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hull.js lets you track Customer data and recognize users.

It also lets you easily embed certain connectors in the page to inject functionality such as the Intercom connector or the Browser Personalization connector. For this go to the Platform section in your dashboard, and add the relevant connector. It will be added to the page without having to write code.

It is the library you install when you paste a Platform snippet in your page's HEAD tag.

Booting Hull

To generate the Hull.js snippet for your website, first head to the Guides section "Getting Started with Hull.js"

Starting Hull

Automatic initialization


Manual initialization

<script src=""></script>
    platformId: "YOUR_PLATFORM_ID",
    orgUrl: "",
  • If you use the platform Snippet as is, the library is initialized automatically with the right organization and platform.
  • If you do not need to use Connectors, or if you need more over the boot sequence, you can disable auto-initialization and boot Hull manually. We recommend sticking with auto-init if you don't have a specific need for manual init.

Initialization parameters

The following parameters can be passed indifferently as hyphen-delimited params in the SCRIPT tag, or as CamelCased params in the Hull.init() call

Mandatory parameters.

Parameter Type Description
platformId String The ID of your platform.
orgUrl String The URL of your organization e.g.

Optional parameters

Parameter Type Description
autoStart String Default: true, Auto Start Hull on load (call Hull.init()).
embed Boolean Default:true. Skip embedding connectors in the page.
debug Boolean Default:false. Log messages. VERY useful during development to catch errors in promise chains.
verbose Boolean Default:false. Log even more things such as network traffic. Needs debug: true
accessToken String A signed JWT, telling Hull to automatically log-in a user fetched from your backend. See "Bring your own users"
anonymousId String Override the auto generated anonymousId. Use the one provided.
sessionId String Override the auto generated sessionId. Use the one provided.

Methods available immediately

Hull.ready(function (hull, me, platform, org) {
  console.log('This is your wrapper for Hull', hull);
  if (me) { console.log("You're connected, and here's your user:", me); }

Hull.on('hull.ready', function (hull, me, platform, org) {
  console.log('Here you go!');

Hull.on('hull.ships.ready', function () {
  console.log('Connectors are available in page');


Use Hull.ready() to call a function as soon as hull.js is initialized. If you call the function after the initialization is done, the function is called immediately. Inside Connectors, You will probably use Hull.onEmbed() instead.

Hull.ready() can also be used as a promise like this:

Hull.ready().then(({ hull, me, app, org }) => {
  console.log('All good',

Note than since Promises only resolve the first argument, we return a single object instead of 4 arguments.


Register an event listener. See events


Track events that happen in the page. See Events Tracking


Set attributes. See Attributes


Set an Alias for the current visitor. See Alias

These methods are available right away, even before Hull.init() is called. They queue and replayed when initialization is complete.

Asynchronous snippet

  async defer

  window.hullAsyncInit = function(hull){
    console.log('Hull Async Init', hull),

    hull.on('hull.ready', function(hull, user, app, org) {
      console.log('Hull Ready from event')
    hull.on('hull.ships.ready', function() {
      console.log('Hull Ships Ready');

    hull.ready(function(hull, user, app, org) {
      console.log('Hull Ready!');

If you're embedding the snippet with the async defer parameter, Hull will load asynchronously and the Hull object won't be available immediately.

You can define then a function called hullAsyncInit attached to window. It will be called when Hull is initialized.

Identifying users

Auto-generated anonymous IDs

Whenever a user visits a page where Hull.js is initalized, we will create an identity for this user and display an unknown user in your dashboard. These users can be merged and aliased later if and when they provide more identifying information, such as an email or a User ID and this data and we find other matches in the database for these identifiers.

Identifying by Email

You identify a User by Email by calling the traits method and passing it an email:

Hull.traits({ email: "" })

Identifying by External ID

To increase security, when identifying users as they use your product, we need you to generate an encoded string validating that the user is who he pretends to be. Generating that string is a pretty simple thing from your own backend and increases security by preventing impersonation.

