員}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{主提案人}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{連署提案}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{議案狀態}
-#' \item{`pdfUrl`}{PDF download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{DOC download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Filtering criteria based on term}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query the executives' responses by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」以下載「質詢事項 (行政院答復部分)」
-#' get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills_2` function produces a list, which includes `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' For the user manual and more information about the dataframe, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`.
-#' @note For more details about the dataframe's variables, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20}.
-#' 議事類: 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (從第8屆第1會期開始)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`,`review_session_info()`
-get_bills_2 <- function(term = 8, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- # Check for internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format info at the start
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislative bills data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # If the term is not specified
- if (is.null(term)) {
- # Set the base API URL without specifying any term
- set_api_url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json"
- # Display a notification message
- message("The term is not defined...\nYou are now requesting full data from the API. Please ensure a stable internet connection until completion.\n")
- } else {
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # If the term is in character format, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- # If term length is one, format the term to two digits
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- stop("The API doesn't support querying multiple terms. Consider implementing batch processing. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.")
- }
- # Convert session period to two-digit format, if it's not NULL
- session_str <- ifelse(is.null(session_period), "", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)))
- # Construct the complete API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- # Try to fetch the data and process it
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # If the returned data is empty, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Calculate summary statistics
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- budget_bills <- if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) sum(grepl("預算", df$billName)) else 0
- budget_percentage <- if(total_bills > 0) (budget_bills / total_bills) * 100 else 0
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Retrieved Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
- # Calculate total bills and unique legislators
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_legislators))
- cat("===================================\n")
- # if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- # close(pb)
- # cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- # cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- # cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- # if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- # cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- # }
- #
- # # Overall Statistics
- # cat("\nOverall Statistics:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- # cat(sprintf(" Budget Bills: %d (%.1f%%)\n", budget_bills, budget_percentage))
- #
- # # Detailed Bill Type Distribution
- # if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # bill_types <- table(df$billName)
- # cat("\nBill Type Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # for(type in names(bill_types)) {
- # count <- bill_types[type]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", type, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- #
- # # Proposer Distribution
- # if("billOrg" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # cat("\nProposer Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # proposer_counts <- table(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg))
- # for(proposer in names(proposer_counts)) {
- # count <- proposer_counts[proposer]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # if(nchar(trimws(proposer)) > 0) { # Only show non-empty proposers
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", proposer, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Construct the result list
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "The records of the questions answered by the executives",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = total_bills,
- "budget_bills" = budget_bills,
- "budget_percentage" = budget_percentage,
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/D47C35DD b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/D47C35DD
deleted file mode 100644
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- "dirty": false,
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index fb6a627b..00000000
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@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-output: github_document
-## Real-time and Archives of Taiwan Legislative Data in R
-```{r, include = FALSE}
- collapse = TRUE,
- comment = "#>",
- fig.path = "man/figures/",
- out.width = "100%"
-`legisTaiwan` is designed to streamline access to real-time archives of Taiwan's legislative data, drawing inspiration from the UK's TheyWorkForYou API. By providing straightforward access to the Taiwan Legislative Yuan API in R, this package not only aims to enhance legislative accountability and public transparency but also serves as a powerful tool for academic research. Scholars can easily retrieve and analyze legislative data including voting records, parliamentary questions, and bill proposals, facilitating quantitative research and empirical analysis. As the package interfaces directly with Legislative Yuan API endpoints, a stable internet connection is required. Users are welcome to contact [the author](https://davidycliao.github.io) for any API implementation assistance.
-`legisTaiwan` 套件旨在簡化台灣立法院資料的即時存取,其設計理念來自於英國的 TheyWorkForYou API。透過在 R 環境中提供直接連接立法院開放資料 API 的便捷管道,本套件不僅致力於提升立法問責制和公共透明度,更為學術研究者提供了系統化分析立法數據的工具。研究人員可以輕鬆獲取並分析立法委員的表決紀錄、問政質詢、法案提案等資料,有助於量化研究和實證分析。由於套件需要直接與立法院 API 介接,使用時請確保網路連線穩定。如有任何 API 使用上的問題,歡迎與套件[作者](https://davidycliao.github.io)聯繫。
-### Get Started with Using [`remotes`](https://github.com/r-lib/remotes):
-``` r
-remotes::install_github("davidycliao/legisTaiwan", force = TRUE)
-#> ## legisTaiwan ##
-#> ## An R package connecting to the Taiwan Legislative API. ##
-### Summary Descriptive of Current Bills (法案提案統計)
-```{r include=FALSE}
-page_info <- get_variable_info("get_bills_2")$page_info
-### Summary Descriptive of Parliamentary Questions (委員質詢事項)
-page_info <- get_variable_info("get_parlquestions")$page_info
-### Notice:
-`legisTaiwan` requires a stable internet connection to retrieve data
-from the API. While most functions can fetch data spanning a long
-period, they tend to be bandwidth-intensive due to the size of the
-datasets. If you plan to download data over an extended period, I
-recommend using `get_variable_info()` first to verify the current file
-sizes on the API. Also, consider writing a batch retrieval
-process with appropriate handlers to track the progress of file input,
-ensuring the completeness of the requested data.
