How I Became a Less Terrible Javascript Developer Steve Higgs @shiggsatwork
A Brighter Future Ian Cooper
The ART of modern Azure Deployments Rik Hepworth
F# Pattern Matching and Active Patterns Ricard Dalton @richardadalton
Sketchnoting for Developers Derek Graham @deejaygraham
IoT development fun with .NET and Rasberry PI Christos Matskas
Deep Dive into Deep Learning Gary Short
You keep using the word agile, I do not think it means what you think it means Nathan Gloyn
Why Service Oriented Architecture? Sean Farmar
Azure, The Good Parts: Web Apps Richard Tasker @ritasker
Be Reactive, Think Reactive Stephen Turner
Error handling with Karl Gjertsen
Microservice Architecture Peter Shaw @shawty_ds
Real world life with Git Matteo Emili
The myth of the qualified developer Pete Smith
Monoliths to Microservices. A Journey Sam Elamin
Logging and Monitoring Joel Hammond-Turner @Rammesses
Unlock that door with Raspberry Pi2, Azure ML and Service Bus Steve Spencer
Getting Started with Continuous Delivery Colin Mackay
React for .NET Developers Macs Dickinson
Don't Make Me Feel Stupid Liam Westley
Monitoring and addressing technical debt with SonarQube Richard Fennell
Creating Unique, Responsive Experiences for Windows 10 James Croft
Developing the Developers Andrew Billington