Jeyrs Chabu
Senior Software Engineer
- Coordinate communication.
- Set meeting dates and objectives for the coming year.
- Curate agenda for each meeting.
- Raise awareness and invite appropriate participants.
- Encourage and foster an inclusive environment.
- Facilitate the identification and development of resources (people or funding) for support of AWS within Spinnaker.
- 1 hour, monthly, on Google Hangouts
- Third Wednesday of every month at 9:30 AM US/Pacific (See in your time zone)
- AWS SIG Notes
AWS SIG is responsible for the creation and maintenance of subprojects & subservices necessary to integrate AWS services for the operation and management of Spinnaker on AWS as well as using AWS as a deployment target.
AWS SIG also acts as a forum for discussions and feature demos for Spinnaker users on AWS users/developers to raise their feature requests and support issues. SIG leads in collaboration with SIG members will develop, maintain and prioritize a backlog of features. This prioritization will be published as the AWS SIG Roadmap.
Spinnaker integrations specific to AWS including:
- Integrations, interfaces, libraries and extension points for all low-level AWS modules such as IAM, storage, networking, load balancers, registry, security, monitoring/logging at the instance or container level
- Development of Spinnaker APIs to provide software delivery best practices for AWS compute services which might include, but are not limited to, the following:
- EC2
- ECS / Fargate
- Lambda
- Elastic Beanstalk
- CloudFormation
- Integrations for AWS services into the release pipeline
- CodeCommit for source
- CodeBuild for build / bake
- ECR for Docker registry
- CloudWatch for canary analysis (Kayenta)
- Support users on their issues and feature requests
- Documentation for all things AWS for Spinnaker
- Consult with other SIGs and the community on how to apply mechanisms owned by SIG AWS. Examples include:
- Review escalation implications of feature and API designs as it relates to core Spinnaker components (orca, clouddriver, echo, deck, etc)
- AWS Clouddriver implementation and interface design
- Implementing and improving core functionality (such as tests and documentation) to clarify and validate the contract between the core and and the AWS specific functionality