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bbockelm edited this page Jan 11, 2013 · 12 revisions

Note The release process is being tweaked; please realize this is a guide, and not yet set in stone.

Create a Release Branch

Prior to a release, create a new release branch. All work toward the final release should occur on this branch.

For a significant release, branch on the minor version number. For example,

mvn release:branch -DbranchName=v2.0

You would then update the current trunk to version 2.1-SNAPSHOT and set the version on the v2.0 branch to 2.0-SNAPSHOT.

Next, switch to the 2.0 branch and create the 2.0.5 release branch:

mvn release:branch -DbranchName=v2.0.5

Prepare for a release:

mvn install

mvn release:prepare

You want the next release to be a release candidate - for example, "2.0.5-rc1". The tag name should be "v2.0.5-rc1". The next development version ought to be "2.0.5-rc2-SNAPSHOT".

Announce the release candidate on the Google Group list. Ask the group to test the tags and set a release date; by default, suggest 2 weeks from the time of the RC. Re-iterate until the group agrees the release is ready.

When the release is ready to be made, perform:

mvn release:prepare

mvn release:perform

Set the release name to "2.0.5"; the tag name to "v2.0.5"; and the development version to "". Despite the fact the release branch still exists, the next release should NOT be but 2.0.6. No further releases should be done off this branch.

Congratulations! You've made a release!


If you want to do a step without running tests, do "-DskipTests=true".

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