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PIT Installation

Changes in this release

Up to this version, PIT was intended to be installed by a user with a DBA role. This made it easy to grant missing system or object privileges and to centrally grant object privileges on PIT objects to other schemas and create synonyms for the granted objects on the remote side in one go.

As a matter of fact, a DBA role install is not always possible, fi in cloud hosted databases or in an company setting that does not allow for these forms of installation. Therefore I decided to recreate the installation process to make it possible to install PIT without a DBA role. As a direct consequence, you don't pass the name of the owner into the installation script anymore, as you are connected as that user anyway.

There are some drawbacks to this approach though:

  • PIT stores the actual log settings in a globally accessible context. Often, the right to create such a context is not granted.
  • In order to grant access to PIT for a client user, it is now necessary to run two scripts for each of the respective schemas.

In regard to the context, PIT was changed to support either a context or to store the log information internally. The reason for the context was that in a connection pool environment it is mandatory to be able to pass log settings between sessions. This can be achieved by a globally accessed context. There is an alternative which stores this information in a central table, but evidence has shown that this approach incurs a performance impact. Therefore, I didn't want to move into this direction.

In the vicinity of APEX though, logging is controlled by setting the log level at URL level, so APEX itself carries this information to any session working for the actual user. It is therefore possible in this environment to achieve the same goal without using a context.

This lead me to the idea of making the context optional. If it is there, it will be used, if not, a fallback to a local solution is used. At the time being, this means that without a context and outside of APEX, it may fall short when you try to log in a session pool environment and your session adapter is unable to detect whether it should log or not.

Based on this, two installation scenarios are possible:

  1. A DBA grants you permission to create a globally accessed context. Plus, a READ grant on DBA_CONTEXT is necessary.
  2. A DBA creates a globally accessed context namen PIT_CTX_<schema name> for you, maintained by package UTL_CONTEXT. Even in this setup, a READ grant on DBA_CONTEXT is necessary.

If neither the grant nor the context is present, PIT falls back to a local solution. This is achieved with conditional compilation. Plus, it won't install the UTL_CONTEXT package and therefore does not support working with global contexts at all. If you change the setup later, it is required to reinstall PIT as well.

Installing PIT

PIT installation is split into three processes to make it easy to adjust PIT to your specific needs:

  • Core installation, installs the core PIT packages and data structures. The owner of PIT can work with PIT, no additional installation is required
  • Client installation, grants all necessary rights to a adifferent user to allow for centralized deployment of PIT for many schemas.
  • APEX maintenance application installation, installs the APEX application to maintain PIT. This is recommended on development machines only, as all generated messages can be deployed by exporting them from the development server on production systems.

Each installation step is possible by means of a script file (.bat or .sh) that asks for any parameters it requires and a set of direct installation files ready for your own batching. As this release does not rely on DBA roles for the installation user anymore, there are more single steps to execute because I had to split client grants and respective synonym creation into two scripts, executed as different database users.

If you want to install PIT from the sql installation scripts directly, make sure that your environment supports Unicode by settings NLS_LANG accordingly. This avoids loosing umlauts and caters for unicode characters in the quote statements of the installation scripts. The batch files take care of that so you may investigate them if you are unsure on how to do this yourself.

Adjust PIT to your wishes

Choose the default language

It is possible to adjust some settings before installing PIT. First, PIT is designed to be internationalized from ground up. As a basis, you need to define a default language for PIT. It is important to understand that any message you create must exists in this default language at least. You may translate it to other languages later, but you won't be able to just have a message in a language other than the default language. So, as a best practice, choose the best language for your needs and make this the default language. PIT supports AMERICAN and GERMAN as languages out of the box. You adjust your default language by passing it in as a parameter when installing PIT.

Choose the default tablespace

Starting with this release, the installation files expect that you created the users owning PIT upfront, including a tablespace quota and a default tablespace. To adjust the tablespace for the PIT tables and indexes, there is the option to pass in the desired tablespace as a second parameter. If you omit this second parameter, the installation file falls back to the default permanent tablespace of the user.

Choose your flag type

As storing boolean values in a data model is no easy thing to do in Oracle, many different best practiceses are used to circumvent the lack of a boolean data type in Oracle tables. I found it cumbersome to work with more than one of these best practices at a time, so I made PIT adjustable in this regard. In file PIT/PIT/init/settings.sql you will find the following replacement variables:

define FLAG_TYPE="char(1 byte)";
define C_TRUE="'Y'";
define C_FALSE="'N'";

Using these replacement variables, you can adjust the boolean type to your local preference, may it be 1|0 or any other setting. In the file you will find the respective settings as an alternative. Be aware though that this is a one time decision, as this will be burned into the table declarations. Changing these settings is only possible by completely re-installing PIT. This is something you have to plan, as many other packages may depend on PIT and the flag type you chose.

