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Getting Started

AWS Dependencies:

baseca Configuration:

baseca Database:

baseca gRPC Server:

Signing x.509 Certificate:

Public Key Infrastructure

Each organization will have different Public Key Infrastructure topologies depending on its needs; for your PKI to be compatible with baseca (a) Certificate Authorities must be AWS Private CA and (b) there must be a minimum PathLen depending on where baseca issues the Subordinate CA from. Designing a Public Key Infrastructure is out of scope of this document, but we will take a look at topologies that baseca is compatible with below:

  • Option 1: Root CA (Self-Managed) → Intermediate CA (AWS): Minimum PathLen2 on Root CA, PathLen1 on Intermediate CA (Higher Complexity, Recommended)

  • Option 2: Root CA (AWS) → Intermediate CA (AWS): Minimum PathLen2 on Root CA, PathLen1 on Intermediate CA (Lower Complexity, Recommended)

  • Option 3: Root CA (AWS) → No AWS Intermediate CA: Minimum PathLen1 on Root CA (Not Recommended)

PKI Architecture Example: Option 1

Build Infrastructure

1. Install Terraform

brew install tfenv
tfenv install 1.4.2
tfenv use 1.4.2

2. Configure Resource Module in baseca/terraform/development

baseca Infrastructure Documentation

NOTE: Private CA(s) in acm_pca_arns must already exist within your infrastructure; refer to the Public Key Infrastructure section if you need to design and deploy a Public Key Infrastructure.

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT use Private CA(s) that are used within your organization's PRODUCTION environment for this document, this is meant to build a local development environment. For production deployments please refer to

module "baseca" {
  source      = "./baseca"
  service     = "baseca"
  environment = "development"
  region      = "us-east-1"
  key_spec    = "RSA_4096"
  bucket      = "baseca-firehose-example"

3. Deploy Terraform Resource Module

cd /path/to/baseca/terraform/development

terraform init
terraform apply

4. Terraform Outputs

These outputs from Terraform will be utilized within the baseca config.primary.local.sandbox.yml configuration file.

terraform output

# Example Output

kinesis_firehose_stream = "baseca-development"
kms_key_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


Create and update the configuration config/config.primary.local.sandbox.yml file using the outputs created from the Terraform infrastructure; an example configuration can be seen within

# Update config.primary.local.sandbox.yml
  stream: baseca-development

  key_id: xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx # kms_key_id
Variable Description Update
grpc_server_address gRPC Server Address and Port No
ocsp_server Custom OCSP Server URL Remove for Local Development
database baseca RDS Database No
redis baseca Elasticache Redis Cluster Remove for Local Development
domains List of Valid Domains for baseca x.509 Certificates Yes
firehose baseca Kinesis Data Firehose Yes
kms baseca Customer Managed KMS Key Yes
acm_pca AWS Private Certificate Authorities Yes
secrets_manager AWS Secrets Manager Remove for Local Development
subordinate_ca_metadata baseca Subordinate CA Attributes Optional
certificate_authority Environment(s) for acm_pca Private CA(s) Yes

Local Deployment

1. Run and Create Local Database Container

Launch the PostgreSQL Container

# Start Postgres Database and Mount db/init to Container
docker run --name baseca -p 5432:5432  -v /path/to/baseca/db/init:/db/init -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d postgres:latest

# Create Initial baseca Database and Configure Root User Account
docker exec -it baseca createdb --username=root --owner=root baseca

golang-migrate Download Instructions

brew install golang-migrate # Darwin (MacOS)

migrate -path db/migration -database "postgresql://root:secret@localhost:5432/baseca?sslmode=disable" -verbose up

2. Create Initial Admin User

# Update db/init/init-docker.sql for Admin User
VALUES (uuid_generate_v4(), '', crypt('ADMIN_CREDENTIALS', gen_salt('bf')), 'Example User', '', 'ADMIN', now());

# Run Database Init to Create Admin User
docker exec -it baseca psql -U root -d baseca -a -f db/init/init-docker.sql

3a. Run baseca as Container (Option A)

This step is recommended for production deployments using the standard Dockerfile that is provided for baseca.

Update the configuration file config.primary.local.sandbox.yml

# IPv4_ADDRESS (Darwin)
ifconfig en0 | grep inet

# Update config.primary.local.sandbox.yml
database_endpoint: IPv4_ADDRESS
database_reader_endpoint: IPv4_ADDRESS
ssl_mode: disable

Run the baseca Container

NOTE: You must have AWS credentials stored locally within ~/.aws with permissions to all infrastructure components created from Terraform and access to the Private CAs.

RELEASE: Search for Latest baseca Published Release and update the VERSION_SHA container tag with the latest version.

docker run -p 9090:9090 -e password=secret -v ~/.aws/:/home/baseca/.aws/:ro \
  -v /path/to/baseca/config:/home/baseca/config

3b. Compile baseca as Executable (Option B)

This step is recommended for users that may want build the binary and then deploy their own custom container.

Update the configuration file config.primary.local.sandbox.yml

# Update config.primary.local.sandbox.yml
database_endpoint: localhost
database_reader_endpoint: localhost
ssl_mode: disable

Compile the Golang Binary baseca

# Darwin AMD64
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o target/bin/darwin/baseca cmd/server/main.go
password=secret ./target/bin/darwin/baseca

# Linux AMD64
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o target/bin/linux/baseca cmd/server/main.go
password=secret ./target/bin/linux/baseca

3c. Run baseca as One-Off Execution (Option C)

This step is recommended for local testing and getting baseca running most quickly.

Update the configuration file config.primary.local.sandbox.yml

# Update config.primary.local.sandbox.yml
database_endpoint: localhost
database_reader_endpoint: localhost
ssl_mode: disable

Start the Golang baseca gRPC Server

password=secret go run cmd/server/main.go

Signing x.509 Certificate

Start the baseca gRPC server via the preferred method within the Local Deployment section and then run the baseca.v1.Account/LoginUser RPC method.

1. Generate Authentication Token

Authenticate with the ADMIN user created from the Create Initial Admin User section.

grpcurl -vv -plaintext \
  -d '{
    "username": "[USERNAME]",
    "password": "[PASSWORD]"
    }' \
  localhost:9090 baseca.v1.Account/LoginUser

# baseca.v1.Account/LoginUser Response
  "accessToken": "[AUTH_TOKEN]",
  "user": {
    "username": "",
    "fullName": "Example User",
    "email": "",
    "permissions": "ADMIN",
    "credentialChangedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "createdAt": "2023-05-01T12:00:00.000000Z"


2. Create Service Account

Build gRPC request to provision a service account; ensure that the environment and certificate authorities are mapped to the baseca configuration in config/config.primary.local.sandbox.yml.

grpcurl -vv -plaintext -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}" \
  -d '{
        "service_account": "example",
        "environment": "development",
        "subject_alternative_names": [
        "extended_key": "EndEntityServerAuthCertificate",
        "certificate_authorities": [
        "certificate_validity": 30,
        "subordinate_ca": "infrastructure",
        "team": "Infrastructure Security",
        "email": ""
      }' \
  localhost:9090 baseca.v1.Service/CreateServiceAccount

# baseca.v1.Account/CreateServiceAccount Response

  "clientId": "585c2f84-9a0e-4775-827a-a0a99c7dddcc", # Service Account UUID
  "clientToken": "[CLIENT_TOKEN]", # Service Account Auth Token
  "serviceAccount": "example",
  "environment": "development",
  "subjectAlternativeNames": [""],
  "certificateAuthorities": ["development_use1"],
  "extendedKey": "EndEntityServerAuthCertificate",
  "nodeAttestation": {}, # Node Attestation Not Applicable to Local Development
  "certificateValidity": 30,
  "subordinateCa": "infrastructure",
  "team": "Infrastructure Security",
  "email": "",
  "createdAt": "2023-05-01T12:00:00.000000Z",
  "createdBy": "830b9b81-37c0-4180-9dba-9f21b1f6ae21" # Admin User UUID

Mapping Between Service Account and baseca Configuration

3. Issue x.509 Certificate with baseca Client

After using the baseca client to issue a certificate the private key material and signed certificate will be stored within the parameters defined within baseca.Output. The private key material is generated locally, and because we are running the baseca server on our local machine the Subordinate CA will also be generated and written in memory under the /tmp/baseca/ssl/[SUBORDINATE_CA] directory.

package main

import (

    baseca ""

func main() {
    client_id := [CLIENT_ID]
    client_token := [CLIENT_TOKEN]

    configuration := baseca.Configuration{
      URL:         "localhost:9090",
      Environment: baseca.Env.Local,

    client, err := baseca.LoadDefaultConfiguration(configuration, client_id, client_token, baseca.Attestation.Local)

    if err != nil {
      // Handle Error

    metadata := baseca.CertificateRequest{
      CommonName:            "",
      SubjectAlternateNames: []string{""},
      SigningAlgorithm:      x509.SHA512WithRSA,
      PublicKeyAlgorithm:    x509.RSA,
      KeySize:               4096,
      Output: baseca.Output{
        PrivateKey:                "/tmp/private.key", // baseca Generate Private Key Output Location
        Certificate:               "/tmp/certificate.crt", // baseca Signed Leaf Certificate Output Location
        CertificateChain:          "/tmp/full_chain.crt", // baseca Signed Certificate Chain Output Location
        CertificateSigningRequest: "/tmp/request.csr", // baseca CSR Output Location

    response, err := client.IssueCertificate(metadata)

    if err != nil {
      // Handle Error

  log.Printf("%+v", response)