-### Acknowledgments
-This package supported the author's doctoral dissertation *"Electoral Reform, Distributive Politics, and Parties in the Taiwanese Congress"* at the University of Essex. The PhD project was made possible through the generous funding of the 2022 Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) TOP Grant and a full PhD fellowship from the Ministry of Education (2018-2021), Taiwan. The author extends sincere gratitude to the Legislative Yuan API Center for their technical assistance and commitment to data transparency.
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-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.7
-* Enhanced user experience by implementing progress bars for time-intensive operations. Progress bars are now displayed when verbose = TRUE.
-* Performed comprehensive spelling and typographical corrections throughout the package documentation and function names.
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.6
-* Corrected spelling errors and standardized terminology across function documentation.
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.4 (development version)
-* re-documentation and inserting handlers.
-* formatting the website and documentation: `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()`.
-* `get_bills()` and `get_meeting()`'s starting date are not clear.
-* `get_public_debates()` manual information is inconsistent with actual data.
-* ~~Two API endpoints,`質詢事項(本院委員質詢部分)` ~~and `國是論壇`, are~~ is temporarily down. Therefore, the data retrieved by `get_parlquestions()` ~~and `get_public_debates()`~~ may not be correct. [*UPDATE: Feb 5 2023*]~~
-* `get_public_debates()` is on. [*UPDATE: Feb 7 2023*]
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.3 (development version)
-* Fix typo in function name: `get_variabel_infos()` to `get_variable_info()`.
-* `get_committee_record() ` is added to access to the records of reviewed items in the committees 提供委員會會議審查之議案項目.
-* Add funder and copyright holder in NAMESPACE: `國科會` and `立法院`
-* Re-documentation and inserting handlers
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.1 (development version)
-* `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()` are added.
-* The package is created with `get_meetings()`, `get_bills()`, `get_legislators()`, `get_parlquestions()`
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/DEAA0FCB-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/DEAA0FCB-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4d776f..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/DEAA0FCB-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.6
-* reformat examples.
-* Add testthat to monitor the performance of the Legislative Yan API. If the API malfunctions, the package's percentage of coverage would also decrease.
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.4 (development version)
-* re-documentation and inserting handlers.
-* formatting the website and documentation: `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()`.
-* `get_bills()` and `get_meeting()`'s starting date are not clear.
-* `get_public_debates()` manual information is inconsistent with actual data.
-* ~~Two API endpoints,`質詢事項(本院委員質詢部分)` ~~and `國是論壇`, are~~ is temporarily down. Therefore, the data retrieved by `get_parlquestions()` ~~and `get_public_debates()`~~ may not be correct. [*UPDATE: Feb 5 2023*]~~
-* `get_public_debates()` is on. [*UPDATE: Feb 7 2023*]
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.3 (development version)
-* Fix typo in function name: `get_variabel_infos()` to `get_variable_info()`.
-* `get_committee_record() ` is added to access to the records of reviewed items in the committees 提供委員會會議審查之議案項目.
-* Add funder and copyright holder in NAMESPACE: `國科會` and `立法院`
-* Re-documentation and inserting handlers
-# `legisTaiwan` 0.1.1 (development version)
-* `get_executive_response()`, `get_bills_2()`, `get_debates()` and `get_speech_video()` are added.
-* The package is created with `get_meetings()`, `get_bills()`, `get_legislators()`, `get_parlquestions()`
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E2D07B9F-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E2D07B9F-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index af1fa434..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E2D07B9F-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-#'The Records of the Bills: 法律提案
-#' @param start_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090101.
-#' @param end_date numeric. Must be formatted in the ROC Taiwan calendar, e.g., 1090102.
-#' @param proposer The default value is NULL, indicating that bills proposed by all legislators
-#' are included between the start and end dates.
-#' @param verbose logical. Specifies whether `get_bills` should print out
-#' detailed output when retrieving the data. The default value is TRUE.