You can then pass it to Hull to identify the user. Here's an article explaining how to generate this token

Log the user in with a token

const user = await Hull.login({ access_token: SIGNED_JSON_WEB_TOKEN_FROM_BACKEND });
//User Logged in with Hull Access Token

Or during initialization:

  platformId: YOUR_PLATFORM_ID,
  orgUrl: YOUR_ORG,

Or directly in the Script tag:


If you create a Hull access token (jwt) on the server, you can pass it and we'll log the user in for you. This is used in the Bring your own users scenario where either have created in advance or are creating JWT access tokens on the fly for your users.

Clearing Identifiers


Logs the current User out.

Hull.logout().then(function() {
  console.log('Something happened', err);

Getting the current User's profile


When a User is currently logged in, Hull.currentUser() returns the current User as an object literal. Otherwise, it returns false.

Example Response

  "id": "50f5768ce78fa367da000001",
  "updated_at": "2015-11-19T11:04:28Z",
  "created_at": "2013-01-15T15:32:28Z",
  "name": "Firstname lastname",
  "username": null,
  "first_name": "Firstname",
  "last_name": "lastname",
  "description": null,
  "email": "",

Getting the current configuration


Returns an object containing all information about the current app and user, including keys to services:

Example Response

  "platformId": "5113eca4fc62d87574000096",
  "orgUrl": "",
  "jsUrl": "",



You can explicitely tell the platform to alias users. This will merge their profiles (unless they both have External IDs set). The example below will add the following anonymous_id to the users's profile: intercom:1234. As a result, when we fetch visitor 1234 from Intercom, both the Intercom data and web visitor data will be resolved to the same user.

const visitorId = Intercom('getVisitorId'); //1234
//Aliases the intercom Visitor ID to the current user.

Capturing User Attributes

Capturing User Attributes


The traits method lets you record Attributes for a given user.

You can use this to store factual properties, such as "birthdate", "number of connectors" et. al. Attributes let you segment your customers in the Dashboard

The first time we detect a new attribute name (which are called Attributes in the Hull dashboard), we will try to recognize it's type.

  • We support the following types: String, Number, Date, Array
  • We infer the types of an attribute so you don't have to specify it. Number and String types are inferred on the type of the value.
  • To store a Date, define an attribute that ends with _at or _date such as played_at or activation_date
  • Once the type of an attribute is set, it can not be changed, but you can use as many attributes as you like.

Attribute type casting

  • If the first attribute we see is a boolean, it will be casted as a boolean.
  • If it's a number, then it will be casted as a number
  • If it's a String, and the attribute name ends with _date or _at then we'll try to parse this as a date.
  • If it's an Array we'll respect this.
  • If it's a String we'll respect this.
Hull.traits({'my_new_attribute': 'has this value'});
  string: "foo",
  fakeNumber: "123", //WILL BE RECOGNIZED AS A STRING
  realNumber: 123 //Will be recognized as a number

Be mindful of the difference betwen strings and numbers:

Hull.traits({ attribute_name: value })

Sets the value to the attribute of name attribute_name.

Once sent, attributes aren't exposed to users anymore.

This method is available immediately at launch

Atomic Operations

Sometimes, you only want to perform an update if the destination attribute was not present already, or increment/decrement a counter without knowing it's current. For this, we expose a few helpers to achieve this in a simple way.

//Work with multiple attributes at once
  'numberA': {value: 12, operation: 'increment'}, //Increment the number
  'numberB': {value: 12, operation: 'decrement'}, //Decrement the number
  'name': {value: "foobar", operation: "setIfNull" }, //sets the value if nothing was there before

Event Tracking

Capturing User Actions in the page

Hull.track(eventName, properties)

Tracking is how you record user Actions.

Page views are sent automatically, but you will probably want to track additional, business-specific events, such as "Subscription activated", "Completed configuration" et al.

For each of those events, you can add arbitrary attributes, which will be fully recognized and usable form inside of Hull.

Hull differs from most other tracking solutions as it doesn't have any hard limits as to how many different events you can send, nor how many attributes inside those events.

Hull.track('event_name', {
  //res should be equal to `true`

Hull.track(eventName, data)

Track a user event.

