Contributing changes to
🐝 Thanks for your help improving the project! We are open to any contribution from the community and would love to have you help us make the website better.
Our blog page includes original blog posts about eBPF, as well as links to external articles hosted elsewhere. If you'd like to submit a blog post to please check that your article meets the following guidelines. We welcome PRs, but if you'd like to discuss a possible submission first please message us on slack in the [#ebpf-website channel]) or email us
Please see the full Blog Guidelines, but in short:
- Posts should be valuable content for the eBPF community
- Posts should not be vendor pitches, and should focus on the open source eBPF project
- Posts hosted on should be original content. You can submit a link to an external article instead of copying content.
- All content is contributed under the CC-BY-4.0 license
Links to posts hosted elsewhere are also given the External tag automatically.
See the Blog Guidelines for documentation on how to submit a post or external link.
Please raise ideas for any other changes or improvements to the web site by opening an issue, messaging in the #ebpf-website channel in Slack.