-#' @return A list, which contains:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of cross-caucus sessions}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query timestamp}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations retrieved}
-#' \item{`meeting_unit`}{Meeting unit}
-#' \item{`start_date_ad`}{Start date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`end_date_ad`}{End date in POSIXct format}
-#' \item{`start_date`}{Start date in the ROC Taiwan calendar}
-#' \item{`url`}{URL of the retrieved JSON data}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variable names of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual. See \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153} or use get_variable_info("get_bills")}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with the following variables:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{Session number}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{Session period}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{Session count}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{Proposal date}
-#' \item{`billName`}{Bill name}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{Primary proposer}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{Co-signatories of the bill}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{Status of the bill}
-#' \item{`date_ad`}{Date in the Gregorian calendar}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom httr content
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range in the Taiwan ROC calendar format
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, verbose = TRUE)
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and a specific legislator
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1070310, proposer = "孔文吉")
-#' ## Query bill records by a date range and multiple legislators
-#' get_bills(start_date = 1060120, end_date = 1060510, proposer = "孔文吉&鄭天財")
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills` function returns a list that contains `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `meeting_unit`, `start_date_ad`, `end_date_ad`, `start_date`,
-#' `end_date`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' @note To retrieve the user manual and more details about the data frame, use `get_variable_info("get_bills")`.
-#' Further checks are required as the user manual seems to be inconsistent with the actual data.
-#' @seealso
-#' \url{https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153}
-get_bills <- function(start_date = NULL, end_date = NULL, proposer = NULL,
- verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- api_check(start_date = check_date(start_date), end_date = check_date(end_date))
- validate_dates_format(start_date, end_date)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://www.ly.gov.tw/WebAPI/LegislativeBill.aspx?from=",
- start_date, "&to=", end_date,
- "&proposer=", proposer, "&mode=json", sep = "")
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Date format: YYYMMDD (ROC calendar)\n")
- cat("Example: 1090101 for 2020/01/01\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- tryCatch(
- {
- # 更新進度條到 30%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 30)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # 更新進度條到 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- df["date_ad"] <- do.call("c", lapply(df$date, transformed_date_bill))
- # 更新進度條到 90%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 90)
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Total Unique Proposers:", length(unique(.clean_names(df$billProposer))), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved date between:", as.character(check_date(start_date)),
- "and", as.character(check_date(end_date)), "\n")
- cat(" Retrieved Number: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- # Add bill statistics
- if(!is.null(df$billProposer)) {
- unique_proposers <- length(unique(.clean_names(df$billProposer)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_proposers))
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- list_data <- list("title" = "the records of bill sponsor and co-sponsor",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = nrow(df),
- "proposer" = proposer,
- "start_date_ad" = check_date(start_date),
- "end_date_ad" = check_date(end_date),
- "start_date" = start_date,
- "end_date" = end_date,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://www.ly.gov.tw/Pages/List.aspx?nodeid=153",
- "data" = df)
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
-#' The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @title The Records of Legislation and the Executives Proposals: 委員及政府議案提案資訊
-#' @author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#' @param term A numeric or NULL value. Data is available from the 8th term onwards.
-#' Default is set to 8. 參數必須為數值。資料從第8屆開始,預設值為8。
-#' @param session_period An integer, numeric, or NULL. Valid options for the session are:
-#' 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Default is set to NULL.
-#' 參數必須為數值。
-#' `review_session_info()` provides available session periods based on the Minguo (Taiwan) calendar.
-#' @param verbose Default value is TRUE. Displays details of the retrieved data, including the number, URL, and computing time.
-#' @return A list containing:
-#' \item{`title`}{Records of questions answered by the executives}
-#' \item{`query_time`}{Query time}
-#' \item{`retrieved_number`}{Number of observations}
-#' \item{`retrieved_term`}{Retrieved term}
-#' \item{`url`}{Retrieved JSON URL}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{Variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{Official manual: \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20} or use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`}
-#' \item{`data`}{A tibble dataframe with variables such as:
-#' \describe{
-#' \item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`sessionPeriod`}{會期}
-#' \item{`sessionTimes`}{會次}
-#' \item{`meetingTimes`}{臨時會會次}
-#' \item{`billNo`}{議案編號}
-#' \item{`billName`}{提案名稱}
-#' \item{`billOrg`}{提案單位/委員}
-#' \item{`billProposer`}{主提案人}
-#' \item{`billCosignatory`}{連署提案}
-#' \item{`billStatus`}{議案狀態}
-#' \item{`pdfUrl`}{PDF download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`docUrl`}{DOC download link for related documents}
-#' \item{`selectTerm`}{Filtering criteria based on term}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' @import utils
-#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#' @importFrom httr GET
-#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
-#' @importFrom withr with_options
-#' @export
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ## Query the executives' responses by term and session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」以下載「質詢事項 (行政院答復部分)」
-#' get_bills_2(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#' }
-#' @details The `get_bills_2` function produces a list, which includes `query_time`,
-#' `retrieved_number`, `retrieved_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info`, and `data`.