  • If a user is logged in, events will be associated to him.
  • When using Connectors, the scoped hull object you receive in the Hull.onEmbed callback adds information about the current connector. This is the object you should use, instead of the global Hull object.



Aliases a new anonymous ID for the current user. Adds a new id to the current user's alias table, or links the current user to that ID if it already exists in Hull. You need to wait until Hull is initalized to call this method. The easiest way is to wrap it in Hull.ready


Form Tracking

Hull.trackForm(forms, eventName, data)

Listen to form submissions and performs a tracking call

  • forms: An HTML DOM element or array of such. jQuery supported
  • event: A String defining the name of the event to track or a function that returns it after being passed the form
  • properties: [Optional] An object of properties, or a function that returns an object, after being passed the form
//form is an HTML Form Element or an array of form elements
// i.e. document.getElementsByTagName('form');

Hull.trackForm(forms, event, [properties]);

Hull.trackForm(forms, "Event Name", { property: 'foo' });

Hull.trackForm(forms, function event(form){
  // Your custom logic to extract form Name
  return <string>
}, function properties(form){
  // Your custom logic to extract form properties
  return <object>

Querystring Tracking

Hull.js can trigger tracking and traits calls based on what you pass in the URL querystring. This helps tracking email clickthroughs and social media clicks, and ads for instance.

Here are the parameters you can use:

Parameter Description Action
hjs_email The email to set for the user. This will tell Hull update the user's email to this value, only if no email was set before
hjs_aid The anonymousId to set for the user. This will tell Hull to alias this value for as an anonymousId.
hjs_attr_<attribute_name> An attribute to pass to the traits call Triggers a traits call with this attribute
hjs_event The event name to pass to a track call. This will trigger a track call.
hjs_prop_<property> A property to pass to the tracking call Doesn't trigger the call in itself, just sets properties that will be embedded in the event you passed with hjs_event
So for example, with this URL: it would trigger the following events on the page:

Hull.traits({ name: 'Elon Musk' }); //Hull.traits() still supported for legacy purposes
Hull.track('Clicked Email', { 'emailCampaign': 'ABM Campaign' });

You can pass up to one of each trigger parameter as shown in the example above.

Cross-Domain Identity Resolution

Hull.js is one of the rare libraries that allows businesses to recognize user activity across their different websites. Once a user has been recognized on one of your websites, the same identifiers will carry on across all your other properties where Hull.js is installed

Event Bus

The Hull library embeds a message bus to which you can subscribe to be notified of lifecycle events, and emit your own events as needed.

Subscribe to a message channel

This method is available immediately at launch

Hull.on('hull.init', function(hull, me, app, org) {});

Hint: You can use wildcards in your event names to register to a class of events.

Hull.on(evtName, cb)

Hull emits predefined events, and conforms to EventEmitter2's signature. You subscribe to them with the Hull.on() method:

  • The current Event name is available in this.event
  • It is useful to adapt react on Hull's state

Message list

Event Name Description Arguments
hull.ready hull.js has finished loading. Hull, me, app, org
hull.ships.ready Connectors are loaded. nothing
hull.user.update User updated any property me
hull.track Hull.track() called. properties
hull.traits Hull.traits() called. event


Parameter Type Description
evtName String The name of the event to attach to.
cb Function The function to be executed when the event is triggered.

Unsubscribe from a message channel

This method is available once the app has started., cb)'hull.ready',myFunction);


Parameter Type Description
evtName String The name of the event the function must be detached from.
cb Function The function to be detached from the event.

Unregisters the function from the event. As usual in such cases, it the reference of the function that is important, not its body. If you want to unregister a listener, take great care to ensure that when you do, you pass the same memory reference than when you registered it. There is no tool to help you do this, just proper engineering.

Emit a message

This method is available once the app has started.

Hull.on('my.own.event', function(properties){});

Use Hull as an event bus at will.

Hull.emit(evtName, data)

Emits an event that will trigger all the registered listeners, passing them the data parameter.