Choose your exception pre- and/or postfix

A message is identified by a unique name. If the severity of this message is ERROR or even FATAL_ERROR, PIT automatically creates user defined exceptions for it. To distinguish them from the message, PIT automatically extends the name by a pre- or postfix. You can freely choose, what pre- or postix to use by setting those in the settings.sql file from the previous paragraph:

-- CAVE: Max length per setting is 3 bytes or 1 byte when using pre- and postfix
-- This is because they will be extended by an underscore. Using pre- and postfix will add 2 underscores 
-- and the total length is limited to 4 bytes.

The total length of pre- and postfix is 4 bytes, but you need to add one underscore for the pre- and one for the postfix. So, if you use a pre- and a postfix, only 1 byte is left for those. If you choose a pre- or postfix, there are up to 3 bytes avaiable.

PIT privileges

The script to install PIT requires a set of system privileges. Actually, the following privileges are required for the core PIT functionality:


The beforementioned grants can be granted via a role with the exception of CREATE PROCEDURE which must be granted directly, not via a role. Reason for this is that package PIT_ADMIN creates package MSG dynamically based on table metadata. This is not possible without a direct grant. So, strictly speaking, this grant is required on development machines only where you create new messages. If you want to deploy PIT to a production environment, you could alternatively deploy your created MSG package from development directly.

Additionally, if you want to use a globally accessible context, you need:

  • READ privilege on DBA_CONTEXT

Alternatively, a DBA can create the global context for you. You then don't need the CREATE ANY CONTEXT privilege. If your DBA creates the context for you, provide him with the following script (replace <schema> with the name of the user you are connected to):

create context pit_ctx_<schema> using <schema>.utl_context accessed globally;

Plus, the DBA needs to grant you a READ privilege on the view DBA_CONTEXT. The context has to be present before you can install PIT, as the script searches for it and decides upon the result whether to install UTL_CONTEXT or not.

Output modules may require additional system or object privileges. Take an email output module for example. This module will almost certainly require an execute privilege on either UTL_MAIL, UTL_SMTP or APEX_MAIL in order to fulfil its duty. The scripts do contain a PIT_MAIL output module, but is commented out in the installation files. If you plan to use it, you may install it using the script pit_load_module.

Install PIT

You may run the installation scripts directly from a command line or use the predefined batch scripts provided for Windows and Unix. The batch scripts set the environment accordingly and ask for the respective parameters interactively.

I recommend installing PIT in a dedicated utility owner and grant access to other schemas using the pit_install_client script. This way you don't multiply your codebase. The downside to this is a certain mixture of message definitions at one database user, as all messages are stored within table PIT_MESSAGE within that user. Plus, as you are allowed to map an Oracle server error number to a exception variable only once, you have to make sure that all mappings are dealt with in a way that makes them reusable for other schemas.

PIT internal messages are delivered in GERMAN and AMERICAN. Messages are located in various folders under message/<LANGUAGE>/MessageGroup_PIT.sql and can be translated or changed as you like. You can also use the built in translation service to translate the internal messages. How to do this is described here.

The installation scripts expects two parameters:

  • DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: Oracle language name of the default language for all messages.
  • [DEFAULT_TABLESPACE]: Optional tablespace name to install the tables to. If omitted, the default tablespace is used. Make sure the required tablespace exists and you have sufficient quota on it.

So here's an example on how to install PIT on a windows system:

rem always make sure that the console is set to UTF-8

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to
cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT

sqlplus <pit_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_install AMERICAN

This example will install PIT with AMERICAN as the default language for messages, the tables are stored in the derfault tablespace of the actual user. All parameters are case insensitive. Using the batch file is straightforward, simply start install.bat and follow the instructions on the console. This is true for all other installation steps, so I won't discuss them in any detail anymore.

Uninstall PIT

To uninstall PIT, simply call pit_uninstall.sql from the installation folder. This script requires you to connect to the PIT owner and to all granted client users to avoid having to connect as a DBA user. No parameters are required.

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to
cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT

sqlplus <pit_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_uninstall

Granting access to PIT to a client

To grant a different schema access to PIT is a two step process. First, you call script pit_install_client.sql, connected as the PIT owner. This scripts expects the name of the user to grant access to as a parameter. Here's an example on how to call this script:

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to
cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT
sqlplus <pit_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_grant_client <CLIENT_USER>

Then, you call a script to register the granted objects from PIT as local synonyms:

sqlplus <pit_client>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_register_client

Uninstalling PIT client

To uninstall a PIT client, you need to call the respective scripts pit_revoke_client.sql at the PIT owner and pit_unregister_client.sql at the client user:

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to
cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT

sqlplus <pit_client>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_unregister_client

sqlplus <pit_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_revoke_client <CLIENT_USER>

Installing the supporting APEX application

PIT ships with an APEX application that allows you to manage PIT messages and global application parameters. For some it is easier to set parameters and create messages graphically than to use PL/SQL API calls. To install the supporting APEX application, it is expected that you have an APEX workspace. The workspace schema is referenced as the PIT_APP lateron, as this should be a schema different to the owner of PIT. Basically, there is no difference in a PIT client user and the APEX schema user, as both are simply using PIT. By installing the maintenance application, the client grants and some additional grants required are set.