-#' For the user manual and more information about the dataframe, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`.
-#' @note For more details about the dataframe's variables, use `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=20}.
-#' 議事類: 提供委員及政府之議案提案資訊 (從第8屆第1會期開始)。
-#' @seealso
-#' `get_variable_info("get_bills_2")`,`review_session_info()`
-get_bills_2 <- function(term = 8, session_period = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- # Check for internet connectivity
- check_internet()
- # Format info at the start
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10, 11)\n")
- cat("Session Period: Must be numeric (1-8)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislative bills data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # If the term is not specified
- if (is.null(term)) {
- # Set the base API URL without specifying any term
- set_api_url <- "https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=&sessionPeriod=&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json"
- # Display a notification message
- message("The term is not defined...\nYou are now requesting full data from the API. Please ensure a stable internet connection until completion.\n")
- } else {
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # If the term is in character format, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "\nPlease use numeric format only.")
- # If term length is one, format the term to two digits
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- stop("The API doesn't support querying multiple terms. Consider implementing batch processing. Please refer to the tutorial for guidance.")
- }
- # Convert session period to two-digit format, if it's not NULL
- session_str <- ifelse(is.null(session_period), "", sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(session_period)))
- # Construct the complete API URL
- set_api_url <- paste0("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID20Action.action?term=",
- term, "&sessionPeriod=", session_str,
- "&sessionTimes=&meetingTimes=&billName=&billOrg=&billProposer=&billCosignatory=&fileType=json")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- # Try to fetch the data and process it
- tryCatch(
- {
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- # If the returned data is empty, stop execution and display an error message
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "The query is unavailable.")
- # Calculate summary statistics
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- budget_bills <- if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) sum(grepl("預算", df$billName)) else 0
- budget_percentage <- if(total_bills > 0) (budget_bills / total_bills) * 100 else 0
- # Update progress bar to 100%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" Retrieved URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- cat(" Retrieved Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- }
- cat(" Retrieved Term: ", term, "\n")
- # Calculate total bills and unique legislators
- total_bills <- nrow(df)
- unique_legislators <- length(unique(.clean_names(df$billOrg)))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- cat(sprintf(" Total Unique Proposers: %d\n", unique_legislators))
- cat("===================================\n")
- # if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- # setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- # close(pb)
- # cat("\n\n") # Add newlines after progress bar
- # cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(" URL: \n", set_api_url, "\n")
- # cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- # if(!is.null(session_period)) {
- # cat(" Session Period: ", session_period, "\n")
- # }
- #
- # # Overall Statistics
- # cat("\nOverall Statistics:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # cat(sprintf(" Total Bills: %d\n", total_bills))
- # cat(sprintf(" Budget Bills: %d (%.1f%%)\n", budget_bills, budget_percentage))
- #
- # # Detailed Bill Type Distribution
- # if("billName" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # bill_types <- table(df$billName)
- # cat("\nBill Type Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # for(type in names(bill_types)) {
- # count <- bill_types[type]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", type, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- #
- # # Proposer Distribution
- # if("billOrg" %in% colnames(df)) {
- # cat("\nProposer Distribution:\n")
- # cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- # proposer_counts <- table(.clean_legislator_names(df$billOrg))
- # for(proposer in names(proposer_counts)) {
- # count <- proposer_counts[proposer]
- # percentage <- (count / total_bills) * 100
- # if(nchar(trimws(proposer)) > 0) { # Only show non-empty proposers
- # cat(sprintf(" %s: %d (%.1f%%)\n", proposer, count, percentage))
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # Construct the result list
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "The records of the questions answered by the executives",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "retrieved_number" = total_bills,
- "budget_bills" = budget_bills,
- "budget_percentage" = budget_percentage,
- "retrieved_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=2",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\n")
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E524D700-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E524D700-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index a11bdd45..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/E524D700-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Package: legisTaiwan
-Type: Package
-Title: An Interface to Access Taiwan Legislative API in R
-Version: 0.1.7
-Authors@R: c(person("Yen-Chieh", "Liao", email = "davidycliao@gmail.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
- person("Li", "Tang", email = "li.tang@reading.ac.uk", role = c("ctb", "aut")),
- person("Taiwan Legislative Yuan 立法院", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
- person("Taiwan National Science and Technology Council", role = "ctb"),
- person("Taiwan Science & Technology Policy Research and Information Center NARLabs", role = "ctb"))
-Description: The pacakge is designed to make it quickly and easy to access Taiwan
- Legislative Yuan API for downloading real-time data legislative and
- historical archives.
-Maintainer: Yen-Chieh Liao
-Depends: R (>= 3.4.0)
-License: GPL-3 + file LICENSE
-Encoding: UTF-8
-LazyData: true
- jsonlite,
- attempt,
- stringr,
- curl,
- tibble,
- rvest,
- withr,
- httr,
- utils,
- readr
- knitr,
- rmarkdown,
- ggplot2,
- remotes,
- tidyverse,
- testthat (>= 3.0.0)
-RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
-BugReports: https://github.com/davidycliao/legisTaiwan/issues
-URL: https://davidycliao.github.io/legisTaiwan/
-VignetteBuilder: knitr
-Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
-Config/testthat/edition: 3
-SystemRequirements: pandoc (>= 1.14) - http://pandoc.org
-Config/default/buildignore-noascii: TRUE
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB5DECD1-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB5DECD1-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cafe183..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB5DECD1-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#' Clean legislator names
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @noRd
-.clean_names <- function(x) {
- names <- x %>%
- gsub("本院委員", "", .) %>%
- gsub("委員", "", .) %>%
- gsub("等\\s*\\d+\\s*人", "", .) %>%
- gsub("等\\d+人", "", .) %>%
- gsub("等", "", .) %>%
- gsub("\\s+", "", .) %>%
- gsub("本院", "", .) %>%
- trimws()
- return(names)
-#' Validate Date Formats
-#' This function checks if the provided start and end dates are in the correct numeric format.
-#' @param start_date A string representing the start date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @param end_date A string representing the end date. Expected format is numeric, e.g., "1090101".
-#' @return NULL. If the dates are not in the expected format, an error is thrown.
-#' @examples
-#' # This should throw an error:
-#' \dontrun{
-#' validate_dates_format("10901", "1100101")
-#' }
-#' @keywords internal
-validate_dates_format <- function(start_date, end_date) {
- valid_date_format <- function(date) {
- return(grepl("^\\d{7}$", date))
- }
- if (!valid_date_format(start_date) || !valid_date_format(end_date)) {
- stop("Dates should be in numeric format. E.g., 1090101.")
- }
-#' Check for the Website Availability I
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action".
-#' @seealso
-#' `check_internet()`
-#' @keywords internal
-website_availability <- function(site = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/index.action") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' Check for the Website Availability II
-#' This function checks the availability of a specified website by trying to read
-#' the first line of the site's content.
-#' @param site A website URL to check. Default is "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0".
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @seealso `check_internet()` and `website_availability()`.
-website_availability2 <- function(site = "https://npl.ly.gov.tw/do/www/appDate?status=0&expire=02&startYear=0") {
- tryCatch({
- readLines(site, n = 1)
- },
- warning = function(w) invokeRestart("muffleWarning"),
- error = function(e) FALSE)
-#' A Check for Internet Connectivity.
-#'@param x The default value is `curl::has_internet()`, which activate the
-#'internet connectivity check.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@importFrom curl has_internet
-#'@keywords internal
-check_internet <- function(x = curl::has_internet()) {
- attempt::stop_if_not(.x = x,
- msg = "Please check the internet connection")
-#' A General Check for Taiwan Legislative Yuan API
-#'@param start_date start_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@param end_date end_date is inherited from global env.
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_not
-#'@keywords internal
-# api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
-# isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the system time")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character, msg = "use numeric format")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null, msg = "start_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null, msg = "end_date is missing")
-# attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
-# msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
-# end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-# }
-api_check <- function(start_date = start_date, end_date = end_date) {
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The start date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > as.Date(Sys.time()),
- isTRUE, msg = "The end date should not be after the current system time.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for start_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.character,
- msg = "Use numeric format for end_date.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(start_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'start_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date, is.null,
- msg = "The parameter 'end_date' is missing.")
