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211 lines (148 loc) · 8.47 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (148 loc) · 8.47 KB


Feature changes:

  • Detailed error messages for syntax errors have been removed. Use elm make to see a detailed error if elm-format fails.

New features:

  • In module and import lines, exposing is automatically added if missing

Other changes:

  • The npm installer now provides a (Rosetta) binary for Mac ARM64
  • Linux binaries are now statically linked (should now work on alpine linux and other systems without glibc-2.27)
  • Removed --upgrade (now use elm-refactor instead)


New features:

  • newlines in tuple types are now preserved
  • newlines in type constructor application are now preserved

Bug fixes:

  • negative hex int literals are now handled correctly
  • in doc comments, special characters in link text are now handled more correctly
  • in doc comments, non-Elm code blocks are no longer elm-formatted
  • in doc comments, inline code containing backticks is now escaped correctly
  • in doc comments, relative links with text matching the relative URL are now handled correctly

Other changes:

  • dropped support for 32-bit Windows (Windows CI platforms are no longer supporting it)


Bug fixes:

  • performance is improved, allowing excessively long lists to be formatted without crashing


New features:

  • Invalid (..) in @docs lines are automatically removed.
  • When not specifying --elm-version, if auto-detection fails, Elm 0.19 will be assumed instead of failing with an error.
  • module lines with no exposing clause will have the clause automatically generated.

Feature changes:

  • exposing (..) in module lines is no longer expanded.

Bug fixes:

  • Error messages are now correctly written to stderr.
  • Literal tabs are now allowed in String and Char literals, as is allowed by Elm 0.19.
  • Char literals immediately following variable names are now correctly handled for Elm 0.19.
  • Empty record patterns (allowed by Elm 0.19) are now correctly handled.
  • Doc comment code blocks containing only a valid Elm module line no longer cause a crash.
  • module lines in doc comment code blocks are no longer removed.


New features:

  • elm-format now automatically detects your Elm version based on your elm.json or elm-package.json. You can use the --elm-version option if the automatic detection fails.
  • Missing parens are automatically added for import lines

Bug fixes:

  • URLs in doc comments containing special markdown characters are handled more correctly
  • For Elm 0.18 and earlier, tag listings of documented custom types are no longer converted to (..)
  • Listing a value more than once in module documentation no longer results in an invalid module line
  • Code blocks in doc comments containing commented Elm expressions are now correctly separated by a single blank line
  • When converting exposing (..) to an explicit listing, undocumented values are no longer hidden


Features promoted from 0.7.0-exp:

  • Imports are now sorted and duplicate imports are merged
  • exposing clauses in module headers are now sorted
  • The body of let expressions are no longer indented
  • Unnecessary parentheses are now removed (except in binary operator expressions)

Other new features:

  • Added support for Elm 0.19
  • Added Elm 0.19 support for --upgrade
  • Expressions in doc comment code blocks are now formatted

Bug fixes:

  • Parentheses are no longer removed if doing so would cause a comment to move to a different AST node
  • Multiline @docs lines in markdown are now handled correctly
  • Trailing whitespace in multiline strings is no longer removed
  • Special characters in doc comments are now escaped more correctly
  • On Windows, special folders are now correctly skipped when traversing the filesystem
  • Initial comments in doc comment code blocks are no longer removed

Syntax changes:

  • Infix operator precedence and associativity declarations are now grouped together
  • if expressions now have blank lines between clauses
  • Comments immediately following imports now have spacing consistent with other top-level comments
  • module lines now have exposing at the end of the line, and exposed listings are indented less when multiline
  • module lines now sort and group the exposing clause based on @docs lines in the module documentation
  • module exposing (..) is replaced with an explicit list based on the documentation of the module

Other changes:

  • Removed support for Elm 0.16
  • Installing with npm install --ignore-scripts is now supported


Experimental changes:

  • Imports are now sorted and duplicate imports are merged
  • exposing clauses in module headers are now sorted
  • The body of let expressions are no longer indented
  • Unnecessary parentheses are now removed

You can give feedback about experimental features at

Bug fixes:

  • Initial @docs lines in module documentation are now handled correctly
  • Formatting for lambdas with multiline patterns is now implemented
  • Code blocks in doc comments that immediately follow lists are now handled correctly

Other changes:

  • elm-format now has a contributor code of conduct


  • elm-format now formats your documentation comments:
    • code snippets in your documentation will be elm-formatted
    • markdown in your documentation will be normalized



  • Support for Elm 0.16 is deprecated (but is still available with the --elm-version=0.16 option).

Syntax changes:

  • Removed a workaround for an Elm 0.16 compiler bug that added extra parenthesis to qualified type tags in pattern matches
  • End-of-line -- comments are now kept on their original line when appropriate
  • -- comments in the middle of binary operator sequences no longer push the following expression to the next line
  • -- comments can be use to create sections in records and lists
  • For Windows, CRLF newlines no longer corrupt literal strings

Bug fixes:

  • Empty records containing multiline comments are now handled correctly
  • Double quotes at the end of multiline strings are now handled correctly
  • The where clause in effect modules are now required to have at least one field (and comments are now handled correctly)
  • Record expressions with a trailing comma are no longer allowed (and comments are now handled correctly)
  • Block comments containing only multiple lines of whitespace no longer crash elm-format

Other changes:

  • elm-format --validate (meant for use in CI scripts) now reports errors as JSON
  • When recursively searching a directory, node_modules folders are ignored


Bug fixes:

  • When upgrading backticks, parentheses are correctly added if the second argument is a function call
  • Added a workaround for an elm-compiler bug where patterns with literal negative numbers cannot be used without parentheses in case expressions


Bug fixes:

  • When upgrading ranges to List.range, parentheses are correctly added if the range is used as a function call argument
  • Correctly space top-level declarations that use pattern destructuring


Support for Elm 0.18:

  • Added the --upgrade option to help migration code from Elm 0.17 to Elm 0.18
    • Infix function calls using backticks become normal functions calls
    • Infix function calls using backticks with andThen and onError become pipelines
    • Ranges become calls to List.range
    • Primes in variable names become underscores
    • References to fst and snd become Tuple.first and Tuple.second

Bug fixes:

  • Type tags starting with True and False are now handled correctly


Syntax changes:

  • multiline expressions with long infix operators now indent in a more appropriate way
  • The <| operator is now handled specially and is placed at the end of the preceding line
  • line breaks are now allowed before the first arguments to functions

Other changes:

  • console output is less verbose
  • files are not touched if they are already formatted
  • elm-format binaries are smaller
  • qualified type constructors in pattern match arguments are now handled correctly w/r to elm-compiler 0.17


  • BUG: Fixed formatting of the following code (in 0.3.0-alpha it would format to invalid syntax) #179

     import Dict as D
             ( empty
             , fromList

