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CLI example

# Set a shared auth token
$ export AUTH=""

# Setup a server in TCP mode
$ inlets-pro tcp server --auto-tls --auto-tls-san "" \
  --token $AUTH

# Connect a client to provide upstream to on the private
# network
$ inlets-pro tcp client --url wss:// \
  --token $AUTH \
  --upstream "" \
  --ports "8080,2222"

# Use the tunnel for TCP traffic:
$ curl ""
$ ssh -p 2222 "pi@"

HTTPS example

# Setup a server in HTTPS mode
$ inlets-pro http server --auto-tls --auto-tls-san "" \
  --letsencrypt-domain "" \
  --letsencrypt-email "" \
  --token $AUTH

# Connect a client and instruct the server which address to use 
# for each of the domains exposed
$ inlets-pro http client --url wss:// \
  --token $AUTH \
  --upstream ""

# Create a DNS record for the domain
$ doctl compute domain create \
  --ip-address ""

# Then access your website over the Internet with TLS
$ curl ""

Kubernetes example:

$ kubectl run nginx-1 --image=nginx --port=80 --restart=Always
pod/nginx-1 created

$ kubectl expose pod/nginx-1 --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer
service/nginx-1 exposed

# Install the operator with arkade or helm
$ arkade install inlets-operator \
  --provider digitalocean --region lon1 \
  --token-file "$HOME/do-token" \
  --license-file "$HOME/.inlets/LICENSE"

$ kubectl get svc/nginx-1 -w
NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
nginx-1   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:32200/TCP   2m26s
nginx-1   LoadBalancer  80:32200/TCP   2m36s

# Live LoadBalancer in 10 seconds!
$ curl -s ""

Uplink example:


# Get the inlets uplink plugin
$ inlets-pro plugin get tunnel

# Create a new namespace for the customer
$ kubectl create ns customer1

# Create a tunnel for OpenFaaS for customer1
$ inlets-pro tunnel create openfaas --port 8080 --namespace customer1 
Created tunnel openfaas. OK.

$ inlets-pro tunnel connect openfaas --namespace customer1 --domain
# Access your TCP tunnel via ClusterIP: openfaas.customer1:8080
  inlets-pro uplink client \
    --url="wss://" \

# Access the customer service privately, from within the cluster
$ kubectl run -t -i curl --rm \
  --image -- curl -s -i http://openfaas.customer1:8080