- attempt::stop_if_all(end_date > start_date, isFALSE,
- msg = paste("The start date, ", start_date, ",", " should not be later than the end date, ",
- end_date, ".", sep = ""))
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar I
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. calendar in POSIXct for `get_meetings()`, `get_caucus_meetings()`,
-#' and `get_speech_video()`,
-#' @param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#' string vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_meeting("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#' @details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-transformed_date_meeting <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar II
-#' @description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#' to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#' @param roc_date date format in Taiwan ROC calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a character vector
-#' @return date in POSIXct
-#' @importFrom stringr str_sub
-#' @keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' transformed_date_bill("1050531")
-#' }
-transformed_date_bill <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar III
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date date format in Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar (e.g., "1050531") in a
-#'character vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_sub
-#'@keywords internal
-check_date <- function(roc_date) {
- day <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -2, -1)
- month <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -3)
- roc_year <- stringr::str_sub(roc_date, 1, nchar(roc_date) - nchar(stringr::str_sub(roc_date, -4, -1)))
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_year) + 1911,
- as.numeric(month),
- as.numeric(day), sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
-#' Transforming Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar to A.D. Calendar IIII
-#'@description `transformed_date_meeting()` transforms Minguo (Taiwan) Calendar
-#'to A.D. format in POSIXct for `get_bill()`, e.g. "1050531" to "2016-05-31".
-#'@param roc_date Date format in Minguo (Taiwan) calendar (e.g., "105/05/31") as a
-#'string vector
-#'@return date in POSIXct
-#'@importFrom stringr str_split_1
-#'@keywords internal
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' check_date2("105/05/31")
-#' }
-#'@details `check_date` transforms ROC date to a date in POSIXct, e.g. "105/05/31" to "2016-05-31".
-check_date2 <- function(roc_date) {
- roc_date <- stringr::str_split_1(roc_date, "/")
- date_ad <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(paste(as.numeric(roc_date[1]) + 1911,
- roc_date[2],
- roc_date[3], sep = "-"),
- origin = "1582-10-14", tz = "GMT"))
- return(date_ad)
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB94B8C8-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB94B8C8-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 176c7239..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EB94B8C8-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Workflow derived from https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/v2/examples
-# Need help debugging build failures? Start at https://github.com/r-lib/actions#where-to-find-help
-# on:
-# push:
-# branches: [main, master]
-# pull_request:
-# branches: [main, master]
-# name: R-CMD-check
-# jobs:
-# R-CMD-check:
-# runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
-# name: ${{ matrix.config.os }} (${{ matrix.config.r }})
-# strategy:
-# fail-fast: false
-# matrix:
-# config:
-# - {os: macos-latest, r: 'release'}
-# - {os: windows-latest, r: 'release'}
-# - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
-# - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'release'}
-# env:
-# GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-# steps:
-# - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
-# with:
-# r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }}
-# http-user-agent: ${{ matrix.config.http-user-agent }}
-# use-public-rspm: true
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
-# with:
-# extra-packages: any::rcmdcheck
-# needs: check
-# - uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
-# with:
-# upload-snapshots: true
-name: R-CMD-check
- R-CMD-check:
- runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
- name: ${{ matrix.config.os }} (${{ matrix.config.r }})
- strategy:
- fail-fast: false
- matrix:
- config:
- - {os: macos-latest, r: 'release'}
- - {os: windows-latest, r: 'release'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'devel', http-user-agent: 'release'}
- - {os: ubuntu-latest, r: 'release'}
- env:
- GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- steps:
- - uses: actions/checkout@v3
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-pandoc@v2
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2
- with:
- r-version: ${{ matrix.config.r }}
- http-user-agent: ${{ matrix.config.http-user-agent }}
- use-public-rspm: true
- - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies@v2
- with:
- extra-packages: any::rcmdcheck
- needs: check
- - uses: r-lib/actions/check-r-package@v2
- env:
- with:
- args: 'c("--no-manual", "--ignore-vignettes")'
- error-on: '"error"'
- upload-snapshots: true
- check-dir: check
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/ED3373DE-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/ED3373DE-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index d944ad0f..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/ED3373DE-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5162 +0,0 @@
- ok
- ̄
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EEE38DEE-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EEE38DEE-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a50486..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/EEE38DEE-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#' The Legislator' Demographic Information and Background 提供委員基本資料
-#'@author David Liao (davidycliao@@gmail.com)
-#'@param term numeric or NULL The data is available from the 2nd term.
-#'@param verbose logical, indicates whether get_meetings should print out
-#'detailed output when retrieving the data. The default is set to TRUE.