The APEX application is available with a German UI and an American UI starting with the APEX version 20.2 only.

Writing APEX applications covering a wide range of APEX versions is a challenge for developers. The reason is that APIs change, new functions appear while others disappear. A possible solution would be to use only functions that were already available in the eraliest supported version and just leave the application as it is. But if you want to use newer functions of APEX, such as new form regions from version 19.1 on, the challenge will be that your API won't work the way it used to.

Therefore I decided to rely on my utilities named UTL_TEXT and UTL_APEX to sort out those issues. They will stabilze the API and remove most dependencies to APEX from the the controller logic within the APEX schema. Unfortunately, this will make installation a bit more complex. Before installing the APEX application, you need to install those utilities.

So you need to start downloading UTL_TEXT and UTL_APEX first. I'm sure you benefit from those libraries even outside the context of PIT.UTL_TEXT for instance contains a very powerful and flexible code generator you may want to have a look at.

Installing UTL_TEXT

Start by installing UTL_TEXT first. Ideally, it lives in the same utility user that owns PIT. After installing it, you grant access to the APEX schema user. Here's a sample script on how to achieve that:

rem always make sure that the console is set to UTF-8

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to

sqlplus <utility_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @utl_text_install AMERICAN
SQL> @utl_text_grant_client <PIT_APP>

sqlplus <pit_app>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @utl_text_register_client

Installation of UTL_APEX

UTL_APEX is a library to wrap some commonly required APEX related functionality. Main focus is to centralize dependencies from the APEX API at one place. It also stabilizes the ever changing APEX API as good as it can. So for instance there is a method call utl_apex.UPDATING returning a boolean flag that analyzes the request, a button action or the value of APEX$ROW_ACTION to find out whether APEX wants to update a record.

Plus, another utility called UTL_DEV_APEX is installed. This package is useful only on develpment machines, as it is used to generate stubs for the controller level and other utilities to help you test your code.

As this is an APEX library, it lives in the PIT_APP schema directly and therefore does not require any client grants. Additionally, it grabs the default langauge from the PIT installation, so no need to adjust it here:

rem always make sure that the console is set to UTF-8

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to

sqlplus <pit_app>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @utl_apex_install

That's it, you're now prepared to install the PIT application. Obviously, the steps above are required only once for all your APEX applications of that workspace that want to make use of those libraries.

If you want to see how UTL_APEXcan make your live easier as an APEX developer, have a look a the controller package pit_ui. This package interacts with the pages based on their page alias, so for each page there is a matching method that reads the user entered data and controls how to write those to the XAPI layer owned by the PIT owner. Also note that no code is placed on the APEX pages directly other than calls to this package.

Install the PIT administration application

Script pit_install_apex.sql will install the appliation itself. The script will make sure that the schema owner of this APEX workspace is granted all necessary object rights to maintain PIT. It expects four parameters:

  • APEX_USER: database user who has access to PIT and UTL_TEXT, owns UTL_APEX and is the schema of the APEX-Workspace you install into
  • APEX_WORKSPACE: Name of the APEX workspace
  • ALIAS: Alias name of the APEX-application
  • APP_ID: ID of the APEX-application

As with the other tools that rely on PIT to be present, the default language is taken from there. Here's an example on how to install the supporting APEX application for user PIT_APP in Workspace DEV_TOOLS. The application will be available at http://<your_apex_server>/ords/f?p=PIT:

rem always make sure that the console is set to UTF-8

rem switch to the directory where you copied the git repository to
cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT
sqlplus <pit_owner>/<pwd>@database
SQL> @pit_install_apex PIT_APP DEV_TOOLS `PIT` 123

Installing the supporting APEX application includes the registration of a PIT client.

Uninstalling the supporting APEX application

To uninstall the supporting APEX application, call pit_uninstall_apex with a total of four parameters:

  • PIT_OWNER: database user who own PIT
  • APEX_USER: database user who owns PIT_UI (Schema of the APEX-Workspace you install into)
  • APEX_WORKSPACE: Name of the APEX workspace
  • ALIAS: Alias name of the APEX-application.

Here's a sample deinstallation script:

cd C:\temp\PIT\PIT
sqlplus <pit_app>/<pwd>@database

SQL> @pit_uninstall_apex PIT PIT_APP DEV_TOOLS PIT

As a second step, you may want to revoke the client grants from that user: