- #204 Update dependencies to enable Greenkeeper 🌴 by html-next/greenkeeper
- 4dfab768 docs(readme): add Greenkeeper badge by greenkeeper[bot]
- #167 Update ember-resolver to version 4.0.0 🚀 by html-next
- #14 Update all the things by seawatts/feature
- #16 Add GitHub auth for private repos by seawatts/feature
- #20 Blueprint fixes by Offir Golan
- #27 Ember style & custom ignore by Baptiste Meurant
- #26 Update ember-cli to version 2.6.3 🚀 by Chris Thoburn
- #22 dep(github) 2.1.0 by Chris Thoburn
- #28 ember-cli-inject-live-reload@1.4.1 untested
⚠️ by Chris Thoburn - #24 Update github to version 2.2.0 🚀 by Chris Thoburn
- #36 Set angular as default in blueprint by Offir Golan
- #191 Update mocha to version 3.4.1 🚀 by html-next
- #187 ember-cli-htmlbars@1.3.2 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #17 Added the date to the changelog title by seawatts/feature
- #133 ember-cli-inject-live-reload@1.5.0 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #33 broccoli-asset-rev@2.4.5 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #72 jsonfile@2.4.0 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #159 rsvp@3.5.0 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #155 Update github to version 9.2.0 🚀 by html-next
- #162 moment@2.18.1 untested
⚠️ by html-next - #100 Update ember-cli-app-version to version 2.0.1 🚀 by html-next
- #199 Merge develop to master by html-next
- #200 Update deps by html-next
- #201 runspired -> html-next by html-next
- #202 Remove jshint comments by html-next
- 49e14a40 test(commit-filter): add missing tests for ignoring standard and custom types by Baptiste Meurant
- f254a3ff feat(commit-filter): add option for user to ignore custom types by Baptiste Meurant
- 73360cf0 test(commit-group-sort): add missing tests for other commits by Baptiste Meurant
- de48f464 fix(commit-group-sort): allow not scoped ember commits by Baptiste Meurant
- 8916d489 test(ember-style-parser): add missing tests for standard and non standard scoped commits by Baptiste Meurant
- bea4756c fix(ember-style-parser): commit types are now correctly extracted by Baptiste Meurant
- 937ed274 fix(travis): hard locks jquery so travis test-all won't fail by Chris Thoburn
- 11958cfc fix(travis): updates travis configuration by Chris Thoburn
- 6a2a11b8 feat(fast-release): removes double prompt for changelog generation by Chris Thoburn
- 5f7fd08b fix(generate): don't incude titles for groups that don't have any commits by Chris Thoburn
- 05896152 fix(default-sort): commits will now be sorted most recent first by Chris Thoburn
- f7bb5745 fix(chore-filter): all commit types will now filter chore commits from the log by Chris Thoburn
- ef26d788 feat(task-filter): all commit types will now filter task commits from the log by Chris Thoburn
- 2834e33a feat(angular-style): filter out chore commits by Chris Thoburn
- a0d0a969 fix(blueprint): installed release.js file no longer adds incorrect beforeCommit hook by Chris Thoburn
- 170319a7 fix(blueprint): updates configurations by Chris Thoburn
- 96696667 fix(default-blueprint): ensure installation works by Chris Thoburn
- a51f966e breaking(local-git): completely drops nodegit dependency as it destroys build times and angrily errors out for bad reasons when it's a secondary dependency by Chris Thoburn
- 9f69a3d1 fix(dependencies): nodegit doesn't build on travis unless we use master by Chris Thoburn
- #4 docs: Add link to Angular Git Commit Guidelines by Andrew Timberlake
- a2e90af2 feat(ember-style-commits): adds support for ember-style commit parsing by Chris Thoburn
- 7dab5206 breaking(config): removes the ability to manually specify github usage by Chris Thoburn
- 436df1d4 feat(ember-style): accounts for ember-style in filter and formatter by Chris Thoburn
- 36926dae feat(enhanced-usernames): collects authors and committers into an authors hash as we discover their logins by Chris Thoburn
- ddd2d081 feat(enhanced-usernames): attempts to resolve a real name for a username when a discrepency between PR and commit author is found by Chris Thoburn
- #1 feat: adds nicer styling for pull request entries in the … by Chris Thoburn
- #2 [WIP] turn changelog script into a command by miguelcobain
- c87d4be6 chore(readme): adds information about what this project is by Chris Thoburn
- 506b18ca feat(release.json): adds release.json file for storing configuration or the changelog process by Chris Thoburn
- 888d92d1 fix(changelog): adds commit parsing by Chris Thoburn
- e84de175 feat(parse-commit): adds the ability to parse out information from a commit by Chris Thoburn
- d85cada4 feat(pr-entries): adds nicer styling for pull request entries in the changelog by Chris Thoburn
- 46d5d22f chore(parse-commit): removes unused vars by Chris Thoburn
- Hold Your Horses,
- Pack Your Parachutes,
- We're Coming,
- But we haven't released anything yet.