-#'@return list contains: \describe{
-#' \item{`query_time`}{the queried time}
-#' \item{`queried_term`}{the queried term}
-#' \item{`url`}{the retrieved json url}
-#' \item{`variable_names`}{the variables of the tibble dataframe}
-#' \item{`manual_info`}{the official manual from \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16}, or use legisTaiwan::get_variable_info("get_legislators")}
-#' \item{`data`}{a tibble dataframe, whose variables include:
-#' \describe{\item{`term`}{屆別}
-#' \item{`name`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`ename`}{委員姓名}
-#' \item{`sex`}{性別}
-#' \item{`party`}{黨籍}
-#' \item{`partyGroup`}{黨團}
-#' \item{`committee`}{委員會}
-#' \item{`onboardDate`}{到職日(西元年)}
-#' \item{`degree`}{學歷}
-#' \item{`experience`}{經歷}
-#' \item{`picPath`}{照片位址}
-#' \item{`leaveFlag`}{離職日期(西元年)}
-#' \item{`leaveReason`}{離職原因}
-#' }
-#' }
-#' }
-#'@importFrom attempt stop_if_all
-#'@importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
-#'@importFrom withr with_options
-#' ## query the Executives' answered response by term and the session period.
-#' ## 輸入「立委屆期」與「會期」下載「行政院答復」
-#'get_executive_response(term = 8, session_period = 1)
-#'@details `get_legislators` produces a list, which contains `query_time`,
-#'`queried_term`, `url`, `variable_names`, `manual_info` and `data`.
-#'@note To retrieve the user manual and more information about variable of the data
-#' frame, please use `get_variable_info("get_legislators")`
-#' or visit the API manual at \url{https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16}.
-#' 提供委員基本資料,最早資料可追溯至第2屆。
-#'`get_variable_info("get_legislators")`, `review_session_info()`
-get_legislators <- function(term = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
- check_internet()
- # 先檢查 term 並顯示訊息
- if (is.null(term)) {
- message("\nTerm is not defined...\nRequesting full data from the API. Please ensure stable connectivity.\n")
- }
- # 初始化進度顯示
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- cat("\nInput Format Information:\n")
- cat("------------------------\n")
- cat("Term: Must be numeric (e.g., 8, 9, 10)\n")
- cat("------------------------\n\n")
- cat("Downloading legislators data...\n")
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3)
- }
- # Update progress bar to 20%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 20)
- # 建構 API URL
- if (is.null(term)) {
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID16Action.action?name=&sex=&party=&partyGroup=&areaName=&term=",
- term, "=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- } else {
- attempt::stop_if_all(term, is.character, msg = "Please use numeric format only.")
- if (length(term) == 1) {
- term <- sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term))
- } else if (length(term) > 1) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) close(pb)
- term <- paste(sprintf("%02d", as.numeric(term)), collapse = "&")
- message("API does not support multiple terms. Data might be incomplete.")
- }
- # Update progress bar to 40%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 40)
- set_api_url <- paste("https://data.ly.gov.tw/odw/ID16Action.action?name=&sex=&party=&partyGroup=&areaName=&term=",
- term, "=&fileType=json", sep = "")
- }
- # 取得資料
- tryCatch(
- {
- # Update progress bar to 60%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 60)
- with_options(list(timeout = max(1000, getOption("timeout"))),{
- json_df <- jsonlite::fromJSON(set_api_url)
- })
- # Update progress bar to 80%
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) setTxtProgressBar(pb, 80)
- df <- tibble::as_tibble(json_df$dataList)
- attempt::stop_if_all(nrow(df) == 0, isTRUE, msg = "Query returned no data.")
- # 計算統計資訊
- term <- paste(sort(as.numeric(unique(df$term))), collapse = " ", sep = ",")
- party_counts <- table(df$party)
- # Update progress bar to 100% and show results
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- setTxtProgressBar(pb, 100)
- close(pb)
- cat("\n\n")
- cat("====== Retrieved Information ======\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat(" URL: ", set_api_url, "\n")
- cat(" Term: ", term, "\n")
- cat(" Total Legislators: ", nrow(df), "\n")
- cat("-----------------------------------\n")
- cat("Party Distribution:\n")
- for(party in names(party_counts)) {
- if(!is.na(party) && party != "") {
- cat(sprintf(" %s: %d\n", party, party_counts[party]))
- }
- }
- cat("===================================\n")
- }
- # 回傳結果
- list_data <- list(
- "title" = "Legislator's Demographic Information",
- "query_time" = Sys.time(),
- "queried_term" = term,
- "url" = set_api_url,
- "total_legislators" = nrow(df),
- "party_distribution" = party_counts,
- "variable_names" = colnames(df),
- "manual_info" = "https://data.ly.gov.tw/getds.action?id=16",
- "data" = df
- )
- return(list_data)
- },
- error = function(error_message) {
- if(isTRUE(verbose)) {
- close(pb)
- cat("\nError occurred while fetching data:\n")
- cat(sprintf("Error: %s\n", error_message))
- }
- message(error_message)
- }
- )
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/F57577DE-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/F57577DE-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index dd84ea78..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/F57577DE-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve
-title: ''
-labels: ''
-assignees: ''
-**Describe the bug**
-A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
-**To Reproduce**
-Steps to reproduce the behavior:
-1. Go to '...'
