Overview | How to install | User guide
How to use the command-line tool.
How to use Resin's HTTP API. How to install
Download any file that with the word "content" in its file name.
Don't extract it. We'll be reading from the compressed file.
´mkdir c:\temp\data\´
Issue the following Sir.Cmd command:
.\sir.bat storewikipedia --dataDirectory c:\temp\data --fileName d:\enwiki-20201026-cirrussearch-content.json.gz --collection wikipedia
To create indices from the "text" and "title" fields of your Resin documents and segmented them into pages of 100K documents, issue the following command:
.\sir.bat optimize --dataDirectory c:\temp\data --collection wikipedia --skip 0 --take 10000000 --pageSize 100000 --reportFrequency 1000 --fields title,text
Launch Sir.HttpServer and use a HTTP client like Postman to query your Wikipedia collection, or use the web GUI, as described here.