- Getting Started
- Rationale
- Module Structure
- Bundles
- Modules http4s
- Module JVM
- Modules Micrometer
- Module PureConfig
- Module Datastax Cassandra Driver
- Module SSL Config
- Module doobie
- Module Flyway
- Module monix-catnap - CircuitBreaker
Creating a simple HTTP server using http4s and ZIO is as easy as this:
libraryDependencies += "com.avast" %% "sst-bundle-zio-http4s-blaze" % "<VERSION>"
import cats.effect._
import com.avast.sst.http4s.client._
import com.avast.sst.http4s.server._
import com.avast.sst.jvm.execution.ExecutorModule
import com.avast.sst.jvm.system.console.ConsoleModule
import org.http4s.dsl.Http4sDsl
import org.http4s.HttpRoutes
import zio.DefaultRuntime
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.interop.catz.implicits._
import zio.Task
implicit val runtime = new DefaultRuntime {} // this is just needed in example
val dsl = Http4sDsl[Task] // this is just needed in example
import dsl._
val routes = Http4sRouting.make {
HttpRoutes.of[Task] {
case GET -> Root / "hello" => Ok("Hello World!")
val resource = for {
executorModule <- ExecutorModule.makeDefault[Task]
console = ConsoleModule.make[Task]
server <- Http4sBlazeServerModule.make[Task](Http4sBlazeServerConfig("", 0), routes, executorModule.executionContext)
client <- Http4sBlazeClientModule.make[Task](Http4sBlazeClientConfig(), executorModule.executionContext)
} yield (server, client, console)
val program = resource
.use {
case (server, client, console) =>
// Hello World!
The project is split into many small modules based on dependencies. For example code related to loading of configuration files via
PureConfig lives in module named sst-pureconfig
and code related to http4s server implemented using
Blaze lives in module named sst-http4s-server-blaze
There are also modules that implement interoperability between usually two dependencies. For example we want to configure our HTTP server
using PureConfig so definition of implicit
instances lives in module named sst-http4s-server-blaze-pureconfig
. Or to give
another example, monitoring of HTTP server using Micrometer lives in module named sst-http4s-server-micrometer
Note that such module depends on APIs of both http4s server and Micrometer but it does not depend on concrete implementation which allows
you to choose any http4s implementation (Blaze, ...) and any Micrometer implementation (JMX, StatsD, ...).
Having many small and independent modules is great but in practice everyone wants to use certain combination of dependencies and does not want to worry about many small dependencies. There are "bundles" for such use case - either the ones provided by this project or custom ones created by the user.
One of the main decisions (dependency-wise) is to choose the effect data type. This project does not force you into specific data type and supports both ZIO and Monix out-of-the-box. So there are two main bundles one for each effect data type that also bring in http4s server/client (Blaze), PureConfig and Micrometer.
Unless you have specific needs take one of these bundles and write your server application using them - it will be the simplest way.