Parameter Type Description
eventName String The name of the event to be dispatched
data mixed Data that will be passed to the subscribers

Other convenience methods


  • Hull.onAny()
  • Hull.offAny()
  • Hull.once()
  • Hull.many()


//True if the current browser is a mobile browser;

//Cookie Utility.

//Object.assign polyfill

//Generates a unique Identifier

Forwarding data to other services

The Hull library offers a simple way to forward data that you capture to other services. To do so, simply subscribe to it's Event Bus and call your other trackers from there:

Subscribe to a message channel

Hull.on(evtName, cb)

Hull emits predefined events, and conforms to EventEmitter2's signature. You subscribe to them with the Hull.on() method:

  • The current Event name is available in this.event
  • It is useful to adapt react on Hull's state

This method is available immediately at launch

Hull.on('hull.ready', function(hull, me, app, org) {});

//Forward events to Intercom
Hull.on('hull.track', function(properties) {
  Intercom('trackEvent', this.event, properties);
  ga('send', this.event);

Hull.on('hull.traits', function(attributes) {
  Intercom('update', attributes);

Hint: You can use wildcards in your event names to register to a class of events, like hull.*

Message list

Event Name Description Arguments
hull.ready hull.js has finished loading. Hull, me, app, org
hull.ships.ready Connectors are loaded. nothing
hull.user.update User updated any property me
hull.track Hull.track() called. properties
hull.traits Hull.traits() called. event


Parameter Type Description
evtName String The name of the event to attach to.
cb Function The function to be executed when the event is triggered.

Unsubscribe from a message channel

This method is available once the app has started., cb)'hull.ready',myFunction);


Parameter Type Description
evtName String The name of the event the function must be detached from.
cb Function The function to be detached from the event.

Unregisters the function from the event. As usual in such cases, it the reference of the function that is important, not its body. If you want to unregister a listener, take great care to ensure that when you do, you pass the same memory reference than when you registered it. There is no tool to help you do this, just proper engineering.

Emit a message through the local event bus

If you're looking for a way to track user data, you should check [hull.track()](#events-tracking - hull.emit is a way to pass data inside the page for cross-library communication

This method is available once the app has started.

Hull.on('my.own.event', function(properties){});

Use Hull as an event bus at will.

Hull.emit(evtName, data)

Emits an event that will trigger all the registered listeners, passing them the data parameter.


Parameter Type Description
eventName String The name of the event to be dispatched
data mixed Data that will be passed to the subscribers

Other convenience methods


  • Hull.onAny()
  • Hull.offAny()
  • Hull.once()
  • Hull.many()

Embedding Connectors in the page

Some connectors can inject code in the page, by having Hull.js inject their own Javascript in the page. When used from a Connectors, Hull.js exposes additional methods to help you manage connectors.

Booting a connector

Connectors can deploy JS code to your page, and expose settings in your dashboard you can use to configure them. Checkout The docs on Client-side connectors to learn more about what is available.

Hull.onEmbed(function(rootNode, deployment, hull) {
  console.log('Hello, i am a Connector and i just started');
  console.log('Here is my root element : ', rootNode);
  console.log('and here is my environment: ', deployment);

  hull.track("event",{ parameters }); //GOOD -> we're using the local hull instance
  Hull.track("event",{ parameters }) //BAD -> we're referring to the global instance of hull, which is less safe.

const deployment = {
  ship: {} //the connector's settings,
  platform: {} //the platform's settings,

The `deployment` object will contain the data you need, including the connector's public settings:


Checkout Booting your application in the Connectors documentation for more details

Disabling Connectors Automatic embedding



<script src=""></script>
    platformId:  "YOUR_PLATFORM_ID",
    orgUrl: "",

If for some reason you need to prevent auto-embedding of Connectors, you can do so with the embed=false parameter. It will be then up to you to start the connectors, Here is where the boot usually starts, see how to start it yourself.

Hull.embed() method

Hull.ready(function(hull, me, platform, org){
  Hull.embed(platform.deployments, { reset:false }, callback, errback);
This is an advanced method, if you want to start connectors manually. you're on your own ;p