-2. Click on '....'
-3. Scroll down to '....'
-4. See error
-**Expected behavior**
-A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
-If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
-**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- - OS: [e.g. iOS]
- - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
- - Version [e.g. 22]
-**Smartphone (please complete the following information):**
- - Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
- - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
- - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
- - Version [e.g. 22]
-**Additional context**
-Add any other context about the problem here.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FA99B130-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FA99B130-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcbbe7d..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FA99B130-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-name: Feature request
-about: Suggest an idea for this project
-title: ''
-labels: ''
-assignees: ''
-**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
-A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
-**Describe the solution you'd like**
-A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
-**Describe alternatives you've considered**
-A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
-**Additional context**
-Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FFAE5E60-contents b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FFAE5E60-contents
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a776df2..00000000
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/FFAE5E60-contents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-test_that("get_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_meetings(start_date = 1050120, end_date = 1050210, verbose = FALSE)$data$smeeting_date, "105/02/01")
- expect_equal(nrow(get_meetings(start_date = 1040120, end_date = 1050310, verbose = TRUE)$data), 807)
- expect_error(get_meetings(start_date = 1040101, end_date = 1040102, verbose = FALSE), "The query is unavailable.")
-test_that("get_caucus_meetings", {
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 27)
- expect_equal(get_caucus_meetings(start_date = "106/10/20", end_date = "107/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number,27)
-# test_that("get_speech_video", {
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10")$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_equal(get_speech_video(start_date = "105/10/20", end_date = "109/03/10", verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 547)
-# expect_error(get_speech_video(start_date = "104/01/01", end_date = "104/01/02", verbose = FALSE), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
-test_that("get_public_debates", {
- expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1)$retrieved_number, 107)
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = 10, session_period = 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 107)
- expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10"), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = "10", verbose = TRUE), "use numeric format only.")
- # expect_equal(get_public_debates(term = NULL, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of the questions answered by the executives")
- # expect_message(get_public_debates(c(10,11)),
- # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
- # expect_error(get_public_debates(term = 30), "The query is unavailable.")
- })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 613)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 633)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 8, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# # expect_message(get_committee_record(c(10,11)),
-# # "The API is unable to query multiple terms and the retrieved data might not be complete.")
-# })
-# test_that("get_committee_record", {
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 1, verbose = FALSE)$retrieved_number, 4844)
-# expect_equal(get_committee_record(term = 10, session_period= 2, verbose = TRUE)$title, "the records of reviewed items in the committees")
-# expect_error(get_committee_record(term = 2), "The query is unavailable.")
-# })
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/lock_file b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-ab45fd2f/lock_file
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-fadbc9d6/D47C35DD b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-fadbc9d6/D47C35DD
index 22dc9fac..57c8b42e 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-fadbc9d6/D47C35DD
+++ b/.Rproj.user/763C8F27/sources/session-fadbc9d6/D47C35DD
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"path": "~/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/README.Rmd",
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index 83891fe6..1f50bc1a 100644
--- a/.Rproj.user/shared/notebooks/paths
+++ b/.Rproj.user/shared/notebooks/paths
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-/Users/yenchiehliao/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/data/stopwords.txt="A690602C"
-/Users/yenchiehliao/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/data/user_dict.txt="13C35A6D"
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@@ -31,5 +29,4 @@
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/Users/yenchiehliao/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/vignettes/get_parlquestions.Rmd="D28F044A"
-/Users/yenchiehliao/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/vignettes/manual.R="2842ED1E"
/Users/yenchiehliao/Dropbox/My Packages/legisTaiwan/vignettes/quickstart.Rmd="5E338CCA"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 4c35a620..9285d0cb 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@