Changelog for ta4j
, roughly following from version 0.9 onwards.
- With the release 0.10 we have changed the previous java package definition to org.ta4j or to be more specific to org.ta4j.core (the new organisation). You have to reorganize all your refernces to the new packages!
In eclipse you can do this easily by selecting your sources and run "Organize imports"
- Changed ownership of the ta4j repository: from mdeverdelhan/ta4j (stopped the maintenance) to ta4j/ta4j (new organization)
- ParabolicSarIndicator: wrong calculation fixed
- KAMAIndicator: stack overflow bug fixed
- AroonUpIndicator and AroonDownIndicator: wrong calculations fixed and can handle NaN values now
- BREAKING: new package structure change eu.verdelhan.ta4j to org.ta4j.ta4j-core
- new package adx: new location of AverageDirectionalMovementIndicator and DMI+/DMI-
- Ownership of the ta4j repository: from mdeverdelhan/ta4j (stopped the maintenance) to ta4j/ta4j (new organization)
- ParabolicSarIndicator: old constructor removed (there was no need for time frame parameter after big fix). Three new constructors for default and custom parameters.
- HighestValueIndicator and LowestValueIndicator: ignore also NaN values if they are at the current index
- AroonOscillatorIndicator: New indicator based on AroonUp/DownIndicator
- AroonUpIndicator and AroonDownIndicator: New constructor with parameter for custom indicator for min price and max price calculation
- DirectionalMovementPlusIndicator: New indicator for Directional Movement System (DMI+)
- DirectionalMovementDownIndicator: New indicator for Directional Movement System (DMI-)
- InSlopeRule: New Rule that is satisfied if the slope of two indicators are within a boundary
- IsEqualRule: New Rule that is satisfied if two indicators are equal
- AroonUpIndicator and AroonDownIndicator: New constructor with parameter for custom indicator for min price and max price calculation
- Pivot Point Indicators Package: New package with Indicators for calculating standard, Fibonacci and DeMark pivot points and reversals
- PivotPointIndicator: New indicator for calculating the standard pivot point
- StandardReversalIndicator: New indicator for calculating the standard reversals (R3,R2,R1,S1,S2,S3)
- FibonacciReversalIndicator: New indicator for calculating the Fibonacci reversals (R3,R2,R1,S1,S2,S3)
- DeMarkPivotPointIndicator: New indicator for calculating the DeMark pivot point
- DeMarkReversalIndicator: new indicator for calculating the DeMark resistance and the DeMark support
- PivotPointIndicator: New indicator for calculating the standard pivot point
- IsFallingRule: New Rule that is satisfied if indicator strictly decreases within the timeFrame.
- IsRisingRule: New Rule that is satisfied if indicator strictly increases within the timeFrame.
- IsLowestRule: New Rule that is satisfied if indicator is the lowest within the timeFrame.
- IsHighestRule: New Rule that is satisfied if indicator is the highest within the timeFrame.
- BREAKING drops Java 7 support
- use
instead ofjava.util.Date